I Drimed Of You • Tyler Josep...

By -M-I-N-E-

646 24 27

Tyler x reader. Book posting schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Warnings: this book holds profanity an... More



51 2 5
By -M-I-N-E-

Words  1454



"I can't believe we're fucking doing this guys. I can't believe you two." I scold my friends as I hop into the passenger seat. There's no fighting with them, because they aren't going to stop nagging me. "I don't want to go to a stupid bar! Y/n doesn't know about this." I rant, throwing my hands up as Zack starts the car.

Josh is in the back seat happily crunching on his popcorn. Zack turns to me, "Tyler, you can't keep yourself secluded tonight. It's time to let go for the final time. You're about to be tied down to a woman-"

"A beautiful one."

"Yes, I a beautiful one that won't let you go stuff dollar bills in panties-"

"Hold up, what?!" I say shocked, "I thought you said we are going to a bar! Stop the fucking car. I don't want to go!" I shout, and Zack shakes his head as he quickly reverses out of the parking lot.

I still try for the handle but Zack locks it quickly. "If you open that door I'm not stopping to save your ass from flying out!" Zack scolds, and I scoff. 

"Let's go find y/n. I'm done with this bullshit!"

"You don't want to see risqué girls dance?" Josh questions from the back and I rest my head onto the window with a small thud.

"The only person I want to see in lingerie is my wife on my wedding night. How hard is that to wrap your head around, Josh?"

"You're crazy." Josh shakes his head, and I roll my eyes at them. Girls in lingerie sounds fucking amazing, but I don't want to do that to y/n. She would think I lied to her about going to the carnival and I don't want that to ruin tomorrow.

The lights are so fucking bright and flashy it's hard to keep my eyes open. I reluctantly stumble into the strip club, Zack and Josh's hands on my back to guide me. I know they are only doing this for their own fucking pleasure. This is my night! What about what I want?

"I'll get us a table!" Zack shouts above the music, and Josh and I nod. I look over at Josh and stare at him as he takes a hand full of his popcorn in his mouth. I look at him disgusted. He looks over at me and furrows his eyebrows mumbling a small 'what?'

I only roll my eyes and look away. I'm a little mad, just a little bit mad at this stupid arrangement. I wish I could be on the Ferris wheel right now, looking through the carnival to spot y/n. That's what I planned to do the whole time. Just look for her while I was up in the stars until she met up with us. I don't like parties or lap dances. The only exception I will make is for y/n. If she wants a party, sure. If she wants to do a lap dance on me, fuck yeah. Go ahead. But I don't want to see random girls grinding on a stranger.

I see Zack wave his hand at us, and I slowly walk to him. "When can we leave?"

"The show hasn't started. Sit down."

"This show has guys and girls." Josh says with a smile, and I look at him weirdly.

"You're married Josh."

Josh shrugs, "she doesn't care." I feel my heart drop slightly at his words. Am I the only one who's freaking out about this? Would y/n be okay with this?

"Shhhh- shut up shut up it's starting." Zack says out of no where, grasping the table as if he might fall over. I roll my eyes at him as I look up at the stage. Fuck this... fuck everything.

I'll watch because I don't think I have the ability to hold myself back from looking, but I'm not going to like it as much as y/n. I hope she knows that.

Suddenly a girl walks up on stage in high black boots, and I gulp. God, I wish y/n would've cooperated this morning. I definitely wouldn't be so unsure right now.

Zack starts to scream, and Josh stuffs his face with popcorn as if this is a movie theatre.

I watch as she bends down, her face in some sort of sexy pout as she unties her boots. She's in some sort of golden bikini, which is actually quite appetizing to the eye.

I glance as a man walks out and my moment is ruined at the small thing holding in his junk. Why the fuck does it have to be both?
I get it, people like variety but not me. I still keep my eyes on the man, only to keep myself from looking at the woman any more. The man stops at the edge of the stage, thrusting himself out towards the girls. They make a high squeal sound and someone stuffs some money into his golden thong. I cringe and look away.

The girl is now on a pole, her shoes flung off into the crowd and she's spinning around the shiny metal post.

"Oooo y/n!" I turn my head quickly into the crowd of women enjoying the men's half-naked twerking. I scan the audience. I could've sworn I heard y/n's name.

I glance over at the man, who has a woman sat in a chair.  His leg is blocking her face, because of his leg up on her seat. I watch until he removes his leg and I see someone I never thought I'd see with another man. One that I never thought would allow anyone, but me, grind her.

I quickly stand, so quickly that my chair flies back and lands on the ground. The music is too loud for anyone but Josh and Zack to notice and I march through the crowd of girls to see y/n better. She in a lot of trouble now.



"Oh my god!" I quickly cover my face as if I'm going to get hit by a ufc fighter, and Maddy giggles while she removes my arms.

"Girl he wants you to pay him!" She squeals, smiling up at the gentle men who has his genitals in my face. Excuse me, no thank you.

I don't want to be here right now. This is not what I expected... I'm fifteen for goodness sakes, my mom would kill me if she knew where I was.

With the smell of cologne and weed in the air, I shakily reach into my purse and pull out the first paper money I see. A twenty dollar bill.

I quickly stuff it into his... panties, quickly wanting to get it over with.

He smiles at me, a small smirk covering his face as he pulls his hand out to me. "What is happening?" I question, and Maddy claps her hands together.

"You gave him a twenty dollar bill. He's going to lap dance now! Get up there girl!"

"What?" I question, and Maddy nudges me to grab his hand. I hesitantly grab the man's hand and he guides me to a chair. Fuck no. No...

I slowly sit down, straightening my posture so I don't look like a nervous wreck in front of everyone. The man lifts his leg onto my chair, I cringe away from him. "What's your name, little lady?" He asks, his Mexican accent is strong, and so is his cologne.

"I'm... y/n." I mutter, forgetting about my posture as I lift my shoulders.

"I'm Marcus. I haven't seen you here before, y/n. What's the occasion?"

"Um... I'm- I'm getting married tomorrow."

"Is your fiancé here?" He asks, changing his position and I shut my eyes instinctively. He has to know I'm uncomfortable.

"Um... no. He's... he's at the carnival down the street."

"Hmm... that's odd."

"Is it?" I question, feeling slightly more comfortable with my eyes closed.

"Will you do me a favor and smile for me? I don't want people thinking I'm bad at this." He whispers close to my ear, and I give off an awkward smile.

The music seems to get louder and he guides me up from the chair and smacks my butt as I get off the stage. I jump, and shut my eyes. Why the fuck did he have to do that? I hate that the one thing aggravating me is his hand on my ass.

"What the fuck, y/n!" I hear, and I feel a warm hand grab my arm and tug me through the crowd. I quickly open my eyes and see Tyler. His expression is blank but his eyes are furious.


𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎

  Dramaaa! This was in the original so we're good....     right?

Describe Tyler in three words.

Chapter seven: Dec. 4, 2020

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