
נכתב על ידי Camille-on

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C.H./L.H. They say life is like a dream. Well what about the dreams gone wrong? עוד



235 7 7
נכתב על ידי Camille-on

I waltzed back to my room from breakfast and laid down on my bed. I realized I hadn't talked to my parents and Zach... Or not my parents and Zach much this whole time. They should be up by now.

I picked up my phone and dialed Zach's phone number first. I'll save my house for last, since Elle probably won't talk to me anyways. He picked up after 3 rings.

"Hey Camille." He said softly.

"Don't sound too excited." I chuckled.

"It's hard when I miss you so much." He complained.

"I miss you too. What's been happening over there?" I asked picking up a pen from the desk and tapping it around aimlessly.

"Nothing really I guess I mean-" I heard his door creak open and the springs of his bed as someone sat down next to him.

"Um listen Camille I'm really busy I promise I'll call you later. There's actually something I want to talk to you about." He said and I could feel my heart freeze.

"" I said. "Bye Zach." I squeezed out before he hung up.

Something was going on. Or maybe I was just paranoid from being so far away from him. He was always so trustworthy and honest. He'd never do anything to hurt me. I pushed the idea out of my mind before dialing home. No answer.

"Hey guys, it's Camille. Just checking in. Everything here is great. School starts soon and I'm getting all settled in. I miss you all. Call me when you get this. Bye." I said to the voicemail.

I bounded out of my room to find Calum. I walked down the hallway to his room to see what he was doing or if there were plans. Just as I was about to knock the doorbell rang and within seconds, Calum opened his bedroom door. He locked eyes with me and looked up.

"Listen. I was bored, and you were awake. Don't think we're inseparable or something now." He said pushing around me. He stopped halfway down the stairs, not even turning around.

"Oh and thanks for saving my ass." He added.

He's so rude but at the same time nice and I don't understand it one bit. I half sighed and half groaned and decided on going to the living room, flipping on Netflix, and watching Gossip Girl. Mali had shown me how to work almost everything like the TV, the washer and dryer, the oven, etc. and I was getting pretty confident.

Just then I heard an unfamiliar laugh and footsteps towards the living room. Calum emerged from around the corner and closely behind him, a very attractive tall blonde followed. Calum stopped in his tracks and his smile faded slightly before sighing and turning to his friend, who was staring half blankly and half amusedly.

"Luke, this is my sister, Camille. Camille, this is my best friend Luke." He said gesturing between us dully. Luke smirked and bit on his lip ring. I didn't notice it before-it looked so natural on him.

"C'mon Luke, lest go." Calum said turning up the stairs. Luke went against his previous orders and walked over to me with his lip ring still being wiggled back and forth by his teeth

"Calum. How could I have been best friends with you since year 4 and not have known you had a sister besides Mali?" He said with his super hot accent that I was glad he had. Wait. Zach. I politely shook his hand, reminding myself not to do anything stupid that would ruin the great relationship I already had going for me. That what it is, right? It's great?

"Oh actually we didn't know until a few days ago. I've lived in America my whole life and I'm here now... Me and Calum are twins, actually." I said matter-of-factly.

"That's enough. He didn't need your life story." Calum said retrieving his dazed friend and pulling him away.
"Well it was nice meeting you. Oh and... nice accent." He added with a wink before both of them darted up the stairs. I could've sworn I heard Calum say something about me being off limits from his friends. It could've been my imagination.

After about an hour of Gossip Girl, Zach texted me.

Zach_97:Video chat? I think it's needed ;)

Camille.f.h: sure thing. I stg if you try and do video sex. Lol.

I walked up the stairs and into my room before pulling out my laptop. I powered up Skype and hit call next to his name. It rang a few times before he picked up, in an unfamiliar room.

"Hey where are you?" I asked, smiling at finally seeing a familiar face. His eyes glazed over and he swallowed before answering.

"My cousins room. Last visit before college..." He trailed off. "How's life? I miss you." He changed the subject.

"It's good. My siblings are really nice and it's really lovely here!" I said happily.

"That's good... Umm listen. I'm not sure if well get to see each other much and it might be hard for us to... You know talk as much?" He said looking at his hands.

"Yeah. But we can make it work right? Thanksgiving? Winter break? Spring break?" I reminded him.

"Yeah I know but there's still a lot of time between and-" his bedroom door opened and I saw a flash of long blonde hair. His entire family was full of brunettes.

"Sorry babe." A girls voice said. I couldn't breathe. I furrowed my eyebrows and he was still frozen in shock staring at the screen.

"Zach?!!?!? Who is that?" I tried to sound polite but it came through gritted teeth. I couldn't believe my eyes. It had only been a week. I felt my heart being ripped and my mind getting all of the things ready for post-break up meltdowns.

"Um. Camille, this is Sienna." He said, a gorgeous blonde leaning Into the frame.

"Are she.... What?" I squeezed out.

"Uhm... I can-" I cut him off with a loud scream of agony, frustration, and most of all anger.

Before I could let any more word out, Calum followed by Luke stormed in with worried looks on their faces.

"Camille are you okay?!" Calum breathed. Oh NOW he's worried. Luke walked into the frame and saw Zach sitting there with his heads in his hands and Sienna rubbing his shoulders.

"Who are you?" Luke asked. Why is he doing this? He shouldn't care. I don't even know him!

"I'm her boyfriend... err ex?" He said sadly. The blonde bitch removed her hand from his shoulder and took in a breath. I'm guessing she didn't know either.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore, that's for sure." I glared through the screen. "You cheated on me! After not even a week! You have some nerve!" I shouted. I felt Luke's hand touch my shoulder before Calum shot him a look and he immediately removed it. Calum walked over and stared into the screen. I was in hysterics by this point.

"Tell me right now or so help me I will fly out there and beat the shit out of you myself. Who are you and what the fuck did you do to my sister." He said. If looks and words could kill, Zach would be dead and gone.

"I could say the same to you two." He said surprisingly confidently.

"Tell me. Now."

"I'm Zach Johansen. I cheated on your sister." He whispered, giving in.

Calum mumbled profanities under his breath before responding.

"You've done enough. Thank you." He spat before closing my computer and pacing through the room. Luke was standing there as quiet as a vegetable and I was an emotional wreck sitting on my bed crying.

"Wow. I... I can't believe that just happened." I mumbled. "Thanks Calum. You... You didn't need to do that I mean... I'm overreacting. It wouldn't have worked out anyways." I whispered.

"No you're not. That asshole cheated on you. You have every right to be how you are right now. I'm the one overreacting I mean, we aren't even that close!" He said.

I'm not sure why, but those words stung. We're twins. Are we not as close as possible by default? I've tried harder than I should've and he doesn't even think were close. I mean I did just kind of waltz into his life and claim the title of his sister, but you'd expect him to at least like me. I couldn't stop myself from crying harder.

"Shit. Camille that's not what I meant... It's just that we hardly really have gotten used to each other and I just..." He trailed off.

"Ok you know what we all need right now?" Luke asked softly. "Laser tag, then some pizza." He smirked.


We walked into the dimly lit laser tag place and bought our tickets for 30 minutes of laser tag. We got our guns and our "armor" and walked into the neon arena. It was dark and we all ran into separate corners. I'm actually pretty good at laser tag. I'm pretty fast, and my dad had taught me how to use a gun. Long story.

The starting buzz went off and I scrambled for security. I heard a shuffle around the corner and turned only the gun around the large pillar and fired. I heard a groan and a curse from what sounded like Calum. I sprinted in the other direction before feeling a buzz on my stomach and a laugh from Luke as he ran around the corner. As soon as I was able, I managed to find Luke again and get in a few good shots. He laughed and gave me the middle finger before I laughed too and sprinted away.

We finished up our game with Calum losing, and Luke winning. Calum complained that his gun "was broken" but Luke and I both agreed that he just sucked at laser tag.

Luke drove us to a local pizza place and we walked in and took a seat.

"So you guys hungry?" Luke asked, glancing up at Calum and I.

"Yeah I could definitely eat." I laughed.

"Me too." Calum added in.

We ordered a large pepperoni pizza to share and as fast as it came, it was gone.

We paid and headed out. I had a good time. It really helped me to get my mind off of Zach and get to know Calum. Not to mention his best friend. I was stuffed full with pizza and laid down in the back. I ate almost half of the pizza. Whoops.

"I must admit, for a girl, you definitely can keep up." Luke said glancing in the mirror at me laying down in the back of his car.

"What's that supposed to mean? Girls could beat your ass at most things, pretty boy." I teased.

"That's probably true. Too bad most girls don't hang out with me." He said with a light tone for such a depressing sentence.

"What do you mean?" I asked in shock. He was actually really good looking. Why wouldn't girls want to be around him?

"I'm just not much of a ladies man." He shrugged.

"Well they're missing out." I said immediately realizing that I said that out loud and mentally screaming at myself. I just broke up with Zach today. What am I doing?

"Can you two not?" Calum said scrunching his face. "This is actually disgusting me"

Luke and I laughed at his displeasure and the rest of the way home and talked about colleges. We are all going to the same one, which is great news. I wouldn't be completely alone.

We got out of Luke's car and walked up the steps as Calum unlocked the door. Luke waved from his car as he drove off, deciding on just heading home and relaxing for the remainder of the day.

We walked inside and up the stairs to each of our rooms. From down the hall I heard Calum shout.

"You know you aren't that bad, Camille." Before closing the door.

I'm not sure why, but it meant a lot.

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