The Silver Paladin

By Rubyrose645

281K 5.7K 1.2K

I remember nothing of my past, but when I look up at the sky, I felt like I belonged somewhere other than her... More

The first meeting
The Beginning
The Blue Lion
Today, We Are Paladins
The Rise of Voltron
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
First Battle
Fall of the Castle of Lions
Tears of Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Balmera
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
This Can't Be.....
Shiro's Escape
Greening the Cube
Killer Cube
The Eye of the Storm
Escaping the Storm
Ark of Taujeer
Ark of Taujeer pt. 2
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
Escape from Beta Traz
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Time to Fight
Changing of the Guard
Red Paladin
New Roles
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Alternate Reality
Track a Comet
Tailing a Comet
Lellal's Tale
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
The Light: A New Discovery
Black Site
The Clans
Hello Grandfather
The Battle begins
The Light
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
The White Lion
White Lion Pt. 2
Omega Shield
The Colony
Black Paladins
All Good Things
Defender of All Universes
Past Memories
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Journey Within
The Last Stand pt. 1
The Last Stand pt. 2
The Last Stand Pt. 3
Know Your Enemy
Our First Step
Heart of the Lion
Trial By Fire
Lion's Pride pt. 1
Lion's Pride pt 2
Lion's Pride pt. 3
The Aftermath
Launch Date
Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
The Genesis
Day Forty-seven
Day Forty-seven Pt. 2
Clear Day
Knights of Light pt.1
Knights of Light Pt. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The Last Time I Make You Cry
To Wait
Years Passed....
The Dawn of a New Beginning
Our Final Light

Knights of Light pt. 3

1K 23 6
By Rubyrose645


We were flung through Honerva's mind, and as we traveled through, I could feel Honerva's energy grow even colder than before.

We landed quickly on broken ground, torn and ripped from the once smooth surface prior to whatever caused this destructive surface. As we looked up out at the surroundings, we were all surprised to see nothing but destroyed landscapes and darkness.

"Whoa." Hunk gasped, "Wait, where are we?"

"On Daibazaal." Alfor answered. We looked over the cliff edge in front of us and saw a large city glowing with purple light, unscathed and untouched.

"It's pristine." Gyrgan commented as he stared out at the city below, "Last we were here, all was decimated."

"The landscapes of her mind must be made up of places from her past." Allura hypothesized.

"Wait, hold up." Lance interjected, "If all of this is a big, old Honerva thought bubble, then wouldn't she know we're here?"

"About 20 years ago, the Garrison was able to map the human brain." Pidge said, "They used a central metatronic reactor to read the thera-magnetic wave signatures of each of the subjects."

"Get to the point, Pidge." Lance said annoyed and impatient.

"A person's mind is an endless landscape of constantly shifting thoughts and ideas." Pidge summed up, "We must be hidden in the chaos."

"Do you know this for sure, or is this just a theory?" Keith asked.

"Well, it's a theory, but if Honerva finds out we're in her mind, I have a feeling we'll know about it."

"I think it's kind of like when we were doing that mind meld training back at the castle." I said, "We're the therma-magnetic wave signatures running Honerva's mind right now. In a spiritual form, of course. Ans right now, everything is cold."

"What do you sense?" Alfor asked.

"It's.... It's difficult to explain, but... it feels almost as if she's trapped, warped and twisted within her own mind." I said.

I didn't know whether I should tell them about Honerva's good side. It might make things more complicated than they already are.

"Allura, Saoirse, where should we go next?" Keith asked, breaking the two of us out of our thoughts.

Allura and I looked around and sensed the darkness of the entity. We turned around saw a large palace standing on top of a nearby cliff.

"The entity wants us to enter the palace." Allura answered.

My body began to shake, the tremors increasing the closer we got to the palace. It was so cold.

When we made it to the palace doors after much climbing. I kept my eyes on the palace, the darkness continuing to riddle my body with a cold sensation. But there was also a gripping feeling in my chest.

I looked over at Allura, whose attention was focused solely on the palace gates. I took her hand in mine and we went closer to the doors. We raised our hands towards the dark palace before Alfor walked up to us and forced our hands down.

"Allura, Saoirse, please listen to me." Alfor begged, "Alteans are life-givers. And Teshirians are the most powerful of all races. The entity you two possess is a dark, ancient evil. It is not the key to winning this war."

"I understand your concern," Allura said, "but the entity granted us access to Honerva's mind. Without it, your spirit would still be cursed."

"If you're looking for real power, the ability to become a true Altean Alchemist, there is a place where you can train."

Allura looked down in sadness, remembering the events that occurred in Oriande. From our first encounter, to the death of the Guardian. I remembered it well. And there was still an emptiness from where the White Lion was connected to me.

"Oriande." I said, "Allura and I went there a while back."

"Both of you were in Oriande?" Alfor asked shocked.

I nodded, "I was pulled into Oriande and connected spiritually to the guardian, while Allura passed its trials."

"That's wonderful news." Alfor said happily, "Both of you were able to gain the power of Oriande."

"It isn't enough. That is why I must learn another method. The entity will guide us toward the answers we seek." Allura said.

"But at what cost?" Allura stopped when she heard her father's question.

I already knew the cost of saving the universe. But that was my burden to bear. I couldn't let Allura take that weight upon her shoulders.

All of a sudden, the ground began to shake and a large orb of energy crashed through the door, sending it flying towards us

I fell next to Keith as the orb whipped around and tried to hit us again. However, when I looked up to see what was attacking us, I noticed that the orb seemed familiar.

We didn't have anymore time to think when the floor began to crack. I felt the surface beneath me give way and soon found myself falling into dark space. Just then, I heard my Lion. She snarled loudly with the other Lions as the orb returned to its resting place.

I felt my pilot's seat materialize beneath me, allowing me to sit down and grab my controls.

We followed the orb back to its original place and our eyes were wide open in shock when we saw one of our first enemies.

"Where'd that thing come from?" Lance exclaimed.

"Guys, it's the monster from Arus!" Hunk shouted.

"Form Voltron!" Keith ordered. We did as told and formed our parts of Voltron, me giving extra power so that we would be able to fight better than the last time we faced this monster.

"Wait, where are the original paladins?" Hunk asked. I quickly looked around any of the original paladins.

The beast reeled its arm back and threw the orb at us. We flew up higher, trying to dodge the orb, but instead of us evading it, the orb followed our every move. It moved around too fast for us to make defense, hitting us in our most vulnerable places.

I bit my tongue so I wouldn't shout in pain from the attacks and worry everyone. We had enough to worry about.

Just then, as the orb moved back to its normal position, it split into three separate orbs spinning around the base of the weapon.

"What the heck was that?" Keith asked, just as shocked as the rest of us.

"He couldn't do that the last time we fought him!" Hunk shouted.

"This is Honerva's mind! Anything can happen." Pidge said.

"Wait, does this mean she knows we're here?" Lance asked.

"It's possible." I said.

"It appears she has guardians to protect her thoughts and memories." Allura said.

The beast in front of us spun its weapon around, then threw the three orbs at us. We summoned our shield and blocked the attacks, but it could only do so much.

We all shouted in pain as the orbs hit and the shield was destroyed. I panted heavily as we stayed in that helpless position, when all of a sudden, I felt my body freeze, followed by a burning sensation filling my chest.

Then, the feeling got more intense, as the Lions began to grow stronger.

"We are with you, child of Light." Multiple powerful voices said to me, all of them unfamiliar to me.

"The original Paladins, they're still with us!" Allura shouted thrusting her control handles forward.

The rest of us did the same, except for Keith. But as I thrust my controls forward, I felt several hands on my shoulders and hands.

I turned to see who was there, and only saw white shadows. I could feel as if those white  shadows were smiling at me. As quickly as they came, they turned into white whisps of mist, traveling down my hands and into my Lion.

From each lion came a new duplicate, which flew towards the beast and attacked. However, from me, another version of me appeared. This me seemed to be more powerful, covered in silver armor with pure white hair flowing in a high ponytail.

"What the heck is that?" Lance asked.

"Is that, Saoirse?" Allura asked.

"Saoirse, what are you doing out there?" Keith asked.

"I'm still inside my cockpit." I said, "That me is.... different. I can feel her energy. It's as if... she's more than one person."

"That is correct, dear child." The voices said, "We are the voices of the ones who came before you. We are the voices of the previous keepers of the Light of Teshiria."

"What are you talking about?" I asked quietly, but got no answer.

"Voltron, keep going. We'll hold off the beast." Alfor said, firing as laser at the beast and taking our attention away from the second me.

"Thanks for the help, Paladins." Keith said.

"But where do we go?" Lance asked.

"Allura, Saoirse, any ideas?" Keith asked.

Allura and I closed our eyes and concentrated. All of a sudden, a large wormhole nearby. It was brighter than any star and we could all tell that that was our way out.

"Yes. I know what we must do. Are you with me, Saoirse?" Allura asked.

"Always." I replied.

We activated our sword and flew towards the shining, white wormhole. With all of our strength, we struck the wormhole.

We slashed it further open and a bright light washed over us. In an instant, we were covered in that same white light.

When we opened our eyes, we were standing in a new part of Honerva's mind. A place that we had only seen for a moment, but could never forget: the temple of Oriande.

Allura gasped in fear when she saw the white temple, her eyes never leaving it for a moment.

"Is everyone okay?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm good." Hunk replied.

"Yeah, I'm all right." Pidge said.

"Just a bit shaken." Allura said with panting breaths.

"I'm fine, too." I said.

"What the heck just happened?" Lance asked.

"These are traps, just like that monster." Pidge explained, "They're fail-safes Honerva us using to protect her secrets from any unwanted intruders-- us."

"What?" Hunk asked confused, "I thought the entity was supposed to be helping us."

"I'm not so sure it works that way, Hunk." I said glaring at the temple with the sense of Honerva's energy emanating from it.

"It's pulling us back to its source." Allura answered, "Unfortunately, that source is being protected."

"Great, so the thing that is guiding us might get us killed." Lance sighed.

Allura focused gaze on the dark opening to the temple. The dark entryway to the source of Honerva's dakr flame.

"What we're looking for is in there." She said.

We walked down the dark hallway. With every step I took, I could feel my heart beat faster when I sensed Honerva's energy. That dark sickening feeling that could make even the most peaceful creature go mad.

We walked along down the hall for what felt like hours, until we were surrounded by light once again. When it died down, nothing was around us.

Barely anything was living in this part of Honerva's mind. We stood on broken and cracked sections of earth, dark clouds roared over our heads with thunder and lightning shooting down to the ground.

Suddenly, in the sky, the bolts of lightning lit up images in the dark clouds.

We heard a little girl laughing and saw her running with an older woman. Honvera's flame jumped and flickered when the image appeared.

They were smiling and laughing, their joyful noises echoing in the darkened sky. She was so happy and our back then.

"Honerva." Keith said as the thunder boomed in the distance. The lightning flashed and new images appeared.

Honerva was younger, not too much older than all of us. She smiled at a floating rock in her hands as a younger King Alfor sat beside her, smiling at the amazing work she had done.

"Father." Allura whispered, "These must be her memories."

The lightning flashed again, sending new memories rolling across the sky. She was smiling in the memory of her getting an award of some kind.

We saw her meet Zarkon and research with him on the space-time rift on Daibazaal.

The day she and Zarkon were wed.

When she found the first entity and placed it in quarantine.

The day she met my parents and me as a baby. She actually looked happy smiling at my once happy family.

Suddenly, her energy turned darker than before and flickered wildly in anger and chaos.

Then, the worst memory came flashing in front of us.

The old Yellow Paladin, Gyrgan, was fighting against the Galra drones on Altea. Alteans fleeing the planet in panic and fear. The fires of the mass destruction raging in the background as people screamed for help and mercy.

Blaytz screamed as he was shot in the back while Trigal struck one of the drones straight through with her spear.

She ran to help Blaytz and Gyrgan, but as she was helping Blaytz to his feet, they looked up and saw their enemy.

Zarkon, corrupted and dark, stood in front of then with his menacing yellow glowing eyes.

"Where are the Lions?" He asked.

"They've been destroyed." Blaytz answered weakly.

"You dare lie to me?" Zarkon said angrily.

"It's the truth." Trigal said standing up with Blatz, "You'll never see your Lion again."

"Neither will you." Zarkon stepped aside, allowing us to see Honerva as the witch Haggar.

Her head was held low, not showing her face. The Paladins were shocked, barely being able to move as Haggar lifted her arm and struck them down without hesitation. In an instant, they were gone, trapped in the darkness for hundreds of years to follow.

The images faded and I felt tears run down my cheeks as I fell to my knees. Keith looked down at my crumpled form and knelt down beside me, placing his hands on my shoulders to comfort me. But it didn't help much.

"She... She killed them." Pidge said, softly in shock.

"What she did to them was terrible." Hunk added.

Allura sniffed and held back whatever tears she could, but the emotions she had swirl inside of her... they would let the tears disappear.

"I always assumed they sacrificed themselves, but I-- I didn't realize what that entailed." She said.

"That's how the original Paladins ended up trapped here. She took their Quintessence, trapped their minds in her consciousness. It drove them mad." Pidge said sadly.

"He was the leader of Voltron." Keith said, "And he just turned on them."

Just then, another bolt of lightning struck the ground, presenting another memory.

Alfor was standing in front of Zarkon and Haggar, sword in hand, ready to fight.

"Where are the angels?" Zarkon demanded an answer.

"You won't get them!" Alfor shouted, "Nor will you get the Lions of Voltron!"

"I will find those angels, and when I do, I'll suck them dry of their power." Zarkon promised. The memory ended after we saw the Silver Lion fly away.

All I could do was stare, just as the rest of my friends did.

"He wanted me and my mother... from the start. He wanted to drain us of our power. And she helped him." I whispered, the tears still falling down my cheeks.

"He really was a monster." Pidge said, not liking the fact that I was crying.

"This is why we must destroy Honerva." Allura said with a dangerous tone in her voice.

My body went stiff when I felt dark energy gather near Allura. I looked up and saw Allura looking down at her darkened hand. It was covered in a dark aura, the darkness trying be let out.

"Allura, please." Lance said desperately, "What we just saw, it was all because of the entity. The same one that's inside you and Saoirse. You both need to get rid of it."

"If Allura and Saoirse lose the entity, then we lose our connection to Honvera." Keith said, making a point, but he sounded quilty for having me continue to feel this darkness.

I stood up and held Allura's hand. She looked at me, seeing ths sweat dripping from my brow. But I smiled.

"I'll help you with the entity, Allura." I said softly.

She looked surprised, but nodded and thanked me for my help. We closed our eyes and focused on the entity. Whay I didn't see were my Teshirian marks glowing, but in a dark purple color.

Just then, we were covered in light again and sent to another part of Honerva's mind. We opened our eyes and found ourselves in a strange place. It was dark, illuminated only by the vine-like strands twisting and hanging from all around us.

"Now where are we?" Hunk asked.

Keith pushed Hunk aside and summoned his bayard.

"Stand back." He said, raising his sword and cutting one of the vines. In an instant, images appeared in our heads once again.

It was Honerva standing on the Altean colony. Then, her with the Altean girl, Luca from the first Altean Robeast we had found on Earth. And finally, when she arrived in Oriande.

We staggered back as the memories faded from our minds. We were close.

"The deeper we get into her mind, the more recent the memories." Pidge concluded.

"Good." Allura said activating her own Bayard. She sliced another set of vines, setting off another chain of memories from more recent times.

The resurrection of Lotor from our battle on Oriande. Honerva standing in front of Lotor's beast, but something was off about this memory.

"Lotor," she said as the memory changed to her staring at a dead Lotor inside his machine.

"We'll all be together again, soon." I sensed loss.

When the memories ended, we were forced into another part of Honerva's mind. It was blank, white with no end or beginning. Just us standing in the bright space.

"Pidge, any idea what part of her brain we're in now?" Hunk asked.

"No, I'm not sure." She answered.

Suddenly, a strained voice echoed around us, bouncing from one end to the other.

"Wait... Voltron." My eyes widened at the familiar tone. It was Honerva! Suddenly, she yelled, shouting so loud that we all fell to our knees from the painful cry.

"My son... I will find you." Honerva said. "This flame represents Lotor.... Son, I will find you.... The end for anyone who dares oppose me."

"Keith, grab my hand." Allura said, stretching out her hand for Keith to grab. Keith reached out his hand and grabbed Allura's, a soft blue glow enveloping him.

"Saoirse!" He shouted. I knew what to do and grabbed his hand, immediately I felt some relief.

"Hunk, take my hand!" I shouted as he grabbed my hand.

"Everyone, feel the energy of the entity within you." Allura said, "Don't fight it. Let it guide you!"

I didn't fight the darkness and let the entity lead me.

My eyes fluttered open, taking in the strange pink color of a flower I had never seen before.

"Oh, boy." I heard Hunk groan as he sat up. I groaned too, getting up to my feet and looking around at our surroundings. My mouth was wide open, taking in the mountain range in the distance.

The field was covered in pink flowers. And the sky was painted in beautiful shades of the sunset. But the nearby moon was strange.

"Altea!" Allura gasped, "It looks different."

"This must be the way Honerva remembers it." Pidge said, "It must be a place she holds dear. We should be close."

Lance sighed, "I wonder what kind of weird, freaky thing is gonna attack us here."

Lance was answered when we shouted at the sudden arrival of a large object crashing into the surface behind us.

I looked up when the dust cleared and turned around to witness a horrifying sight.

It was Zarkon's mechanical armor, its glowing eyes glaring at us from above.

"Ah! Does that answer your question?" Hunk shouted.

"Find safety! I'll distract it!" Keith shouted, surprising all of us.

"What? No way!" Lance denided.

"Just go!" He shouted. Everyone did as they were told, but I stayed close behind Keith.

Keith took a deep breath and ran to Zarkon's armor.

"You were their leader!" Keith shouted, "They trusted you, and you betrayed them! You don't deserve the Black Lion!"

The beast in front of him swung his sword down to destroy Keith, but just as the blade was about to hit its mark, a bright light engulfed Keith.

The sounds of a roaring lions echoed in our ears. I felt Silver form around me as I held out my hands to the forming controls. I kept a tight grip on the controls as the other Voltron Lions appeared.

We knew what had to be done. I felt a flame inside of this beast. I twisted flame. A corrupted flame that needed to be saved. It was almost like when I was fighting my father in the void.

We formed Voltron and stood head to head with Zarkon, ready to fight once again.

Zarkon launched his whip, but we raised our arms and blocked it. We tried to fly away into the air, but the whip wrapped around Voltron's waist and shot electricity through our systems.

We shouted and groaned in pain as the electricity continued to course through our bodies

"Hunk, shoulder cannon!" Keith shouted through his pain.

"I can't! Ah!" Hunk screamed. Voltron was brought down to its knees, the pain becoming too much for us. But just then, a ray of light appeared above us, releasing us from the whip's grasp.

I watched as the light dimmed, forming transparent versions of our Lions, standing tall and strong in front of us. The lions roared and Voltron's power grew

We were lifted up into the air, a bright glow emanating from us as the other lions merged with us.

I felt Voltron's power rise exponentially, its flame bursting with so much energy. I pushed my flames in into Voltron and the results were incredible.

An Altean circle appeared in front of us forming a powerful beam of light, shooting Zarkon directly and weakening him greatly from the direct hit.

When Zarkon was down, we took our chance.

"Form Sword!"

The Red and Green Lions collided and formed the sword. We raced to Zarkon and didn't hesitate to strike him down.

It was over in an instant and in a flash of light, Zarkon was gone, and his armor was fading. But in its place, the Black Lion appeared.

Uh... guys?" Pidge said shakily.

We looked down and saw the last bit of the light forming the previous Black Paladin before he was corrupted.

"Zarkon?" Alfor asked softly.

Voltron disbanded and all of us were transported down to the ground. Somewhere in my mind, I was relieved to see him like this.

Zarkon's eyes opened wide as he smiled brightly at the original Paladins.

"Alfor. Blaytz. Trigal. Gyrgan." He said, happily smiling at his old friends. However, when he looked past his friends and saw Allura and me, he was throughly confused and surprised.

"Melenor? Siofra? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Melenor was my mother, and you murdered her!" Allura shouted angrily, "You've killed millions!"

She ran up to Zarkon and grabbed his head, sending the entity into him and showing Zarkon all the horrible things he's done over the past 10,000 years.

"Allura, what are you doing?" Lance asked.

"Reminding him of the suffering he's caused." Allura growled out.

I ran to Allura, trying to pull her away from Zarkon.

"Allura, please, stop this!" I begged her, but she didn't listen.

Flashes of memories from Zarkon's 10,000 year rule ran across the sky. It showed the pain and suffering he had caused.

I didn't want to see him suffer, even if he did deserve it. He genuinely looked tortured with his own guilt.

Zarkon fell to his hands and knees, panting and shaking his head and wishing for it not to be true.

"No." Zarkon gasped, his face showing absolute terror.

"You did that. All of it!" Allura yelled as she turned around and glared at Zarkon's fallen shaking form.

"Sorry. I- I didn't realize what I--".

"You knew exactly what you were doing." Allura interrupted, "You deceived and betrayed your friends and allies!"

Zarkon cried, not caring who saw his tears.

"The Quintessence..." He said, "It blinded me. And you all suffered because of it. I even hurt an Angel."

"If you're truly sorry for what you've done, then help us stop her." Allura said, "You must have been placed here to protect something. What is it?"

"I don't know. I... I'm sorry." Zarkon said.

"What are you protecting?" Allura demanded.

"ALLURA THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelled as loud as I could.

He stared at me with wonder which quickly turned to regret and anguish.

"You're the Angel.... no, the child of the Angel." He whispered before looking down in despair, "I have caused you so much pain. Nothing I do will ever earn your forgiveness."

I could feel his  sadness, his despair. I took a deep breath and walked closer to him. Looking down at Zarkon with anger,  sadness and some other emotion I wasn't familiar with. Was it pity?

"I'm goijg to say that I'll forgive right now for the pain you've caused the universe,, but I will give you a chance to make up for at least some of your mistakes." I said.. zarkom looked up at me confused.

"You can begin by remembering why Honerva put you here. Please, tell us what she needed to protect."

Zarkon looked down, his tears drying on his cheeks as he tried to remember. Just then, his eyes widened and he turned to the red moon shining in the distance.

"That moon." He said, "It is a moon of Daibazaal."

"He's right, that moon is not of Altea." Alfor confirmed.

"That is the source." Allura said.

Suddenly without warning, the Black Lion stood and fired its laser at the red moon, obliterating it. The sky was showered in a golden light from the rubble of the moon. And with its destruction came new memories.

Zarkon and Honerva researching and working in one memory, but something was different as the next one came.

Honerva was holding a baby Lotor, the child crying while she and Zarkon were smiling. The sense of loss from before.... it was because of this.

"No. It's impossible." Allura said, a memory of a young Lotor playing with his parents appearing in front of us.

"A sense of longing and loss." I whispered, knowing the reason behind her terror across the universe.

"They're her deepest desires." Zarkon said, "Everything she hopes to achieve."

"How could she possibly achieve any of this?" Hunk wondered out loud, "Zarkon and Lotor are both gone."

"Unless she's going to use Lotor's ship to pierce through realities and find the one where she can live with her family." Pidge said.

"Is that even possible?" Hunk asked.

"Not without destroying all other realities in the process." I answered gravely.

There was a moment of deep silence, before it was broken by a strong gust of wind.

The thunder boomed and the lightning flashed as the wind picked up and became stronger.

"What's going on?" Lance asked.

"She knows you're here!" Zarkon shouted.


We got our answer sooner than we hoped. A sharp pain struck my head, and the same happened to Allura. We grabbed our heads in pain and fell to our knees screaming. At the same time, my chest began to burn intensely.

Lance, Keith and Alfor ran to our sides in record time.

"Allura!" "Saoirse!"

We could barely hear anyone over the pain.

"What's happening to them?" Lance asked.

"The Princess and the Angel hold the entity within." Zarkon answered, "Honerva controls it now.

Slowly, the area became dark and the Lions began to disappear before we could even try to get to them. The area boomed with darkness, making the pain feel worse and increasing our screams.

"What do we do?" Keith asked.

"There's nothing you can do but accept defeat." Zarkon said hopelessly.

"No! We won't give up!" Keith shouted back.

"That's your Galra lineage. It's what makes you a great leader of Voltron. You and I share that trait. But look where it has led the two of us. My desire unlimited Quintessence was the catalyst for 10,000 years of destruction. Your quest to save the universe took you into the mind of a psychopath." Zarkon said.

Keith took a deep breath, letting me out of his hold and standing tall as he faced Zarkon.

"Yes, to gain the knowledge of what she's doing." Keith said, "And now we know."

"Yet you still don't know how!" Zarkon retorted, "She's too powerful."

"Zarkon," Alfor said, "Honerva may be more powerful than each of us alone, but the strength of twelve Paladins working together as one is the strongest force in the universe."

"The Lions are gone, Alfor. Voltron is gone forever."

"No." I said, surprising everyone as I stood on my feet, fighting the darkness that surrounded me, "Voltron is not gone. Voltron is within each and every one of us."

"Phoenix is right. We're bonded to it, and to each other." Keith said.

"We have one last chance to set things right, but we cannot do it without you." Alfor said. "Ride with us one last time, Zarkon."

Zarkon was silent, turning around and staring into the storm above. The sky forming an orb of pure darkness. Zarkon turned back to us, taking his bayard and activated the sword.

"Form Voltron!" He said, holding his sword in in front of him. A bright light washed over us, and the darkness vanished. I felt nothing but peace and calmness as my Lion formed around me.

We flew the Lions into the air and formed Voltron.

"Fomr Blazing Sword!" Zarkon shouted.

The Red and Green Lions formed the sword, but it was much different. I pushed my power into the sword, creating the ultimate blade. It was covered in pure energy and grew longer and more powerful.

We flew up to the center of the storm, our blade ready to end this once and or all.

Our blade struck the center, a bright light engulfing us. We vanished in the flash of light, but instead of feeling the sense of peace I expected, there was something different coursing through my body.

Undefinable pain. I couldn't even try to describe what I had felt. It was.... nothing, yet everything like I had ever felt before.

I screamed in agony, the feeling of a pieces of myself were being torn away from my very soul.

I struggled to open my eyes and see that we were floating in the empty cosmos. I could barely see the readings of our Lions.

"Saoirse? Please, answer me child! Are you all right?! Answer me, please!" I heard Silver beg, but I was too weak to answer her.

"We did it!" Pidge said happily.

"Yes! Yes." Hunk said relieved.

"Nice work, team." Keith said.

"Allura, are you okay?" Lance asked.

Allura didn't answer. I felt her energy had been drained. And had mine. I was barely keeping my eyes open.

"Allura? Allura, do you copy?"

I listened to my friends call to her.

"Saoirse? Can you hear me? Can anybody reach her?" Keith asked in a panic.

"Her Lion is basically dead! I can't get a reading on her biorhythms!" Pidge shouted.

I watched as the edges of my vision slowly turn black. The last thing I saw were the stars sparkling in the distance before everything went dark.

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