Neon Genesis Kamen Rider

By thedoctorgonepale

54.7K 1.7K 1.1K

10 years ago, the human race suffered a cataclysmic event that killed a large part of humanity. This event wa... More

Angel attack! Call 555 for Faiz
The only phone that rings
Smart Brain files 1: Faiz armor
Delta, beyond her heart: part 1
Delta, beyond her heart: part 2
Smart Brain files 2: Delta gear
Where Angels stay, they lay
A human work
Smart Brain files 3: Faiz equipment
Kaixa strikes
Smart Brain files 4: Kaixa gear
Dance like you want to win
One trip to the store
In the still dark where the riders shine
The will to make a miracle
Smart Brain files 5: Magi system
Axel to the test
Smart Brain files 6: Faiz Axel
The ones who long for the touch of others
Brought to you by Smart Brain©
Neo Trio
Personal attack
Heart to hearts: part 1
Trio vs Neo
I am Kamen Rider Faiz
Smart Brain files 7: Faiz Blaster
Smart Brain files 8: The birth of Smart Brain.
Smart Brain files 9: The truth of Rider
Can you bare this sin?: part 1
Can you bare this sin?: part 2
Can you bare this sin?: part 3
End of Kamen Rider: part 1
End of Kamen Rider: part 2
End of Kamen Rider: part 3
The will of Gendo Ikari
Arc 2: Discription
The enemy of Angelkind
Welcome to Paradise
Something special
Psych attack
Masked party
Returning from where we left
A Paradise for all
Arc 3: prologue
There are (no) dreams
You can (never) escape
There is no (good) choice
Method (of) madness
Smart Brain files 10: family tree
There (will) be sacrifices
(Somewhat) familiar
The (Last) Faiz
An invasion? Someone call 555!
Present from a different past
Drawn to what was
#Faiz is back
Smart Brain files ∅: Rider tier list
It's okay to move on
A Different Faiz
Out with the old, in with the new
An Axel-larated menace
What is your dream?
The Next Faiz

Heart to hearts: part 2

746 29 31
By thedoctorgonepale

3rd person POV:

Rei sat outside with a popsicle, reading a book.

Her attention was then stolen away from the book onto a little girl learning to ride a bike and a teen boy helping her.

Girl: Look! Look, big bro! I'm doing it!

Guy: Good job!


(Part 3: Heart of Rei)

The sun rose for a new day. (Y/n) walked outside to see Rei sitting on a nearby table, in a white dress and sun hat while enjoying a popsicle.

(Y/n): Good morning.

She removes the popsicle from her mouth.

Rei: Good Morning, (Y/n).

Rei: Would you like this popsicle?

She offers hers.

(Y/n): What, don't like it?

Rei: It's too sweet.

(Y/n): Then why are you eating it?

Rei: I didn't want to. We seemed to have gotten into a heated discussion that ended with her shoving this popsicle in my mouth.

(Y/n): Not surprising. Next time you should just shove it into her. That'll teach her.

Rei: Noted.

Rei: (Y/n), is it correct that you know how to ride a bike?

His mind immediately went on motorcycles.

(Y/n): Yeah, why?

Rei: Could you teach me?

(Y/n): You don't know how to ride a bike?

Rei:(shakes head)

(Y/n): Guess the Jet Slider isn't exactly a bike, is it?

(Y/n): Alright, I'll teach you.

Pen-Pen:(penguin noises)

The little bird companion of Misato runs out of the hotel.

Pen-Pen: Squawk.

(Y/n): You want to join?

Pen-Pen:(looks back at the hotel)

Pen-Pen:(turns to (Y/n))


(Y/n): Well then, let's go. I'm sure we can rent a bike somewhere around here.

The three then travel around in town searching for a place to rent a "bike".

As they traveled around town, Rei spotted the siblings she saw earlier today walking through town, holding hands, as not to get separated.



(Y/n) felt something grab his hand with a strong grip. Looking at his hand and following the arm that grabbed him, he saw it was Rei who held his hand.

(Y/n):(slight blush) Wh-what are you doing?

Rei: Holding your hand, to not get separated. Is that acceptable?

(Y/n): Sure... Yeah, I guess.


Hand in hand, the two along with Pen-Pen traveled on until finding a place that had motorcycles.

Making the two wait outside, (Y/n) made his way into the establishment, and soon came out with a motorcycle and two helmets.


(Y/n): Turns out being famous has some benefits...

(Y/n): Now then, put this on and get on.


Slightly confused, she did as he said. As she sat on the "bike", (Y/n) stood on the side and began instructing her on how it works.

(Y/n): This is like a higher degree of riding a bicycle. Just less pedaling.


(Y/n): That's the broken handle. Self-explanatory on what it does. On the same handle, we have the throttle, which you'll use to go forward.

(Y/n): The other side we have to clutch.


(Y/n): You're going to want to hold the clutch until you're ready to use the throttle.

Rei: Understood.

(Y/n): I'll-



Rei accidentally speeds forward, ending up on the back wheel as she continues straight.

(Y/n): The break! The break!!



Rushing towards the crash site, (Y/n) saw the motorcycle in the wall while Rei was stuck in a tree.

(Y/n): Are you okay!?

Rei: Yes. No serious injuries.

(Y/n):(sigh of relief)

(Y/n): That's a relief... Can you get down?

Rei: Yes.

Jumping down, she lands perfectly on her feet.

Rei: (Y/n).

(Y/n): Yes?

Rei: I now believe that there has been a misunderstanding. When I said "bike", I was referring to a bicycle.

(Y/n):... Oh.

In embarrassment, he scratched the top of his head.

(Y/n): My bad... Guess I'm just more used to calling motorcycles, bikes.

(Y/n): Come on, let's go rent some bicycles.

Escaping the scene of the crash, the three went out and rented two bikes. After a quick explanation.

(Y/n) began helping Rei ride her bike.

He slowly pushed her from the back until she began to ride it herself.


As (Y/n) grabbed his bike and Pen-Pen to go after her, Rei was enjoying the wind going through her hair as she rode down the street.

Rei then noticed the girl she saw earlier today wave at her as she sat behind a bike her brother was riding.

Girl:(waves) Hello!

Seeing (Y/n), also behind her, she smiles.)


Rei:(waves back at the girl)

(Y/n): Rei, look out!



About to ride down a long flight of stairs, Rei jumped off.

As she jumped into the air, (Y/n) hopped off his bike to catch Rei, who came crashing down on him.

The brother and younger sister watched them from a distance.

Girl: Should we go see if they're okay?

Guy: Nah... There's no need, Sakura. Those two have taken worse hits.

Guy: I would know. There in my class.

The two siblings continue to spend their day, as the two riders and an annoyed penguin get up from the crash.

Rei: Why did you catch me, it was unnecessary.

(Y/n): I don't know... Guess I'm feeling a little protective today.

Rei: Like an older brother...

(Y/n): Weirdly specific analogy... But sure, that works.

Rei: Could we try again?

(Y/n):(looks down and her broken bike)

(Y/n): I have a better idea.

(Y/n) rode his bike around town with Pen-Pen in a basket in the front, and Rei sitting behind him, enjoying the wind going through her hair.

(Y/n): Is this as good?

Rei:... Better.

Pen-Pen:(agreeing penguin noises)

After getting tired, the three stopped and found themselves a place to rest with a little bit of shade.

Laing down, Rei listened to music with (Y/n).

(Y/n): So... Why did you want to learn how to ride a bike?

Rei: I saw a girl and her older brother do it. For some reason, I wanted that too.

(Y/n): That's why?

Rei: There was this strange feeling in my chest. I desired to do something with you.

Rei: When I saw them, I knew what I desired to do with you.

(Y/n):(mind) From what I remember Misato telling me, Rei doesn't really have a family.

(Y/n):(mind) Don't know what happened, but maybe she just wanted back something she didn't have anymore.

(Y/n): If you wanted me to be a brother to you, you should have just said.

(Y/n): I would have done a much better job.

Feeling her hand grabbing him once again, he turned to look at Rei who was already staring at him.

(Y/n):(light blush)!

Rei: (Y/n)... If it's not a bother...

Rei:(light blush) Would you be my brother?


Once he heard those words, (Y/n)'s racing heart calmed down. The thought itself settled any confusion for his feelings for Rei that he had.


(Y/n): Never had a sibling before... So sure. But only if you'll be my sister.

Rei: I agree to your terms...

Rei: Oniisama.

(Y/n): You don't have to call me that.

Rei: But I wish to.

(Y/n):(sigh)... Fine, you convinced me.

(Y/n): Just don't go throwing that word around in public.


Relaxing his eyes, (Y/n) begins to fall asleep.

(Y/n):(yawn)... Wake me if it gets dark or you want to leave.

Rei: Understood... Oniisama.

(Y/n): Zzzzz


(End of part 3)

(Part 4: Heart of Asuka)

Laying back on a beach chair under an umbrella, (Y/n) calmly listens to his music.

At some point, (Y/n) realized there was some kind of noise going off in the background.

Ignoring it to continue to be in his own little world, he was suddenly kicked off his chair.

Finally opening his eyes, he sees Asuka standing on his chair.

(Y/n): What the hell is your problem!?

Asuka: I've been trying to talk to you for over two minutes now! This is what you get for ignoring me!

(Y/n): You could just tap on my shoulder!?

Asuka: Kicking you seemed more appropriate.

(Y/n): I'll remember that for the next time you sleep in.

(Y/n): So what do you want?

Asuka: To show you this!

She shoves a phone in his face that showed him the monthly rankings of the people's favorite riders.

(Y/n):(sarcastically) Wow... Did you get a new phone?

Asuka: Tch... No, you idiot!

Asuka: The fan rankings!

Asuka: I, Kaixa, am in first place!

Asuka: I win!

(Y/n): Congratulations... Now get off my chair, a good song is about to play, and rewinding this Walkman is a pain in the ass.


In anger and frustration, she clenches her fist.

Asuka: Didn't you hear me? I won!

(Y/n): So? What do you want me to do? Bake you a cake or something?

Asuka: No!

(Y/n): Then go away. Buy yourself something nice with the none existing reward that came with that meaningless victory.


She stomps on his chair, breaking it in half.


(Y/n): What the hell!?

Asuka: You're right... Letting others decide who wins by basically only by their appearance is meaningless.

Grabbing two rodes that made up the chair, she tosses one to (Y/n), who catches it.

Asuka: So let's settle this by fighting!

(Y/n): What? Why?

Asuka: This is an even fight like this.

(Y/n): What are we even settling?

Asuka: Who's better!

Holding her rod in a reverse grip she lunges towards (Y/n) who instinctively rolls to the side.

(Y/n): Have you lost your mind!

Asuka: Shut up, and fight me!

She swings her rod once again, but this time (Y/n) parried her blow.

(Y/n): Damn it! What's wrong!

She smacks him in the side of his chest.

Asuka: You want to know what's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong!

Asuka begins to unleash a flurry of attacks as (Y/n) does his best to avoid getting hit.

Asuka: I've had enough!

Asuka: Do you know how much work I put into being Kaixa!?

Asuka: I've spent years training to become Kaixa!

Asuka: Yet, it's all meaningless! Because of you!

Asuka: No matter how much work I put in, you just surpass me with no problem!

Asuka: The worse part is you don't even seem to care!

Asuka: It's... It's... Frustrating! It drives me mad!

Asuka: Again, and again! You're the one who gets the new forms, the first choice when it comes to fighting Angels.

Asuka: You! A bland punk, who has no idea what he wants in life!


Asuka: Why are you better than me!?

(Y/n): I'm not!


(Y/n): What are you even on about!?

(Y/n): Me, better than you? How?

(Y/n): You are easily the better fighter. You said it yourself, you've been training for years!

(Y/n): I need new forms to keep up.

(Y/n): So what, if I can handle photon blood better than you?

(Y/n): So what if I get sent out first?

(Y/n): That doesn't mean you're worse than me!

(Y/n): Why are you even comparing yourself to me!? The only person you should be competing with is yourself!

(Y/n): But if that's how you really feel... Then I'm sorry!


(Y/n) tosses aside his rod and tears her rod out of her hand.

(Y/n): As your friend, I have a question for you Asuka!

Asuka: I don't have any friends!

She punches him across the face, then puts him into a headlock.

(Y/n): Don't have any friends... And who's fault is that!?

She trips her to the ground to free herself from her headlock.

(Y/n): I can't be your friend if you don't let me!

Asuka: I don't need you as my friend!

She attempts to kick him, only for him to catch her foot.

(Y/n): I don't care what you need! I care about what you want!

(Y/n): Asuka! I don't want to hurt you, and I'm sorry if I did, but if there's something wrong, then just tell me!

(Y/n): Believe it or not, I want to understand you, but I can't if you don't talk to me!

Asuka: Just go listen to your music! Leave me alone!

She runs away.


(Y/n): Tch...

(Y/n): Because of this you broke my chair, so I'm seeing this through to the end, whether you like it or not.

He races after her.

After a few hours of searching, he finds her on a bench with Pen-Pen.

(Y/n): Asuka!

Asuka: Go away!

(Y/n): Out of nowhere, you blew up in my face! Whether you like it or not, you have my attention!

(Y/n): So tell me whatever you want.


Asuka: I have what I want...


He then remembers her reason for being a rider.

(Y/n): Everyone now knows you exist.

Asuka: And I still feel the same.

He moves closer.

(Y/n): Because that's not really what you wanted. Say... Why did you want the world to acknowledge you?

Pen-Pen hugged her.

Asuka:... My parents always ignored me growing up.

(Y/n): I know the feeling, trust me on that.


Asuka: I'm sorry... I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. Just... Just forget everything I said, okay?

Pen-Pen switches places with (Y/n).

(Y/n): Asuka...

Asuka:(looks away)

(Y/n): You are a loudmouth, passionate, skilled, persona with a lot of pride. You can also be annoying and a pain in the ass.

(Y/n): Would you be my friend?


Asuka: Did I hit you too hard?

(Y/n): Yes, but that's beside the point.

(Y/n): Let's start over...

He wraps his hand around her waist and sits closer to her.

(Y/n): Okay?


Asuka: Okay.

(End of part 4)

Hours later, when the sun has long since set, (Y/n) and Asuka had been doing something they should have done a while ago...


Just talk, while on a roof star gazing.

Rei then arrived.

(Y/n): Oh hey, glad you can make it.

Rei: Greetings.

She takes a seat with them.

Rei: What are you two doing up here?

Asuka: Talking.

Asuka: Hey, did you know (Y/n) knows how to ballroom dance?


(Y/n): Are you still on about that?

Asuka:(smiles) What? It's a good talent to have, I still personally want to see you dance.

Asuka: So let's go dancing sometimes.

(Y/n): Maybe when I forget the whole dancing in sync thing we had to do.

Asuka: I wasn't that bad.

Rei: If it was like anything you and I had to do, it must have been difficult.

Asuka: Is today "make Asuka feel things" day?

Rei: That is not a real day.

Asuka: Certainly feels like it.

(Y/n): Just look at the sky. You'll feel better.

The trio then looks up towards the beautiful star-filled sky that washed away any negativity they felt.


Walking by the girl's room, (Y/n) couldn't help but hear the girl's conversation.

Asuka:(muffled) I'm taking a bath.

Rei:(muffled) May I take it first?

Asuka:(muffled) Are you seriously asking me that when I'm already in a towel? Sorry, you snooze you lose.

Asuka:(muffled) Here, have another popsicle.

Something landing on the table could be heard. Soon after rustling of objects in a bag was heard along with a wrapper being open could be heard.

(Y/n):(mind) An argument? Eh, there not little children, they can settle this on there ow-

Asuka:(muffled) AAAAAAAHHHHH!?


(Y/n):(mind) Guess not!

He immediately knocked on the door, which was open by Rei.

(Y/n): I heard screaming! What happen!?

Looking towards Asuka, he saw her barley covered in her towel, on the floor, with her legs crossed and her hands over her private parts as she shook.

A popsicle was laying near her on the floor.

Asuka: I-I-I c-can't b-believe y-you did that...

(Y/n): Rei...?

Rei: I did as you advised. I shoved it into her.

(Y/n):(remembers popsicle advice)

(Y/n): That's not what I meant!

Asuka: Y-you t-told her to d-do t-that...?

(Y/n): A-Asuka... Y-You know how Rei can be-

Burst mode.


Asuka: I'll kill you! YOU DEGENERATE PERVERT!!

She grabs the popsicle.

(Y/n): Wait no!

He runs.

Asuka: Get back here so I can shove it up, your crotch!

(End of bonus)

(Part 5: Heart of (Y/n))

"Why do you continue this meaningless existence? Let go."

(Y/n): No.


"You know it yourself. You have no dream."

(Y/n): But I'll find it.

"You've tried. You failed. You'll continue to fail. Why not just give up? You give up so easily on everything else."

(Y/n): So?

"So, why not give up on this meaningless search? This unending stubbornness will not give you what you want!"

(Y/n): Neither does giving up.

"Is that it? Will, you just be satisfied with protecting the dreams of others? Why do you even do it, you don't know them! Hell, you should be spiteful of them"

(Y/n): I know what it is like to have no dream... So I'll protect them to make sure they don't lose their dream.

(Y/n): If not that, then to help me find a dream of my own.

"You'll only suffer... Don't think because you have them, that everything is better and that you don't need a dream."

(Y/n): Be quiet. You're just my doubt.

"I'm you none the less."


"Go... Listen to your music... Drown me out as much as you want... But there's only one way to get rid of me."

(End of part 5)

Asuka: We're back!


Misato:(drunk) Hey! Now we can end this vacation with a bang!

(Y/n): Good grief...

(Y/n):....(small smile)

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