Underneath the Mask

By xomelbellxo

11.2K 143 70

Lyndon Contreras is the newest member of the FBI and the day after his graduation of the LA Police Academy, L... More

Underneath the Mask: Chapter One
Underneath the Mask: Chapter Two
Underneath the Mask: Chapter Four
Underneath the Mask: Chapter Five
Underneath the Mask: Chapter Six
Underneath the Mask: Chapter Seven
Underneath the Mask: Chapter Eight

Underneath the Mask: Chapter Three

1K 16 12
By xomelbellxo

Does anyone even like this story? Tell me if you do because unless you tell me...  I WONT KNOW!!!!!!!!


Chapter Three

Lyndon called a friend of his and ordered five high definition surveillance cameras and a couple alarm systems. The Falcone's already had a pretty advanced alarm system set up in their house, but Lyndon was FBI and had connections with some of the geekiest people in the world and therefore, had access to even better equipment.

He got off the phone with his nerd friend, Eugene, and was about to walk back into the house when a dark blue, Ford Explorer pulled into the driveway. A middle-aged man was sitting in the driver seat. Lyndon figured that the man was Mr. Falcone, Jessica's father and Lisa's husband.

The man got out of the truck and slammed the door before grabbing a leather suitcase. He was wearing a button up shirt, a tie, and pressed slacks and his thinning hair was combed to the side. The man spotted Lyndon standing on the front steps and smiled. He began walking towards Lyndon, his shined shoes clacking on the brick walkway. "Hello, you must be Agent Contreras," the man said in a deep and tired voice. As he got closer, Lyndon noticed the angry blue bruises under the man's eyes and the wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. From the files, Lyndon knew that Jessica's father was only forty four years old: however, he looked so much older just like Mrs. Falcone did. It looked like the kidnapping of their daughter had a very big effect on them both.

"Yes, sir," Lyndon said as Mr. Falcone got closer. Lyndon put his hand out and Gregory Falcone shook it with a strong grip, showing that he wasn't the kind of man to be messed around with. Lyndon liked that.

"I'm Greg Falcone, but you can just call me Greg," he said.

"It's nice to meet you. Greg."

"Likewise," Greg nodded and then his smile faded and his face turned serious and stressed, "So, have you met Jess yet?"

"Yes, I have met her. She's very..." Lyndon trailed off not being able to find any positive words to describe Jessica... just negative ones.

Greg sighed, "She's a very troubled girl. Ever since the incident she's never been the same."

"As anyone would in her situation."

Greg nodded. "Yes, that's very true. But, she's just so... She's so angry all the time and we've tried to get her help, but she just refuses to cooperate with any of the counselors and treatment. I hope that once the scum who did this to her is caught that she'll go back to her old self."

Lyndon highly doubted that but nodded his head anyway and said, "Well, Greg, I promise you that I'll protect your daughter and try my hardest to have justice served."

 Greg smiled, his eyes scrunching up again and clapped Lyndon on the shoulder. "Thank you, son, now let's go inside. I think I smell some food cooking."

Lyndon and Greg walked into the house which smelled like a mix of chicken and apple pie. They both went into the kitchen and Lyndon watched as Greg walked over to where his daughter was sitting on a stool with her head propped up in her hands and kiss her on the head murmuring something in her ear. She didn't acknowledge her father and an expression of hurt and despair washed over his face. Greg walked over to his wife who was standing in front of the oven with green oven mitts on and kissed her on the cheek. Lisa was much more responsive than Jessica. She leaned into her husband and shut her eyes like she was going to collapse any second. Lyndon could tell that the connection between Jessica's parents was a strong one. They had, after all, gone through a hell of a lot together.

Lyndon averted his eyes from Lisa and Greg and looked at Jessica who was still sitting on a stool, but she was staring at Lyndon this time. Lyndon stared back for a little bit, but eventually had to look away from her intense face and looked over at the big dish sitting on the table which was covered in tinfoil.

Lisa made every one sit down at the table in the dining room, her and her husband at the two heads and Lyndon and Jessica across from each other. They ate in almost complete silence except for the occasional question directed towards Lyndon about how he liked being in the force or something like that. Otherwise, it was rather uneventful.

After dinner was over, Lisa showed Lyndon his room and told him the bathroom schedule and the details on what time school started in the morning. Yes, Lyndon was going to school the next morning... with Jessica.

Lyndon awoke the next morning to the alarm clock on his cell phone. It was six thirty in the morning. He had to get dressed, ready, and fed for school by seven fifteen when Jess left for school. She as Lyndon's ride, so it was imperative he get his a$$ in the car before she left.

Lyndon really did not miss his high school days. Waking up early was definitely not in the job description of being in law enforcement. If it had, Lyndon probably would have thought twice about enrolling in the L.A.PoliceAcademy and spending seven long years of intense physical and mental training just to wake up early and have to chaperone a screwed up girl as she went to school.

Lyndon sat on the edge of the bed with his feet resting on the white rug and his head buried into his hands. He instantly felt cold without the blanket over him and in nothing but a pair of boxers. He took a few deep breaths and rubbed his eyes trying to rid the inevitable sleep from them before getting up and feeling his way in the dark to the door. Once he reached it, he opened it and walked out into the hall which was also pitch black. Jessica's parents were lucky enough to not have to wake up so early and were pleasantly snoring away in their room which Lyndon was insanely jealous of.

He felt his way to the bathroom and his hand didn't make contact with a handle, but a warmer and much softer object. Lyndon squinted in the dark because his eyes weren't used to it yet and he realized he was face to face with Jessica. "Jessica?" Lyndon asked, reaching out again and touching her shoulder. She wasn't moving, just standing there. What is she doing? Lyndon thought.

Lyndon reached around her and flicked on the bathroom light which illuminated the entire hall with its fluorescent light. Jessica was standing in front of his with her eyes wide and scared, her pale hand holding onto the door frame with a death grip. She looked incredibly venerable in a pair of pink and white plaid boxer shorts and a black Kelly Clarkson concert t-shirt. Her black hair was sticking up all over the place and contrasted sharply with her pale skin. She still wasn't moving. "Jessica?" Lyndon asked again, squinting in the bright light. "Jessica, are you okay?"

She stayed still, so Lyndon reached out and touched her cold, bare arm lightly, which seemed to almost electrocute Jessica back to life. She jerked away from him and moved back into the bathroom slowly, her eyes never leaving his. "You scared me," she said, her voice low and husky from sleep.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you in the dark," Lyndon apologized, running a hand through his hair nervously. He got this weird feeling in his gut when Jessica was staring at him so intently and he felt stupid being practically naked in front of her.

            Her eyes moved from his face and to his bicep where Lyndon had a tattoo of a black panther. Black panther was a nick name his friend's from the Academy had given him during their first year. They said the way Lyndon attacked was very panther-esque, so Lyndon had gotten the tattoo when he was drunk during his second year. It had seemed really cool at the time, but now Lyndon was sort of regretting the big tattoo. People were always staring... kind of like how Jessica was at that moment.

            Lyndon took a few steps back. "I'll wait till you're done..."

            Jessica snapped out of it and looked up with her blue eyes. "You can come in. I just need to brush my teeth."

            Lyndon was a little surprised that she was letting him go in the bathroom while she was in there. The act seemed very out of character, but, nonetheless, Lyndon nodded and stepped onto the cold tile of the bathroom. Jessica stood to the left of the sink and began to brush her teeth with a green toothbrush she had gotten from the toothbrush holder on the sink which was decorated with a bunch of monkeys chasing bananas in the forest. Lyndon also picked up his blue toothbrush and began brushing his teeth. He looked in the mirror at Jessica and himself. They looked very different. Lyndon had constantly tan skin due to his Spanish heritage and Jessica was incredibly pale, almost ghostly. Lyndon was very muscular after seven years of training and Jessica was very frail looking and so skinny, her bones poked out of her skin. The only thing they had in common was their height and black hair, but Jessica's wasn't naturally black like Lyndon's.

            Jessica finished, rinsed her mouth out, put her toothbrush away, wiped her mouth with a towel, and then left the bathroom and disappeared behind the door of her room. Lyndon spit in the sink and shut the bathroom door with his side. He needed to take a leak.

            Around seven o'clock, both Lyndon and Jessica were ready for school. They put their empty bowls into the sink and Lyndon picked up his new backpack filled with his new books and schedule and followed Jessica outside and to her black Ford Escape which had the tinted, bulletproof windows and everything. It looked like one of the vehicles a drug dealer would cruise around in with its shiny chrome wheels and decals. Lyndon whistled. "Nice car," he said, running his hand over the shiny, black paint.

            Jessica glanced over at him with her black sunglasses perched on her forehead, eyebrow ring in, and black messenger bad slung over her shoulder. "Don't touch. You're getting your fingerprints on it."

            Lyndon quickly pulled his hand away. "Sorry."

            Jessica just frowned and hopped up into the driver's seat. Lyndon got in also, the new car smell hitting him automatically. He rested back in the comfortable gray seat and chucked his bag in the back where Jessica had put hers.

            Lyndon was a little scared about staring his first day of high school, granted that the only people who were going to be there were the kids who had failed and needed to go to summer school due to the fact it was indeed summer time. Still, it was a little nerve-wracking. Lyndon had graduated high school almost eight years ago. To Lyndon, that was a long time ago.

            Jessica pulled into RustinHigh School and Lyndon's heart began to beat rapidly. Here we go, he thought as he saw the big groups of teenagers surrounding the entrance of the school.


Please comment and tell me what you think. I'd really really appreciate ittt!!!!



Mel Bell <3

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