Inazuma eleven go x reader "M...

By Sensei__Chan

157K 7.5K 2.6K

⚠️English isn't my main language! Be warned of bad grammar! I also noticed I misspelled sometimes TSURUGI nam... More

Eito Academy Against Raimon
Holy Road
Gassan Kunimitsu
New Member And Ennemies
Next Opponent
Kidokawa Seishuu
Team Work
More Meetings
Against Genei
Arakumo Gakuen
New Technique
Dragon Link
Hangout With Kyousuke
Hangout With Shindou
Hangout With Kirino
Hangout With Tenma
Taki Brothers!
Hangout With Nishiki

She's Mine!

3.6K 123 51
By Sensei__Chan

<Hangout with Kishibe and Yukimura>

"Let's go to the amusement park together!" Shouted Yukimura and bow at you.


"Hey! I was about to ask the same thing! [F/N], I wanna go to the Amusement park with you too!" Said Kishibe.


"So? Who do you choose?" Asked both of the boys to you.


How did you end up in this mess you ask? Well... It all happened this morning.

|Some hours ago/Morning|

After you've won the Holy road, your opponents from the other soccer club wanted to become your friend soo... You gave them your number.

Yep, just like that.

You thought today would be a peaceful day where you can rest, YOU ARE SOO WRONG.


Ringed your phone, you shake your head, you were soo exhausted from yesterday celebrating your victory.

You grabbed your phone and checked your notifications it was from Kishibe! You know that boy with purple hair the captain of Kidokawa Seishuu.


Morning !

Good morning!

How are you?

A bit tired but I'm fine! What about you?

I'm bored.. I was thinking maybe we should meet today to hangout!

Sure! When and where do you wanna meet?

1pm at the riverbank, Is it okay for you?

Completely fine! See you there.


You closed your phone, Kishibe is a person that you call a... Extrovert? Something like that? Anyway it's better for me to change and eat my breakfast then lunch!

After eating I walked out of my house and went to the riverbank it was kind of earlie.. <12:50>.

"Huh ? Oh! [L/N]!" someone shouted your name, you look around then spot Yukimura waving at you with a bright smile.

You wave back at him, Yukimura walk up to you.

"It's been a long time! How are you?" Ask Yukimura.

"Nothing much, I was on my way to meet Kishibe!" You replied.

|Yukimura pov|

Kishibe? Isn't he the captain of Kidokawa?

"Oh, I see! May I join you?" I asked.

"Sure! The more we are the more it's fun!" She accepted.

Let's make sure he doesn't make a move to her, I don't wanna let him have [L/N] alone for himself.

Me and [L/N] walked to the riverbank and spot Kishibe who seems to be looking around.

"Kishibe! Over here!" Wave [L/N].

Kishibe notice us and smiled, he walked toward us then analyzed me for some seconds then held out his hand.

"You must be Yukimura, right?" Said Kishibe.

"Mhm! You must be Kishibe." I shake his hand, but deep inside both of us were glaring at each other.

|Nobody pov|

"Why is he here? Wasn't [F/N] suppose to come alone?" Thought Kishibe.

"I wonder how Kishibe contacted [L/N], did she gave her number?" Thought Yukimura on his side.

"Kishibe what did you want to tell me?" Asked [F/N].

|Back to your pov|

And that's what happened, now...We are in a amusement park!

"Woah! There's some cotton candy, Let's get some!" You said excited.

"Sure! I'll pay!" Smile Yukimura.

"Nooo, I asked [F/N] to hangout first, I'll pay." Said Kishibe.

Then Yukimura and Kishibe glared at each other.

"Why don't I pay?" You suggested.

"No, no! We asked you to hangout so let us pay!" Said Yukimura refusing.

"I agree with him!" Nod Kishibe.

You sweatdrop, so while they both were arguing who was gonna pay you secretly walk up to the cotton candy shop(i don't know if it's called like that?) and brought a cotton candy and started to eat it waiting for Yukimura and Kishibe.

"That's why I should pay-" Yukimura stop talking and notice you eating a cotton candy.

"Hm?" Kishibe turn himself to you.

"Did you guy's finished arguing?" You asked.

"Sorry.." Apologized Yukimura but Kishibe find this funny and started to chuckle.

"Sorry, [F/N]. I promise I won't argue for the rest of the hangout." He smile at you.

"Me too!" Said Yukimura.

"Good! That's what I wanted to hear, now let's go do some ferris wheel or go visit an aquarium!" You said raising you left arm.

"Aye!" They both said.

You three went to a aquarium watching the fishes, there was a huge shark it was scary!

"What should we do now??" Ask Yukimura.

"How about a haunted house?" I suggested.

"Good idea!" Said Kishibe.

"Uh... Is it really a good idea..?" Ask Yukimura.

"What? are you scared?" Asked Kishibe.

"I'm not!!" Replied Yukimura.

"Hold my hand if you are scared okay?" You smiled at him.

"[L/N]..." He look at you then look away blushing a bit. "O-okay.." He mumbled.

We walked in the haunted house, at first you thought it wouldn't be scary at all... But...

"WAA!" You screamed and hide behind Yukimura and Kishibe.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Asked Kishibe.

"Y-yeah ! I can do that it's not that scary.." You stuttered.

Yukimura sigh and held out his hand. "Here, you can hold my hand.." He blushed looking away to not make any eye contact.

"Thanks..." You said and hold his hand.

"Me too! You can hold mine!" Smiled Kishibe at you.

You nod and hold both of them hands.

"Woah.. They have warm hands.." You thought.

You three walked out of the haunted house, you spot a souvenir shop and asked the boy's to go there buy a souvenir, they both agreed and went to the shop.

|Souvenir shop|

"Hm... I wonder what can I give to Kishibe and Yukimura as a gift." You look around the shop trying to find the perfect gift for them.

Your eyes spot something cute! You take a look at it then nod.

"It's perfect." You mumbled and brought it, you then walk out of the shop waiting for Kishibe and Yukimura.

You also notice it was starting to get late.

"We're here!" Shouted Kishibe waving at you with Yukimura behind him.

You smile at them and walk up to them. "Today was sure fun!" You said happily.

"True, let's go find the exit the amusement park is soon closing." Said Yukimura.

"Let's go !" Said Kishibe.

|on front of your house|

"Thank you for walking me back home!" You thanked them.

"It's nothing! Let's hangout more often, it was fun today!" Smile Kishibe.

"I won't say no, I have nothing to do anyway." replied Yukimura.

"Oh, wait before you two go.. Here!" You said handing out two keychains.

One is a chibi wolf and the other one is a chibi lion, they both sparkle and accept happily your gift.

"I love it, thank you!" Said Kishibe and hug you.

"Not bad, I also love it." Smile Yukimura.

You let some space and invite Yukimura to join the hug, he comes and both of them are hugging you.

After this hug they both left, today was sure fun! Maybe I should also invite Kyousuke, Shindou, Tenma and the other's.

|Kishibe pov|

She's so cute.. She got me a gift, I'll forever treasure it.

|Yukimura pov|


It's.. Cute.. I'll keep it forever with me like a lucky charm.

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