The Vessel of Ra

By cathschaffstump

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Klaereon Scroll Series, #1 This story will also be published at Royal Road: More

Chapter One: The Apothecary
Chapter 2: The Newlyweds
Chapter 3: The Missing Binder
Chapter 4: The Borgias
Chapter 5: The Demon Khun
Chapter 6: The Errand Boy
Chapter 7: The Birthright
Chapter 8: The Accord
Chapter 9: The Sinners
Chapter 10: The Widow
Chapter 11: The Circle
Chapter 12: The Ritual
Chapter 13: The Unbound
Chapter 14: The Survivors
Chapter 15: The Efrit
Chapter 16: The Awakening
Chapter 17: The Father
Chapter 18: The Theft
Chapter 19: The Negotiation
Chapter 20: The Underworld
Chapter 21: The Exorcism
Chapter 23: The Sisters

Chapter 22: The Angel and the Sky

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By cathschaffstump

Carlo clutched at Lucy's fingers clamped down on his windpipe. He could not budge them. His head beat with pressure. Lucy's face transformed with Ra's cruel glee.

Drusus' hands sparked. Electricity shuddered through Lucy. Carlo's face went numb.

"Stop!" Lucy gasped.

"No," said Drusus. "By God, Ra, I will not allow you to take her!"

"Don't hurt me! Please, Drusus!"

Carlo peeled her hands away. "Not Lucy," Carlo croaked. "No emotions. Still Ra."

"Please, Drusus!" Lucy cried out. "Don't let Ra win!"

Carlo rolled away from Lucy, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"I... don't know what to do," said Drusus. Electricity arced in his hands. "There has to be some other way!"

Damn Isis. She knew Lucy could not hold Ra all along. "Yes," said Carlo. What was it, this other way?

A sand spray gusted from the temple, scrubbing rock to smoothness. Balthazar charged after the sand. "Errant gods return to exile," said the guardian. "Ra, you are inside your mistress, but she is now your prison. There is no escape for you and she will not bend to your will."

Lucy circled her hands, a ramrod of darkness moving toward Drusus. The electricity he held broadened into a wall. The dark force collided with the blue light, and Drusus flew backward in the concussion. He landed on one knee and skidded across the stone ruins. His eyes glowed.

She is mine now, Ra said.

"Lucia is the child of Bartholomew Klaereon and Calpurnia Julii," Balthazar said over the static and sizzle. "Her parents were potent, powerful sorcerers. You cannot triumph over her. Soon, Ra, you will be a memory."

Above them, the sky creaked and groaned. A woman's silhouette, made of the night above them, unfolded herself.

"Nuit!" Carlo knew no one had heard his terrified squeak.

Nuit's long arm plunged down and pressed Lucy to the ground.

Ra shouted, You are my subject, Nuit. I command you to stop!

Lucy became still. Nuit pulled her arm back, the sky groaning like a wooden bridge in the wind.

Carlo crawled toward his friend. "Lucy?"

"She is well," said Balthazar. "Ra's death throes were necessary, but they are over."

"Ra's dead?" asked Drusus.

"No," said Lucy, sitting up. "Ra is inside me."

"Is she safe?" Carlo asked.

"Much safer than Ra being allowed to do as he pleases." Balthazar scowled. "He should have been Banished. Your father has much to answer for."

"He has already answered for it," said Lucy. She stood, her bearing more like Isis's than her own. "Carlo, my apologies for strangling you. It won't happen again."

Carlo's mouth gaped open. He turned to the efrit. "Balthazar, how can we know she's safe?"

"There is no certainty."

Carlo stepped in front of Lucy. "I will not allow you to hurt her."

"My lady will not allow me to," said Balthazar. "Against my better judgment, I leave Lucy Klaereon to her fate."

"I will be responsible for her," said Drusus.

"No," said Carlo. "We will."

"You have protectors aplenty, Vessel of Ra," said Balthazar.

"I don't need them," said Lucy.

"You don't," said Balthazar. Carlo couldn't tell if he was serious or not. "Accepting them will make them feel useful to you."

Was it over, then? "Who is your lady?" asked Carlo. Was Balthazar referring to Nuit, imprisoned in the sky?

Lucy brushed sand off her red cloak, out of the feathers of her collar. "Where is Octavia? Khun?"

Balthazar ignored Carlo's question. "Since Caius Klaereon is dead, someone must take up the burden of the Solomon Scroll. It cannot be you. Let us see if it can be your sister. Octavia must have a proper Trial."


Octavia stumbled forward, feeling her way on her hands and knees. She was on a platform at the universe's edge, and she could not see where the universe ended. Fear stoppered her ears, as it had the last time she stood before the angel.

Where was Lucy? Did Ra possess her? How could she have let this happen? How many mistakes she had made!

"Pay attention to this moment," said a voice surrounding her. "We both have a second chance."

Above her, the giant angel expanded her wings, full of the night and stars. Octavia, huddling in Carlo's muddy jacket, reached toward the angel.

"I am not worthy to be here," she said, her voice trembling. "I have made so many mistakes. I want to do the right thing. I want to save my family. I will accept my responsibility and I will Bind Khun."

The angel's voice pierced through her like a trumpet. Octavia covered her ears with her hands, but could still hear the clear sound. A golden drop trailed down the angel's cheek and Octavia moved one hand to catch it, the shining bead which held her future.

Octavia swallowed it. She swelled with light, not the golden light of Ra, but something inside her, which swept away all her doubts. Octavia contemplated the angel's night wings. She wished she could stay forever, but she would have to find her way out. Three perfect feathers, soft and gray, fluttered down like autumn leaves. Octavia held them in her hands. There was absolute silence inside of her, no voices for the first time in her life. She did not need her father or Khun or Ra to maneuver her through the noise. She would fight Khun as she had promised, but not yet. She listened to her newfound peace.


Blue lightning sizzled around Drusus as he moved toward Balthazar. "Where is my wife?"

"My lady is giving Octavia her blessing."

"I have to go to her." Drusus stepped toward Balthazar, and the guardian stepped out of Drusus' path.

"Drusus Claudian, an Anchor will fetch the Binder from my lady. You are the sole person here who can act as an Anchor. You must go."

"I take Octavia to Khun?"

"Bring her back here. Khun will be waiting. When they battle, you will remind her of her humanity by keeping her rooted to this world. Then she will Bind Khun, or Khun will Bind her."

"What if she doesn't defeat Khun?" Drusus asked. "Have you considered that?"

"It is a possible outcome. If she fails, Lucy will kill her," said Balthazar.

"There are complexities," said Lucy. "I can't kill Octavia since she's—"

"There are no complexities where the Solomon Scroll is involved. As you are no longer under Erasmus' contract or a Binder, I concede you would not have to kill her. That duty would fall to me."

"She won't lose," said Drusus. Carlo thought he was convincing himself. "She was tricked before. She won't lose this time."

"In the service of Solomon, I have seen many things." Balthazar swept an arm toward the temple.

"Which reminds me," said Carlo. He pulled the rolled paper from his jacket pocket. "Solomon's Scroll. Good riddance."

"Thank you, Carlo Borgia. You are more human than demon after all."

"That wasn't offensive," said Carlo. "Not at all."

Balthazar pinched the scroll between thumb and forefinger. "Where is the case?"

Carlo raised his hand, revealing the embedded shards of bone. "You'll have to get a new one."

"My apologies," said Lucy. "I should have done this before." She took Carlo's hands. The bone shards floated away from Carlo's palm, levitating in the air. Carlo swallowed fiery pain as his flesh re-knitted itself.

Lucy mended the bone case, shards filling in like a puzzle where they could, small gaps where they couldn't. "Pieces are missing, Balthazar," Lucy said. "You will have to mend it."

"There is no shortage of material in the temple," said Balthazar. "Drusus Claudian, go to your wife. Until this Trial is settled, there is no Binder to take charge of Solomon's Scroll. Nuit will come down from the sky looking to fight a new challenger unless order is restored."

How could Balthazar be so calm about Nuit climbing down to fight a new challenger? Carlo visualized the enormous giant climbing down from the sky. "Balthazar, why can't you take charge of the scroll? It's dangerous. No one needs it."

"I agree," said Lucy. "There is no reason for these demons to be free."

"If they can earn their freedom, they should be free. It is through Solomon's Scroll and trafficking with good men like Erasmus Klaereon that the demons have a chance to redeem themselves. Someday, one Binder will find the solution and the gods will be set free, redeemed, safe to walk the world with instead of over mankind, wiser in their understanding."

"These creatures will never change," said Lucy. "Look what they've done to my family."

"Exactly how the Egyptians justified mistreating your kind, Lucia Klaereon. They say mankind must be protected from itself."

"They don't deserve a chance." Lucy turned her attention elsewhere. "Come on, Drusus. We have to go to Octavia."

"Your Trial is forfeit." Balthazar's skin glowed. He would stop her. "You are unfit to see my lady."

"I can walk Drusus there, can't I? Carlo, keep watch."

"I understand," said Carlo. He couldn't negate Paolo Borgia from the equation yet. His grandfather couldn't be trusted, and no one knew where he'd ended up after Balthazar had summoned them from the scroll room.

Lucy seemed to read his mind. "I will give Paolo Borgia what he justly deserves."

"I have sent him back to Venezia," said Balthazar. "He is neither needed nor wanted here."

"You saved his life," she said. When the guardian made no reply, she and Drusus turned away to enter the temple.


Lucy and Drusus followed cloven footprints down the dusty ramp until they found Khun leaning against a wall, cleaning dirt from under his long nails.

"Hello, husband," Khun said. "She's waiting for you."

"You shouldn't be here," said Drusus. "You should be preparing to fight her."

"There's not much preparation," said Khun. "I will not fight her. She'll win and I'll be subject to her will."

"You won't try to Bind her?"

"I would never harm Octavia unless she wished it. She will Bind me. I hope she doesn't decide to Banish me for our past mistakes."

"I hope she does Banish you," said Drusus. "It's what you deserve."

"That would be convenient for you." Khun smiled with jagged, feral teeth. "What will you do if she chooses me over you?"

"She won't," said Lucy. "After Ra, Octavia will never be controlled again willingly."

"Ra has nothing to do with it. The angel will take away the voices inside her head. She wanted me to cure her. All I could do was distract from her pain. Now she will be able to stand on her own." Khun straightened. "Solomon lied to us. I thought equality was the path to freedom for us both."

"You were wrong," said Lucy.

"We couldn't change the rules. Nor can you, Lucia. I pity what must be coming."

"We've wasted enough time talking," said Drusus. "Lucy?" They began down the passage, Drusus' fist shining with energy to light their way.

"Claudian?" Khun's voice echoed after them. "I give her into your hands. However repulsive you find the idea, never doubt I loved her."

Lucy walked with Drusus in silence for some time.

"I am glad you are alive," said Drusus. "Although the cost is high for you."

"I am more resilient than you guess," said Lucy. "All will be well."

"Can you be sure?"

"I have Ra. There is nothing to worry about. He will never hurt Octavia again."

"Or you?"


"Lucy, about what happened in Venice. I didn't mean to make you think..."

"Nothing happened in Venice. You showed me kindness and I thought you loved me. I understand evidence does not point in that direction. Don't worry. I don't love you and I expect nothing from you."

"You're not the same."

"No. I am not the same. Octavia will not be the same either." Lucy stopped. "Drusus, I need to know you will stay with her."

"Octavia needs more help than I can give her. I will stay her husband, but she killed your father, Lucy."

"Yes. You should blame Ra."

"I can't."

"You must. She needs you, and she will be different. You'll see. Our curses are cured with the angel. Octavia is a new woman."

Drusus' jaw set. "The things she has done remain."

"Let the past be the past. Look to the future." Lucy took Drusus' hand. "Before you go, I must tell you something else. It complicates matters."

"Afterward, Lucy. I believe we are here."

A blue energy portal mixed with silver streaks blocked the passage. Lucy stepped away from it, as far as the wall would let her. "Octavia's on the other side," she said. Lucy could feel the angel. Ra, inside of her, squirmed. "Bring her back to us." Lucy kissed him on the cheek. "Take care of her, Drusus. Take care of yourself."

Drusus slid through the portal.

Lucy hoped for the best and ran away from the portal into the darkness.


Octavia realized Drusus was standing beside her, but she wasn't aware for how long. He was filthy, covered with earth and sand, sleeves shredded, hair plastered and unkempt. She had never found him more beautiful. "You came for me. You are my Anchor."

"I am the only one here able to perform the office."

They both spoke at the same time.

"I want to apologize—"

"I am sorry."

Octavia put a finger on his lips. "Let me apologize first, please."

Drusus turned a palm up in concession.

"I know all the things you said to me at Mistraldol were true. You do love me, I know. I am not worthy of your love. My life will be different from this point forward, but I remain responsible for the things I have done. If you want to return to your family, to divorce, I understand."

"Lucy says you are cured?"

"I no longer hear voices inside my head." She smiled. "I am alone. Happily, blissfully alone. I can't pretend my life will be carefree from this point, but I have a new place to start from." Octavia took his hand. "Do you think you could consider starting again?"

Drusus kissed her hand. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I think we are strangers again. I will not mislead you with promises I cannot keep. Let me serve you now and then let us see what follows."

Octavia leaned her head on his shoulder. "Thank you."


"Lucy has imprisoned Ra."

"She is safe?"

"We think so. Carlo and I promised Balthazar we will look after her, as will you when this Trial is over. Now, you have a demon to fight, do you not? Time is of the essence."

Carlo started each time he heard a noise from above the temple. "Balthazar, is this Trial going to take place? We are running out of time."

"You are right."

Khun emerged from underground, his attention drawn upward to Nuit. "We will be cutting matters close," he said. Carlo heard the excitement in his voice.

"The demon arrives," Balthazar announced. "Is your Binder prepared?"

"She will be along," said Khun.

"You must take your position," said Balthazar. "Time grows short."

Khun kicked at the ground. "I intend to lose," said Khun. "Going through the Trial is foolish."

"The form matters as much as the substance," said Balthazar. "Your mistakes should have taught you that."

There was an enormous wrench from the sky, the universe tipping on its end. Carlo's stomach flipped. He could see blank space around the sky as the woman's silhouette reformed. The universe cracked, and one of Nuit's legs stretched to the ground.

Lucy stopped by Carlo, breathless. "We are too late," she gasped.

Balthazar's skin blazed. "There will not be time for Octavia's Trial. None of you are protected here. Neither Klaereon sister is Bound to a demon. The contract Erasmus made with Nuit is void, as his progeny have failed. This night, Nuit will climb down from the sky to fight again, to forge a new alliance. You must all go."

"I can't leave without Octavia," said Lucy. "Not after all this."

Nuit stood, towering above the ruins of the temple. Carlo gaped at the empty sky. "What can we do?" His voice quivered.

"Our only option is to fight." Khun crouched, his eyes excited.

"Nuit"—Lucy waved her arms at the giant –"there is no need. The contract with Erasmus remains."

Nuit's voice echoed from the white space. "The contract with Erasmus Klaereon is broken. I will fight the next challenger. There are two magicians here. They will fight or die."

"No." Octavia raced from the temple, Drusus close on her heels. "The contract is not broken! I am here."

Nuit plucked Octavia from the ground and gazed at her with eyes of moonlight. "You have been tested and failed to choose. You are unworthy of guarding Solomon's Scroll."

"Put her down!" Drusus yelled. He shot a lightning bolt at the giant hand. "You can't have her."

Khun launched himself at the hand holding Octavia. Nuit slapped the god away with her other hand, and he smashed into the stone pillar of the temple ruins, his body thumping like a bag of flour. Blood smeared the pillar as he slid to the bottom.

"No! Khun!" The red tie between Octavia and Khun flared, then faded away.

"What happened?" Lucy yelled to Balthazar.

"Nuit has slain Khun."

"We can't kill our demons."

"You can't, but gods can kill other gods."

Drusus levitated. He sparked Nuit's hand, sending a white flare through it. Nuit's fingers opened, and Octavia fell. Lucy grew Ra's wings and caught her, flying to the ground. Octavia ran from Lucy, toward Drusus and Nuit.

Nuit grabbed Drusus. Her fist closed over him, lightning and electricity flashing, illuminating it like a summer storm. Then she opened her palm and Drusus, a broken puppet, fell to the ground.

Lucy yelled into the howling noise, "Nuit, listen to me! There is a Binder here. He is not born yet, but he is here!"

Balthazar smiled savagely. "She is right. I am a fool. An untested, innocent Binder. The contract with Erasmus remains."

"No demon has claimed this unborn baby. There is no Binder here, no worthy descendant of Erasmus." Nuit's dark hand sparkled toward Lucy.

"I claim this Binder!" Thoth raced from the temple tunnel. "I see his life. He is mine. Let me test him."

"How can Thoth be here?" said Lucy.

A silver thread connected Thoth and Octavia. Not really Octavia, but the baby, Carlo thought. The baby allows Thoth to be here.

"I choose this child," said Thoth. "He is mine."

"The contract holds. The scroll is in trust. Nuit!" Balthazar grew closer to the blank sky, closer to the goddess. "Back to your place!"

Nuit's voice choked over and over. The goddess was sobbing. Carlo was no longer terrified. His heart was breaking. He swallowed, crying with her as she folded herself back into the white space and the protesting noise of her movements became the quiet whisper of desert sand.

Lucy took Carlo's hand in her own. Carlo sniffed. "How did you know about the baby?" Carlo asked Lucy.

"When I removed Ra from Octavia, I could not help but notice. A boy. Drusus' son. No demon about him."

Octavia sobbed by Drusus. "Please don't leave me. Not now. I'm so sorry."

Lucy walked toward Octavia. "I cannot allow this. I need him."

Carlo followed Lucy as she ran to her sister. He winced at what he saw. Drusus' limbs were all at the wrong angles and his breath was shallow.

"You will be fine," Carlo said. He had no clever trick to help here.

"Your grandfather is a much better liar." Drusus' breathing was labored. "I need you to promise me you will help them. You have proven to be our best friend."

"Of course," said Carlo. "I promise."


"Yes, Drusus."

"We have a son. Take good care of our son."

"I will. I love you."

Drusus closed his eyes. His chest was still.

Lucy's blank face made her pronouncement more frightening. "As I said, you gods sow nothing but grief. I will not let this pass!"

Carlo shivered. "Lucy, he's dead."

"So he is. And Khun. His brains coat that pillar. I won't let these gods win."

Octavia's face was streaked with tears. "What are you going to do?"

"Give your child a father."

A lash of blood brought Khun's body toward Lucy. "I need you, Khun."

Carlo looked away. Octavia moved toward Lucy, but he caught Octavia's hand. "Don't," he said. "Don't. Look away."

From behind them they could hear slashing and merging and a wet, clayish sound. After a time, the sounds stopped. Carlo turned with caution.

Someone new lay on the groundinstead of Drusus, instead of Khun. "The father of your child," Lucy said. Shewalked away from the stone ruins.

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