What will save us?

By nichole244261

760 9 3

She ran. That's what she always does, what shes been doing for the past 8 months. Will she run fast enough, o... More

This is How I Disappear
Goodnight, Dr. Death.
Desert Songs, Old Memories, and Sketches.
The Mad Gear and Missile Kid
Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Bullet Proof Heart

186 2 0
By nichole244261

      "I have a job for you, Simon."

        He stared into Korse's cold, black eyes. This man, however loosely he fit the term, was the ruler over Battery city ever since the Great Fires less than a year ago. He always did whatever he asked; took the pills he created regularly, moved his family countless times, and followed all the rules. Every command Korse asked of him.

        Even if it meant killing someone innocent.

       It was all for the greater good, he thought to himself. They were bad for the community, could destroy the perfect haven that Korse and BL/ind have worked so hard to create for us after the great fires of 2012.

        "Do you remember James from District three?"

        "Of course." Simon replied, is eyes squinted in confusion.

        James form district three. We had exterminated him eight months ago; His wife had convinced him to stop taking the pills, and not even a month later him and his family had decided to leave, to join the rebel group of Killjoys that lived in the desert, plotting ways of how to take down BL/ind, to destroy our perfect, painfree lifestyle. He had been with the corperation for too long, and could give up information we just couldnt bear to lose.

        "Remember his wife, Sarah? How she manipulated him into turning against our own company?"  Korse questioned, turning away from the glass wall that loomed over Battery City, seeing everything, overlooking nothing.

        "Yes sir."

        "i'm afraid that the same thing is happening to you, Simon. Has your wife been acting differently towars you lately?"

        Flashes of her appeared in her mind: her shrinking away from his touch; throwing up in the middle of the night, not looking him in the eyes.

        "A little. I think she is just sick, everyone gets sick every once in a while. She's just throwing up. Feels a little hot. Nothing life threatening," Simon said. "What does this have to do with James?"

        Korse walked towards him slowly before taking a seat at his desk.

        "Take a seat Simon, for what I'm about to tell you will be a lot to take in."

        Simon fell into a plush red chair in front of him, confusion plain on his face.

        "What your wife is experiencing is withdrawl, Simon. From the pills." Korse explained "Soon enough, she will try to leave you. She knows too much. I don't want to lose you Simon, you're too...important to us." he reached across the desk to put a reassuring hand ontop of a shaking Simon."You know what you must do, to preserve the company, don't you Simon?"

        "They must be exterminated"
        A white-hot bolt of pain shot through Simon's head.He gasped, leaning his head in between his legs, it cradled between his hands.

        "Do you love me, Simon?" She giggled, spinning around the room before landing in his arms.

        "Of course, darling" He smiled down at her.

        Flashes of the past went through his head as he tried to concentrate on Korses' words, the pain in his head burning on as the memories played out behind his eyelids, and a heavy feeling he couldn't quite place started expanding in his chest. 

        "Forever?" she smiled up at him, kissing the tip of his nose.

        "Forever and ever, Helena. 'Till the end of time" he said, kissing her lips gently, guiding her to their bed in the small,one bedroom flat. It was small, but it was theirs. Thats all that ever really mattered to him.

      " Tell me how you will execute their deaths." Korse said coldly.

          Now in his mind, he was in the hospital where his daughter was born. He looked at Helena, a sheen of sweat covering her face, a beautiful baby bundled up in her arms. In that moment, he felt like a balloon, tethered to the earth only by the two that sat in front of him: his beautiful, loving wife, and his new daughter, a being him and Helena created together. In that moment, he swore to himself he would always protect them. In that moment, he knew in his heart that he loved them and that nothing could ever change that.

        "There is a lone ray gun in the safe i have, locked in my closet underneath a blanet."

        His daughter grew up to be beautiful, graceful, and smart. She had long brown hair that always seemed to be tangled and unruly like his own, warm brown eyes like her mother. He loved her with everything he had.

        "One shot to the head, for each of them," he winced, the pain shooting through him again,"then a call to here, get a few draculoids to clean up the mess. Tell everyone it was a rebel attack"

       "I love you daddy! i love you so much!" she yelled, wrapping her arms around his neck, squealing as he bounced her up and down on his back.

        "I love you to princess. Don't worry, i wont drop you" he laughed at her.

      "They will die quick, clean deaths." SImon finished, before he gasped, the pain now overwhelming.

        "What is it? What are you feeling?" Korse demanded,worry etched on his expresion.

        "My head...it hurts. I cant think straight. My heart feels heavy. Whats wrong with me?" 

        'Your medication levels, probably. They are starting to wear off. I have some in the guest bathroom, would you like some before you go and execute your mission? You will need a level head to do a clean job." Korse said with a slight smile.

        "Yes, yes that must be it. I'll go do that, then show myself out." Simons said, standing up out of his chair and begining to walk towards the bathroom.

        "Good luck, Simon. Your complete and total cooperation is greatly appreciated. I knew you would make the right choice." Korse smiled at him, though instead of making him feel warm, he just felt cold, another familiar feeling he could quite place his finger on.

        He reached the bathroom, now staggering, his heart pounding furiously. He swung the mirror open, grabbing the pill bottle he was looking for, knocking over the others in the process.

   'Suppressant' He read on the label, his heart feeling heavier and heavier, his eyes watering. He felt terrible, felt cold, wrong. He didn't know how to describe the feeling, but he didn't like it, nor did he ever want to feel it again. He knew taking a few of the pills would supress this feeling, so he poured three tiny white tablets into his palm before swallowing them whole, gagging as the dry tablets slid slowly down his throat. 

        He fell back onto the floor, his heart continuing to pound. a single drop of water fell from his eyes.

        "What the.." he stammered out, feeling the wetness on his cheek. Why did he feel like this?

        The memories flashed before his eyes, crippling him, making him curl up into a ball on the floor.

        Why would i ever want to hurt my family? Simon thought to himself. I love them.

        He pushed the thoughts out of his mind, the pounding in his head slowly fading away, the speed of his heartbeat slowly decreasing. His breathing evened out, no longer coming out labored and rough. He sat up and blinked, clearing his mind.

        He knew why he was killing them, and now that he didnt have that horrible emotion playing through his body, he knew he could do it.

        They are dangerous, he thought to himself cooly, getting up and picking up the various pill bottles he had dropped in his rush.

        They could hurt others, destroy our community.

        They must be stopped.

        Simon grabbed his coat off the back of the guest chair, sliding it on over his suit.

        "I take it your off? To do your mission, I presume." Korse questioned him, a single eyebrow raised.

        "Of course," Simon smiled at him. "I feel much better now, thank you."

        "I expect a full report tomorow. I wish you success, Simon."

        "Thank you, sir." Simon said quietly, before opening the door and heading to the elevator, planning out the deeds he would be executing in the next hour, not a single feeling or emotion on his mind or in his heart.

        Thats what the pills did. They gaurded your mind, protecting your thoughts.

        It gave you a bullet proof heart, and thats exactly what he needed to go through with his mission.


Hello, my wonderful readers. I'm going to try and update a few times a week, but id love to hear your comments, and any critisisms are welcome!!

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