Fatal Flaws

By JohnNAshley

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****MATURE LANGUAGE AND SEXUAL CONTENT***** You always hear fairy tale stories of good girls meeting bad guys... More

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28

chaper 16

61 16 7
By JohnNAshley

All three of us are dressed and ready to go by six o'clock that evening. Of course, Skylar looks the best out of all three of us. Dressed in a pair of tight black high-waisted denims. They help to showcase her perfect hourglass curves. A blood-red sweater halter top keeps her large breasts secure. She looks good in all black, but the color red looks amazing on her.

Especially with the hairstyle she opted for. Two braided pigtail knots sit perched on the top of her head.

Sam, chose to go the opposite with a pair of light bell-bottomed denims. She probably could have gone up a few sizes bigger. She spent five minutes rolling around on Sky's bed, attempting to suck in enough to button them.

She decided on an oversized white sweatshirt that hung down mid-thigh. In my opinion, it makes her resemble a giant onion.

Her blonde hair, thin and scraggly, is styled into a tight, gelled-back ponytail. Which causes her beady little eyes to pop out more, somewhat like a bat.

I chose to go simple. Wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a teal long-sleeved sweatshirt. I had attempted to style my hair, but in the end, my curls won. This resulted in them hanging down, loose and free, surrounding my face.

I'm relieved that the temperature is dropping. I doubt that my legs could have survived another night in a skirt. They almost froze to death the last time we went out.I know for a fact my feet are thankful to be in boots rather than heels.

There's already a massive swarm of people when we arrive. Way more people have come out tonight versus the last bonfire we came to. Over half of the school must be here.

I try to ignore the building butterflies in my stomach. Vast crowds have never been my strong suit. The fewer people around, the better it is for me and my nerves. We must be early. They haven't even lit the fire yet. An enormous pile of wood is sitting there waiting to get turned to ash.

I've learned this is a every Saturday night thing to do around here in the fall. We never did things like this back at home. Well, at least I don't think we did. If they did, I was always too high to know about it. Besides, I wouldn't have wanted to take part, anyway.

I scan the faces of the crowd, spotting a couple of familiar ones from class. A few of them who I know their names, but that's about it. I don't make an effort to meet new people. I mainly stay to myself. It's how I've always been. The quiet one who never speaks unless spoken to.

They choose a spot farther down, closer to the tree line. Sam helps Sky lay out the giant fuzzy black blanket we had brought so that we can sit down. I make a point to sit in the seat that is the farthest distance from Sam. After about ten minutes of listening to Sam talk about the guys that throw themselves at her I'm ready to scream. Thankfully, Hope and a short brown-haired boy join us stopping the conversation.

The boy is kind of cute in a little nerdy way. He has a round baby face with several patches of peach fuzz here and there. His brown eyes are hidden behind a pair of thick black square box-style glasses. They stand out in contrast to his whitish-blonde wavy hair. I can tell by looking at him he seems pretty shy.

"Hi, I'm Bex, Skylar's roommate," I introduce myself, holding my hand out to him. He takes a moment to look at me, sizing me up. Before slowly extending his hand towards me.

"Hey, I'm Ben. Hope's cousin, it's nice to meet you," he smiles, letting go of my hand.

As the sun sets, more people begin to appear. Pretty soon, there are barely any spots available.Surprisingly, it doesn't take them long to get the giant fire up and going. Last time I missed out on the fire completely.My mind wanders off to my trip into the woods with Hayden. Thinking about it makes me smile.

The warmth from the fire washes over me, making me even more content. I have always had a slight fascination with fires. The way they consume everything in their path. Given the right circumstances, they can destroy everything that they touch. Nothing is off-limits. Plus, I love watching the flames dance and move when the wind blows. The bright orange and red colors swirl, blazing brightly. Sometimes it even has a blueish-green tint to it at the right angle. Fire truly is gorgeous.

The sound of the soft crackles coming from the flames devouring the wood is mesmerizing. I'm so absorbed in it's beauty that I don't even notice when Hayden takes the seat between me and Ben.

"Hey Hayden, I haven't seen you around in a while" Sams's annoying voice snaps me out of the daze I was in.

"Oh, hey Sara," he answers, not even bothering to look in her direction. I can't help but let out a small giggle. Sam glares over at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead on the spot for sure.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with the homework from our first period," Hayden asks me nervously. His eyes dart around. Obviously, trying to see if anyone is paying attention to us or not. It takes a minute for it to register that he is talking to me.

"Yeah, sure, no problem," I mumble. Still mesmerized by the fire engulfing everything it touches.Skylar glances over in our direction, giving us a weird look.But I chose to ignore her.

We all sit there long after the fire has burned out. The smoke from the ash is drifting through the air, making it heavy.

Hope had spent the whole evening making us laugh. She was doing horrible imitations from different movies. And having us attempt to guess what movie it was from. We failed.Sam is still trying desperately to get Hayden's attention. But failing miserably. It's been quite comical, in my opinion.

I can't help but smile. Is this what it's like to go through life normally?To have friends and have fun. Not chasing your next high, or trying to avoid the police.

"I'm getting tired, so I guess we're going to head back to Hope's. Do you want to walk with us?" Sky asks me. She stands up, stretching her arms up high above her head. Then bringing them back down before reaching out to help Hope to her feet.

"No, it's cool I'm going to walk her back" Hayden answers, before I can get a word out. Skylar looks at him and then at me. She appears to be contemplating whether to say something.

"Okay then, I guess we will see you guys tomorrow," Hope says, grabbing hold of Sky's hand. Lucky for me, she leads her away before she has a chance to say anything else to us.Skylar looks back at us once more. Before allowing Hope to drag her down the embankment towards the housing units.

"I'm going to walk with you guys," Sam informs us rather than asking.Trying to get his attention, she stands up, bending over to gather the blanket. Making sure that her ass rubs against his thighs in the process.Hayden rolls his eyes before reaching down to help me up.

"Thanks" I mutter. Grabbing his hand and hoisting myself up. My legs are asleep from sitting for so long. Without warning, I stumble forward. Luckily Hayden is there to catch meor I would have face-dived into the sand.

"You good? Dont need you falling. It's a long walk back to campus for me to have to carry you," he jokes, still holding his hands out to steady me.

"Or we could leave your annoying ass here" Sam mutters under her breath. But loudly enough so that I could still hear her.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks though," I snap. My cheeks are blazing from embarrassment.Sam's slide comments are starting to irritate me. It's a long, horrible walk back to campus. Sam wouldn't shut up. I'm assuming she was trying to be sexy.But honestly, she looks desperate. But hey who am I to judge, right? I tried to throw myself at him last night. She's hanging on his every word.Giving him one of her fake smiles while batting her overly large eyelashes. I want to barf by the time we make it back to the dorms.

"Alright, then Sara. Glad we got to hang out, but I'm going to head upstairs. I have to get some things from my sister's dorm before I head home," he tells her. His hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"So I guess I'll be seeing you around" He smiles at her as he holds the main door open for both of us.

"Or we can go to my dorm room. You know we could have some real fun before you leave," she coos. Her tongue ring slides between her teeth and her lips as she flutters her large fake eyelashes.

"Umm sorry not tonight I'm pretty tired," he tells her, running his fingers through his hair.

"Good thing I know you don't like her type, or I might be a little jealous. Stuck-up prudes don't seem to be your style," Sam attempts to whisper seductively in his ear. Of course, loudly enough for me to hear once again.

Rolling my eyes, I walk past them both and head up towards my room. He must not have had a good enough grip on the door because it slammed shut forcefully behind me.

That girl gets under my skin so badly. I don't know what it is about her, but she irks me.One of these days, she's going to pop off with one of those slick comments, and I'm going to snap and snatch her ass up.

I take a deep breath in, reminding myself that she isn't worth it. I don't want to be like I used to be. I quickly change into my pajamas before Hayden has a chance to come barging through the door. I'm already settled in bed, reading my book, when he finally stumbles in.

"Fuck, she's like a damn leech. I couldn't shake her ass," he laughs. Allowing the door to shut behind him before locking it.

"Don't worry, Sky has a key. I don't want that crazy bitch coming in and raping me while I'm asleep," he says. Answering the questioning look that I was unaware I was even giving him.

"Let me guess, your roommate has a girl over again?" I ask. Already knowing what his answer is going to be.

"Well, I hope it's his girlfriend or he might want to go get his little man tested. Just saying," I laugh, rolling my eyes at him. I watch him as he removes his shirt and shoes.

"Or maybe I didn't feel like sleeping in my bed tonight alone. Now scoot over," he demands jokingly.

"Excuse you, but this is a twin-size bed and there is plenty of empty bed over there," I tease. Playfully pointing towards Sky's still perfectly made bed. Besides the wrinkles from Sam's ass earlier.

"Yeah, but it doesn't have you in it," he mumbles as he cuddles down next to me. I smile to myself as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Now close your book and turn out the light. I'm tired," he begs, reaching up to close the book still in my lap.

"You're quite persistent tonight, aren't you?" I smile, tugging the book free from his grip.

"You're lucky that I'm ready to go to bed, asshole," I tease. Before reaching over and lying the book on the dresser and switching off the light. I snuggle under the blankets, scooting as close to the wall as I can. Using his arm wrapped around my waist, he pulls me closer towards him. He catches me off guard, bringing his lips down to mine.

"Goodnight Bex, sweet dreams," he whispers as his lips leave mine. Within a few moments, his soft snores take over.

I lay in the dark as a million thoughts are swirling through my mind. He has me so confused. One minute I feel like he wants me. The next he rejected me. Not to mention the fact I always see him with different girls. Ugh, why can't life ever be easy?

I drift off to sleep that night with no dreams of Johnny. No nightmares. Only of Hayden.

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