I Still Want You

By benandmirandalover

10.6K 267 103

It seemed as if Miranda moved on so Ben did too. More



1.1K 25 19
By benandmirandalover

Miranda scrubbed in to do the Hernia repair on the expecting mother. She saw Ben sitting in his seat preparing his tools.

“Dr. Warren.” Miranda acknowledge, greeting him.

“Dr. Bailey.” Ben replied with the same tone.

Miranda looked up as Richard and Kimberly came into the room.

“Why do we need this many surgeons in the room.” Miranda asked confused.

“What are you here for.” Miranda asked smugly.

“I have to monitor the baby.” Kim replied with a slight attitude.

Ben and Richard silently looked at each other, knowing that this was about to be a long surgery.
Miranda did the incision and started on the Hernia repair.

She listened to Richard, Kimberly and Ben talk back and forth and she rarely said a word other than commanding orders to the scrub nurse.

Miranda started looking as the woman’s stomach started filling with blood.

“What the ? Where’s all this bleeding coming from.” Miranda said feeling all round in her women’s cavity. She looked up at the monitor as it started sounding off signally the woman bottoming out.

“I can’t get a handle on the bleeder.”

“Suction.” Miranda told Richard.

“More lap pads.” Miranda told the scrub nurse.
Miranda reached in and eventually found the bleeding blood vessel and she tied it with two knots and watched as the monitor when back to normal and her blood pressure went back up.

“Dr. Bailey congratulations, I thought we lost her but you manage to-

“I can’t talk to you.” Miranda said smiling and laughing.
Ben didn't have to see her face with out the mask to know she was smiling.

They were reminiscing about when she first told him she liked him after he asked her out for Valentine’s day.

“Ad least this is better than the patient waking up on the table.” Miranda said chuckling.

“Yeah because Y’all pay the gas man who has buckets of money with reasonable hours to sit on his behind and make mistakes while you surgeons get sued for our mistakes.” Ben laughed mocking her voice.

“Uh where do you get off speaking to me like that. Nobody knows what went wrong in that o.r” Miranda said laughing at her best Ben impression.

“So this a normal thing you almost loosing patients.” Kimberly said with a slight attitude.

“Uh Dr. Williams I don’t loose patients in my whole career I have only lost 3.” Miranda said looking up at the woman, she was tired of her slick mouth.

“Beside wasn’t it you earlier that was begging for my help saying I was the best. You should be lucky I helped you, now you can go on your carnival date.” Miranda said looking at Kimberly.

“What carnival date.” Ben asked genuinely confused.
Miranda turned to look at him before she swapped back to Kimberly’s face. She had a look of embarrassment.

“ Ohhhhhhh okay . I see what it is now. No date.”  Miranda said catching on that Kimberly had lied.

Ben and Richard still looked at eachother confused.
“Well Ben did you tell them that congratulations were in order.”

“Congratulations?” Miranda questioned out loud, looking at Ben who avoided her eyes.

“Tell them Ben.”

Ben held a sheepish smile but was still silent.
“Well I’ll tell them. You are now looking at the Head of Anesthesiology at UCLA.” Kimberly said clapping.

Miranda almost dropped the surgical utensil in her hand.

“Congratulations that’s awesome, when do you make the move Warren.” Richard asked smiling.

Miranda stayed silent. She felt her heart racing and she was running out of oxygen.
Miranda looked over at Ben finally connecting eyes with him and she watched as his eyes searched hers. Neither of them saying anything.

“Congratulations.” Miranda mumbled out.

“Thank you.” Ben said. He could see the hurt in Miranda’s eyes. Her eyes were always captivating and doey like. He felt bad. He honestly wasn’t going to tell her about the job, or the move at all.  But he knew now that was wrong. 
Miranda cut her eyes towards Kim and saw her satisfied smirk on her face.

“Bitch.” Miranda mumbled and continued working on her patient.

“Alright. That’s it’s.” Miranda said putting the dressing on the woman’s abdomen.

“Great job Bailey.” Richard said touching her shoulder.

“Thank you chief.” Miranda said smiling.

Miranda walked out with Richard and Kimberly and she began to un gown and wash her hands. She watched as Kimberly and Webber left out of the room.

Miranda looked in the window from the sink and she saw Ben still cleaning his tools. She frowned, the man she loved was leaving and she didn’t want that to happen. Inhaling and taking a huge breath.

“I don’t want you to go.” Miranda said bursting through the door as Ben looked up from cleaning his tools.

“It’s a better job opportunity besides what’s here for me anyway” Ben said seriously.

“I’m here.” Miranda said softly and Ben looked over at her before back down to focus on his instruments.

“I mean I can’t offer you the head of anesthesiology but I can offer you me. I can offer you a future life as your wife and kids, which I didn’t know I wanted more kids until now. “Miranda rambled.

“and a family. I wasn’t ready for that at first but, how could I ever be ready if you’re gone.

“ I love you in the most scary way possible, so you can’t leave. I don’t want you to go.  Gosh I can’t believe I’m saying this, I feel so desperate and stupid because Miranda doesn’t beg anyone but here I am." Miranda rambled once again talking more so to herself than Ben.

“I can’t process the thought of you not being here. I want you Benjamin Warren.” Miranda said loudly. She watched as Ben still looked down at his tools, cleaning.

“Do you hear me Benjamin Warren, I want you and I’m standing here looking a fool in front of you and the least you could do is at least give me eye contact and acknowledge me.” Miranda yelled and pointed at him with her pointer finger.

When Ben didn’t look up still, Miranda got frustrated and stormed over to him, she yanked his hands. Knocking the tools on to the tray.

Grabbing his chin between her pointer finger and thumb, lifting it up to look her in the face.

“Ben I Wan-" Miranda started but was cut off by Ben as his lips crashed onto hers. Miranda was taken back but quickly fell in motion and moved her mouth against his.

Miranda let out an exhale and Ironically, Ben took her breath away but she felt like she could breathe again. She stood on her toes to get closer to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Oh God.” Miranda moaned out against his mouth as she pushed her body closer to him if possible.

Ben lifted Miranda up and sat her on the discarded O.r. table and spread Miranda’s legs so he could step in-between her thick thighs.

Miranda in response wrapped her legs around his body and leaned her head over so Ben could kiss her neck.

Ben started kissing on her neck before he kissed and nibbled on her ear. She felt Ben slide her scrub cap off. Letting her hair fall free from her wrap.

“Ben we can’t have sex in the o.r. the next surgery is coming in within the next 6 minutes.” Miranda said softly in his ear.

“Mmm but I still want you.” Ben said against her neck before he leaned up to kiss her lips again.

Miranda leaned in once again and kissed his lips. She had missed this so much that she felt like she was ready to burst.

“Ben where did-“ Kimberly said stopping at the sight before her.

Miranda tore her lips from Ben and she looked up at him before looking back at his shocked girlfriend. Un wrapping her arms from Ben's neck.

The pettiness in her wanted to smirk. “I would say this is not what it looks like but it definitely is.” Miranda said laughing.

“Miranda.” Ben said with a cut it out tone.
Miranda hopped down from the o.r. table and she crossed her arms.

“Ben I thought you told me it was over between you and her. You said you didn’t have any feelings for her and that chapter is closed.” Kimberly said looking at the both of them.

Miranda looked back at Ben with hurt eyes.

“Miranda no, I didn’t mean it.” Ben said reaching for her hands.

“I don’t get it, you could have me but you are going back to trash.” Kimberly yelled.

“Trash?!” Miranda said snatching her hands out of Ben’s and moved towards Kimberly.

“Yeah trash and I’ll say it again tra-“

Before Kimberly could get the world out and Ben could stop her. He watched as Miranda backed handed Kimberly.

“Dam.” Ben winced from the hit. He was for sure he literally saw blood fly from the woman’s mouth.

“Miranda.” Ben yelled pulling her back.

He watched as Kimberly held her face and she touched her lip with her fingers before pulling back to examine the blood that now stained them.

“You bitch.” Kimberly yelled once again and lunged forward.

Ben stepped in the gap and held the woman back from each other.

“Stop it both of you.” Ben yelled but Miranda was already riled up and she was so strong that she was hard to keep in his grasp especially as he held Kimberly back too.

Ben looked up as Callie burst through the o.r. door.

“Miranda.” Callie called running over to her. She grabbed Miranda’s hand and examined it.

“Your going to have some bruising and swelling. We need to ice it now.

“Dam that was awesome.” Callie smirked and whispered.

“You saw that.” Miranda asked.

Callie pointed to the gallery and Miranda saw the doctors that we standing there.

“Shows over.” Miranda yelled.

Miranda got so consumed with Callie that she didn’t even see that Ben was no longer in the room.
“Where did-

“Ben? He went with Kimberly somewhere I guess to look at her busted lip.”

Miranda made a disgusted face. She didn’t care what was wrong with her face. You don’t just leave with the other woman. If he chose her, but did he choose her. Yeah he kissed her but he only said that he wanted her and she was pretty sure that was about sex.

“Next time, don’t use your surgeon hand. That’s a million dollar hand Miranda.”

“I only slapped her.” Miranda replied shrugging her shoulders.

“Which could have lead to punches and a full blown fist fight.” Callie said crossing her arms.

“Well I’ll remember that because I have a feeling this is far from over.”

“Hey well if something does happen, tuck your thumb in side your hand when you ball up your fist. It protects the thumb.” Callie coached.

“Okay got it. I love you Torres.” Miranda said smiling.

“I love you too Bailey.”

“Bailey to my office now.” Richard said through the gallery speaker.

Miranda looked at Callie.
“Oooh you in trouble.” Callie taunted like a child.

Miranda giggled. “Walk with me.” Miranda said as she walked to the door.

“Yeah because you have to tell me this whole story.”

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