
By Little-miss-writer13

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From the aftermath of a legendary wizarding war , from the shadows of a famous magical school.Left to rot and... More

The Coven Of Dorm Room Thirteen
Platform Nine And Three Quarters
Journey To Hogwarts
An Unwelcome , Welcoming Welcome
Finding The Loophole
The Truth About Ryker Rook
Challenge Accepted
The Maurder's Mystery Masquarade
The War To End All Wars
~Till Death Do Us Part~
~ Aesthetics~
~ Character Profiles & Art ~


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By Little-miss-writer13

It was the day of the NEWT examination finals.

Pansy's final paper was on Muggle Studies.Ebony's on Advanced Charms and mine on Advanced Astronomy .

"Good Luck Ivy ! , you'll smash it " Ebony , strangely cheery encouraged.After dropping Pan off at her final exam.She then zipped off to squeeze another study session in before her final.

I had studied hard this morning .Prepared for the last exam.As I sashayed down the hallway with the rest of my bubbling class , all of them still under the spell , I felt I was the only one awake , dressed wickedly - as always . In an exquisite pair of five inch grey snakeskin boots , silver body chain , matching lock choker and silver snake rings on each charcoal clawed finger.A misty skirt hugged my juicy hips and showed off my curvy backside beautifully.With my icy hair straightened and swaying around my snatched waist I felt better than ever.Back where I belonged.

"Ivory Star ! Looking good " The undeniably shameless wolf whistle of Ryker Rook echoed round the hallway.As his honey coloured curls appeared besides me.

"Captain , looking good" I nodded , flashing him a smile.
He threw me one straight back.Dressed in his quidditch gear , casual blue cloaks flapping round his knees.His gorgeously athlete body swaggering next to mine.
"You've never stepped foot in an Advanced Astronomy class Rook so what are you doing here hmm ? " I smirked playfully.

"Maybe I came to see a certain someone and wish her look on her final exam,But if I knew you looked this good I'd have come sooner" We carried on with our usual flirtatious banter.Earning some whispers and stares.

But today I didn't mind their looks.I was glowing.

"How charming , but alas I don't need it , I'll smash it " I flicked my hair theatrically.
"Naturally , but hey , come on I wanted to show you something" He giggled childishly , tugging at my cloak.
"What ? Ryker no I have finals , I can't , stop " I laughed as he prodded and hustled me out of the watching crowd.

Laughing , I let him shoo me into a corner.

"Look " he said excitedly .Beaming as he pulled down the right side of his collar.

"Wow , Ryker .It's a -"
"Star , for my star"

Inked into his sun kissed skin was a five pointed star .Just above his collar bone.

"Because you'll always be apart of me Star , always." He smiled .
"Oh Ryker , as will you darling " I had to get onto my very tip toes to hug him.Hard.

He drank in my perfume , nuzzling his great head into my neck.Practically breaking me in half with his bulging arms.
"Why are you always so cold ? " he chuckled , spinning me.
"Why are you always so warm ? " I shot back.Hugging him tighter.

He put me down and stared into my eyes adoringly.Like the night he had kissed my forehead and confessed his love for me.

"But seriously , good luck my love.My star."
"And you , now get , go .I know for a fact you have a finals exam to get to" I slapped him away , before he sent me a cheeky wink and ran off.His vanilla , hot honeycomb scent trailing after him.

My heart fluttered as he went , my smile uncontainable.
He'd gotten a star tattooed on himself .A star that symbolised me . Me . A star he'd have forever.

The wooden jumper he'd failed to see under my cloaks tightened.As I'f understanding my emotions.Curling round me.Like an embrace ...A frosty shiver rippled through me , my fingertips glowed and tingled delightfully.

"Hello Draco" I said.Hugging the jumper.
"I thought we'd agreed on nicknames ...Ives"
"Dray it is . "
"I wanted to see you before you did your final exam.But of course I must stay hidden from everyone else, step back.Come with me" My back was to the wall were his voice came from , the shadows were speaking to me

"I'll be late -"
"Shh , you won't I promise , come ." I was already being pulled backwards , shadows pulling me into a hidden portal .

"We're are we ? " I whispered into the eerie quiet.The portal had transported us to a small room , with dusty pillars and little light.I blinked trying to find him in the dark.

"Dray ? "

"I'm here" he appeared behind me , snaking his arms round my waist.The jumper went mad , expanding and tightening , growing down my arms as If to reach his touch.

"Ah , you kept my jumper" he chuckled in his deep tremor.
"It , knows you .It changes"
"It can't do , it's not magical" I felt him smile against my ear.
"What ? But I swear it changes every time I'm near you , like now"
"Your emotions must somehow be manipulating it.It's rare but if one attaches a lot of importance or sentimentality to a piece of clothing it can absorb the wearers magic and transform"

"Indeed" We stud together for a moment.Him hugging me.Our hearts calm and musical as they beat to the same song.

"You smell of fresh snow Ives , Ash wood and Roses ?" His hands were so different to the warmth of Ryker's . They were frosty.Like they'd just been held in ice.Like mine.

"Ash wood , that's the wood my wand is made from"
"Ah , but it is part Elder wand is it not ? "
"It is "
"Ebony's wand is made from Ebony wood" I smirked at the irony.
"How fitting"

I turned to face him.

"Where did you go Dray ? "
"Ah , you mean after you dropped your werewolf back to his room and told him to sit and stay ? I went to Minerva's office.She let's me use her piano whenever the mood strikes me to play , we spoke of many things .Mainly of you, about our sessions"

"You can play piano ? I never knew". I was genuinely astonished that the so called prince of darkness could be so soft as to play a sweet melody.It touched me unexpectedly.

"Yes , music is one of the many things I love . Theatre , books , art , literature are some others .I have a love for those kinds of things.I can even waltz and ballroom." He bowed to indicate he could , flourishing his hand dramatically.

"Why have you stolen me way to here ? " I giggled like a child .
"Well , seen as our lessons have been , compromised by other events , I thought I'd show you something.You are familiar with the Mirror of Erised ? , the mirror that shows our deepest , darkest desires ? That digs into our hearts ? "

I nodded , he stepped away and walked deeper into the gloomy room.Our connection seemed to grow taunt , like a piece of rope pulled tight between us.

"Well turns out , Mcgonagal never had it removed.She locked it away in here.I come here ...often . I wanted you to see What you are fighting for Ives , when you take your last exam .What you want to be , who you can be  when you leave"

He darted into the shadows , his cloaks blending naturally with the gloom.Before he grunted and a large part of the wall shimmered.Before it fell , like a curtain.

"An invisibility spell" I said in awe , my eyes wide .
"To make it blend with the rest of the room " He slicked back his milk hair and held his hand out for me.

The mirror loomed over me , it's Misty surface cracked and smeared.Spots of dirt that hadn't gone away clouded the thick glass.
Swallowing , I stepped in-front of it taking his frost bitten Hand.The glass seemed to ripple , like liquid .Disturbed water even.The colours trapped in each shard glowed under the cracks.It began to pulse , to morph.It was so ...beautiful...I stepped closer towards the glass.

"Careful Ives" Dray's large hand gripped my neck from behind.Firmly .Keeping me anchored.I gulped , my heart rate quickened.Nervous.

"What do you see Ives ? " he asked quietly , almost far away.

Through the coloured mist two , shining sapphire eyes appeared .Sparkling with vitality and beauty.Why would I see Ryker's eyes ? But their was something familiar about the dark lashes that framed them.Two long to be his.That's when the mist thinned .A fairytale princess stepped out of the blackness.Large , enchanting eyes , a pale , angelic complexion .With a touch of rose on her high cheeks and her sculpted Cupid lips.A long , elegant neck , like a ballerina.Her small chin poised monarchally.Shoulders pulled back ,posture held tall.Pieces of mirror fragments floated around her , trailing blue and purple , before settling around her neck.Adorning her with an exquisite necklace.Eight whole emeralds , a rich , deep green.Each in the shape of a teardrop.Hung decoratively off of a thick  row of glittering diamonds , the mystical light made each micro jewel dance with rainbows.It was breathtaking.Woven between the eight massive emeralds was a diamond decorated serpent.Weaving in and out of the necklace.It's tiny eyes two onyx stones.The princess brushed back her long , white , golden hair , with natural ringlets falling down her arched back.Honey , white and blonde all shining like liquid gold from root to curled tip.
The mist had cling to her hourglass body.But now her curves displayed a wonderful wedding dress.She looked the same age as me , even the same height , except the grand way she carried herself made her seem taller.The mischievous glimmer in her lively eyes , the pearlescent skin.It all seemed so familiar , yet so strange like an estranged sister.Then , just as the mist began to swirl and take her from me , she lifted her delicate , white hand.Pressing it backwards against the glass that separated us.Showing me the emerald ring on her wedding finger ...

"Ives ! " Dray yanked me backward.The image shattered.

"I saw a girl ! She , she looked like me , like the old me , before but me now as well and she had a necklace a emerald necklace with a snake and a matching ring with blue eyes and gold hair .

"Don't tell me you saw a girl version of that Ryker boy ! " Dray scoffed unattractively.
"What ? No .I , I think I was me" I whispered.
"But with your old hair and eyes"
"I was ...beautiful.When I killed my uncle my hair turned white with shock.Stayed like it ever since."
"You saw a necklace ? With emeralds and a snake ? " He interrogated , gripping my shoulders.

I nodded dreamily.
"No way , it's impossible" he pulled away , pacing , deep in thought.
"And , a ring"
He froze.
"A ring"
"Yes , but I didn't see any details" I rubbed my head.

"Dray , I have to get back if I don't , I won't pass my finals and I can't go to the ball"
"The masquerade , how fitting" He smiled.Still thinking.The tales of his long , tailored coat swayed as he paced." A dress , my family jewellery "

"Dray ..." I reached out to him , grabbing his collar.He stopped , grey eyes wide at my directness.
"I have to get back Dray , now "
"O-of course , it was just the necklace , you mentioned it , it sounded familiar is all.Urm , yes , we have a session .Later your still under me as a student , we still have to get a harness on your magic"

"I know , but I've felt so much more calmer .Especially when I'm with you Draco.Our connection calms me"
He sighed and slid his hands to my the dips of my waist.Gazing into our reflecting eyes.
"I know , me to" With a long , white finger he pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear.Before murmuring something incoherent and foreign sounding.Before blowing on my face , I felt him disappear from my hands , I fell backward , through the floor...

"-luck , You may begin ! Open your papers your hour starts now " My final examination paper flew open to the very first page.
I gulped.Dammit.

"So you think you passed ? " We pressed Pansy over our celebratory hot chocolates.
"I don't know ! Urgh , I think so , but I was totally stubbed at the very end.I got everything right in the first section ...Muggle medicine , Muggle anatomy , social studies .But there was a big question at the very back that I had to rush.How Was The Non Magical World (Muggles) Affected By The Second Wizarding War Between The Dark Lord and Harry Potter ? "

She threw herself back into her chair , her chocolate sloping over the sides.Loosing almost all her cream.
"Awe" she pouted at her lost marshmallows.

"The war wasn't that long ago , was it ? You know I've been so forgetful these past few days.I swore I saw Pansy talking to the headmistress the other day."

Pansy choked on her hot chocolate.
"Pansy ? You have been a bit off it lately." I commented .Seeing truth in it.
Her cheeks bulged with steaming sweetness as she looked between us.
"Your hair , it's longer and your definitely taller.Even your face is different , the other night you called out to someone  in your sleep.Betsy" I went on.

"Betsy ? Pan , Pan who's Betsy ?" Ebony began , in her usual irritatingly parental tone.
"Urm , ah I don't know , probably just some girl , yeah and I don't look different you two are just being weird and picking on me as usual" she swallowed her mouthful and kept herself looking busy breaking up sugar cookies.

Ebony arched a slit eyebrow at me .I shrugged and finished my own cup of warmth.

"Well Before I forget .Again. My father's crow Nuntius bought me a letter straight from the Ministry.It was even sealed with the Ministry wax seal !" She cried ecstatically.

"Nuntius ? Your fathers bird it literally the Latin meaning of messenger .Atleast Salem has a proper name" Pansy sulked.

Ebony seemed to take offence but carried on.
"He has been cleared by Hogwarts to take me out of school , tomorrow.As soon as I get my examination results.I pack tonight.From here he will take me straight to the ministry , we're I will meet this boy and spend some time with him"

" I can't believe your going through with this ! Ebony , your a prefect , a perfect candidate for Head Girl and one of the top students in our year . I can't believe someone with your intelligence would allow your own father to use you as a pawn in his own political games .Your father is using you ! " I exploded.

"Don't you say a word against my father ! He wants to restore our family to its rightful place amongst the ministry.He wants to bring honour and pride to our name , Noir , Ghost did it and there some of the highest paid Wizards in the Ministry ! Now it's my turn to bare the weight of my role and bring the family to its rightful place." She knocked over her own mug , sending it flying in her frenzy.

"Pansy is a Parkinson ! Her family was one of the scared twenty eight , she is more entitled than you will ever be ! Your father and mother's divorce bought the shame to your family.Your father was ashamed of his own wife , his own children because they didn't meet his expectations , his ideas about pure bloods being supreme . He chose the ministry and his personal assistant over his own flesh and blood ! Now he wishes his babies to fix the dishonour that he bought to your name " I screamed , throwing my finger and jabbing it on her face.

"Guys - stop fighting please " Pansy pleaded , near tears.

"My mother bought shame to us , unable to control her own babies , the twins make a mockery of us , using magic as if it's some game.Setting fires in class , exploding fireworks in exams .Running wild , stealing brooms and racing them round the school.My mother had a chance to be something , when she wedded my father she could've worked alongside him in the ministry but oh no ! She wanted to stay at home and be a lazy housewife.Dressing like a damm hippie.She was never good enough for my father-"

"At least you have a mother Ebony ! Your mother raised you and your two baby siblings alone.When her husband ran off with his personal assistant ! He left her when she was pregnant with twins and  with little you .She raised you ! And like your father you blame her , when she has done everything to give you what your older sisters had.Your father has poisoned you with his ideals and lies , using you and your sisters to right his wrong .Your a fool.Your mother is strong.She carried on when the magical papers slandered her for being a bad wife , when your fathers affair was plastered all over "

"No , your just jealous.I will meet this boy , marry him and then my family will be restored to its honourable place in society.Then you will both kiss my feet because I will be better than you " Her wand sent a red hot spell , smashing our table to bits.Before storming out of the astounded room.

"I-ivy " Pansy sobbed , her cries sad and broken as she cradled the remains of her broken mug...
"Shh , shh , it's okay Pammy come on let's get back to our room.I'll get you another drink and some cookies or waffles.I scrambled on my knees and bundled her up .

"Tomorrow is the Marauder's Mystery Masquerade Ivory ! She won't be there're we always do everything together.We're a coven ivyyyy ! " Pan sobbed , nose running.I tried to pull her up.We were causing a massive scene and people were bringing to laugh.

"Pan , please not here"
I racked my brain , thinking.
Then I pulled out my wand.
"Portello " I demanded.

The rest of my afternoon consisted of plowing Pan with food.Endless comfort food which she shovelled into her mouth over and over again before using up three whole boxes of tissues and falling into a deep food coma.

I was just as upset by Ebony's outburst.A coven was , had always been three.Turning against your coven sisters was like turning against your own nature.Like infamously when Bellatrix turned against her blood sisters.I tried over and over again to reach her through my mind.But she was closed off completely.Her stuff had vanished from our room.Leaving it feeling horribly hollow and distractingly bare.

I didn't want to leave Pan alone , but her strange face was so peaceful .Chocolate all across her nose and cheeks.A half finished cookie in her hand.She would be okay if I sealed the door shut.I scribbled a quick note and left it for her to find.Before sealing the door and making my way down the moving staircase.Hood pulled close to my face.My mood darker than this morning.I wanted a smoke , the lighter ready in my hand.

"Shh , someone will here us .Ryker ! " a hushed giggle floated up the stairs as the set I was on connected to the far one...

"No they won't , just calm down" Ryker's voice , groggy and equally as giggly.
I mounted the wide , stone banister.

"Gravitellò Platform , Vitõ" I cast an invisible platform spell.One mastered by advanced students in fifth year.A square of thick air formed , the mist seeping from my wand tip.Wand between my lips , I leapt onto it fearlessly.Not looking down at the wide , empty space between the moving staircase.

"Lower" I ordered my spell , crouching low .It responded , gradually lowering itself silently .

"Where are weeeeeee , I can't see .Captain , ohhhhhhh Captain" another irritably bubbly voice floated towards me,Followed by the sound of shoes scuffing and laughter.

My spell lowered me just above the final set of moving stairs.Shadows flickered beneath.The same place me and the Jinx twins had our meetings.

"Okay ladies , come on now ,behave please" Ryker slurred.

Rolling my eyes I thrust my wand out , in a horizontal plane .Making my spell dissolve .I dropped the last few feet.Landing like a cat.

"Ooo ! A flying lady ! " the blonder of the two Hufflepuff girls stuttered , tangled round Ryker.Obviously drunk on Wondrous Weasley Wine or Whisky.The darker blonde , shorter and rounder swayed against him.Her long , yellow claws latched round his collar that she used as a leash.Whispering into his ear.

"Urgh , alright the fun's over , move on you bubblehead Puffs" I shoved my wand into its holster and went to his rescue.
Ryker was utterly paralytic.His eyes half shut , his tanned face covered in bright red lipstick marks , even his neck had some.Along darker bruises.Grunting , I grabbed the shorter girl by her tie and threw her aside , she protested and doddered back.

"You , stuuuupidddd witchhhh , snakeee ... He wants meee not youuu."
Gritting my teeth , I began unlatching the other who buckled as soon as she was pryed away from her support.
"Nooooo , Rykyyyy-poo" She cried irritably.

"My girllll , my star .Helllloooooo" Ryker smiled , grabbing at my robes and pulling me to him.The whisky smell rank.
"Same old Ryker Rook I see , so much for saying you loved me"
"I , doooo , they got me drunk . See aha , weeee we're celebrating my urm , thing , quidditch ! " he hiccuped disgustingly.Sending another plume of whiskey right at me.

" F*cking snakes always ruining our fun , Me and Pansy talked not long ago , she's just as bitter and pathetic as you, he's ours , mine .He likes to messs a-around" The rounder girl whined , now starfished on the floor.This was was definitely a Karen , Or a Linda.

"Don't say a word against my Pansy" I snapped.Still struggling to hold up Ryker , who was currently sniffing my hair.
"It's true .She and I weeeeee usssed tooo messs around yannoooo"
"I said shut your disgusting -" I tried to feel for my wand.My blood beginning to boil.

"Ah , ah , ah .I don't think that's necessary Ivory Jordis Celeste Star .Do you ? "
Jeepers Jinx , dressed in a soft teal , silk shirt .The top four unbuttoned , with several chains and necklaces dangling from his neck.Frosty skin impeccably clean .His mint  eyes calm once again behind his gold specs. As he observed us.Tall and lean against the stone pillar.Gone was the scared , naked boy From the woods.And returned was the polished , prim and sharp gentleman everyone knew and feared.
"Jeepers , your you again "
He nodded , a small , sad smile tugging at the corner of his slim lips.Before he strode forwards confidently and handled Ryker away from me easily.Ryker's head lolled back , seeming dazzled.

"Hello Ryker , we have to stop meeting like this , wouldn't you say ? " Jeepers smiled down at him.
"Sssshhhhuutttt it , meant n-nothing" he burped and grunted at the same time , trying to pull away.
"What are you both babbling about ? " I flickered my head between the two.
"Nothing dear" Jeepers sighed whilst rubbing a lipstick stain off Ryker's chin , grimacing at the gaudy colour.
" Red isn't in this season , I'd advise a peach or dusted rose "

"Your a snake , an evil , witchhyyy snake ,I know allll about you , your a murder , a murder ! " The chubby girl spat at my feet , the foam dribbling down her orange tanned chin.

"Ivory -" Jeepers warned.

That was it .
I stalked forwards in my heeled boots.Swooping  my hand down and snatched her thick throat.Digging my claws hard into her oily face.She gagged and whimpered , trying to scratch me with her nails.A growl clawed up my throat as I felt her writhe under my hand.Slamming her onto the stone ground her big , blonde head smashed against the floor with a loud cracking noise.Before landing a sharp , deft punch straight on her bent nose.

"Ivory stop ! "

But I didn't want to.

The white of her eyes showed as she began rocking in and out of consciousness.Sprawled on the floor.Her friend had began to scream , my hand seared with heat , as it rushed through my blood and to the tips of my glowing fingers.She blubbered as my magic noosed itself round her scrawny neck and slammed her against the far wall , her feet grazing the ground as she battled for air .

"Ivory , remember who you are , what you can't take back .Please this isn't you this is who people want you to be" Jeepers made no effort to invade my space , only held fast into Ryker.Shielding him from my anger.

But it was like the very first time , the anger , the wrath , the darkness , it took over , my gut felt like it was about to explode .Everything bubbling inside of it , my heart missing breaths , my blood boiling.Black spots clouding my vision.My sight zeroed in on her face , my magic tightened , ready to snap her little friends neck .

"Ives no ! " A blast of black smoke ignited , a powerful blast that threw me to the ground , hard.The skinny , gasping girl flew to the floor , knocked out cold.Jeepers turned his back on the blast and protected Ryker , who was half conscious beneath him.Dust and pieces of stone covered us , I coughed , as it created a foul mist , coated my clothes and hair.Blood spewed from my fat bottom lip where a piece of stone had sliced threw it .Shrapnel littered everywhere.

"Ives , Ives ! " Someone's cold hand fastened round my waist ,snapping me backwards.My head whipped back , hitting a hard shoulder .Making everything spin.Kicking my magic into overdrive , my hand burst into white flames as I struggled for air , about to obliterate everything in my path -

"Control it Ives , focus on the good , focus on the good , zero in on your heartbeat use it to calm yourself ." A heavily masculine voice yelled into my ear from behind , his solid marble hands clamped round my small , bruised fists  , in an effort to extinguish the live, growing  flames .I felt like my hands were melting ... pain ripped through me , as I buckled under the power of my own magic.Instead of destroying him , like a magnet my magic absorbed his, his fists glowed to , pulsing.Hotter and hotter , my magic lit up his veins as it raged through his bloodstream.I could here his heart pounding against my back , he staggered his feet . Bracing himself.

"Ives , control I know we can do it " He screamed.His hands bleeding.
Then .Like something had broke inside of me , the light distinguished , our hearts skipped a beat , plunging us into dark.
We collapsed together , exhausted.Dray's wheezing breaths loud and trembling beneath me.My lip arms and both my nostrils streaming thick blood...

"Dray ? Dray , please I'm sorry , I'm so sorry , please not you to " I sobbed , salt making my cuts sting as I climbed on top of him.

"Ivory , you have to get out of here , else they'll send you to Azkaban .You can't be seen here , I'll take the blame." Jeepers staggered through the cloud of dust , his shirt ripped and ruined , Ryker hooked under his arm.Blinded.

" no , I can't ask you to do that " Jeepers looked at Draco , he started , as if he knew him .
"Your not , you've risked more than your life for me and Beatrix , when I ...wolfed out.After what happened with Amethyst.An eye for an eye.Or in this case A lie for A Lie .Now go ! " He summoned a portal , which spun emerald , a fierce  wind  starting.
I thanked him with my wet eyes and dragged Draco into the portal , hugging him to me as we fell.
"The room of requirement" I ordered into the swirling green abyss.

With a thud .
We landed heavily on Dray's bed.

He was limp and deathly cold under me , lips blue , eyes purple.He looked half dead.
"Dray ? Dray please , it's me it's Ives .I'm sorry I didn't mean to please come back to me I need you " I sobbed.
Cupping his marble head in my bloody hands , my salty tears falling onto his slashed face.

"Please come back , forgive me" I begged over his body.I searched for my wand to heal him, checking his pockets , sleeves , even his own golden holster under his left shoulder.Empty , empty , empty.

He wasn't breathing.He was gone.He was dying or dead.

I cupped his angelic face in my hands , blood from his nostrils black , a cut across the left side of his bottom lip.I frowned.His injuries where exactly the same as mine.A single tear slide from my grey eye and dropped onto his cut lip.Then something impossible happened.A white , grey mist curled from his lips where my tear had fallen. It spiralled slowly , morphing and blossoming.Before grazing over his busted lip and sealing the skin tight shut.Healing him.Like it where never there.

"My magic can heal you " I breathed.
Pushing the hair from my face , I tied it up.Before placing my hands on his muscular neck.Closing my eyes I searched inside of myself.Feeling the restless serpent in my gut awaken and coil , twist and hiss as I called upon it.My fingers tangled , my hands trembled.My heart quickened as I revived it.I searched for the connection , the tether between us , that bond us.Then I felt it.At the very centre of myself ,like a metal coil pulled taunt by both ends.Wrapped amounted my heart and soul.I focused on it the weight of it inside me , the strange , fleeting shimmer of my soul as it tangled itself round the connection.I sent the snake round the rope .

My eyelids and hands grew warm , my lips began to leak mist as they to were healed.Like a literal fire had ignited in me .I felt my hot magic pour out of every pore , winding round me, him , us.Stroking away the dust , washing away the blood.Cleansing.
Baptising us in heavenly fire.His skin illuminated as his body drank my magic in . Pain from my whiplashed head was soothed and healed , the bruising from my knuckles kissed and banished.All around us like a cocoon of bright , tiny stars .My magic was like stardust.Intermingling blues , greens , purples and whites.A celestial magic birthed from my very soul.The back of my eyes felt strange , as if they were being probed.I dared to open my eyes.Only to gasp as I watched his body become light.Like a fallen angel against the black of his bedding.He glowed like a heavenly being.The stardust wrapped round his shoulder and a small crackling could be heard as it regained its normal shape.Then , where my skin touched his it all began to suck back in , the mist , the stars , the clouds all began to slip back inside , filling me with a beautiful fullness.Like I was whole.His skin returned to its milky complexion.Now restored.The only thing that glowed were his rose lips.The only magic that lingered.
I bent forwards , and kissed Draco Malfoy.

And it was like two worlds had collided , fireworks exploded in my head , my magic returned to a quiet frenzy inside.I felt almost drunk.

"I'm definitely alive , or this is just same beautiful dream were I'm back lying under the stars" He whispered warmly.Before returning my embrace.His ringed hand cupping my throat gently as if I was made of glass.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with him.Talking , talking all the time.About his childhood , his mother his father , the sister he had lost.The little house elf he loved dearly.His music and books.He even bought me several of his favrioute novels.Muggle Classics.

Oliver Twist - about an orphaned boy who took on the world
Peter Pan - A magical boy who was so scared to become an adult he stole away to a magical land where he would never grow old.

Pride and Prejudice - A thrilling romance between nobles and their courtly ladies.
Beauty and the beast- I kept this one.

He showed me his art , his easel and his thousands of paints.Not being able to go out of the room much , he had much time on his hands.There were many paintings , mostly in charcoal or ink.We moved on quickly.His wardrobe was lovely .Numerous silk shirts , suits , cloaks , cufflinks , smart shoes.He had a small metal box with his family crest on.Holding jewellery.Several heavy silver rings ,chains with locks on them , earrings , diamonds , sapphires and emeralds.Even an old pair of glasses , like a child's pair.Broken in the middle.He said they'd been mended by a clever little witch on the Hogwarts express.Then a little pink baby bootie.Two actually.Barley the size of my two fingers.When I asked he smiled brightly and said they belonged to a darling child who was like family to him.

After we had danced to his ancient ballroom records ,coloured in each others scars  , read his books , and laughed when I tried on all his clothes.We had resulted to throwing ourselves on his queen sized bed , wrapped up in the intricately sown sheets.

"So you are here under Hogwarts protection , you can't leave the castle.That's why people who were sent home after I destroyed the classroom had to be obliviated.They had to forget anything they might've seen , heard or believed about you.That's why the headmistress cast that forgetfulness spell the first day.To make us all forgetful , to forget you were here at all.Why didn't she just keep you hidden ?" I asked , tracing the lines of his face with my index finger.

"To risky , the forgetfulness spell implanted a sort of suggestion into everyone's brains.So if I was seen accidentally , they would instantly forget me.It was cast to ensure everyone's safety.Unfortunately it comes with side effects.General forgetfulness , dreamy personality , wandering , in worse cases blindness to reality." He replied , entwining our hands and watching as they glowed in response.We had experimented with our magic , he taught me that his dark mark came with certain ... privileges . Like begin able to manipulate darkness , or night or shadow . When both of us called on our magic , together they looked like a back night sky with twinkling stars.Like the night we'd lay beneath them.

"That's why everyone had that rose shimmer to their eyes and when people break the spell , find the loophole the rose tint fades"

"Indeed , ever heard the saying 'through rose tinted glasses they saw the world ? " they see what they want to see.And what Minerva didn't want them to see was me . The reality.But you , clever witch have broken the spell.Has anyone else ? That James has , obviously but he seems the quiet type " He chuckled.

I shrugged.
"I won't say "
"Don't then  , I can't speak what I don't know"
"Plausible deniability" I laughed
He smirked and rolled towards me.

"But why are you under protection Dray ? Why did you disappear after the war "

He sighed , rubbing his face tiredly.
"It's , complicated my return to Hogwarts .It's a lot bigger than me.So much bigger.But I'm at the centre of it all.You know my past , my part in the war.Well after Voldemort was killed the Death Eaters were somewhat lost , without direction almost.We all went deep into hiding.I haven't seen the manor in years.When Bellatrix was killed , we had no second in command if you like.I can't tell you everything it would put you in danger.Meaning it would put us in danger.But I will tell you this Ives."

He twisted his healed arm round me and hugged me.Together in our own Celestium.

"After Pottah defeated Voldemort we all went into hiding.Everyone associated with Voldemort fled to the farthest corners of the earth.My mother and I we went far , far away together .My father joined us later on.Then ,after a long time of anxious uncertainty and moving around a lot to stay under the radar.My parents began acting strange.My father began leaving all the time.Going out for days on end leaving us alone in strange places.At one time we were hiding in Russia and he left us there for two weeks.He said there had been a break through.I overheard my parents arguing about it.My father called it The Resurrection.That someone , with strong connections to the ministry , someone who believed in our , erm ,  ideals had made contact with Voldemort whilst on an assignment in London.Voldemort had connected with them from behind the grave.My father said he and some other followers had met up in London.In secret of course and met with this connection to the ministry.He spoke of a Séance , where the ministry people could instruct my father and the other disciples by channeling Voldemort.He spoke of it with such rapture , it shook me.Terrified me.I knew it was the truth because my dark mark started moving again.It had been dormant for months."

"So ,  Voldemort's communicating through this psychic person from the ministry.And instructing his disciples." I froze in his arms.

He nodded.

"He instructed my father to gather all that was left of his disciples and finish what he started"
"Which is what ? Kill Harry , Ginny , Ron and Hermione.Hell , Miss.Long bottom ? "
He shuck his head.

"To destroy Hogwarts.Minerva , everyone that stood against him.He wants to save Potter and his crew for last."
"But how can he do that when he's dead ?"
"This ministry person , they have a gift for seeing the dead , they've found a way  to let Voldemort possess them , temporarily"

My mind felt like it was racing.
"But why exactly are you tangled up in it ? "
"I can't tell you" he strained , biting his lip.I felt a sharp pain shoot through my own as he did so.

"Draco please . "

I understand

His stormy grey eyes widened,He shifted away from me.
"I didn't say that"
"Our minds , they spoke to one another" I yawned.

"I better get back " I yawned again , flopping my legs off his bed and shuffling over to my clothes.I'd been wearing his old Slytherin's school jumper , which was two sizes to big and looked more like an oversized jumper dress on me.

"Wait , there's something I wanted to try" He jumped up sudden fly and ran over to me.
"What ?"
Without warning he grabbed one of my long hairpins off the side and stabbed it into his finger.
"Dray what are you doing ! " I rushed to help him.
Then froze as my own finger began to bleed.

"What ..." Aghast , I watched as the blood trickled down both our fingers at the exact same time.

"When you told me I had the same injuries as you , I couldn't believe it.I knew we were connected but this , this is amazing.I can literally hear your heartbeat .When you walked away from me just it's like a rope stretching between us."He gripped my hand and kissed the damaged finger.

"Impossible , I've never heard of anything like " I watched as the blood stopped running and healed itself with a shine where he'd kissed me.

"Ives , do you understand the danger your in ? , being linked to me like this .I have a target on my back , Voldemort wants all of his disciples , I'm the only one who hasn't joined them.They will come for me.I can feel it.My mark it's already working the way it used to.When you become a death eater the mark changes you.When we were in the room , with the mirror you thought I vanished behind the mirror , but I actually camouflaged into the shadows , into the gloom.Because I have the dark mark.We death eaters feel easier at nighttime , than in the day.We can sense death and smell danger.We are one with the darkness.There coming for me , my father leading them.If they come for me then they will find you , you keep me good , your my light.They will see that , our connection as a weakness" He squeezed my hand where the cut had been.

"They will try to snuff out my light" He was crying now , a grown man , upset over the thought of loosing me.
I drank in a deep breath , before winding my arms round his waist.My magic drawn to him.

"Let them try"

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