help you // metal sonic x hum...

By xcherricutie

30.5K 1.1K 1.1K

When Metal is sent on a mission to steal two chaos emeralds from Shadow and Sonic, he's not expecting them to... More

// part one: brand new world //
// part two: living life anew //
// part three: an average day //
// part four: friend //
// part five: sleepy days //
// part six: low battery //
// part seven: the unexpected //
// part eight: eggman's creation //
// part nine: not so new world //
// part eleven: the final battle //
// part twelve: help you //
// sequel out //

// part ten: E-125 //

1.7K 71 62
By xcherricutie

The city during the nighttime was still lit up, even with how late it was. Y/n sat in her bed, staring out the window across the room. Since she was on the second story of the house, the window gave a good view of the city, the tall buildings lighting up brightly like the stars.

Y/n blinked her eyes, noticing her reflection. Her brilliant green eyes glowed brightly, reminding her of what happened. She huffed, turning over and away from the bed. She closed her eyes, trying to sleep. She hadn't been able to sleep at all.

She couldn't believe she was finally free. After a full month of experiments on her, and sitting in that cell, practically dying, she was finally out. It felt nice, but being honest, she wasn't used to it. She didn't know how to feel about it all. It was so strange.

Y/n sighed, relaxing slightly. It was nice to finally sleep on a real bed. She felt herself growing sleepy, and just as she was about to go to sleep, she heard a loud crash outside. Y/n opened her eyes, startled. She threw the blankets off, walking over to the window. She stared outside, wondering what the noise was.

Figuring it wasn't anything important, Y/n turned around to go lay down, but stopped as she realized someone else was in the room as well. She stared at their dark shadow across the room. It almost felt like it was just Y/n's shadow, but she knew that wasn't the case.

"H-Hello?" Y/n stuttered, confused and scared.

"Target found." A familiar voice said, shocking Y/n. Before she could react, E-125 blasted forward, sending the two flying through the window, and falling towards the ground. Y/n, panicking, flailed her arms about, trying to grab E-125.

E-125 clenched her fist and reeled back, readying to punch Y/n. She boosted forward, Y/n just barely dodging the attack as she crashed into the ground, E-125's fist slamming into the concrete road, completely destroying that part.

The commotion had awoken the residents of the house, Sonic and the others running outside. Y/n reached out towards them, E-125 grabbing her neck and lifting her into the air. Y/n wheezed, unable to breathe.

"Y/n!" Sonic called out, dashing towards her. E-125 turned towards him, though didn't move fast enough as the blue blur swiped his leg, pulling her feet out from under her. Y/n and E-125 dropped to the ground, Sonic quickly catching the more frail and soft girl before she could get hurt.

He leaped away, setting Y/n down on her feet. E-125 stood up, looking up to the sky as her creator showed up. Sonic heard Eggman's loud laugh, making the blue hedgehog grimace. He rubbed his eye, sleepy as he looked up at him, watching him float down in his mech.

"Thanks for ruining my beauty sleep, Eggman." Sonic said, grinning. Eggman scoffed, shaking his hand at the hedgehog.

"I don't care about you and your friends right now. I'm only here to retrieve what rightly belongs to me. I did create her, after all." Eggman said, giving Y/n a large, almost scary grin. Y/n whimpered, standing behind Sonic.

"You didn't create her, Eggman. You kidnapped her. We're going to return her home, and we won't let you stop us." Sonic said. Eggman chuckled, a large shadow beginning to loom over the city. Everyone looked past Eggman, and into the sky, realizing he had brought along his large ship, definitely holding more robots to help fight them.

"You won't even get the chance to send her home. I'm taking her back, and nothing you do will stop me. She's mine now, Sonic!" Eggman said, grinning proudly. Sonic scoffed, standing protectively in front of Y/n. Eggman turned to the robot waiting for an order. "E-125! Take care of these nuisances, I will take Y/n myself!"

Eggman said, pressing a button on his large mech. He leaped out of it, inside a large machine with legs and blasters. He landed in front Sonic and Y/n, shaking the ground. Sonic waved his arms around, losing his balance.

As he tried to regain his balance, E-125 blasted forward, knocking him into a building across the street. The building exploded, dust flying everywhere. Y/n panicked, unsure of what to do. She turned around and ran, not sure where to go.

She heard Eggman's mech moving, but continued running. Suddenly, he landed in front of her, startling her. She screamed, watching metal arms reach out of the mech, trying to grab her. Before they could though, a large, familiar Piko-Piko hammer smashed the arms. The wielder, Amy, slammed it into the mech, sending Eggman flying backwards down the road.

"Get out of here, Y/n!" Amy ordered. Y/n nodded, turning to run away. As she ran, she realized someone had joined her by her side. She looked over, realizing it was Tails. He gave her a grin, taking her hand.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get away safely." He said, taking her other hand. He began twirling his two tails, lifting Y/n into the air. As they flew into the sky, above the buildings, Y/n looked down to check on the others.

Though, her panic quickly returned as she saw E-125 flying towards them. Y/n screamed, startling Tails as he looked back. Panic arose in the kitsune too as he realized he wasn't fast enough to dodge her.

Thankfully though, the dark hedgehog, Shadow, used chaos control, appearing between the three. He slammed his foot down on her, kicking her and sending her flying to the ground. He gave Tails a thumbs up, signaling him to continue as he warped away again.

"Where are we going?" Y/n asked, looking down to watch the fight.

"You said Metal Sonic was on Eggman's ship, right? If he's as good as you say, we may need his help..." Tails said, flying towards the ship. Y/n looked up at him, growing happy. She would finally get to see him again. He could protect them all.

"TAILS! LOOK OUT!" A voice suddenly screamed, making Tails gasp as he looked back. Something was suddenly slammed into him, sending him and Y/n falling to the ground. Y/n looked up, realizing it was... Sonic? He must've been thrown at them by E-125.

He dived for Y/n, not worrying too much about Tails as he could fly. He grabbed onto Y/n, holding her close as they fell. He managed to line up with a building, running down it. Y/n held onto him tightly, scared he'd drop her.

Once on the ground, he skidded across the street, slowing to a stop. As he did, E-125 used chaos control, appearing just across the street from them. Her bright green eyes glared at Sonic, as if her looks only could demand him to hand over Y/n.

Sonic looked to the side, wondering if he could run. But of course, Eggman stood there, his friends just down the street, tired and beaten. Eggman chuckled, twirling his long mustache around his gloved finger.

"You have nowhere left to run, Sonic. Hand over the girl, now. If you do, I'll let you all go and won't do anything bad." Eggman said. Sonic scoffed, holding Y/n closer.

"Yeah right. I have no reason to believe you. And even if I did, I wouldn't let you have her. I promise I'll keep Y/n safe, and make sure she gets home." Sonic said, looking up at her and giving her a smile.

"Don't make this hard on you two. Give her to me, or else." Eggman said. Sonic stepped closer, unsure of what would happen if he said no. Y/n bent downwards towards his ear, whispering to him.

"We don't stand a chance if we don't get help. Eggman's ship is here, we can get Metal to help us." She whispered. Sonic nodded, agreeing with her idea, giving her a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, Y/n. We'll get him, and take care of these guys." He said, growing confident. He heard Eggman chuckle, making Sonic look back to him.

"So, you won't do this the easy way? Oh well, your funeral. E-125, you know what to do. I'll go get the others." Eggman said, turning around to face Sonic's hurt friends. Sonic's eyes widened, panic beginning to arise in him. He turned towards his friends, wanting to save them.

"Sonic! Look out!" Y/n shouted, making Sonic turn his attention towards the oncoming attack. E-125's fist collided with his face, sending him through the building behind him. Y/n screamed as the dust flew everywhere, covering her face.

She felt someone grab her hands, violently jerking them into the air as she was pulled up. She looked up, seeing E-125 flying into the air. Y/n screamed out, hoping someone would save her. But everyone was hurt, there was no one to save her.

The thought of being trapped in a cell again, constantly being tortured and experimented on scared her, made her panic more. She couldn't go back, she had finally escaped after what felt like years, even if it was only a month.

Her mind raced, and her panic began to get the best of her. She gasped for air, like she couldn't breathe, tears falling down her cheeks as E-125 pulled her higher into the air. It felt like Y/n was drowning in her own panic.

"Sonic! Tails! Amy! Someone, please, help me! Please!" Y/n cried out, nearing the ship she was held captive on. Through her tears and panic, she managed to choke out her friend's name, begging to be saved. "Metal! Save me, please!"

Of course, he didn't save her right away like she had so desperately hoped. Her tears came down like a waterfall, kicking her legs as she hopelessly tried to escape the robot's grip. Her emotions were beginning to overflow, her sense of drowning in sorrow growing.

"Let me go!" She yelled at E-125, hoping the robot would listen. Of course, she didn't, and continued onwards to the ship. Y/n yelled at her again, and nothing happened. Finally, Y/n couldn't stand it anymore, and growled loudly.

"LET ME GO!" She shouted, her metal side lighting bright green. In a fit of anger and sadness, she used her powers for the first time, sending a powerful shock of electricity through the robot, causing it to malfunction and drop Y/n.

Y/n fell to the ground, crashing into the concrete, sending dust flying everywhere. This startled the others, making them worry. Sonic gasped, realizing that Y/n had fallen, and could've possibly died.

"Y/n!" He shouted, running over to the rubble. As he approached though, in the dust, he saw a silhouette standing in the middle. He slowed to a stop, confusing. As the dust cleared, everyone saw Y/n standing, hurt but alive.

She huffed, holding her hurt arm as she glared at Eggman, who was standing down the street, just as shocked as the others. She took a step forward, hissing in pain, but continued anyway.

"I won't let you take me, or any of them." She said, gritting her teeth in pain.

"So, you finally got to use your powers? You really think you can beat me? You don't know how to use them at all, I can still win. I still have one more trick up my sleeve." Eggman grinned, pressing a button on his mech.

E-125, now fine, suddenly appeared next to him. She placed both her hands on the mech, and both her and Eggman suddenly disappeared, surprising them. He must've left to prepare for a fight.

Y/n, now tired as her adrenaline faded, fell to her knees, her entire body in pain. Sonic ran up to her, making sure she wasn't too badly. As he placed a hand on her shoulder, he heard her giggle. Surprised, he looked down at her face, as she looked up towards the ship.

"Don't worry, Metal. I can save you now. I'll help you this time..." She said, giggling happy.


word count - 2000

I hated writing this uuuuggghhhh it was so hard hahahaha
I think I ended this chapter terribly too, sorry about that

So, I was thinking. If I'm to write another X reader story (I only do those, and for certain characters, or original stories), who would you want it to be about?

The characters I'd do are:
Fleetway Super Sonic

The last one is actually interesting in my opinion. I've never read the comics (but I'd love to), but he just seems like an interesting character in my opinion. If I were to do a story on him, it'd be in the game canon, and a separate character from Sonic (of course, I could make him part of Sonic like normal, and do a Fleetway x reader x Sonic, these kinds of stories aren't new to me).

And if I did that, I'd make him different from the comics. This character is just really interesting to me, I've only seen some videos on him. But if that's not what anyone wants, well... I might do it anyway, I actually love the idea of doing it.

Anyway, sorry for talking so much, I'll go now. Hope you enjoyed, see ya

also next part may be final part

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