A League of Night

By BlakeWaterDancer

18.1K 310 348

Ash just won his first league, the Alola League. But when he gets home, sides change and he's barely able to... More

Betrayed and Chanced.
Night League.
Darkness in Change.
My Hand.
Years Later...
The League Chain.
The Story Chain.
The Darkseid Chain.
Story Chain Unleash!
Truth of the Battle.
A Leaf Turned.
Turner Battle 1! Iris vs Cessil and Purple!
The Mark Made.
Turners vs Night Round One!
A Real Challenge!
First Notion.
First Opponent Down!
Champion Fight!
Tispe at it Again... Reset?
A New Threat?
Two Birds with One Stone.
Don't Mess with Me.
Dark vs Night 1.
Dark vs Night 2.
Night's Full Form.
Power and Shifting.
Full Force.
Final Push!

Scars Shown?

182 5 4
By BlakeWaterDancer

May gulped as she glanced around. She had just avoided Iris for the fifth time that day. She just wanted peace. She would've done something other than avoid if she wasn't busy. Her eyes drifted down to the small conversation that was happening. Kellyn, Purple and Cessil were talking about something. She was surprised she remembered Cessil. It felt like ages since she spotted him, but she remembered him clearly. She went down to them and listened in.

"But... that won't get you onto a mission, will it, Cessil?"

"Not sure... that's why I'm here. I told Paul I needed to see him for something here." She paused. Paul was coming? Perfect. Just the person she was looking for. She went over and lightly hummed, grabbing the boys' attention.

"You gentlemen wouldn't mind a guest joining, would you?" Purple paused at that.

"You... you were at the meeting, weren't you?" She smiled at that.

"Yes. You and Paul's argument was a great ending." He huffed as she rubbed her throat. She glanced at the other two. Kellyn wouldn't look at her while Cessil looked her up and down.

"So... are you here for a reason or..." She gulped.

"I'm here to see Paul when he shows up. Trust me. I came alone. I worked hard to do it too." She huffed as she thought about Iris. Knowing the champion, she probably went back to Unova since she couldn't keep up. Cessil got up and stretched.

"Well Imma go see where he is." Purple scoffed as the duo bolted, leaving May with Kellyn. An awkward silence filled the air as their eyes met. He gulped as he looked away. She hummed as she went over and sat down. She scanned him and thought of some small talk as the silence was her strong suite.

"So... ranger, eh?" He nodded as he looked at the ground. Her voice was faint as she looked at him. "You do a lot for the world, don't you?"

"Yeah..." He glanced at her briefly. "What do you do?" She paused at his shakiness. She was quiet and he was shaky? Not too bad for a conversation.

"Contest Coordinator. I specialize in that area." He nodded softly as he looked at the ground. "Do you... uh... have anyone special that you're close to?" His eyes met hers as his face lit up.

"Do you mean in general or..."

"You don't have to be specific." He gulped.

"Well... I have my good friend Rhythmi who's the operator of my section, Kate who's my rival, Sven and Wendy who are good friends and coworkers, Kellyanna who's my sister, then there's..." HIs face heated up. "Keith, my partner and crush..." May smiled.

"Good friends..." She whispered. "You should confess to Keith. Before the opportunity runs away." Kellyn gulped as he fiddled with his fingers.

"W-w-what a-about y-you?" She hummed lightly.

"I have my mom and dad... my brother Max... my boyfriend Drew... my close friend Gracelynn... my rival Harley..." She hummed as she remembered all the faces.

"Great people, I take it..." Her eyes met his as he sighed. "So... you seem... successful..." She paused at his words.

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying that you're not?" He shook his head.

"N-no... it's just comparing the two of us... you have a special bond with your family, close friends... and you have a life ready for you." She realized where he was going and smiled.

"You can also get there. You just have to believe in yourself. I finally just pushed a rose in Drew's face with a card that said 'enough with the teasing. Do you want to be my boyfriend?' He gave me a straight answer almost immediately after that. Trust me. Not every time the dominant end of a relationship plays the cards." Kellyn nodded slowly as his face warmed up. The sound of feet appeared as Cessil slid into the area. His face was pale as he sat down by the ranger. Kellyn blinked as a soft voice escaped him.


Kellyn's eyes widened as he stood up and bolted down the path that Cessil had come from. May slid into the seat beside the shaky boy. Her arms wrapped around him as she started calming him down.

"Shh... it's ok. Calm..." He shuddered as she rubbed his back. Her eyes scanned the area around them as a cheer filled the air. She sighed as Cessil relaxed in her embrace. She shifted him to her shoulder as he fell asleep. A soft conversation filled the air as she sighed.

"Nice job Kellyn. You hit so on point that I think Paul is still recalculating."

"Purple, the only person that's recalculating is you."

"Guys knock it off. We have to check on Cessil."

She hummed as the trio went into the area. Paul had a hand on his cheek while Purple pulled out a first aid kit. Kellyn went over and paused as Cessil woke up to the noise.

"You good Cessil?" The small boy nodded gently as he gazed off. She smiled as she looked over at the duo. Paul had gained a bandage on his cheek while Purple had wrapped up his lower left leg and upper right arm. Purple paused before looking over at Kellyn.

"Do you need the first aid kit?" Kellyn hummed.

"No... I think he was just spooked. I might be wrong. But you can close it for now." Purple nodded as he closed the first aid kit. Paul noticed May as she gave Kellyn back his seat. He went over and paused next to her as Kellyn tried to talk to the Cessil.

"Surprised to see you here." She huffed softly.

"Right back at you, Paul." She whispered, her voice barely touching the air. He hummed at the softness.

"You're quiet... is that why you're here?" She gulped.

"Sorta..." She pulled him off to the side. Purple hummed at the sight as he joined Kellyn in talking to Cessil. Kellyn paused as he watched concern wash across Paul's face from the corner of his eye. What did she say? He was able to overhear parts of the conversation.

"May... how long has this been going on?"

"About a month... I know I should've said something earlier, but I didn't realize how bad it was until last week."

"At least you said something now. If you had said something about it later..."

"Yeah yeah yeah... recovery might not be possible. I did some research. But I don't know what to do about it." Paul hummed.

"Tell you what... I'll reach out to my group. We'll discuss it. If you want to reach out to Ash or Max..." May shook her head.

"I don't want Max knowing yet. I know he's been a great help aiding others, but I don't want to throw him off by telling him this news yet." Paul nodding.

"That's understandable. I would at least tell Ash so that he understands." May nodded. "Then I'll contact you about what my group says. Deal?" She nodded before handing him a paper.

"That should have my number on it." He nodded as they shook hands.

"Take care of yourself." She nodded as she left. He put the paper in his pocket before joining the duo in talking to Cessil.


She smiled as she hung up. Paul had just called with good news. And Ash wished her luck on the plan. Her heart skipped a beat as she knew where she was going. She would soon be back on the same side as her brother. And the fun would be better than ever.

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