Star flight

By silver-fox777

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In the year 5090, earths population had reached a colossal level, and many were deported to other planets, le... More

Chapter one: onboard the Star Flight
Chapter two: allavile and princess linn
Chapter three: the mission
Chapter four: worrying signs
Chapter 5: space port ool'avine
Chapter six: raan's story
Species log one: vorgons
Chapter seven: the dead space
Chapter eight: into the dark
Species log two: terrens
Chapter nine: the first encounter
Chapter ten: the mysterious maddness
Species log three: alavilieans
Chapter 11: the planet ashim
Chapter twelve: the newest ally
Species log four: the in'stara
Chapter thirteen: the plan
Chapter fourteen: heed the door
Final species log: raa'ga'kid
Chapter fifteen: the nightmare
Chapter sixteen: lexans worry, linns secret
Character log: lexan
Chapter seventeen: meet the stranger and escape!
Chapter eighteen: the cavernous undercity of ashim
Character log: Linn
Chapter nineteen: the situation
Chapter twenty: the Party parts
Character log: kis'na
Chapter twenty one: allavile and the battle
Chapter twenty two: meanwhile....
Character log: raan
Chapter twenty three: the battle continues
Chapter twenty four: new looks, old self
Character log: rook
Chapter twenty five: the reunion
Chapter twenty six: The United Galaxies Headquarters
Character log: altan
Chapter twenty seven: in the UG
Chapter twenty eight: linn and kis'na
Chapter twenty nine: the door opens
Chapter thirty: killian
Chapter thirty one: killians tale
Chapter thirty two: recolations
Chapter thirty three: the battle for ashim
Chapter thirty five: into the dark
Chapter thirty six: the halls of plague

Chapter thirty four: the first skirmish

34 3 0
By silver-fox777

Lexan marched up front with rooks father and rook himself, kis'na walked beside him, they both wore chain mail and carried their guns, but also malee weapons such as a dagger and sword, they were both silent.

Rook carried an amulet which he stared at constantly, while the general stared ahead, his eyes hard and focused, kis'na looked up at the sky and waved as the Star Flight roared overhead, she sighed and looked towards Lexan.

He turned and said "they'll be fine, we need to worry about our job kis'na, then we can worry about other matters" she nodded, and with a glance towards the star flight, she caught up.


The army lined up, Lexan was counting his rounds, while kis'na sharpened her blades, Altan was on the ground but behind the main army, rook stood at the front, his eyes cold, and raan waited for the signal to begin a bomb run.

The general stiffened as a chill ran over them, killian looked at him and said "he knows we're here.....he always did"

"Cryptic warnings aside, do we have a chance?" The general said stiffly

"Leave the stranger to me, deal with the diseased, if all goes well, we can win"

"You never were big on details, but very well, shall we?"

"After you" was all the reply he got, the general raised his arm and made a slicing motion with his arm, the army moved forward, all in perfect sync with their neighbors, as they marched, the diseased came charging from the gap in the cliffs.

"Right wing, bank! Left wing, bank! Center, increase march!"

The two sides broke from the group, and began to flank, the horde charging them, and as the center hit, the two flanking armies hit from behind, so trapped between hammer and anvil, the horde was decimated.

After the fight, both flanks merged perfectly together to form a single military machine, of which both raan and Altan was impressed by.

As they marched, the general raised his hand and the army, as if awaiting the command stopped on a coin, they were perched right on the entrance to the pla'gr shone.

The generals eyes narrowed and then sounded a fall back, confused, Lexan fell back with everyone else, just as a huge tornado ripped the ground to pieces, leaving a crater in the ground.

"How did he know?" Kis'na asked, amazed

"All in'stara are in tune with nature, we can tell even the slightest change in the natural order" rook said reorganizing the army, the general looked dismayed until killian walked over to a large boulder, and lifted it.

They stared in awe as he walked over and dropped the boulder into the ground, he then smirked, and stepped aside to allow the generals army free movement.

Soon,they were all inside, and milling about was a huge army of diseased! Kis'na sighed and drew her pistol "play time boys"


Meanwhile on alavile, linn watched as the diseased were tested and experimented on, she hoped this was done with quickly.

She looked at her swelling belly and smiled happily, she had discovered that she was having a boy! She was so excited! Her father noticed and smiled, he was proud of his daughter and so was her mother.

He watched as she received congratulations from all the servants, and guards, but frowned when someone came rushing in, bolting straight to her and said "urgent message from the crowned prince mi lady! He has urgent news for all the royal family"

The king took hold of the situation "everyone! Continue your work! We will see to this, my family, let's not keep one of us waiting" linn walked up to her parents and sighed as she saw the stairs.

"Me and linn will take the lift my dear husband, she won't make it in time if we don't"

Linn grinned appreciatively at her mother and moved towards the lift, her mother opened it and together they rode to the meeting room, where a large screen showed Lexan crouching behind a boulder, the pitched battle raging around him.

He had a single scar down his cheek and pistol in hand, he was yelling orders into a handheld.

"Raan! The left wing is getting torn apart, do a strafing run and then air lift the wounded back to Altan!"

"Roger that, commencing strafing run"

Soon the star flight roared overhead and her bullets snarled and pinged off of enemy's, then she returned, and started loading wounded, he turned back to the tv and beamed.

"Linn! Oh you have no idea how glad I am to see you, and you as well your highnesses" he added quickly to their chuckles

"I'm glad to see you too lexan" she said warmly "I have news of my own, but I fear yours is a little darker, so we'll hear your news first"

"Your right about the news being important, but it's a shade of grey really, the enemy is pinned, they can't get out to get more body's, so they have to use corpses of our fallen"

"That's horrible!" The queen gasped "how can anyone do such a thing!"

The king placed a soothing hand on his wife's shoulder and said "continue Lexan, what else is there?"

"The stranger, he's been trying to open it, but only the one destined to destroy him can enter......"

"So we have to find him?" Linn prodded when he went quiet.

"Killian believes he's here already, but we can't test it because we're running short on men, if we don't get help, we're done for"

The king nodded "I can send three battalions and a flight squadron, will that help?"

"It'll be great, what about the other leaders? Can they spare any men"

"I'll see what I can do, I'll talk later my son, good luck"

"Thank you, send word as soon as you can....your highness, may I speak with linn a moment?"

"But of course, I'll wait by the lift my daughter, son"

She smiled as he blinked, and walked away.

"I have missed you my love" Lexan said softly smiling

"As I have as well, may I tell you the news? I believe you'll be surprised" she seemed to be bursting to tell him this from the beginning

"Yes, of course" he said with a laugh "go ahead my love"

"Our baby is going to be a boy, I got the scan three days ago" she beamed at the wonder in his eyes, and smiled broader when his grin appeared

"So we're going to have a son? Thats...incredable!" He yelled, jumping up and laughing, she grinned and laughed herself at her husbands actions.

Eventually, he calmed down and they talked about certain things before a rattle and boom shook the tv, and Lexan yelled "what the heck! Report! What happened!"

"Something happened at the door!" Came rooks voice "killian and the stranger are fighting!"

"Damn it! Get everyone away, and tell raan to-" a huge boom shook the tv and it went black!

"LEXAN!!!" Linn screamed "Lexan are you there! Lexan!!"

But all she received was nothing but crackling static from the lost connection......

Authors note: to those who are reading this, thank you sooo much! This is officially my most read and voted for story, I know it's only one thousand and seventy something but for me it means people are reading this and liking it, so, thank you for reading I can not express how awesome it is for me to know you guys like this novel.
So, until next time, read, comment and vote! Hasta luego :D

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