Scars cut deeper than Wounds

By TerressaWinner

42.1K 1.2K 970

Marinette has a dark past she's not willing to share with anyone. One so dark that she had to move away from... More

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2: Her Secret
Chapter 3: Ladybug
Chapter 4: Exposed
Chapter 5: Nicknames and Overprotective Waynes
Chapter 6: Deaths and Realisations
Chapter 7: Plagg, meet Alfred
Chapter 8: New Book
Chapter 9: Hospital Beds Are So Uncomfortable
Chapter 10: New Books
Chapter 11: Wake Up
Chapter 12: Two sides
Chapter 13: I got Tagged!
Chapter 14: Updating
Chapter 15: Useless
Chapter 17: Embrace
Chapter 18: The Alleyway
What next? You choose
Final decision
It's been published!

Chapter 16: Surprise

1K 44 31
By TerressaWinner

Hey guys! Sorry, it's been so long. I just finished the season 4 of Riverdale and am so excited for season 5! Anyway, I was watching Riverdale when I got this wicked exciting idea on how to change and improve this story. I've been struggling with the darn writer's curse known as 'Writers block' for a while. I'd started writing this chapter a while ago, but ran out of ideas on how to move it along in a good flow and finish it. Riverdale gave me a new insight on certain things and so the genre of this book has been changed. Hope you like this chapter.

And...can you guess the new genre? 

The woman stepped closer and closer. The smirk on her face grew as she replayed the day's earlier events in her head. This man would pay. He'd messed with the wrong people. 

Made promises he couldn't keep.

Stupid Agrestes. So naive. It was time they learned how the real world worked.

Her heels scratched against the cement coming to a stop outside the main entrance. 

She leaned her neck to the side shivering in glee at the addicting crack it made. She'd worn her best and sharpest heels today. Normally, she'd want to surprise them.

But not today.

Today, she was gonna go right up in their faces. She wanted to be heard today. But she wasn't going to be too loud. She brushed her hair aside and pressed the bell smirking at the camera that came out. The click of the gate was heard almost immediately.


She'd been heard.

They knew she wasn't here just for business. 

She almost giggled in sickening euphoria when the man known as 'Gorilla' practically jumped aside allowing her entry into their twisted home.

She could barely help herself when she came face to face with a painting she knew all too well. Mrs Goody-Two-Shoes Agreste. And so she said the words she lived for as her face morphed into utter disgust before it changed to something akin to longing and finally back to a smirk - although this time less snarky. Looking at a woman who was now but a memory she wanted to shove into the deepest of depths of the enigma of a mind she brought up feelings she hated. Her eyes narrowed. "Surprise."


He watched her as she sat down on the armchair he'd always reserved for..special..guests. Her leeching eyes scanned him from top to bottom before finally meeting his with that burning cold stare she always reserved for..special..occasions. 

Then she smiled. Her skin shedding of the evil cloak and putting it aside for later use.

He waited for her to make the first move. 

And so she did.

"You know the story of Thor and the Giants of Jotunheim."

His eyes narrowed and his foot tapped impatiently, though quietly. He remained silent waiting for her to continue.

Her smile broadened satisfied with his silent answer. "The test."

The clock on the wall ticked. And ticked. And ticked.

She wasn't normally one to dwell too long on one thing or drag it on like this. Her words were either very blunt or very vague. But today...

"Thor was quite the boastful spirit. His boastful, arrogant nature was both his flaw and his greatest strength. He challenged the giants. Not knowing that they were in fact challenging him."

She shuffled in the armchair becoming more comfortable. "Testing him. Testing his strength. Thor's flaw was his constant self-praise. The thought that only he was able to wield the hammer. Because of this flaw, he fell into the sweet, honey taste of mead where his strength was tested by his greatest enemies. Not knowing as they watched with glee from the sidelines. Brushed his ego."

"The thing, though. Is that although some thought he was stupid because of this flaw, genetically, he was far from it. He wasn't the smartest but he did have an intelligence over average."

Mr Agreste's teeth clenched as he waited for her to get to the point. Because he knew there was one. There was always a point when it came to this woman.

Slowly but surely, her skin was beginning to take shape. Attach itself back. Because there was a point that she was trying to make.

"You know what I do in my line of work Gabriel. You know the kind of person I am. The background I have. You know about my father. My dear Batsie. And my son. The people I control. The way I do it. But I also know you Gabriel. I know what you're planning. I know who you are. Your wife." She lowered her gaze before flicking them up and fluttering her eyelashes in a provokingly innocent way. "Your son--"

"What is your point."

She smirked. "Naughty naughty Gabriel. You know not to speak to me like that. Not after what you did." 

Gabriel's jaw twitched but he kept his mouth shut.

"Remember the game we used to play? Chess." She giggled. "I still play it sometimes. But not too much, I'm far too busy. Emilie always seemed to beat you." She sighed in reminisce. "To win the game, you capture the Queen. The king is the most important chess piece. If you lose the king, you lose the game. Thor was being tested. They were using his strengths against him. He lost himself. However..."

Despite him trying hard not to, he still found himself on the edge of his seat waiting for her next words. Because she had a point. She always had a point.

She stood up pleased with herself and ready to leave. "You must remember that the Queen is the most powerful piece. And all monarch have enemies..and allies. Sometimes, even the most unexpected ones." 

And with that she left. Not another word. Not another message. Not another crypt. 

Just silence and the sound of extra sharp heels echoing seemingly getting louder and louder despite them getting further and further away.

As Gabriel Agreste rubbed a hand down his face and sighed a frustrated sigh.

And thus a new story was born. This recent murder was more than it let on. It ran deeper than a certain Gabriel Agreste knew. Despite his numerous attempts to figure it out, he never would until the day the truth was revealed. The truth of the death of one Adrien Agreste.

He would only find more and more evidence. But would continue to have too little information.

But one thing he would find was that no one was innocent. Even the most innocent of them all.

~1 Year and 7 Months Ago~

The tiny squeak of a floorboard was heard quickly followed by silent hushed whispers repeating the phrase "be quiet he's going to hear us". 

The young adults sneaked past hidden obstacles in the dark of everyday items as they searched desperately for hiding places. 

"We should never have decided to move as a group. We should've separated!" The young woman with dark flowing hair and bluebell eyes shushed the speaker as she tiptoed past yet another vase.

"It's so dark." The young man with the iconic red cap now replaced with a new iconic red beanie squinted his eyes as he followed his girlfriend watching their backs.

Said girlfriend with wavy, reddish-brown ombre hair and a common use of glasses held her hand up stopping them in their tracks.

They could all feel it.

The impending doom coming their way as chills came in through the window of the old holiday cabin house owned by the Agrestes.

Another floorboard squeaked and they shivered, but this time not from the cold. Because they knew that they'd all stopped moving and so none of them could've made that floorboard creak. 

The woman with the wavy hair gulped. 
The man with the new iconic beanie shuddered.
And the woman with the bluebell eyes turned around slowly to be met with the sight of a Cheshire grin belonging to a man with sun-touched hair.

"Found you."

The three grumbled and huffed annoyed at their lack of ability to hide.

The man with sun-touched hair laughed in triumph and flicked on the lights. "I won. Now you guys owe me that last slice."

And so the friends solemnly watched as their friends slowly savored the last slice of pizza. Then they moved on to their game for the night. Giggles and laughs echoing down the warm walls of the old holiday cabin house owned by the Agrestes.

The Agrestes.

The Agrestes.

Okay, so, I'm just gonna warn you that you're all giving me ideas. For example, Adrien killing Luka. Now I just might add that to the story! XD You should be commenting things like 'omg, what if Marinette and Damian were getting married then Adrien came bursting through back from the dead and shouting "I object!"' or even 'omg, what if Marinette and Damian are at the park and a kid points out how they both look like her mum and dad and then her mum comes and apologises and drags her kid away leaving Damian and Marinette and awkward, flushing mess!'

And can you guys guess who our mystery woman was?

Hope you guys liked this chapter and I once again apologise for my far delayed publish. 

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