Eternally hers

By m1nd15p0w3r

225K 10.6K 589

Ok in all reality I suck at descriptions. This is my first story please give it a chance but speak your mind... More

I'm Pregrnant
Finding my love
Building More
Getting Along
The Runaway
The Return
The Meeting
F*ck falling I fell
I loved you
Lovin Her
Adoring Her
The Run
Truth and Knowledge
A glimpse
And then there was life
In the Name of Science
Better Times
Lab Rat
Brighter days
Closer than ever
Water Sports
Ohhh Puppy Love
Deja Vu
Chill day maybe???
I'm Sorry You're What???
Never happened before
Who is Adit?
What Dreams May Come
Woe Is Me
When Darkness Turns to Light
Turning of the Tide
The Fallen
When Darkness Fell
I Thought This Was Supposed To Be Light
Finally There is the Light
And the Light Burns
Untitled Part 46
the Shroud is Ripped in Two
Bittersweet Sorrow
Expect the Unexpected
Ice Water Bath
Finally Peace Within
Back as One
I'm Drowning
A River of Blood
Fragile Beings
I Didn't Expect This
How Do You Bounce Back?
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Pain Reminds Me That I Am Alive
Pain In My Soul
My Selfish Acts
Blinded but Not by the Light
A Mystery Indeed
I Will Never Be Like Her
There Goes That Shroud Again
Will the Real Adit Please Stand Up
The Calm Before
My Bryson tiller
Rien de mieux
Who Knew???
At First Sight
Needed This
Shattered Beings
About Damn Time
the End is the Beginning
A Long Kiss Goodnight

What The Future Holds

1K 67 0
By m1nd15p0w3r


Wh...wh....why... WHY THE FUCK DUDE???


Looking at Kaira like she has lost her great given mind.

"You.. you want me to what?" That's about all I can get out because I really don't know what to say.

The moment I get back to the house. Me and Adit having parted ways at her mini mansion. Kaira has been bombarding me with questions and answers.

"Love she shouldn't be alone right now," she looks at me.

"Since when did you become team Adit?"

She smirks a little. "Since today I got to see what she was trying to tell me when you and I separated." Her eyes search mine. "Everything she said to me was her story. I get why she fought so hard against my decision. I understand a lot now. So please baby go chill with Adit."

I am so utterly confused but ok guess I'm going to go spend time with Adit. I nod my head at her. "You will explain all this to me eventually right?"

"Yes love," she says standing and walking over to kiss me. "She may kidnap you for the night."

I somberly look at her. Then sigh resigning to my faith for now. In all honesty I'm not really against going hanging out with Adit. She was there for me when Kaira and I was going through it. I just don't know what to say to her or how to go about things right now with her.

Shit I still have to apologize for fighting her. I know in my heart of hearts she wouldn't have tried anything with Kaira. She was just pushing me to it. Ok she played my anger against me. My possessive nature when it comes down to Kaira. Tall heifer played me like a fiddle. But I do owe her an apology.

Wrapping my arms around Kaira, I kiss her back. "You win." Kissing her again, picking her up by her ass cheeks. She wraps her legs around me, running her fingers through my dreads. "What are you going to do with yourself if she kidnaps me?" Taking her bottom lip between my teeth and tugging on it.

"I will be at the hospital," she says pulling my shirt up. "I have some lab work to go through."

Turning and navigating my way to the stairs, I head to the bed after kicking the door shut behind me. 

Time for daily injections.


Raising my hand to knock on the door, of the home, I once shared with Adit. It opens. 

"Why am I never surprised to see you?" Adit mumbles, turning on her heel. She leaves the door open for me to enter. "This is your home too." Looking briefly over her shoulder. "You don't need to knock."

Following her into the living room, where she has 2K loaded. Only....

Is that???

No it can't be..

She is playing on the PS5. How??

"How are you playing on the PS5. I have been trying for weeks," 

She starts to unpause her game. Turning to smile at me. "Everyone here has one."

"No they don't."

"Yes they do puppy."

"Adit I don't have one."

"Yes you do." She cheeses. "This one is yours.  Mine is upstairs. And then Kaira's is in the game room." She smiles even bigger. "YAAYYYY."  She nods towards the other LAYZBOY. "Sit. Chill. Relax." She leans forward and grabs one of many rolled blunts from the table. She reaches down and a drawer opens from the table. It is a refrigerator. Grabbing cups then filling them with ice, she makes us a drink. "I expected you earlier but from the smell coming off of you, I can guess why you were delayed."

Well damn we took a shower afterwards. Accepting the glass, and picking up a controller, I pick my team.

"Are you expecting anyone else to come by?" I ask while waiting for the game to load.

"No not really," she answers. "Everyone is out preparing for this weekend."

I cast a quick look in her direction. "What's this weekend?"

She steals the ball and plows through my defense for a layup. "Some of the teens are coming of age. Their gifts and powers jump and manifest."

"Everyone has different gifts right?" I ask.

"Yes," she distractedly answers, breaking the ankles of my player. "Their gifts will answer the call of the wild."

"Call of the wild?"

"It's what I call it," she explains. "We are an extension of life. The very soil we walk on enhances us. If you focus hard enough it will show you the path you're to take."

Mr. Miyagi much.

Ok, pause, this being who doesn't watch TV is killing me in this game. Calling a time out, I take a sip of my drink. I see Adit over the rim of my glass looking smug and silently laughing. "Ok, I didn't think you could play. Will all the coming of age teens be able to turn?"

She shrugs. "That I don't know. I never know until they answer my call." She places her controller aside, taking deep hit of her blunt before passing to me. "Listen it's going to be pretty crazy around here for the next week or so. Packs, clans, tribes whatever you want to call them will be coming here from all over." She grabs another blunt and lights it.  "I need you to be more than careful. People know who you are and know what you mean to me. Some, not all,  will try to befriend you to get close to me. Imani you are honestly my only weakness and they know it."

I take in what she is saying. "Would they try to hurt you?"

She looks at me, her glowing eyes looking glazed. "They may through you. I'm not worried about that. I just don't want nothing to happen to you. Not everyone is for our cause. Some support Nerezza's way."

"Then why are they coming? Why be apart of your um I guess extended family?"

"Some to spy, most out of more fear of me than of her. Don't let Kaira out of your sight either." She pauses then in an apparent afterthought. "And don't let anyone touch her or her belly."

Not going to question. "What takes place during this event?"

Adit smirks.  "Competition mainly."

"Immortal Olympics?" Smiling broadly. "Can I join up?"

"Yes. And yes, but I would prefer that you wait until next gathering to join a competition. At least until you learn a formidable skill." She hits her blunt and smiles my way to take the sting out of her words. Luckily I'm too high to take offense. "But fear not dearheart, I'll teach you those."

Speaking of....

"Why are you taking over my training?" I ask.

"You have learned all that you can from the others." Never taking her eyes off the tv screen. "We all knew you were a born fighter." Now looking at me. "But swordsmanship is an entirely different fight."

Scrunching my eyebrows I look at her. "Why the need of swords, you have magic, power and gifts. I mean, snap your fingers, blink an eye."

She starts to snicker. "It's not that simple puppy. Yes, I can pretty much do all those things, but can you? Can anyone else you know around do that?"

When she puts it like that way.

"And the only way you can kill is heads and hearts," dhr continues. "But that doesn't stop and defeat the bigger picture."


She nods. "Nerezza." She hits her blunt. "Physically, she can be killed the same way, but she will just drift off until she finds someone else to inhibit."

"Is that how it is for you to?"

"No puppy, My being breaks apart, and is placed back together. When that happens, time is not on my side." 

"What does that mean?" My head whips in her direction. "Are you dying? Is this the last fight?"

She blinks at me. Her face twitching. "Huh? What? No, puppy. It just means, there is no way of knowing how long it takes me to piece back together. How much time has passed. Look how long it took for me to create here." Inhaling deeply. "Shit, there is no way to tell how many times it has already happened."

"You've died before?"  So not believing this.

"Yes puppy. Or at least I believe that I have. I can't see it not happening." She pausing. "She is almost instantaneous."



"Yea, the creepy movie with Denzel Washington and the guy on death row." I sigh. "Look don't make me watch that movie again it really freaks me out."

She chuckles softly and leans forward tapping my forehead. She leans back and her eyes blink back a second. "Oddily enough, yes, just like that." 

"What the hell did you just do?" I ask rubbing my forehead.

"Looked at your memory of the movie," she answers. "And you're right it is creepy."

"How? How is that even possible?"

She full out smiles. "Puppy, to know me, is to be me."If that isn't a true statement, I don't know what is. No one here, born on earth, knows anything about Adit. Most know what they've heard, but some. A certain select few have actually seen. And the poise and the grace of how she just. She just travels. There is no better word right now. She flows through everything. Holy shit she is everything.

She snickers.

She is fucking cosmic. She is eternity. She is...well...she is...

"And you are fucking high," she says, snatching the blunt out my hand. "Do you need some milk?" Her voice breaking from trying not to laugh.

"Nah," I slur a little, waving my hand in front of my face. Its moving so slow. "Fuck, how do you do it?"

"Do what puppy?" Her voice sounds strange. Low and melodic. 

"Smoke so much."

"You sound like my mother. I've been smoking since basically the beginning of time. Plus drugs and alcohol affect me differently," she explains. "You too and all of us. But me on an entirely different level."

"How so? I mean I can understand stand you not being of earth, but your form this form is of earth."

"Just because me form is of earth my being isn't. And things such as alcohol and drugs can't affect my being. It may calm me down and slow down my perception. Causing the world to move a little bit slower. But as far as that intense feeling you get from it, I don't. It's like cbd to me. If I bought from a botanist, I wouldn't feel anything."

"You don't buy this?"

"No puppy, I make this."

"Make like grow?"

She shakes her head. Sitting up and placing her hand down on the table. A breath passes and she keeps her hand pressed against the table. Her palm sliding towards me. Lifting her hand she pushes with her fingertip a bud. "Make like create."

Holy shit.

"Holy shit," I pick up the bud. "I've seen you do clothes."

"I can do virtually anything puppy and so can you." She leans back. "This is mainly why I'm taking over your training."

"You said I could..." I trail off as a wolf trots into the room.

"Hello Ōnāy," Adit says reaching out to pet the wolf.

"Ōnāy?" Why does that sound and feel so familiar?

"Yes, that is her name. It means wolf in my native tongue," she says watching the wolf onto the sofa next to her. She has been with me since my last return."

I am astonished/ "How?"

Ōnāy lays her head on Adit's lap. "We have shared blood during many personal wars." She looks up through her lashes at me. "You and she have a complicated relationship." Ōnāy huffs, her eyes piercing my soul. 

"Adit, what are you?" I blurt out. My mind is going haywire. Dude...People...every man, woman and child. She can give forever to animals.

She closes her eyes and takes a breath, opening them, looking. "Metaphysical, physical, spiritual, intellectually." She looks at me spreading her arms. "Fuck you mean puppy?" 

"Fuck Adit, I don't know. I just know that people, shit, beings, shouldn't be able to do a quarter of what you can do." I run my fingers through my dreads. "Adit, I, me, Imani Omari, have SEEN you do things." I rub my eyes, pulling at my eyelids. They are starting to feel heavy. "How old are you Adit?"

She raises her eyelids bringing those golden orbs my way. A predatory smile on her lips. "Old enough," she says taking a sip of her drink. I just stare at her. "What do you want me to say puppy? That my age is so vast that the human brain can't comprehend it." Smiling. 'You don't have a number large enough."

I think I just swallowed my tongue. "I have questions."

She sucks her teeth. Spreading her hands apart, her fingers splayed wide. That glow appearing in her eyes, set on simmer, molten lava. "Then ask. Formerly blind wonder, now cussing sailor, sent you here for a reason."

I don't know how to take that.

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