The Adventure Begins - (RWBY...

By Railrider99

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(y/n) (l/n) was your young and ordinary mechanical and technological genius living a quiet life in his home v... More

Prologue - Crash Landing
Chapter 1: Out From the Ashes
Chapter 2: Coming Together
Chapter 3: STARcrossed
Chapter 4: The Dark Room Treatment
Chapter 5: Initiation and The Encounter
Chapter 6: The Badge and The Burden
Chapter 7: Jaunedice
Chapter 8: Forever Fall & The Meeting
Chapter 9: The Stray
Chapter 10: Black & White
Author's Note

Epilogue: Gravity VS Polarity

126 3 0
By Railrider99

Beacon Academy - Professor Goodwitch's Classroom

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): So remind me how I got myself into this again?

Yang: Well you did challenge Pyrrha unofficially. Also, we all thought a spar between the both of you would be interesting.

Bruce: Also, both of your semblances going head to head is a concept a lot of us have been debating for days and we want it to be settled once and for all.

Yup. You heard right. I'm currently getting ready to face off against Pyrrha in the final sparring match of today's class. Apparently Pyrrha took my challenge for real, which I'm not entirely complaining about since I like a good challenge. However, this if Pyrrha Fucking Nikos we're talking about here. She's won the Mistral tournaments like what, 4 times now or something? Ah well, it doesn't matter now, right now I gotta be at the top of my game if I want any chance of beating her.

Team JNPR was occupying the other end of the ring giving Pyrrha encouragement and advice. I'm pretty sure I heard Nora tell Pyrrha to break my legs for her. Big oof. My teammates and RWBY were walking with me up to the sparing ring before taking their seats in the audience of students who have come to watch our fight.

Bruce: Remember kid, do not underestimate her what-so-ever. She's on a whole different level compared to most of us. You're about one of three people that I can think of right now that can take her on with even a small chance.

(Y/N): Is that all?

Bruce: Don't be surprised if it quickly turns into a close combat type of fight. Considering that both of you can dispatch and do away with the other's weapons with their semblance respectively, you may have to rely on your close combat skills rather than your weapons.

Price: I still think you are crazy for doing this. Don't forget you also have your wager with Weiss on the line.

(Y/N): To be honest I sort of forgot about that the more I was thinking about this spar.

Ruby: What exactly did you two agree on?

Callie: If Pyrrha wins, (Y/N) has to be Weiss' cake butler at Beacon for a month.

Blake: And if (Y/N) wins?

Price: Weiss has to serve as (Y/N)'s personal maid for a full day.

Yang: Maid's outfit and all might I add!

Price: We tried to get more than a day's worth out of her but that didn't go over very well if you know what I mean...

3rd POV

Everyone looks over to the heiress who is smirking at Price's comment. She looks towards the stage as (Y/N) walks up to begin the battle.

Yang: You seem pretty happy Weiss? Is it because you can't lose either way *winks and sends a cocky grin her way*

Weiss: The idea of my own personal cake butler here without spending a cent is something I can't refuse. Besides, (Y/N) has no idea who he is going up against so I have this in the bag. I think I will start with (Y/N) making me a chocolate cake when this is over...

Price: Careful Ice might jynx yourself on that one.

Weiss: *looks to Price annoyed* And how would you know that?

Price: *grins at Weiss* (Y/N)'s always got a few tricks up his sleeve....

Weiss: Oh really?

Price only nods his head in response with a confident smirk of his own.

Weiss: What is it then?

Price: Watch.

Everyone turns to see Professor Goodwitch standing in-between Pyrrha and (Y/N). Pyrrha has Milo in its javelin form and Akouo resting on her back. (Y/N) has Heart in its revolver mode in his left hand and Soul in its katana mode in his right hand. The entire audience goes silent as Goodwitch gestures for everyone to be quiet.

Professor Goodwitch: This will be a simple sparring match. Whoever gets their aura down below 20% will be the winner. No ring outs. And please, try to keep the fighting on the stage only if you can....

Price: way that is going to be happening.

Bruce: The kid has his work cut out for him though, let's see how he handles himself.

(Y/N): So. Pyrrha. You ready for this?

Pyrrha: Indeed I am. Good luck to you.

(Y/N): Likewise.

(Y/N)'s POV

Professor Goodwitch: 3....2.....1....BEGIN!

(Play music here)

I fire a gravity dust round from Heart at the ground and fly straight for Pyrrha with Soul slashing down towards her. She pulls out her shield and blocks my slash attack before shoving me back to where I started. She charges in with Milo as I switch Heart to its katana mode. I block Pyrrha with both of my blades before both Heart and Soul get knocked out of my hands.

Before I knew it, I felt Milo slash me across the chest in rapid succession which I could tell was knocking down my aura. I activate my semblance and fly up out of the way before slamming myself straight down with all the force I could muster between my weight and the sudden change of gravity around us. I land on top of her landing a few quick punches in before grabbing Heart and Soul again.

As Pyrrha recovers, I quickly switch Heart and Soul to the gun modes and let loose a barrage of fire dust rounds at her. The first two of the six shots manage to land hits but the others were blocked by Akouo at the last second.

(Y/N): How's that for starters?

Pyrrha: I will give you one thing, even I did not see that last move coming.

(Y/N): Plenty more where that came from Sparty!

I then switch back to twin katanas only to be locked in a standoff with Pyrrha again. She performs a low kick which sweeps me off my feet and slams me back into the ground with the broad end of Akouo.

Pyrrha activates her semblance and now I have Milo, Heart, and Soul heading straight towards me. I throw my hand on the ground and increase the gravitational pull on the ground. Milo falls and impales itself into the ground but Heart and Soul are still coming at me. I begin flying in circles around her trying to shake her off of my trail but she has me locked on good. I then dive for the ground before pulling up at the last second. Heart and Soul impale themselves in the ground shortly after.

(Y/N): I knew I said no holds barred but I even I didn't think you could fully turn my own weapons against me.

Pyrrha smirks and switches Milo to its rifle mode and begins firing multiple rounds towards me. Thankfully I'm faster when I'm flying otherwise I would probably be in more trouble than I already am. I grab Heart and Soul again and zoom straight towards her. She raises Akouo up before I use my semblance to implant the shield into the ground with me landing another set of slashes on her right after. I push off of Akouo just as Pyrrha fires Milo again. The blast hits me point blank sending me back to the far side of the stage.

I slam into the wall behind me and land on my back. I get up to see Pyrrha charging at me with Milo now back in its Javelin mode. I jam Heart and Soul into the ground and alter the gravity field around us again. Pyrrha suddenly goes flying up towards the ceiling. I jump up to her after she lifts off and we both exchange two swift hits. Pyrrha nailing me in my leg and myself landing a punch into the gut. I fall and hit the ground dazed while Pyrrha kicks off the ceiling before landing back onto the stage next to me. I use my semblance again on our weapons and send them flying to the other end of the room. We both approach each other and begin the close combat end of the battle that Bruce suspected would go down. I'm just amazed it didn't happen sooner.

This goes on for a few minutes with neither of us gaining a significant advantage over the other. I jump back after blocking another punch. This is getting nowhere fast. I check the aura meters for the both us and we are dangerously close to the red. I had maybe 25% left and Pyrrha was at 35%..... That's it. I'm going to end this now.

I fly straight towards Pyrrha at full speed and manage to sneak in another punch. I grab Heart and Soul and and begin flying back along the ceiling for the finishing blow. I look back to see Pyrrha grab Milo and Akouo and begins to make a charge of her own. Time to put Brave Bird into play. I quickly descend with both blades held out in my hands. The fire dust loaded into Heart and Soul cause the blades to heat up and allow flames to surround them. I get level with the ground and Pyrrha. Pyrrha swings Milo and throws Akouo. As my blades make contact with her, I feel Milo and Akouo nail me from both sides. An explosion from the contact of Heart and Soul consumes us. We both go flying back into each side of the room.


I look up to see Pyrrha laying against the wall on the other side of the ring. I then glance to see everyone in the audience getting back up from either taking cover or being knocked to the ground by the shockwave from our explosion. I try to get up again but Goodwitch stops me.

Goodwitch: That is enough! The match is over!

I look around again to see my teammates running up to me. Callie is holding a water bottle and a first aid kit. Price and Bruce grab me on each side and hold me up.

(Y/N): Wh-Who won?

Bruce: Neither of you did.

(Y/N): What?!

Goodwitch: Mr. (L/N) and Ms. Nikos both have dropped their aura to dangerously low levels. With both sitting at the same amount. I am declaring this match a draw!

3rd POV

Price and Bruce lift a battered and bruised (Y/N) up. As they do so, (y/n) winces in pain.

Price: *smirks* Well chief, you didn't win but you certainly did put on quite the show.

(Y/N): How's...*grunts in pain*...Pyrrha doing?

STAR looks up to see team JNPR approaching them. Jaune is helping a tired Pyrrha stand up and walk slowly towards them.

Jaune: She's doing alright.

Pyrrha: (Y/N), I have to admit. That was the most fun I had in a fight in a long time. You really had me going there.

(Y/N): *smirks* Heh. You're pretty good yourself Sparty. You sure know how to keep someone on their toes.

Pyrrha: *smiles* I try.

(Y/N): I'm surprised we didn't break each other's aura in the end.

Pyrrha smiles nervously along with Price who starts quietly laughing. The rest of STAR and JNPR sweatdrop due to the information that has appeared on the screen above them.

(Y/N): What's so funny?

Bruce: Take a look at the monitor above us.

(Y/N) looks up to find both his and Pyrrha's aura meters showing 5%.

(Y/N): *shocked* Holy crap we went that far?

Price: Damn right you did!

Goodwitch dismisses the class and everyone begins filing out. Murmurs and numerous people whispering could be heard about the battle that just unfolded. STAR and JNPR turn around to find RWBY approaching them.


Blake: You guys really did not hold back.

(Y/N): I can't feel anything below my neck.....

Nora: Did Pyrrha break your legs?

(Y/N): No but she definitely got something.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry!

Everyone begins walking out of the classroom. Callie begins to help Bruce and Price get (Y/N) back to their room to rest.

Callie: Okay captain let's get you in bed so you ca----

Price: WAIITTT!!!!

Everyone stops walking and turns to him.

Price: What about the bet?!?

Yang: Oh yea that's right! We totally forgot!

Ruby: But....nobody won though. Goodwitch called it a draw.

Yang: Well Weiss cream, what do you think should happen?

Everyone turns to Weiss who only stares thoughtfully at (Y/N) who looked too tired to care about anything other than sleeping at the moment. A small smile creeps up onto her face before she gives the three teams their answer.

Weiss: Let's just say we'll owe each other a favor. Sound fair?

(Y/N) only responds by tiredly giving a thumbs up before Price and Bruce help him back to their room. Yang nudges Weiss a little bit giving her a smirk of her own.

Yang: Ya know Weiss, I'm sure (Y/N) wouldn't mind you being the maid that helps nurse him back to health....

Weiss' eyes widen with blush forming on her face before aggressively elbowing Yang in the ribs before running off. What she didn't realize however was that (y/n) was still barely awake and saw the little exchange between the W and Y of RWBY. A small blush creeps onto his face before passing out from exhaustion.


And that's a wrap for Volume 1! I think I'm getting better at writing these as time goes on. Next up is Volume 2 and boy...things really begin to pick up to steam.

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