The King Emperor's Belonging...

By lazyshrimp11

51.1K 1.6K 191

◇ It is a AkaKuro Story ◇ 《 Akashi Seijuro x Kuroko Tetsuya》 It is the Boy who wants To Live.. And a King Wh... More

Hope You Enjoy Reading!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 { Final Chapter }

Chapter 23

1K 31 5
By lazyshrimp11

---No One's Pov--

Akashi smiled, but Kuroko was still has his blank face. They boy got out to the room. But before they got out to the room, Akashi fixed Kuroko's clothes. "Thank You, Akashi Kun" Kuroko bowed his head. Akashi just kissed his forehead. "No need to bow Tetsuya"  Kuroko just smiled a little. 

"Yo Tetsu" Aomine smile while still eating. Who Kise was yawning..While Tokino spoke "It seems your friend here is really sleepy, You guy's can go homw tomorrow." They all nodded. Kise who borrowed a blanket and slept at the floor. "Good Night-ssu.." Kise Mumbled.. Aomine who yawned as well. "Good Night Tetsu, but where's will highness sleep?" Asked by Aomine. Akashi replied the blue miracle knight "I will sleep with Tetsuya, but what about you Tokino san?" Tokino smiled to Akashi "I'll just sleep with this guy's"

"Tetsuya, are you finish eating?"Akashi looked down at Kuroko who was still eating but good timing that his finished. "Yes, Akashi Kun, I just finished eating." Akashi smiled.."We will return to the castle tomorrow." Kuroko nodded. Kuroko and Akashi goes back to the room. "Good Night" Kuroko spoke to Tokino, The old man smiled. Mostly Aomine was already sleeping and snoring. Akashi who sigh..

Kuroko lay down a bit and yawn.."Good Night.." Akashi who sat beside Kuroko who was gonna fall asleep..that the bluenette fall asleep. "Good Night..Tetsuya" Akashi smiled. That he kissed the bluenette's forehead. He layed beside the bluenette and pull Kuroko closer..into his chest, until the Emperor..fall asleep with the bluenette.



It was morning..Akashi who is the one who woked up, he can see that Kuroko was still sleeping. The Emperor stand up, and cover Kuroko some blanket. He yawned, when he slide the door to open..he can see that Tokino was already woke up. He goes outside, and saw the villagers cleaning some leaves at the ground. The villagers look at the Emperor..they said "Good Morning" with a smile. Akashi  didn't reply but to look at them.

"Good Morning, Your Highness" Tokino said, that Akashi's head turn to the old man beside him. Kise and Aomine woke up with a yawn. "We're gonna return now. Ryouta and Daiki." He command.."Yes, Your Highness" Kise who has a messy bed hair, even Aomine who was still gonna snore..but someone spoke behind them that their heart was gonna go out.."Good Morning, Kise Kun, Aomine Kun, Akashi Kun and Tokino Sama" Kuroko yawn a litt. Aomine asked.."How can you fixed your bed hair so easily?" Kuroko looked at Aomine.."I have two hands and ten fingers, Aomine Kun. " Kuroko spoke savagely, that Aomine had an irk mark.

Kise who tried not to laugh.."Aominecchi really has no brain.."  who Kise whisper.."Shut up Kise!!!" Aomine shouted at Kise. Kise laugh, that Kise is being chased by Aomine. Akashi sigh, of how childish they are. "Good Morning, Tetsuya, ready to go Home?" Akashi asked Kuroko with a warm smile..Kuroko nodded. Kuroko has still many badages to his body. For some reason, it was his whole body, since Akashi was the one who bandage it.

"Your Highness..Take care very well at Kuroko.." Tokino whisper beside Akashi. Akashi who was stunned and turn to look at Tokino, who smiled. Akashi reply..

"I will.."

They all go to their Horses, Kuroko was gonna climb on Aomine's horse, Aomine who was gonna reach Kuroko..but Akashi cut them off. "Tetsuya, you can ride at my Horse." Kuroko sweatdrop.."But Akashi Kun I might get in trouble if I ride to your--" Kuroko was cut off by Akashi's dark aura.."Tetsuya"..Kuroko sigh.."Sorry, Aomine Kun"..Aomine just scratch his head..and gulped..but he replt to the bluenette "I-It's ok..Tetsu"

Kuroko climb to Akashi's horse. Akashi smiled. "Let's Move"  Akashi command them. Aomine and Kise, nodded at the Emperor.

They start to move, Tokino who waved at them..Kuroko wave back..He was riding at the Emperor's horse. Kuroko hummed.."I'm surprise that you guys found me" Kuroko suggest to talk, since no one talk's. He broke the silence. "Yes, of course Tetsuya" Akashi smiled..

'It's because your highness, you ordered all of the Knights of your Kingdom just to Find Tetsu/Kurokocchi...'

Kise and Aomine who sweatdrop and dumbfounded as well. That they both facepalm. Kuroko was confused, that he is curious of what Aomine and Kise thinking about the Emperor. Kuroko was still surprise, of how did Akashi found him in a week.

But Kuroko was relief that they found him.

"Tetsuya.." Kuroko hummed.."Hmm?.." when Akashi called him. Akashi cough a little.."Do you missed me...?"..That question, make Aomine and Kise stunned but curious about Kuroko's answer. Kuroko spoke in honest one.."Yes.. I Did" Kise and Aomine was surprise at Kuroko's answer. Akashi smile, more like a satisfy smirk. Kuroko can feel that smirk on his face. "I missed you too.."

While Kise and Aomine felt their thirdwheel or fourthwheel..they both sweatdrop and want to leave the both of them. They can see the both of them, like their flirting eachother. They can even see that Kuroko has a flush face while Akashi just chuckling and laughing, both of them where  sweatdrop..

'It feels like a third or fourth wheel here...'

Aomine and Kise thought again themselves. Akashi who was quite having fun, making Kuroko flustered. Kuroko just sigh..'Akashi Kun is still Akashi Kun...' But Kuroko see's that Akashi is feeling better when the Emperor saw him. Kuroko smiled slightly.."I see you smile Tetsuya.." Akashi smiled happily and Kuroko shot back.."Is it bad to Smile?" Akashi just chuckled.."Of Course not"

'I'm just happy Tetsuya...
That your in my arms again...'

Akashi kissed Kuroko's cheeks. Kuroko had an irk mark, but for Akashi, he was like pouting. Akashi smiled of how innocent and cute of Kuroko is. They arrived at the Rakuzan Kingdom..Kuroko knew he was home. The guard open the gate. "Good Morning, Your Highness" every guard bows, at the Emperor. But the Emperor just ignore them.

Kuroko that they mentioned it..he tried it as well.."Good..Morning Akashi Kun"He spoke..then Akashi smiled at him and reply. "Good Morning Tetsuya" Kuroko sweatdrop. While Kuroko, Kise and Aomine spots the difference. Akashi who is cold hearted to everyone, but soft hearted to the Bluenette.

"Akashi Kun..Why are you so warm and yet cold at them? Can you greet them 'Good Morning' as well?" Kuroko asked Akashi.."It is a respect for the Emperor Tetsuya, and Respect for the Empress soon.." Kuroko stunned.."Empress?" Now that Kuroko remember that he kept his promise, the bluenette facepalm himself.


They arrived at the castle, more guards open the gate. Akashi goes off to the horse. When Kuroko was gonna go down, he was surprise that Akashi carried his waist to go down.."Akashi Kun you don't need to do that infront of them.." Kuroko whispered with an Irk mark. Akashi looked at them..Aomine and Kise looked away, even the other guards. "Don't mind them, Tetsuya." Akashi gave Kuroko a reassuring smile.

" 'Cause if they do something...I will chain them up for Example..Hang their bodies like a flag in my castle.."

Akashi said in a deadly tone..Aomine who shiver down the spine even Kise, who shiver in fear. Mostly when they looked at the Guards, they where shaking as hell. That they really want to run away.

"Tetsuya, you need some rest. More Rest." Akashi suggested. Kuroko sigh..and reply "Tokino Sama, already take care of me Akashi Kun, I will be fine."

"Kuro-chin is back.." the lazy Giant smile.."Kuroko!" Kagami said with a smile, but he shout his name. "Kuroko, welcome back, and your highness" Midorima who adjust his glasses.

Kuroko smiled at them..he felt sudden pain.."Tesuya..?" Akashi who helped him.."Are you okay..?" Kuroko replied to the Emperor.."Y-Yes..I'm fine.." He remembers his mother..Died in sickness. But it's impossible that he have sickness.

"Let's go back inside" Kuroko smiled..

He was in home..Now, he was happy that he came back to the Emperor's arms and his home.

Because he promise to the Emperor..that he would never forget those words.

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