The Glue - Luke Hemmings: Seq...

By LukesLover96

153K 4.5K 2.3K

Arias pregnant? With Luke's kid? Luke wants nothing to do with it? So many questions. Will Aria and Luke be a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Authors Note...Please Read
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Final Authors Note


3.6K 165 79
By LukesLover96

Let's move forward a few years shall we? For starters, Aria and Luke still remained strong. They were so in love. They were the two that every couple aspired to be. Basically the dream team.

9 months after that Christmas Day, Aria gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Wren Elizabeth. Luke had ended up picking the middle name. He wanted it to be something to do with his mother.

The twins were now young adults, 16 years old. Both driving, and have relationships. Although, it did take a little while for Luke to let Maddy go out on a date with the boy. She had told him that she would only go if her father let her.

Will was dating, a very beautiful girl named Ava Rose. She had long, silky red hair and a few freckles on her face. She was tall, so whenever they kissed Will wouldn't have to dip his head down to low. He had grown to be taller than his dad. Just by an inch, and he still remained playing soccer.

Maddy ended up with a very attractive boy named Chandler. Luke had actually took a liking to him. He was a very well mannered boy, who loved Maddy for who she was. Even if she was obnoxious and loud. Maddy had remained the same height she was when she was 12. Her appearance had changed a little bit though. She ended up dying her hair brown and not dressing as girly as her preteen years.

Now, I assume your wondering what happened to Lucy. Well, she was finished with college and was well, married to Josh. They were so in love that as soon as college was over he proposed. Josh had asked for Luke's permission to marry her.

The wedding was beautiful. Luke walked her down the aisle and handed her off. She was now Lucy Mitchell. Instead of Lucy Hemmings.

As for Calum and Stephanie, they had adopted a little girl from London. Stephanie was medically unable to have kids, something they didn't find out until after they were married. But Calum remained by her side, supporting her through everything.

Michael was now married to a girl named Lola. Her and Michael made the perfect couple. They both enjoyed dying their hair strange colors and eating pizza. They'd been married for almost a year now.

Ashton and Nicky, were now divorced. But it was what was best. They had come through many bumps in the road. But they shared custody over Chase, and their other son Grayson. One week here, one week there. But they still remained friends.

Gwen and Livia were now legally married in the state of New York. They had moved there together because thy wanted to see more of the world. But they always visited everyone in Florida.

Now back to Aria and Luke. They had made it so far. No one would ever thought. What they had was like no other pair people had ever seen.

As teenagers, they were both for fragile people. But that's what made them connect easily. Thy understood each other. They knew what it was like to suffer.

That's why they always made sure that their kids knew they were loved. There wasn't one day, where they didn't say I love you to their kids. It was numerous times a day they said.

When the twins were both 14, Luke and Aria had told them about their past. Many tears were shed. It wasn't the parents holding their kids though, it was the other way around.

That day, Maddy wouldn't let go of Luke. Three days after that she wouldn't let go of Luke. Constantly hugging him, being around him, giving him kisses on the cheek. She had never really seen her dad cry so much. It broke her heart.

Will, had kept his arm around Aria the entire time. Kissing his moms cheek, telling her it was alright.

Wren, still oblivious to everything. Only 3 years old, had no idea what had gone on in her parents life. But Aria and Luke had also decided to tell her when she was 14.

Luke, yet again had never pictured himself marrying a girl. Having three kids. Letting his sister go and be the young woman she was now. But that's everything that happened when Aria came in.

She was his infinity, and he was hers. They're love was undying. They were so in love, their own kids were grossed out. But they didn't care.

Aria, had never pictured herself being loved by so many people. Growing up for her wasn't easy, so to have so many people love her was an amazing thing for her.

After Wren turned two, they all visited Australia. Lucy and Josh even tagged along. The twins and Wren visited their grandmothers grave for the first time. While they were there, not once did they run into Luke's dad.

They had found out, Andy ended up dying of Liver Cancer. He had drank so much, the alcohol affected his system badly. Killing him.

Luke was just numb when he found out. He didn't really know how to feel. Yes it was the man who created him, but it was the man who destroyed him.

When they got back, Aria had gotten a call from Alex. Remember, the guy her brother was best friends with. Alex had informed her that her mother had committed suicide.

Aria was numb like Luke was. She didn't know how to feel either. She cried a little bit at first though. She still hadn't known anything about her father. But she could've cared less, he left her.

Aria and Luke have been through it all. Thick and thin. They never left each other though. That just proves how much they loved each other. They never gave up.

They were collapsed buildings when they first met. But they were the glue that held each other together.


A/N: I can't believe it's over. I'm like crying right now. The last paragraph got me though. I used both titles.

I'm it gonna type much here since I'm putting a final authors note up soon.

Thanks for reading guys. Please vote and comment.


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