Thousand Cherry Blossoms

By ApoKun

317K 5.4K 3K

Izuku Yagi, a boy loved by his family and friends. His cheerful smile brought joy to people around him. That... More



14.3K 255 65
By ApoKun


~Icy Rage~

It has been a week since Hisashi met Rei and Shoto. He had been preparing for Rei's freedom and Shoto's custody. Now he was onto Phase 2 of the plan

"Vlad. Is Izuku asleep?" He asked. Vlad bowed "Yes my lord. Young lord is still asleep, he spent the last night training till he dropped, quite literally. Young Lord's thirst for strength is admirable!" He finished dramatically garnering a sweat drop from Hisashi

"Keep an eye on him. When he wakes up take him to the training ground and help him train. I leave him to your care Vlad" Hisashi finished

"I am humbled you would give me such an important task as training Young Lord... If you would allow this humble servant to ask you a question, Where are you going?" Hisashi chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "It's no problem Vlad. I just have... Some matters to deal with, I'll be back before lunch!" Hisashi waved his hand and left.

He sat in his car and drove to his destination. On the way he thought about Rei and if she was ready to move out of the hospital and start a new life, ideally with her son besides her, both of them free from the demon that haunted them in the past.

He knew that his interaction with the demon is soon. Very very soon...

"Shoto!" a familiar voice that was poison to Shoto's ears cut through. He turned to see Izumi and Bakugo standing Infront of him

His cold eyes locked on with Izumi's green eyes. He noticed the blush that spread across her face and the growl that emitted from Katsuki. Just like a dog, he thought

He knew of Izumi's little crush on him and Katsuki's crush on Izumi. She can dream of being with him all she wants but it will never happen... But he will try to make Katsuki as jealous as possible. Not because he likes Izumi. He hated her! infact, if Shoto and Izumi were the only two people alive on the planet. Shoto would make it only one person alive and kill himself leaving Izumi alone. He wanted to make Katsuki suffer for all the harm he did to his older brother and what better way to make him suffer than to "unintentionally" seduce Izumi till she grows out of her fangirl phase and watch Katsuki suffer and bark at him like the dog he is

"What do you want Yagi" Shoto's voice cut through Izumi. She shivered at the venom poured into Shoto's voice as he uttered her family name in absolute disgust

"I- We just wanted to ask if you know where Izuku is?" She stuttered. Shoto found it amusing to see Izumi stutter. It was a nice change

"Why do you want to know? So you can hurt him?" He said. "Just answer the damn question Icy Hot!" Katsuki barked

Shoto ignored him and kept his eyes on Izumi. Izumi shook under Shoto's rage filled gaze. She could not answer the question. After Izuku disappeared, she felt a wave of guilt flood her system. She originally intended to stop her brother from becoming a hero but ended up intoxicated in being the one in control. In having power over a person's fate. But enjoying that is something only the most cruelest villains would do

"No answer huh? Thought so" Shoto turned around to leave but Bakugo had different plans. He leapt at Shoto with the sole intention of exploding him to kingdom come. "Katsuki No!" Izumi tried to stop him but her pleas fell on deaf ears

"Die! Half and Half!  He fired a large explosion at Shoto. Smoke covered the radius of an explosion obscuring the remnants of Shoto's body to be visible. "No!" Izumi gasped and fell on her knees. Katsuki smirked manically but shivered uncontrollably a second later

He looked down to see ice creeping up on his body

The smoke cleared to reveal Shoto standing behind a half dome of Ice. He glared at Katsuki with such malice that, even if katsuki would never admit, scared him.

"Never. Do. That. Again! Understand Mutt?!" Katsuki shuddered under the rage of Shoto

He dumbly nodded and Shoto left the two, leaving ice behind every step he took

After he was sure he was far away from his two former friends he punched the wall "Damn it!" He whispered shouted to himself

He cooled himself down and left for his house. Since school had already ended, he would not be in trouble with his "father"

The wall Shoto punched had a scorch mark in the shape of a fist on it. Even in anger, his flames always consumed him

Enji had a pretty bad day. A wannabe villain interrupted his day off. Of course, He took all of his anger out on the villain. He was going home, thinking of the ways he could make Shoto stronger and have him become the number one hero

He unlocked the door to his home and walked in. An involuntary shiver went down his spine. The house was dimply lit. He walked in and noticed a light and sound coming from the living room

Is Shoto back so soon? Did he Skip?!, Angered that Shoto would dare to skip school, Enji marched in the living room but he was not prepared for what he saw

The T.V was on but played nothing but static. On his couch sat a man with silver hair and eyes that reflected the moon. A glass filled with wine in his hands

The man turned his head to look at Enji. Enji took a step back but composed himself. Before he could question the man, the man spoke with a bright smile filled with unbridled rage

"Hello Number 2"

Word Count: 976

A short chapter, I know. Next chapter will be the interaction between Hisashi and Enji. You will know of the power Hisashi has over the government

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote

Peace Out!

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