
By cheybay1

166 3 2

Everyone knows Charlie as the Homecoming queen, Prom queen, or that one hot girl. No one knows the truth abou... More


166 3 2
By cheybay1

            I chew on my hair, while Professor Rule drones on about respecting school property. I guess somone graffited the mascot costume; I'm horrified to admit that our mascot probably looks better now than it did before. We are the Jefferson Warthogs, and our mascot is a pig with papier-mâché tusks. The body is made of faux fur. It's so old the musty smell is burned into the nasty thing, so it's dirty even when washed.

            "Charlie." The whisper comes from my left ear, meaning its Alexander calling my name. I ignore him. We have a long history. Okay so that history was 3 weeks ago, so I'm an exaggerator. Short story is he cheated on me with some skeaze of a freshman. Now come on what kind of eighteen year old goes after a fifteen year old? Especially when he's dating someone his own age. Or maybe I'm a poor sport and its pretty common, but whatever I got cheated on, I have my rights.

            I sit and analyze this when a paper ball comes and hits me square in the forehead. I look over to see my next victim. Alysana  is grinning wildly back at me. I open the note.

                        "What's up girl!!! You know that hot piece of ex of yours Is trying to get your attention. Just give him a chance!!"

                                                                                                                <3 Aly

            Anger tumbles through me. I make sure Aly's looking and tear up the note, piece by piece, so that she notices that I'm not so happy. Unfortunately I didn't realize Professor Rule was calling my name, so he ends up in front of me, his deep, disturbing eyes staring back at me.

            "Are you trying to prove you don't care about our expensive school property Ms. Tyler?" He says in his ominous Russian accent.

            "No sir, I was a bit distracted, I'm sorry I'll pay attention." He leans in farther so we're face to face. His breath smelling of mint leaves.

            "No need. Class is over." And just then the bell rings. Wicked. Professor Rule stands up straight and turns to the class.

            "I'll see you all tomorrow." I slowly grab my school supplies and head out.

            "Creeper," I say under my breath.

            "Professor Rule is so into you." A voice behind me says. I look at the heart shaped face of my best friend.

            "You think everyone is into me."

            "Can you blame me? Look at you for Buddah's sake!" I look in the mirror on my locker door. A girl stares back. This girl may be pretty, with her green eyes, long blonde hair, Homecoming queen four years running, but yet no one understands her. You might think that I'm just worrying about regular teenage drama. Well... all I have to say is your wrong. I have the strength of a human, multiplied by a hundered.

           I guess it all started when I was 14, and it was recess. When your in eighth grade there's not much to do. Tetherball, basketball, adn kickball. At 14, me being me, I was into makeovers and such. So it was me and Aly in the Courtyard putting makeup on each other when she came up to us. Jo- Anne de-Carr. She was the biggest girl in the eighth grade, and we're not talking tall here. This girl had muscle of solid rock not to mention a tattoo on her left shoulder. Every girl was frightened of her. Including me. Anyways I'm getting off topic, this Jo-Anne character, she came up to us acting all tough and what not.

        "Oh, look who it is guys, whiny girl and nose picker," She says making her goons laugh.

      "Oh stop Jo-Ann, just 'cause there's not enough makeup in the world that could cover up your hideous face doesn't give you the right  to pick on others," I say, quickly regretting it. She put her big meaty hands around my throat threatening to squeeze.


      "What? Did the ugliness spread to your ears?" Her hands squeezed tighter cutting off my air supply. Right then, and there something in my body clicked, like everything fell into place. I head butted Jo-Anne making her let go, I landed on my feet, and then swiftly but gracefully kicked her in her gut making her fly backwards.

      As Jo-Ann lands back first on the ground, I glance around to see everyone's jaw dropped open. I looked at Aly, he big blue eyes wide.

      "Charlie?" She says looking confused.

    "Charlie!" I snap back to reality, to find Aly sitting across from me at the lunch table searching my face for life.

      "Sorry was reminiscing, Do you remember eighth grade?"

      "Random, but yes I do. That was the year you totally put the smackdown on "Jo-Man" because of the adrenaline rush. I look at Aly. She's been my best friend since third grade. How do you tell someone about something you know nothing about?

                "Aly..." I tempt. Something flies by the window. I twist my head searching. It could have been anything right?

                "What is it Char? You losin' your mind again?" She says laughing.

                "Maybe." I guess I should tell her when I have more information. I pick at the hem of my shirt. Whatever gave me this power, threw along a birthmark in the shape of the sword. Pressing the palm against my belly, I can feel the heat of the birthmark.

                "Earth to Charlie!" My hands drop and I glance up.

                "If you're going to keep being weird, I'm not hanging out with you anymore," She says jokingly. The smile completely falls at the sight behind me. I know what it is without even seeing it. Alexander falls into the chair beside me, puts his "charm face" on and bats his long eye lashes at me.

                "Me, you, homecoming." He says confidently. I wrinkle my nose.

                "Sorry Alexander, but I don't go to dances with losers, and that's exactly what you are." I pick up my lunch and leave him in my dust.

                Walking out of the cafeteria, my shoulder knocks hard against someone elses, and we fly backwards. I look to see the other person sprawled out to be Professor Rule. He's staring at my birthmark. Stupid shirt. I tug it down.

                "Ahem, Ms Tyler." He gets up and excuses himself.

                "Well that was awkward." I sit there for a  couple minutes going over what had just happened.

                "Are you okay?" A voice says above me.  

I look up to find a boy looking curiously down at me.

                "Yeah," I say," Just thinking." He lends his hand to help me up.

                "Jared," He says still holding my hand.

                "Charlie," I say smiling.

                "Dang, you have a fierce grip!" I panic and rip my hand away.

                "Sorry. I eat plenty of vegetables." I walk away without looking back. My face totally red, I head into the nearest bathroom. I look into the mirror. What is wrong with me? Who just gets an ability of strength? All of a sudden I'm furious and punch the bathroom stall. The metal stall now dented rocks back and forth.

                "Great," I mutter, Pulling myself together, I try to reform the door only making it completely warped. Someone breathes behind me. I stop dead. I glance out the corner of my eye into the mirror. Someone's behind me in a black cloak. I whip around ready to strike, but the thing has me by the throat. I get a good look at it. The skins bright yellow and horns are coming out of his head, trailing down his back. I choke back a scream.

                "Slayer," He says in a rugged voice through pointed teeth. Anger and frustration has come and risen. I knee him in his no-no place. The monster whimpers and drops me. Everything seems to come to me, every drop kick, every punch to the throat, every finger to an eye. What I don't see coming:


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