Lost In Parallel World

Maryleaf123 tarafından

80 9 4

Never in a million years, Esme thought she would see her world crumpling to the floor. Fantasy changed into... Daha Fazla

Parallel World
-Chap: 5
-Chap: 7
-Chap : 8


24 1 0
Maryleaf123 tarafından

My phone chimed with messages which woke me up. I was an extremely light-sleeper, even a whisper can wake me up.

Yeah, that pretty much sucks.

Picking up my phone, i went through my daily routine. Checking instagram, twitter and replying to memes send by my friends. I heard soft and light knocking on my door, throwing the covers away, i sat up in my bed.

"Come......in" i yawned in between and rubbed my eyes to remove sleep from them. Which kind of led me to go blind for a second. Blinking rapidly, my vision cleared and looked up to find my usual four maids waiting for me.

Karla, Jasmine, Henley, Harper

Smiling at them, i walked towards my washroom with them following them.

Karla filled up the bath tub with water and added Lavender bath bomb in water. Neatly folded towels hanged on the wall beside the tub. Mini aromatic candles placed on sides of my tub, my daily skin care routine products. Sweet and soft aroma filled the washroom. Removing my clothes i entered the tub, warm water touched my skin, which made me smile. After picking up a song, i rested my back against the slightly cold tub, Jasmine came to sit on the right of tub, Henley on my left. Placing my hands in their hand, i closed my eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the warm water touching every part of me.

Jasmine's soft chubby hands oiling, massaging my hand. Henley's a bit rough hand doing the same thing.
While Karla and Herper did the same to my feet. I felt like sleeping again, i hummed along the song which was blasting through the speakers.

After my massage, Karla washed my long brown hair while the rest stood holding my dresses to wear to university today.

"What about this one?." Henley said, showing me a white knitted wool shirt with dark blue jeans and coffee colored check coat.

Jasmine held, wood color coat with cedar colored shirt and peanut colored jeans.

I bit my lip in deep thought.

Harper held an maroon t-shirt with black skirt and coffee colored long coat.

I like the last outfit.

"I will wear this today." I said, pointing my finger at Harper.

They nodded their heads and walked out of the washroom. Karla was done with my hair so she left the room to let me take a bath.

After i was done, i grabbed the bath robe and put in on me and walked out of the room.

Jasmine quickly passed another towel for mt hair. Thanking her, i dried my wet hair.

Taking a seat in front of the dressing table, they started doing their work. One applied my nail polish, other dried my hair.

"What do you want for breakfast today?." Jasmine asked

"I am carving bacon with honey and a cup of hot coffee." She nodded her head and left the room to make my breakfast.

My nails were done and so were my hair dried and perfectly braided into a french braid.

Thanking them, i started to get ready.

"Nude lipstick." I told Henley as she picked it out of my lipstick drawer.

"Black short tube thick shoes." Harper went to grab those from my shoe room.

After i was done with my makeup, i changed my clothes and walked out to find my breakfast on my table. Henley pushed back my royal blue curtains to the side, let sun rays come into my room. I love looking out of my window and warm rays hitting my skin made me feel at home.

They all left the room as they were done with their morning routine. I went through my instagram as i ate my food. You must think i wake up really early to get ready, but no. It takes me 50 minutes maximum to get all things done.

I sniffed at the newly picked roses and smiled as their sweet scent filled my senses. I put my phone in my pocket and quickly moved towards the washroom to rinse my mouth with mouthwash. Throwing one last look at my self in the full length mirror, i wore my coat, grabbing my bag, i walked out of my room.

I walked out to see my empty house, i sighed as i already missed my parents. Today was their 30th wedding anniversary and they decided to celebrate it by going on a honeymoon. Which was sweet and really romantic. They left two days ago to Rome, must be living their life. While i was sulking here.

"Goodbye and take care." Jasmine said, with a soft smile.

Jasmine was the eldest among my maids and only person who was close to me except my parents. She treated me like her younger sister and i treated her like my elder sister. I was the only child of my parents, so i always longed for sibling love, which Jasmine fullfilled for me. Never making me feel alone.

I was blessed to have her.

"Wait, Esme!." Her sweet hurried voice filled my ears.

I turned around to find her holding my car keys in front of face. I sighed and smiled at her. She just shoke her head with a smile.

Getting into my Audi, i pulled out my sun glasses from my pocket and wore it. Checking myself out at the rear mirror, perfect.

Putting up my favorite song, Way Back Home - Shaun , i started my journey to my university. My baby hair dancing along the wind which was coming from my half open car window. I prefer natural air than the air-conditioned air. Parking my car among the others in the parking lot, i got out and already felt people eyes upon me.

You see i belong to an elite family and was famous in my university for my looks and grades. Throwing my sun glasses onto the passenger seat, i closed the door. Walking towards where my friends were waiting, i could feel people eyes on me. My group consisted of six people, who also belong to an elite family. Our group was names 'Elite group', we were good in studies, games, organizing events and having fun. Everyone despised us, not only because of our wealth also due to our good looks.

"Hey Esme." They greeted me with a soft smiles on their faces

"Hi guys." Greeting them, we all made our way inside. Evie fall in step with me, while others also walked in pairs.

"What are you wearing tonight?." Evie asked me

"I am thinking of wearing something warm. It's really cold today." I said, rubbing my hands over my arms.

She nodded her head, " my dress is dark blue color with pearls on.... "

I zoned out as my eyes connected with Kian. Electric blue eyes staring right at mine, black straight silky hair moving slightly as he walks. He did made my heart beat fast until i got to know about him properly. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

Kian Davidson was my soon to be fiance. He belonged to an elite family and his father were good friends with mine. It is a thing among rich family, that if they don't marry their kids among rich families, the property value will fall as the other person whom their kid is marrying is not rich. If they marry their kid among rich families, the property value doubles.

So his father asked my father to marry me to Kian, as it will benefit both of them. Kian didn't had a problem with it but i kind of have. I wanted to marry the guy whom i fell in love with, not for the sake of property. Even if i put apart this wish of mine, i still won't marry him. You ask why? Because his personality was shit. He was a player, smoker and disrespectful.

He is a part of our group but we never talked much. As i entered the class, girls were gushing over Kian. And i found him locking lips with another player, Chloe. Chole was not elite but was rich and knew how to make boys fall for her, by showing her cleavage and lip bitting. I find it pathetic.

They were perfect for each other.

Rolling my eyes, i made my way towards the second row and took a seat. Evie sat beside me and was facing backwards with a frown on her face.

"What happened?." I asked, straightening my legs and crossing my arms over my chest as i rest my back against the chair, facing the white wall.

"Chloe that bitch. Just yesterday she was banging John and today here she is locking lips with Kian."

"Evie, it was John's fault too. He was stupid to fall for her, knowing she was just playing him." I sighed, taking out my phone and randomly scrolling through my instagram.

John was Evie boyfriend, who has been cheating on her with Chloe. Evie had sincere feelings for him well her bad luck.

I heard sniffing sound from beside me, blinking in confusion i looked at Evie to find her wiling her tears with sleeve. It made me angry to see her crying because of him. I sighed.

Just as i thought today i won't fight. There it goes.

Moving my chair back, i looked back to find Chloe caressing Kians face. Which made me cringe in disgust. Cranking my neck and fingers, i walked towards her. Everybody fell silent as they knew what was about to come.

"Hey whore!." I called, with my hands on my hips.

Chloe looked at me with a sneer on her face. Kian looked up at me with a blank expression. I didn't paid him any attention as my eyes were focused on the bitch in front of me.

"Are you jealous?." She said, smirking as she put her hand on Kians chest and her lips touching his chin.

Ha like i care.

I chuckled and looked up at her to find her confused expression.

"You think you make me jealous?. I pity you, Chloe. All you want is attention like a dog." I said and everybody in the class started chuckling.

"Oh really?. Every guy is after me, not you. What they desire, i give them. Oh, you might not understand that dear." She said, crossing her arms over her chest, making her heavy chest bulge more, which made me roll my eyes.

"Haha. Oh my sweet Chloe. I save myself for one special person. Not wasting my time over assholes that are after you. And to burst your bubble, you are just being used for the time being. Do you really thing, these rich boys will marry you?. You- the girl who had sold her body to everybody and have no respect, would want to marry you?. No dear. The answer is a big fat no." I said with a smirk as i saw her smile drop and her hand dropped from Kians chest.

Everybody in the class whistled and clapped, i looked up at Kian to find him looking at me with desire. Showing my disgust towards him, i walked back to my seat. Arms wrapped around me as soon as i sat down, it was Evie.

"Thank you, Esme." She whispered

"Anything for you my friend." I said, sighing and sat straight as teacher entered the class.

After the class finished, i was typing on my phone about tonight's party.

Yes, i have them ready, i will go after the last class and bring them.

I pocketed my phone as i put my one foot out of the class door, i was yanked inside.

"Wha!?." Words left my mouth as i collided against someone's chest.

"Where are you running off to?." The voice which i was trying to avoid, was now entering my ears.

It belonged to Kian.

His arms around me holding me tight against his chest.

"Leave me this instant." I said, trying to break free from his grip.

"Why do you hate me so much?." He asked, head tilting as his blue eyes stares at my own.

"You ask question that you know answer of. Now leave me, before i make you regret it." I said, ready to act on my idea.

"Haha, really. I would like to see you try." He said, putting his chin on my head.

I could barely manage to control my anger with him. I hate his whole being.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Quickly moving my head down, i bite hard on his arm and his grip on my waist loosened. Quickly grabbing him by neck, i kicked hard on his genitals.

"Fuck!." He groaned as he stayed down, i was not done yet.

He was bending on his knee, grabbing his chin and pulled it up towards me, i made him look at me. His eyes held fire and anger, which was not more than mine. I was burning with anger and hatred.

"Touch me again. You will lose your balls for sure. Bastard." With that i laid my final touch on him. A punch to his face.

He cried out in pain, i stood up and enjoyed seeing him lay on cold floor crying in pain.

"I wilk get back you!. Ahh!. Fuck shit!" He said in between.

I scoffed, walking out of the room. Quickly taking out my phone, i had no choice left as i dialled my father's number. I threw my bag on the bench in the play ground and paced the floor, anxiously.

"Hello dear." He answered. I blew out air from my nose in relief.

"Sorry to disturb you dad, but there is something urgent i want to talk about." I told him, making my hair free from the hair style. It was making my head ache.

"What is it Esme?. Is everything fine?." He was alert and giving me his full attention.

"Dad, Kian has been misbehaving me for a while now and today i had enough. He harassed me and held me against my will. I can't marry him at any cost. You need to cancel it today!." I almost yelled at the end. Because it frustrates me, Kian, this marriage.

"Esme relax dear. Take deep breaths." He says,

I sighed and ran my fingers in my hair, moving them away from my face.

"Esme, the contract has been signed. Our companies have merged their business now, it will create chaos. Dear, try to clear the air with Kian. He is no as bad as you think he is." He said which left me in surprise.

My own father was pushing me in the hell. I can't believe him, he wasn't listening to his only daughter.

"Are you even my father?, Can't you understand what i am trying to say here?. And I think he is bad?. He is an asshole dad. You think i am a kid, i am not a kid, i am full grown women. I know what is right and wrong!. It's your fault after all, you agree to bind ties with them without my permission." I felt my heart break as words left my mouth.

I knew they love me to death but just because of some property they were doing this to me. To their own daughter.

"Esme, my dear. We love you and care about you. But dear, try to understand. The business -"

I scoffed cutting him off.

"I don't want to talk to you. All you care about is your business."

"Esme Esme-"

I cut the call while he was speaking. Tears of anger and frustration were burning my eyes. I loath being elite. People think it's all rainbows, you have everyone at your feet, order people around. Throw money here and there and have anything you desire. But they haven't seen the dirty side of the elites. To which extend they can go for their business. They have no idea at all.

I wiped my eyes, bending down to grab my bag, i walked towards the parking lot. I was not in the mood to attend the rest of the lectures and the party even. I was afraid if i see his face in the party i will kill him on the spot.

"Bastard." Saying under my breath, i started my car.

I randomly drive through the city, doing nothing. Just lost in my own thoughts as i stopped in front of a bar.

I need alcohol.

Nodding my head, agreeing with my inner self. I walked out and looked at myself in the car mirror. A girl with blank expression, eyes empty and held frustration. Lips pink and swollen due to continuous bitting lips in anger.

I sighed at my look and ruffled my hair.

Whatever, who cares right now. All i need is alcohol and get rid of my anger

Walking inside, i saw bunch of people on dance floor, few sitting on the sofa drinking their beer. I walked towards the bartender and looked around. It was a fancy bar.

"Beer please." I said, taking a seat on the stool and pushing my hair back.

I drank and drank till my full. I had high tolerance and now i was crossing my limit. I knew i was about to do something stupid as my vision blurred and i closed my eyes.


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