I'll Love You from Afar...

By cocobutterkxsses

30.1K 822 688

A little boy walked up to the small girl, looking down. "Hi..." He felt a little embarrassed. "Hello!" the g... More

Throughout The Years (PROLOGUE)
Pre-Spidey Senses
Insecurities, Brat Pack, and May
Radioactive Tension
Red and Blue
An Old Project
Just A Typical School Day
Iron Father With His Not-So Iron Heart
A Holiday Filled Memory
An Unintentional Invitation
First Un-Official Mission
The Chitauri
Decathalon Travels
Bold of You To Assume
Michelle Knows All
Press Conferences for Dummies
Fuck You Parker
The Prompt of Realization
Beck and Call
Fathers Love
Say Your Goodbyes

Following Suit

1.2K 39 30
By cocobutterkxsses

A/N: I'm going to pop up with some chapters that are from Peter's perspective, this one is more of a filler chapter, but we will get more in-depth in the future.


"Pete? Pete. Peter!"

I opened my eyes to see Ned, MJ, and Y/N all staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You fell asleep, I wanted to wake you up," Y/N giggled, sticking her tongue out, I saw Michelle chuckle under her breath.

"Well that wasn't very nice of you," I yawned, stretching my arms out.

"Why are you so tired, man?" Ned asks while taking a bite out of his bologna sandwich.

"It's just because of the-"

"Stark Internship," Everyone said at the same time, finishing my sentence.

"I guess I say that a lot," I chuckled.

"You think? It's all you do now," I heard Y/N mumble.

"Hmm what was that?" I turned my head to face her, she was poking at her meatloaf that was, as perusal, covered in mashed potatoes. I forced her to get the meatloaf otherwise she would've just had potatoes running through her bloodstream. You'd think that living with the smartest man in the world would make her more aware of dietary health, but nope!

"Oh, nothing. Are you guys going to homecoming?" she looked up from her sad excuse of a lunch. "I'm still debating on whether I should go or not..."

"Peter and I are definitely going," Ned said with a grin on his face.

"We are?" I said picking up my milk carton to take a sip.

"Um hello? We gotta be our bachelor duo," he slides his hand through the air and bops his head a bit.

A/N: Did I explain that correctly? I was trying to describe the 'smooth sailing' gesture but- oh well.

"I don't know Ned, if I want to go to Homecoming it's because I want to go with someone this year. And besides, remember what happened last year when we decided to be 'bachelors'?" I set down the carton and crossed my arms raising an eyebrow.

Last year was when Ned started with this 'great' idea of being single at homecoming so that way we have a variety of people to dance with. Naturally, MJ and Y/N thought it was a stupid idea considering half the school would be going with dates. Instead of heeding the warning, I thought it was a great idea and somehow found myself in the girl's bathroom causing thirteen girls to attack me with makeup, shoes, and corsages. Needless to say, MJ and Y/N were rolling on the floor laughing while Ned gave me looks of sympathy. Boy did Flash have fun when he heard about that, he was constantly teasing me for a month about it. And something tells me he's going to recall this faithful event and I won't hear the end of it till the middle of February.

I was about to say something more when I heard someone start laughing, more specifically I heard Y/N laughing. Her sweet laugh, it sounds like, well... I don't know if this makes sense but if, honey, was a sound that would be her laugh. I've always loved her laugh. It soothed me to know she was happy, even if it was just to make fun of my freshman antics.

"Are you laughing at me?" I started chuckling softly, she was sitting in front of the window causing the light from outside to illuminate her. The sun reflected from behind her outlining her side profile, it made her look as though she was an angel from Heaven.




We all turned our heads to see Michelle with her camera squinting down at the photo she just took.

"Oh yeah. Definitely keeping that," She smiles to herself.

"Keeping what? What did you take a photo of?" Y/N leaned her head closer to MJ so she could see the photo.

"I took a photo of you dummy," she said with an unimpressed look as perusal. "The light coming from behind you made you look like a goddess!"

"You think so?" Y/N took the camera from MJ to look at the photo.

"Yeah, that or a Victoria Secret model," MJ chuckled at her joke.

"Aren't they the same thing?" Ned interjected, causing everyone to laugh. Y/N passed the camera to me so I could see the photo, she did look like some sort of goddess. It caused my stomach to feel weird but I didn't know why...


Here I am in this stupid English class with this stupid English teacher. I swear to God if he mentions the cleansing of our auras one more I will jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. I hate him so much, I don't know if it's the man bun or the fact that every girl in my class has pretty much fallen in love with him. Including Y/N, not as much as the other girls but I still see the blush on her cheeks when he expresses how much he loves her writing.

He hates me too. Ever since I got my 'glow up' (thanks to the spider) he's despised me. I suspect it's because he secretly loves all the attention from the teenage girls. Which is extremely concerning.

"Buddha is one of my favorite philosophers. I especially love his philosophy on love."

Ugh, there he goes again, trying to win the girl's hearts by talking about feelings. He's such a phony.

"Y/N, do you know any of Buddha's philosophies on love?" He made his way over to Y/N's desk and leaned against it. Y/N's head poked up from her notebook as she furrowed her eyebrows trying to think of something.

"Um... Well, he said that if you like a flower you pluck it. But when you love a flower," she paused, I turned my head back to my notebook unaware of her eyes on me, "when you love a flower you water it daily, one who understands this, understands..." she drifted away from the conversation.

"Yes?" The teacher asked, I turned my head back around towards Y/N.

"Life. One who understands this understands life," she said, clearing her throat and turning back to Mr. Man Bun. Then, Mr. Cleansed Aura turned to me, shooting me a menacing glare. Not surprising, but I wonder what I did. I've been intently listening this whole time, except for when I drifted off that one time thinking about Spider-Man. What is your problem Mr. Man-Whore?




I was packing up my backpack when Y/N walked up to my locker.

"I need you to come to the tower with me once you're done packing up," She said with crossed arms and a serious face. She's been in a weird mood today.

"Is Happy picking you up? I've been trying to reach him-"

"No, he's not, he's too busy right now," she cut me off.

"Busy? Busy with what?" I asked, shoving the last textbook into my bag.

"You got everything? Ok great, let's go," She says and pulls on my sleeve.

"Y/N what is this about?" I asked, hoping to get an answer this time.

"You'll find out when we get there," I groan.

"Not the answer I was looking for Y/N." She didn't say anything. "Hey what's been going on with you today?"

"Nothing..." she sighs.

"I know for a fact that's a lie, come on. What's up?" I asked walking out of the building next to her.

"My dad and I got into a fight last night," She finally said looking at the ground in shame.

"What was it about?"

"Not important, the important part is... I brought up Natasha and now we aren't exactly talking," she opened the door to the sleek black car that just pulled up. Y/N had never exactly been the same ever since the whole shebang with Captain America and Mr. Stark. I was involved in it but to this day I still barely know what happened. We both got into the black car and the window divider between the driver and back seat was closed. I wrapped my arms around her trying to comfort her.

"It's gonna be ok Bunny," I said, sliding my hand up and down her back. She stretched her arm around my neck snuggling her nose into the crook. I started calling her bunny in seventh grade, one boy in our class told her that she reminded him of a rabbit so the nickname 'bunny' has stuck ever since. She'd always get annoyed when I called her that casually especially in front of Ned and Michelle but when we're in more serious situations I think she takes a sense of comfort in it. We didn't notice that the window divider was sliding down.

"So y'all telling me you aren't dating?" The driver said, causing me to pull away from Y/N out of embarrassment.

"No, we've been best friends since we were five! That'd be like dating my sister," I laugh, the driver seemed disappointed that he hadn't come across some new drama.

"Right... sister..." Y/N sighed.


"So what is this all about Bunny?" I asked, throwing my bag on the bed.

"What did I tell you about calling me 'Bunny'?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh come on Y/N! It's just you and me it's not like MJ's gonna pop out screaming, 'OH MY GOD HE CALLS YOU BUNNY' and besides she'd just call you that for like a day and then immediately drop it," I chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. FRIDAY initiate Santa Protocol please."

"Yes Ms. Stark," The AI responded.

"What's the Santa Protocol?" I asked, just then a section of the floor started to open up revealing a staircase, "What the..." Y/N walked down the stairs motioning to me to follow. We climbed down the stairs entering a laboratory, with lights flashing and buzzing from different machines. "How long have you had this under your room?" I asked.

"About... 3 years?"

"You've had this place for three years and never told me?!" I was a little offended that she hadn't told me this the second she got it but she must've had a good reason for it.

"FRIDAY progress for this week please."

"Yes, Ms. Stark." Just then a capsule in the middle of the room began to light up revealing a white suit.

"What do you think?" She says, sticking her arms out to present it.

"Woah when did you have the time to do this?" I asked, walking up to the capsule to get a better look.

"Remember last year when you had that pathetic excuse for a suit?" I nodded, "Well that's when I started working on it,"

"Oh yeah, I remember you working on it at my house."

"Yeah well I stopped ever since, um, well you know..." she looked down at the ground for a split second, "but then last week I finished the project."

"Cool! Who's it for?" She gave me a blank stare blinking a few times. It only took me a few seconds to realize. "Oh no. No no no no no no NO."

"What do you mean 'no'?" She crossed her arms.

"You can't be a superhero!"

"And why not?" She asked.

"It is WAY too dangerous," I said, starting to raise my voice a bit.

"You do it!" She marched closer to me.

"That's different!" I said pointing a finger at her.

"How is it different? And get your fucking finger out of my face. I'm not a child," she slapped my hand out of her way. I had never seen Y/N so angry. "Tell me. How is it different?" I stayed silent trying to think of valid reasons that wouldn't offend her. But apparently, my silence annoyed her more. "I see. It's 'cause I'm a girl."

"What! No!" I yelled, insulted that she would even think that.

"Well, then why?" She crossed her arms waiting for an answer, but I couldn't think of anything. "You do realize I'm the one who trained you. I'm the one who taught you everything you know. I'm more skilled at combat than you will ever be. And I'm the one who helped you design your web-shooters," she took a minute to pause, "Just yesterday you said I was capable of anything and now I'd be putting myself in danger for helping people? News flash Peter! I'm in danger all the time just being Tony Stark's daughter, I live with the Avengers. Why do you think I started training with the world's most famous assassin at the age of ten? I'm not a damsel in distress, Peter, I'm not about that vibe and you of all people should know that" I shifted my weight to the other side of my leg and kept looking down at the ground. "I thought you would understand why I want to do this but I guess not." She turned on her heel retreating to her workbench.

"I'm sorry." I finally said she didn't look up from the table, "I- It's just I've lost too many people in my life that... the thought of losing you breaks me. I know that's not an excuse and I shouldn't have underestimated you," with that she started making her way back over to me. She uncrossed her arms and placed her hands on each side of my face rubbing the apples of my cheeks with her thumbs.

"You're never going to lose me," she finally said, lifting my head a bit to look into my eyes.

"You don't know that," I said looking back down at the ground, her hands moved from my cheeks to my shoulders.

"You're right I don't," She paused and wrapped me into a hug, "but I have a strong feeling that it won't happen." I hugged her back, and we stayed like that for a good 30 seconds.

"Well then, tell me about this suit," I chuckled.

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