Wish You Were Sober {Chileon}

By Yeet_Fanfics

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Real sweet, but I wish you were sober ~ A rather popular jock and an outcasted programmer dont seem the types... More



365 10 7
By Yeet_Fanfics

Throughout the week, Chihiro and Leon really only texted and sometimes walked to class together. They didn't have much time to hang out, but at least they still had their plans to stargaze that Saturday. Chihiro was really looking forward to that. He was just happy that Leon was always willing to talk to him.

Thursday night, Chihiro was in the computer lab as late as he could be. It actually ended up getting dark while he was there, to a point he wasn't sure he felt comfortable walking alone. He couldn't call Mondo and ask if he could come walk him, he knew he was busy that night. Though he really didn't want to walk alone.. so he texted Leon.

"hey, you busy?"

"no" "everything okay?"

"yeah, i just wanted to see if you'd be willing to come walk me to my dorm? i stayed at the computer lab too late and dont feel safe"

"ill be there soon then"

Chihiro gave a small sigh of relief. She knew she could count on Leon. She waited just inside the doors of the lab, stepping out once she saw Leon approach. "Thanks for coming." She smiled at him, taking her place next to him. "Of course, Chihiro. You know I'm willing to help keep you safe." The redhead returned the smile, tucking his arm around her shoulders. "Besides, I actually wanted to talk to you." He says, the usual confidence in his voice slightly lower. She hums softly. "What about?" She tilts her head as they walked.

"Well, I know you don't like parties, but my buddies are holding one tomorrow night. It's supposed to be smaller so it should be easier for you. Everyone is supposed to, bring a date, and you were the first person I thought of. It can be, platonic or whatever but I don't want to seem like a looser for skipping and you're really the only person I'd want to bring as a date." Leon explains, the usual confidence he carried completely stripped. Chihiro could tell he was nervous. "If its small.. yeah, sure. I'll go. Just give me a time and, maybe what I should wear?"

Leon almost seemed to light up. "Really? Okay! I'll text you the details when I get back to my dorm then!" He says with that cocky, confident smile back in place. Chihiro giggled quietly, nodding. She was, actually in a way excited. She was sure that since she'd be with Leon maybe she'd actually have fun. Though, she'd definitely keep Mondo on speed dial just in case. Of course that'd only be for a worst-case scenario, but it was still a good precaution.

Leon kept Chihiro to his side as they walked and talked. He was, protective, but not in a way that it was controlling. He was just protective in a way that made her feel safe. When they finally got to the dorm, Chihiro gave Leon a quick hug. "Thank you. I'll, talk to you soon." She says before stepping back with a smile. Leon nods. "Anytime. I'm a text away if you ever need me." He says with a smile, watching her walk in before walking back to his dorm building.

Chihiro got to his dorm room, giving a content sigh when he walked in. Taka glanced up from his laptop. "You're back late." He remarks. "I lost track of time at the computer lab. I had Leon walk me back since it was dark." Chihiro responds, knowing Taka would've questioned him about walking back in the dark like that. It wasn't safe to be walking around at night there. Especially for girls or anyone who looked remotely feminine, like Chihiro. "I could've come." Taka says, furrowing his brow. "Yeah, but you're always studying so I didn't wanna bother you. Leon said he had to ask me something anyways so it's fine." "What did he ask you?"

Chihiro hesitated before responding. "He said his baseball team is having a small party and invited me." He says. Taka looked suspicious. "How do you know its actually small?" He questions. "Leon wouldn't do that to me! He knows I don't like crowded places and I know he wouldn't intentionally make me uncomfortable." Chihiro says. Sure Taka didn't know Leon the best but quite frankly he was offended that for even a moment Taka would think Leon would do that to him. "Well, if you trust him there's not really anything I could say to change your mind." Taka sighs.

Chihiro nods. He was glad Taka was quick to take back his attempts. Chihiro's phone pinged from his skirt pocket, signalling the awaited text from Leon. Chihiro pulled it out and smile, going to his room and writing down the time he should be ready. Leon would be picking him up around 7. He got together a nice outfit for it. Not too dressy, but nice enough for a small party. Almost business-casual. He couldn't help but be excited for the thing.

He was still cautious, though. He decided to text Mondo to give him a heads up. Mondo was slightly skeptical about the party just like Taka had been. Regardless, though, he agreed to come get him if anything went wrong. Even if he was skeptical, he'd put Chihiro's safety over it. Chihiro was glad Mondo agreed. He went ahead and gave him the message and made up code messages. In the circumstance that Chihiro needed out, he'd send "hey, what're you up to tomorrow?" which felt inconspicuous enough to use. To signal he was coming, Mondo would respond "Nothing really, why?" Chihiro would have to send a filler message so Mondo's code-message to say he was there would make sense. Just a simple "yes" or one-word response to whatever Chihiro's message was. It'd look like a normal message. Chihiro, if around people, would make the excuse of needing the bathroom to get out, planning to find a way out from there. It felt like a solid plan to both.

Chihiro just hoped he wouldn't have to use it.

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