By rinaiya15

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"Where are we?" "THE FUTURE!" More



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By rinaiya15

Naruto gaped at what he's son has done"B-Boruto."

"That's your only reaction?"Shikamaru deadpan at the blonde.

Suddenly a teen boy with familiar blue scarf appeared behind Boruto, but Boruto turned around and attacked him while he block or dodge.

"Your son is good Naruto."Kiba said to the blonde who look proud"Unlike you."he finished making the knucklehead glare at him as everyone laugh or smirk.

Sorutobi Konohamaru, grandson of the third hokage and rank jonin of Konoha, student of Uzumaki Naruto.

Asuma smiled"He came a long way."he said proudly at his nephew.

Konohamaru grabbed Boruto's arms and pinned it behind him while holding him mid air making Boruto yell in pain.

"OW!Time out!Time out!I'm sorry big brother Konohamaru!"he exclaimed at the jonin.

"It's Konohamaru-sensei to you."he reminded the boy and started scolding him, but the blonde looks like he is not listening.

Uzumaki Boruto, son of Naruto and Hinata Uzumaki, he doesn't like being seen only as the hokage's son so ever since he's father became hokage and being super busy to spend time with them, he's determine to show everyone that he's not riding on the hokage's coattail.

"Super busy?"Naruto's asked he's face shows confusion.

"Poor kid."Asuma said in pity"I know what he mean about riding in hokage's coattail."he continued remembering how everyone expecting him to be like his father in his academy days.

Then a boy with black hair and glasses came out of the thunder train making Konohamaru look down.

Kaminarimon Denki, son of Ereki Kaminarimon who is an ex-shinobi.After the Fourth Great Shinobi War his father retired being a shinobi and instead, his father is also the one who invented the technologies in Konoha.Denki don't want to be a ninja but that changed when he met Boruto.

"You involve someone in to this too?!"he exclaimed shock.



Sara look at her cousin with a stoic expression with Sera beside her"That idiot."

Sera sigh"He needs to be careful with his stupid pranks."Sera said to her twin.

"They act different in the last episode."Kiba said.

"But outside they act like Sasuke."Sarina said and look at Sasuke who smirk at her, proud of his daughters.

Suddenly Shikadai came beside them with Khairo.

"That's how much of an idiot Boruto is."Khairo said stopping beside Sera.

"Yikes thats harsh."Kankuro laugh.

"Yeah Khairo's right, what do you expect?"Shikadai questioned from beside Sara.

"That Boruto, can he stop embarrassing the Hokage infront of the other people?"Cho-Cho asked from the front while eating chips.

"Hey!Even your daughter is harsh Choji!"Naruto yelled at the Akimichi.

The four students just sigh at the blonde who is still arguing with Konohamaru.


Boruto is seen walking to their classroom with Denki and Shikadai.

Boruto sigh"Finally mom will go easy on me this time."

Shikadai yawned while his hands inside his pockets"Why?"

Boruto has blue lines in his forehead"My mom made me study for 2 weeks of my suspension."

Hinata is shown behind Boruto while he study with two piles of books in either side of him.

Everyone look at the young hyuga princess who got flustered in the attention and hid behind Sarina who is beside her with a sweatdrop.

"So he is like Naruto who also sucks at studying."Sakura commented making everyone laugh and Naruto pout.

The three boys walk inside their classroom"Hey guys!"Boruto greeted making them all look at the blonde"I'm Uzumaki Boruto, nice to meet you!"

"As always Boruto is the one who gets all of the attention because of his pranks and loud voice, like his father."Kiba teased with a laugh.

"OY!"Naruto exclaimed.

Shikadai sigh"I told you to restrain yourself."he said to the blonde while going to his seat leaving the two.

"Now we can see the next generation."said Tsunade.

Boruto look at the short boy"Denki, where's my seat?"he asked him.

"You can seat anywhere."he answered.

With that they followed Shikadai to the front row with Boruto in the middle, Shikadai on the right and Denki on his left.

"That's him."whispered a male student to his seatmate at the back row near Khairo, Kiro who have Akkeru sitting on his head, and Inojin with Cho-Cho, Sara, Sera, and a lavender haired girl infront of them, Sera is only leaning on the table having a conversation with the girls and Nami is also joining who is seated infront of them beside two other girls.

"Who is that lavender haired girl?"asked Kiba.

Neji look annoyed"How should we know."

"How come hasn't punished after doing something like that?"

"I mean...you know."

"That wasn't just a prank."

"If it had plunged into town, it would have been a disaster."

"We'll be dead by now."

"Shh.He can hear you."

"And the gossiping start's."Kankuro sigh with the other's agreeing.

Boruto sat up with shadows covering his eyes making Denki look at him in worry.


Shikadai cut Denki off"don't pay attention to them."he said with his eyes closed.

Boruto rubbed the back of his head"I'm not."he said looking the Nara"They can say whatever they want."

Shikadai opened his eyes and look at the Uzumaki"Well, okay then."

"Oh!"Boruto then grinned"I forgot my text book."he exclaimed.

Shikadai look at him in disbelieve"This is your first day."

"Share you text book with me, Shikadai."Boruto grinned and reached for his book.

"What a drag.No way..."

"C'mon don't be like that."

In the end two played tag of war with the text book.

Meanwhile in the back row Cho-Cho, Sera, and the lavender haired girl with Nami are watching them.

"Boruto really stand out."said the lavender haired girl.

Sera look at her"Really now huh?"she said in thought and sigh"Well, Sumire why do you say that?"

"So that's her name."Tenten said.

"Aren't people paying attention to him because of that rediculous stunt he pulled."Cho-Cho voiced out while paying attention to her nails.

"That's the first time I've seen a Akimichi without chips in his/her hand everytime."Ino said in disbelieve.

"Sara, Sera you three are cousins from your mother side, right?"she asked the Uchiha twins.

"COUSINS!?"Naruto questioned/yelled.

"Naruto quiet down!"exclaimed Sakura punching his head.

Sara look at her annoyed"We may be cousins but, being stuck with him is really annoying."she said pissed remembering his childhood pranks.

Everyone sweatdrop"Yup,she is just like Sasuke alright."Ino said.

Khairo who is listening with at the back suddenly spoke with a boring voice"Hasn't he always annoying?"

Kakashi sweatdrop at his future son's personality'He acts like me when I was younger!'he screamed in his mind.

Kiro laugh"Sometimes though."and his ninken and partner, Akkeru, barked in agreement.

"He looks and acts just like Kiba."Shino voiced out.

Kankuro nodded"He's nothing like Sakura."

Then Inojin stand up from his seat and walk towards the front earning his classmates attention as they watch him pass Boruto's table"Riding on Hokage's coattails, huh?"he thought out loud making Boruto look at him with a frown with Shikadai.

"H-Hey, Inojin!"Sumire called out to him in panick.

Inojin look back"Oops, did I say it out loud?"he asked the girl which she just bowed her head down dissapointment.

"He just realized it?"Kankuro, Kiba, Naruto, and Deidara questioned in disbelieve.

Shikadai stands up from his seat"Hey Inojin, take that back."he demanded.

Inojin just smiled at them"Oh, sorry."he apologized walking infront of them"If it hit a nerve, I take it back."

"But that's just how everyone's feeling here."he continued"If anyone caused a runaway train, it would be normal if they would thrown in jail."

"WHAT!?"everyone yelled.

"That's to much for a child!"Kurenai exclaimed.

Denki stood up from his seat"That's..."

Boruto cut him off by placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking his head signaling not to talk.

"Look, you know that's not what happened."Shikadai scolded him.

Inojin sent a closed eyed smile at them"I guess..."he still smiling"Hey, Boruto.How long has it been?"

"Why is he always smiling?"Kankuro asked weirded out.

"Hey, Inojin."he greeted back.

Denki look between the two in confusion"You know each other?"

Shikadai place a hand behind his head"We've known each other since we were kids."then look at back were Sara and the other's are"Together with them."he pointed out making Denki look at where he's pointing only to gap.

'T-They are the children of the past rookies and also hero's of the fourth shinobi war!' He exclaimed looking at them.

"Where hero's?"Naruto and Kiba grinned.

Denki look Khairo'Hatake Khairo's father is the sixth hokage, who is known as Konoha's prodigy in the third great ninja war.He is also the son of the famous White Fang.'an older Kakashi who have his back turned, wearing a hokage robe with the words 'Sixth Hokage' at the back.

Then his eyes shifted to the Uchiha twins'While Sara and Sera's parents are two of the three second generation sannin's, Sasuke Uchiha is the only holder of the rinnegan eye and also the only one who can match up with the seventh hokage, Uzumaki Naruto, when it comes to power.' then a image of an older Sasuke appeared, his other eye is covered by his hair and wearing a cloak.

"Rinnegan?!"Jiraiya and the Akatsuki yelled shock before looking at the young Uchiha.

"What is a rinnegan eye?"Sakura questioned also picking the interest of the others.

Pain who is the leader of the Akatsuki decided to explain"Rinnegan eye is one of the three powerful dojutsu's like sharingan and byakugan."he explained"The rinnegan is also the most powerful dojutsu."

'Most powerful dojutsu?Then...'they look at Sasuke who looks to be deep in thought.

'Their mother, Sarina Uchiha, who is the great grand - daughter of the first hokage, she is also one of the best medical kunoichi in the the village that surpasses even her aunt, the fifth hokage. And with her monster strength, she can destroy a whole forest with a single punch if she want's to!'then the image of  an older Sarina who have a hand on her hip appeared.


Tsunade proudly smiled"Good job Sarina, I knew you would be my successor."she stated proud of her niece.

Sarina smiled at her aunt'I finally achieved the byakugou seal.'she excitedly.

While Jiraiya'Oh no, not another Tsunade!'he screeched in his mind.

Denki then look at Boruto'While Boruto's father is the seventh hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, he is the son of the fourth hokage, Minato Namikaze the one they call 'The Yellow Flash', Lord hokage is also one of the three second generation sannin's.'Naruto's back appeared wearing his hokage robe with the words 'Seventh Hokage' written on the back like Kakashi.

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Kakashi tense when they heard about Minato.

Naruto look at them, suspicious"What does he mean that the fourth hokage is my father!?"he yelled at them.

Sarina and the other's are shock at the revelation and look at the three for answer only for them to look away not giving any answer.

"Just watch and maybe the truth will come out."Jiraiya reassured.

"My mother had a little sister who is married to the fourth."Sarina confirmed earning the Konoha and Akatsuki ninja's attention, looking at her aunt, Jiraiya, and her sensei suspiciously"Uzumaki Kushina."

They tense"I may not have seen or met her before but, my mother told me stories about her little sister who have a son with blonde hair and blue eyes just like the his father which is the fourth hokage..."she continued while the others are just listening"It's Naruto isn't it?Naruto is my cousin, right?"she asked them.

They waited for them to speak until Jiraiya sigh"Yes.You and Naruto are cousins."he confirmed.

"Don't ask question's for now."Tsunade sigh"The episode's will surely explain everything you have to know."

Naruto was just silent, upset that his sensei and master would keep a secret from him.

'The four of them are legend's and now I'm friend's with the hokage's son.' Denki look at them in awe before watching Boruto and Inojin who is still exchanging words to each other.

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