Strange Life

By DeathQueen1211

182 0 0

This book is all about the strange things that've ever happened in life, all about the little moments and dec... More

The Start of Something Beautiful
New Beginnings
Torn To Pieces
Falling in Love
Deeper into Darkness
Down The Rabbit Hole
Will it Ever Stop?
Love Changes Everything
Five year Sobriety
Pain as Pleasure
Drugs Drugs and Drugs
Playing Games


17 0 0
By DeathQueen1211

A few months later, everything seemed to start settling down after everything that happened, Grace and piper was now seeing each other after school, and she was living at her grandparents. everything just seemed to be going great, with just a few weeks away from graduating, piper had no clue what the after school life would even be like or even what her future goals were even to be yet but one afternoon she over hears her grandmother on the phone with so much worry in her voice, her pap comes in and she hears "Do you know piper is gay?" as she's hanging up the phone, the worry voice soon turned to disappointment. Hearing her pap say "that is such a disgrace to the family name" "Get her out of the house right now" piper shuts her bedroom door really not processing what she just heard, she locks the door and packs a bag, she waits till dark and sneaks out the back door to only kiss the dog and say goodbye. She walks to the bottom of the road where her bus would pick her up and waits sitting down by a tree, just to head to school with a bookbag full of clothes and like she didn't just sleep outside all night. During school she talks with a couple friends getting it setup that she can crush from place to place until she figures out what she's gonna do but of course they never knew, it was just a simple sleepover for anyone that would really ask, she knew she couldn't stay with grace all the time, her mother just wouldn't allow it, And all piper's dad knew was that she moved in with grace but as graduation approaches sooner, piper found it more difficult to find a place to crush at, and resulted to a park bench a couple blocks away from school, she managed to find a blanket for the colder nights and would hide it in the vents at the bathroom near the park and there was also the every morning meeting exchange with the homeless man beside the dumpster, a handy for some goodies. Piper wondered all the time, what it would be like to even ask for help but she never wanted to be that girl, the one people look down on, the one that people take pity on, The one girl that begs for attention, that just wasn't piper and spite everything that she has been through in life so far, she still had hope, she still had the daily thought that, Its just a speed bump in the road to get her where she is going, wherever that might be. Two days before graduation, she managed to call her father from the school nurses station to let him know and to just ease her overthinking mind and just to maybe have that sense of warm feeling that her family would be there to see her walk, to see her grab that piece of paper and be proud, and that just maybe everything that she's been through, wasn't for just nothing and that just maybe she can really turn her life around with that paper but them two days came and no one showed, only grace and her mother. Piper kept looking the whole time right before her name got called, just thinking "okay they got stuck in traffic" "okay they will be here" To just finally realizing "okay... they are not coming" as she walks across the stage with her head down, just grabbing her diploma with no excitement and her only thought was " I can't wait to get fucked up". She later drowns herself that night in shot after shot, line after line and a joint after joint at grace's cousin's house just right back to back until she doesn't feel the pain, until she is completely numb, until she doesn't have the thoughts of taken the kitchen knife to her wrist, until she doesn't imagine jumping off the blue bridge into the cold deep river that would consume her lungs in seconds with water until she cant breathe and its just going to sleep without waking up, piper sinks deeper into the couch just watching everyone dance, watching everyone celebrate the joy of life, and the excitement of the next chapter, piper then takes the last pills in a sandwich bag sitting on the coffee table and walks to the bathroom as if nothing is even wrong, kissing grace just before shutting everyone out and locking the door. she instantly swallow's every last one leaning against the wall and just slides to the floor, curling in a ball with her knees to her chest to Hearing the music fade in and out and feeling her heart beat faster and faster, To then waking up to grace shoving her fingers down her throat even more until she is vomiting up every last chance of just taken a very long much needed nap. Grace crying grabs piper as she is grasping for air, wrapping her arms around her just screaming at the top of her lungs "Don't you fucking leave me" " Don't you Die?!? " just as the paramedic's come to take over..

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