[discontinued] Golden Days (S...

By cursed-version-of-me

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DISCONTINUED Sleepy Bois Inc+ Tubbo Fanfic This is just your casual fanfic about the sleepy bois (and Tubbo)... More

Little Flame [Chapter Two]
The Cookie Jar [Chapter Three]
The Escape [Chapter Four]
Orphaned Pig [Chapter Five]
Duckling [Chapter Six]
Icebreakers [Chapter Seven]
First Night [Chapter Eight]
Storms and Promises [Chapter Nine]
The Call [Chapter Ten]
...Shit [Chapter Eleven]
The Bunker [Chapter Twelve]
The Rat Colony [Chapter Thirteen]
Lies [Chapter Fourteen]
Snow [Chapter Fifteen]
Dark Nights [Chapter sixteen]
Cookie Test [Chapter Seventeen]
The Final Point of the Star [Chapter Eighteen]
This is Now [Chapter Nineteen]
No More Updates

Blaze of Dawn [Chapter One]

3.3K 109 91
By cursed-version-of-me

{Philza's POV}

Silence stretched out over the blanket of grass that ran between each tall tree of the forest. A feeling of calm before the storm circled within each dew drop resting upon the green blanket. Arms of the trees intertwined with one another, as if searching for warmth as the night began to slowly fade away. The smell of stars began to fade as the lovely scent of mist chased it away. The crickets fell silence as small birds took up the next chorus and they began to sing a reverse lullaby to the waking hills and the sleepy bushes. Small rodents slowly peeked their noses from the hole beneath the roots of trees and bushes, tasting the blooming flowers on the breeze.

In the center of this quiet forest, slowly singing awake with the choir of feathered bodies, sat a simple house. It was nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary. This house was two stories tall, with the second story smaller than the first, a deck making up for it's smaller size. The walls of this house were a little darker than the trees surrounding it, and many windows covered it all the way 'round. The roof of this house slowly pointed towards the sky and met at a peek at the very top, where a bird was perched, seeming to keep watch. Towards the back of the house was a porch of wood and logs, stretching out enough to hold a simple round table with a few chairs. Plants littered the edges of the deck, seeming to be well watered and looked after. Out of the front of the house stretched a lonley pathway which would slowly turn into a road if you followed it long enough. A small black car accopanied the house on it's side, almost looking as if it was sleeping under the shadows that the house casted as the world grew brighter.

Slowly, the sun rose over this house, casting its morning rays across the land as the light began to hug onto the world. The sky bursted into flames of crimson, gold, and peach, causing a warm and welcoming light to cover the roof of the house and the tops of the surrounding trees. A being inside of this house began to stir along with the rising sun, getting ready wake and go about his normal day, not knowing that his life was about to change- forever.

Despite how peaceful outside was with the birds tweeting about whatever is trending that day and the trees looking like every aestetic instagram page ever, the stir the man inside of the house got was very unexpected and frightaning.

The man was sleeping peacfully in the upstairs bedroom, his walls surrounded with posters from movies he watched or TV series he was into. His gray sheets were drapped over his light coco bedframe and his green and white hat rested on his bedside table. Everything was peaceful... until of course there came the sound of a crashing vase from downstairs.

The moment the sound of the screeching vase reached upstairs, the man shot up from his bed with wide eyes. He breathed quickly from the shock before looking around, wondering where that sound had come from. Perhaps his brain had made up that noise to wake him? Perhaps it came from outside?

CCRRRREEESHHHH!! -came the sound of another vase shattering all over the hard wood downstairs. Thats when the man knew he wasn't imagining it. He quickly swun his legs from under his bedsheets and he set his feet onto the soft carpet of his bedroom. He stood up and quickly slipped his feet into his slippers- which were white and had small rabbit ears at the end of it sticking up. In a few quick strides the man made it over to his door where he grabbed what looked like a cloak with a dark green trim. He slipped it on over his white night shirt and his gray night pants, and he quickly slipped out of his room.

Outside of his room he could hear the sound of something- or someone- moving about downstairs against the hard wood floors. He hesitated before he walked forward, away from his room. He slowly made his way over to his spiral staircase and he began to quietly sneak down them. His heart raced with fear that some drugged or crazed person had broken in and was armed and dangerious.

Calm down, Philza, he told himself silently within the relms of his own mind, A raccoon probably got in somehow and can't find it's way out... That will be an easy fix.

However as he reached the second to bottom step, the stair squeeked and he heard a small gasp echo from around the corner in the kitchen. Thats when the man- Philza- knew that this was no raccoon but a person. There was a sudden shuffling as it sounded like a panicked animal was trying to get away from a preditor hunting them.

Although Philza's heartrate had quickly increased as his fears seemed to be confirmed, he stayed strong and brave. There was no way he would let an intruder mess up the house he had worked so hard on! He quickly clentched his fists as he took the last few steps down his staircase and he quickly turned left towards the kitchen. He looked for a weapon to defend himself incase the person who broke in was armed or on something to make them violent, but he wasn't able to find anything so he supposed that he would just have to improvise once he got to the kitchen.

He turned the corner, ready to face whoever was there, but his fear and anger was quickly replaced with a confusion. He didn't see anyone in his kitchen, ready to strike. While he did see a few vases- one being the cookie jar and the other being a lemon line dracaena pot- shattered on the counter and on the ground, he couldn't see anybody there. He took a few steps closer, staring at the counter, notcing small smeers of dirt on the counter as if someone had climbed up onto it from outside.

Thats how they would have been able to reach the cookie jar... Philza noted as he looked around the kitchen once more. Perhaps it had been an animal? He peered at the cabnets above the counters before he looked down at the cabnets inside of the counter... and he noticed one was slightly ajar. He held his breath as he took a few steps back from it, knowing the intruder was in there. He shakily lifted a hand and set it on the cabnet door before quickly swinging it open and jumping back, bringing his fists up to protect himself in case whoever was hiding was about to spring out.

However, all he heard was a whimper and a squeak, and he put down his arms to see what was hiding within his pots and pans. The tensions in his shoulders released and his eyes widened as the intruder was not a raccoon or even someone who had a little too much to drink- not even some crazed dude on drugs... As when Philza peered into the cabnet all he saw was... a little boy.

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