By AnimeLuck229

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Lucy Heartfilia is just an average celestial mage that owns 10 of the golden zodiac keys, or so they thought... More

Luciana Yurine Heartfilia Apocalypse
Lucy's true family
True Colors Unfold
Meeting the Mukami's
The woman i love
Author's Note
Old Man


68 2 0
By AnimeLuck229

Author's Note

Alright guys, if you have noticed, I wrote the pov's mostly in yuma's perspective, well, that's gonna stay for a while, and I will say this clearly first. I'm kind of having an author's block whenever I tried to write yuri's pov, that's why I'm taking long to update, but in truth, it's mostly because I only write or continue this story when I'm bored, have enough time, or if I finish reading accurately 2 books in wattpad, and also when I'm not too lazy. Well then, I'm not gonna get this longer than it already is, I just want to inform you that it will mostly be yuma's point of view in the next following chapters, so here it is... Btw, thanks for reading my story guys, and also, thanks for the votes and comments, I really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy~


Yuma's pov

What a complicated yet heartwarming story.

Processing the twist and turns that happened on my mate's ancestors, my heart involuntarily softened, as well as a deep respect and grateful feeling towards them.

I deeply respect them for all their accomplishments in their life, and I also am grateful towards them, especially when they broke the absurd tradition.

I could never imagine the life without my mate, especially if I actually see her on the embrace of another man... I'd probably commit a massacre...

Turning towards the smiling yuri, a thought suddenly pops up in my head.

Will our love be just as strong as they are? Will we last a lifetime?

Taking in a shallow breathe, I Shook the thoughts away before continuing to follow my mate, who is now walking towards the end of the hallway where a door resides, probably where her parents is at.

Only time can tell, I guess...

Walking towards the large golden doors, a sense of foreboding suddenly creeped upon me. What's this feeling? It's like I'm gonna face a sudden monster and is helpless upon fighting against it. Just the mere thought caught shivers upon my spine.

Turning back to look towards my mate's brothers, who seemed to have seen my shiver and uneasy face, an evil glint seemed to pass through their eyes as a creepy smile was etched upon their faces, making the uneasy feeling from before resurface and seemed to intensify.

Taking a deep breathe and shaking the horrifying thoughts away, I turned my focus back up front and continued to follow my mate until we finally arrived in front of the large golden door.

The door gave off an oppressive feeling, enough to make even the strongest person want to back off. It has small intricate designs that was carved at the sides of the door, crawling downwards and making a hoop towards each ends of the door's side. On the middle of the door, a large realistic black dragon with piercing yellow eyes that resembles a cat was seen opening it's mouth, wanting to eat what's in front yet cannot.

The door was truly magical. Knocking upon the door, I watched as the sound it gave off was similar to a pattern, it's not like a normal knock where you use your knuckles to knock randomly as you please, but a kind of knock that forms as a secret code.

'Knock' 'tap' 'tap' knock' 'knock' 'knock' 'tap' 'tap' 'knock'

It was really easy to remember, however, I also know that it won't be that simple, knowing my mate, her family would just be as cautious as she is, probably runs in the blood.

"It might look easy, but it's not. Not only do you have to use the right code, you should also be cautious at the weight and timing upon your knocks or else it may just backfire. " probably sensing my thoughts, my beatiful mate conveniently explained.

Giving out a loving smile, I was about to thank her when a sudden rumbling caught my attention. In front, the golden door was opening at a moderately fast pace until finally showing what was inside.

The room in front is what I might guess as the throne room, courtesy of the large throne on the middle upper part of the hall. The room was very large, enough to accommodate all the netizens of approximately three cities, with much room to spare.

There was large pillars upon the end of each side, which probably acts as a support beam. Upon the sides of the pillars was chairs, specifically lined like a ladder from bottom to top, but not hight enough to out high the stage where resides the rulers seat.

A large crystal chandelier was hanged on the very middle of the room as small fluorescent lights was coupled with it, dimly lighting up the whole room.

It has a small stage in front, which resides three large thrones with the middle one as the biggest, on the left side was only a little smaller than the middle and on the right was the smallest, smaller than the other two yet bigger than the other four smaller thrones on the side.

I could guess that the majestic throne on the middle was for the King, on the left side would be for the Queen, and the last would probably be for the rightful next heir upon the throne.

And I was right. Upon each throne sat yuri's parents, layla and acnologia, as well as a small child who sat on one of the four thrones. The boy's looks can't be considered handsome, mostly because of the baby fat on his face, yet he can also be deemed as a charming little boy. He was very adorable, with dark black hair and red eyes, he looked exactly like zeref, yuri's first and oldest brother, except for the fact that the child's face was younger, as well as the fact that he has lighter eyes than zeref's dark piercing red.

The child was currently wearing an ash white button up shirt and faded ripped jeans and dark green sneakers, if zeref was fond of black, then this child would be a gray lover.

"My child! Your here! " I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard auntie layla screech, running towards my mate and scooping her up upon her arms.

"Mom, we just met yesterday. " rolling her eyes yet hugging back, my mate was currently wearing an annoyed yet blissful expression upon her face as she tightened the hug upon them.

"Hmph, I don't care, as long as I can see that my baby is by my side, I'm already pleased! "

"Moooommmm!! I'm not a baby anymore! "

"But you will always be a baby in my eyes! "

"Uh-huh, your mother is right my Angel. " sending a glare towards acnologia, yuri pouted before giving him a hug and walked towards where the little kid was.

"Zero! It's been so long.. Did you miss your most favorite and most beautiful older sister!? " grinning like a maniac, Yuri was currently carrying an aura of a bro-con.

"Your my only sister.. "


"..." Ouch, that got to hurt.. What a savage child.

"*ehem* it's nice to see you again dear. " breaking the tense and awkward atmosphere, acnologia smiled as he turned towards the sude, obviously stifling a laugh.

"I-i" stiff like a statue, yuri seemed to deflate like a balloon losing air.

"Who is he? " now, it's my turn to stiffen, turning towards the adorable child, a suffocating pressure seemed to land onto me, causing me to widen my eyes, what the...?

"Oh, let me introduce you, yuma, this is ky brother, zero-" gesturing with her arms towards the child, zero, I awkwardly waved as he just nodded in monotone, why do I feel like I am the child in this introduction?....Strange....

"-Zero, this is yuma, my mate. " now gesturing towards myself, a pin drop silence enveloped the room.

"What. Did. You. Say? " dangerously pronouncing each word, zero slowly started to sit up from his chair, a dark expression on his face.

"Uhh, this is yuma, my mate. " completely oblivious to the thick tension upon the air, yuri happily clinged upon my arm as she swung it up and down.

"Hehe.. " lowering his head, thr suffocating pressure from before intensified, sporting a thick aura of death as he silently started to float in mid-air, walking in invisible ground as he turned towards us, specifically me.... Fuck..

"Oh? Zero, what's wrong with you? Are you angry? " my mate casually asks as she innocently looked at the little demon in mid-air... Oh dear...

"..." Still advancing towards us, zero completely ignored my nate, though, his aura seemed to go darker...

"Hmm.. Zero! A-are you opposing of you relationship? How could you do this!? " oh please my love, let me live...

"..." The suffocating pressure seemed to grow much stronger as I was already lacking air on my lungs.

"Zero! I'm telling you, stop this! Me and yuma love each other! Stop hurting him! " slowly activating her magic, I felt air finally enter my lungs again, it's just that..

"..." The room seemed to go even darker again, the chandeliers above started to sway as zero's hair started to float... I'm dead...

"Yuma is my mate! No matter how much you oppose of us, he will still be your brother in law! If you don't accept this, I-I'll denounce you! "

R. I. P Mukami Yuma
Cause of death, my mate
Suspect, my mate's brother
Witness, my mate's family
Location, my mate's home
Accomplice of suspect, my mate's other brothers
Time, unknown (they were too shocked to check the time)
You shall be missed..

"Hehe, run! " head now tilted towards my direction, eyes already completely black, glass shards falling from the ceiling as continues sounds of chandelier breaking resounded around the room, and his floating body completely covered with a thick dark aura was all I saw as my vision went black.

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