Bowling Dreams & Cheap Wine

By EDuvallAuthor

43.1K 3.9K 1.3K

Meet Gwen Turner. Recently, she turned 40. She and her friends are the worst bowlers at their ladies-only win... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

3.1K 243 170
By EDuvallAuthor

6 Weeks Later

The morning of the winter performance, I'm up earlier than the man sleeping next to me. I turn and face Raj, he's been sleeping over more. His eyes are closed, his long black lashes are against his skin. The guy could sleep through a fire truck going up and down the street. He hogs the pillows and sometimes he talks in his sleep. "I need you to push," and "vacuum pump," and something about the "birth canal" are reoccurring conversations. I only wake him up when he starts to reference the placenta.

Weak, gray light peaks through the edge of my blinds. I look over at Raj again, the shirt hugging his muscles, his face smashed into the pillow. So much has changed since he dropped his fake girlfriend and showed up at the tournament. Makes me think that I should have had a fake boyfriend to make him work for me, at least for a few days.

The doctor schedule keeps him away and the winter performance has put extensive demands on my time, but when we're in the same room and we steal a night or a morning, the time goes by so fast. It's never enough.

We're just...fitting into each other's lives like there was always room for the other person.

I want to wake him up because I can, because I know where it will lead and everything that requires shaving maintenance is taken care of. Getting older means more prep work, more letting go, but also still wanting to be sexy. To be desired. And I feel that, with Raj. 

I have so much to do. Get to the arena early. The day will be long. The costume changes, the music, the nerve-wracking moments during the performance. This is my last time running the performance as I have been transitioning into the new director role of the youth outreach, a position that officially begins after the new year. Funny how just when I hold on tight for things not to change, they do anyway, and the possibilities opened up in front of me. 

Quietly, I sit up quietly and get out of bed. The sling is no longer necessary and the stitches are out of my arm, though I have a battle scar.

Before I make coffee, I go into Daphne's bathroom where I have my Smart Faces Beauty Mirror. I bought it from an online party a few weeks ago. I can talk to it like an Alexa, but the mirror tells me what's going on with my complexion. She does everything from check pigmentation to hydration levels to fine lines and dark spots. I nicknamed her Bubbles. I have no idea why. It was the first name that popped into my head. "Good morning, Bubbles."

The mirror lights up. The analysis begins.

I grimace. "Not looking so good today, huh Bubbles?"

"I don't understand," Bubbles says in her British AI voice. "Do you want me to check for red spots?"

"No. Please. No."

"Do you need a pick-me-up?" Bubbles asks.

I have entered positive sayings and support that she can tell me to soften the shock of bad news about my face. "No."

"Do you want me to check for new wrinkles?" Bubbles says.

I'm starting to have buyer's remorse.

My fingers press the button, turning off the voice feature. I use the mirror with its special lighting features to assess the problem areas, which is—everywhere and turn off the entire thing. Maybe for $55 I should have bought the air fryer to go with the Instant Pot.

Coffee will reset my priorities.

Once the caffeine is safe in my hands and I'm settled on the couch. I check the HOA community page. The elections for a new president is coming up and Carson is running against me. I scoff at his recent campaign tactics promising to get approval for a neighborhood garage sale. Because we're in the downtown it's illegal to sell stuff. One only has to leave a bike out front or a box of clothes or sometimes your groceries and it's gone in ten. I am going to remind him that's not a promise he can keep. 

A door slams. The noise is close, but outside. Nate's house, I think.

"Maybe we should take a break," the apologetic voice says. It's Nate.

I set my laptop down and turn around, opening the blind a slit. Tara's standing in front of Nate. A big bag is over her shoulder. Her eyes are puffy and red. "That's not what I want," she pleads. "What about the girls?"

"This is about the girls," Nate's voice carries with clarity. "It's better if we figure out what we want before we involve them further."

"You're saying we're over?" Tara fights back, wiping her eyes.

The pause is so long I assume I didn't hear, but Nate's voice is apologetic and firm. "For now, yes."

Tara's gaze shoots at my window at the same time a pair of hands snatch my waist. I yelp but laugh as Raj twists me around and pins me down on the couch. He hovers over me with a warning grin. How can I not smile? His bedhead is too far to one side and his hand is gripping my waist and he needs a shave. I love it all. "Spying on the neighbors?" he asks.

"No," I whisper, laughing.

"You so are."

"I think they're breaking up."

"I think we all saw that coming." Raj's hand slips under my shirt. Oooh, so it's that kind of morning. He can pin me to the cushions all he wants.

"If people are talking outside my door, I listen. I'm President of the HOA—"

His grin is an invitation to more as he takes his mouth against mine, the full length of his body hard against mine. He has my pajama pants off in a breath. I have his boxers off just as fast. His hands are all over me as my fingers draw him close. 

I forget all about Nate and Tara. I will definitely find out what's going on. Later. Much later. 

We move quickly, wasting no time. And we are showered and dressed just as fast. Raj sits in my kitchen sipping his coffee, wearing his scrubs. I pour my cup of coffee and stay standing on the opposite side of the counter. "Bubbles told me I have dry skin," he comments, idly rubbing his jaw.

"Lisa sells a men's product line," I help Lisa out. The neon/glitter eye shadow had a backlash. The trend didn't quite go over well will the 40+ demographic, the big complaint being the eye shadow doesn't look the same while wearing reading glasses.

Raj holds back a smile. "And that dryness you were complaining about..." 

It was Steph who asked me to ask him and 'pretend' that that dryness down there was my issue. "Yes?" 

"You should see your doctor for that." He sets down the mug and eyes me with humor in his gaze. "Out of curiosity, was it Dianna or Steph?" 

 "Steph," I give her up, but my friends are not shy. They are always hitting up him with medical questions.

I start to figure out breakfast for myself and check out Raj a second longer. There is one subject we cannot continue to avoid. Although Daphne knows about Raj, they have yet to meet. She knows his name and basic information, but I didn't want them to meet over a video call. "Daphne's coming home in nine days. Which means I've been thinking that it's better if we don't stay the night together while she's home."

"I agree. I've been thinking the same. Until everyone is comfortable with it." His gaze meets mine with warmth. "The first time we meet should be no pressure."

"I'm nervous. The last time she met a guy it didn't go well. The guy left a couple of months in. That's when I made sure never to introduce her someone until I knew it was serious."

His eyebrows go up, his smile is playful. "You think this is serious?"

"I mean, I hope so. Do you have any idea how convenient it is to date an OBGYN? I never have to consult Google for medical advice and you know where to put your hands."

He sips his coffee and mutters, "I'm going to start charging you. What else has you worried?"

Where do I begin? "I don't know how to have the conversation of where this is going. It's probably way too soon."

"We agreed that dating rules don't apply. Both of us know what we want." He stands up and walks over to me, setting his mug down. His gaze is piercing, but his mouth is soft. "Are you in love with me yet?"

He's never asked me that. I'm frozen with shock. I say the first thing that comes to my heart. "I am, Raj."

"Then stop worrying about if I'll disappear after I meet Daphne or things will change because she's here. I want to meet her. I want to get to know her. She's everything to you, and I have no doubt you did an excellent job raising her."

"That's the best compliment I could ever receive."

"But this goes both ways. I want you to meet my family. They all know about you. We're not teenagers sneaking around."

That is a step I have never taken. An unsettled gurgle hits my stomach. "You have such a close family."

"They want to meet you. I want you to meet them. You'll wow them." He puts his arms around me. He takes my face in his hands and brushes a kiss against my lips. "You wowed me, Gwen Turner."

I put my hand on his chest. "You will always wow me, Raj."

He cracks a soft laugh against the top of my head. He puts his arms around me again. "Not again."


"It's your neighbor again with her friends."

"Just shut the blinds." I reach around him for coffee but we stand close. She started a birdwatcher's club and Dianna has been going a couple of times a month, but she winds up over here and we have coffee and hang out. "You should co-chair the HOA with me."

His laughter is swift and loud. "Not in a million years."

"A girl can try." I glance at the clock. "I have to get going."

"I do too. I'll see you tomorrow." He leans close.

Raj and I are in the middle of a kiss that could turn into more, when the annoying sound of something out of place reaches my ears. At first, I do nothing, but the jiggling is there and I break away from Raj, my head turning to the front door.

Someone unlocking the front door.

Raj and I both freeze and watch the doorknob wiggle and shake. It opens a second later.

Daphne's standing there with three suitcases and tired eyes with a smudge of mascara.

"Mom," Daphne says, rolling her suitcases in. She shuts the door and comes right over, like she's five and needs me more than ever.

"Daphne!" I meet her in the middle and wrap my arms around her. "What are you doing here? What's wrong?" I look at her face and brush my thumbs over her tear streaked face. "Honey?"

Her gaze darts to Raj. She blinks in confusion, then, understanding. "You must be Raj."

"Daphne, you aren't supposed to come home for almost two weeks. What's going on?" My mom radar goes into overdrive. The things I want to ask her:

How did you pay for the ticket?

When did you book your flight?

Are you pregnant?

Did someone hurt you?

Are you in trouble?

Are you hungry?

Do you have laundry?

You have laundry.

Daphne looks back to me with her dark honey eyes and her thick hair sweeps behind her shoulder. She's a tad shorter than me, but we're tall and she reminds me of how I looked at her age. "I'm moving home," she says quickly.

"Why?" my voice is smooth. My heart beating fast. 

She shrugs. "I miss home. I miss it here. I'm going to finish college here, locally. I'm taking my exams virtually. There's no reason for me to stay out there."

Daphne hasn't given me any relief that she's okay. "Did something happen? I thought you loved it there. You have friends and you're always out and busy."

She takes a step back and takes off her coat, she tosses it on the couch like she's done hundreds of times before and usually I tell her to hang it up, but she gets one pass. "Not being home for Thanksgiving wasn't what I thought it was, and ever since, I've had this horrible knot in my stomach. I'm homesick and I don't want to be there another minute."

Raj takes a step towards her, his hand outstretched. "I was just telling your mom how much I want to meet you."

Instead of shaking his hand, Daphne pulls him into a hug. Raj looks surprised, but he goes with it.

I have absolutely no idea what to do here. Why the hell doesn't Bubbles come with a feature for this kind of thing?

"I know tonight's the performance," Daphne says. "I'm sorry to show up like this."

"I'm not." I love that she's here.

"I need to get going," Raj says eloquently. He does need to go, but he's giving us space.

"Let me walk you out."

Raj gets his coat and his keys from the entry. We go outside and close the door, both of us pausing on the step.

I inhale the sugar and dough scent wafting over from Lazy Days. Raj has a flyaway hair on his head and reach up and push it back. "I can't believe she's here. That wasn't how I thought the two of you would meet."

His gaze is contemplative. "Do you think everything's okay?"

"I don't know." Just when Raj and I were in a groove, things are going to change. For the better, since Daphne's home, but still, things will change.

I wrap my arms around my middle. The air is too chilly to be outside without a coat. Raj engulfs me in a hug. "And in case you didn't know it, I love you too."

"You're the first guy to say that to me." Think I'll treat myself to Lazy Days for this one.

"That's why I made sure I was the first." Raj presses a kiss to my mouth and then walks away. 

I rush back inside.

Daphne is getting orange juice. She shuts the refrigerator. "I like him," she says and avoids her gaze. "You look good, Mom."

And Daphne looks tired. "Any interest in Lazy Days?"

"Definitely." She guzzles the orange juice and gets another glass. "So, I can move back in?" 

"You never have to ask. But I need to know--are you pregnant? It's okay if you are or if something happened to you." 

"Nothing happened. I just want to come home." She looks me in the eye. Her eyes tell the truth. "Living out there wasn't the adventure I thought it would be."  

"Then stay home. You can figure out school here." My phone starts to text repeatedly. "Let me see what's going on."

I have 23 new messages. 

"What's with all the chatter?" Daphne says, poking her head over my shoulder and reading my texts. "Are you still going to Lazy Days?" 

I scroll to catch up. 

Steph: My in-laws have the kids next weekend. Anyone up for an evening at the winery?  There's going to be live music WITH outdoor seating. 

Tamara: It's going to be freezing. What time does the music start? 

Steph: 8:00 

Tamara: That's late. What about wine at my house? Boys will be with Arnie. 

Steph: Done. 

Steph: Bowling sign-ups are out for the winter season. Who's in? 

Dianna: What if we mixed it up this time? 

Steph: The answer is no. 

Tamara: Don't you dare quit my Sunday nights. 

Dianna: Anyone interested in the competitive hip hop dancing? 

The End

This book is for anyone turning 'of age.' 

Dear Reader, 

I have been wanting to write this book FOREVER. Thanks for the fire lit under me by #NaNoWriMo 50,000 words in 30 days. My favorite part of posting stories is the interaction with the readers. You ladies came through. I was able to put off all kinds of things like laundry, meal prep, figuring out virtual learning for the kids, and generally not paying attention because my head was completely in the story. Thank you to the silent readers! I know you're there. I love it. And for the commentators. This past couple of weeks there's been plenty randomly laughing out loud at your commentary. 

Special thanks to @jkbrady62 @pseudoannie @Ulli1970 @Lissasysnop @Fitri7878  @wiltingroses47 @gelypie27 @BoolieMama @AnglSister @nazsty 

💖💖💖 To J, N, H, K, & D. 


What songs do you want on this list? Drop me your pick!

The Humpty Dance – Digital Underground

Good Vibrations – Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Bye Bye Bye – NSYNC

Please Don't Go Girl – New Kids on The Block

U Can't Touch This – MC Hammer

Just A Girl – Gwen Stefani

Girls Just Want to Have Fun – Cindi Lauper

Jump Jump – Kris Kross

Bust A Move – Young MC

Wanna Be A Baller – Lil Troy

Shadows of the Night – Pat Benatar

Vision of Love – Mariah Carey

Push It - Salt n Pepa

You're the Best – Joe Esposito

Last Friday Night – Katy Perry

Pour Some Sugar on Me – Def Leppard

Regulators – Warren G

I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston 

I'm So Excited - The Pointer Sisters

I'll Never Break Your Heart – Backstreet Boys 

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