Strange Life

Por DeathQueen1211

182 0 0

This book is all about the strange things that've ever happened in life, all about the little moments and dec... Más

The Start of Something Beautiful
Torn To Pieces
Falling in Love
Deeper into Darkness
Down The Rabbit Hole
Will it Ever Stop?
Love Changes Everything
Five year Sobriety
Pain as Pleasure
Drugs Drugs and Drugs
Playing Games

New Beginnings

23 0 0
Por DeathQueen1211

Piper walked in her regular school for the first time since being kicked out last year, thinking everyone would pick on her for being gay or being gone but no one said anything. In her first class, she sat with a girl named tara who was talking about this party at her house this weekend, she turned to Piper and invited her over. Piper agreed to come but said she couldn't stay long due to her having a curfew from getting in trouble. The next couple days went like a breeze, before Piper could even think, it was Friday. When her dad dropped her off he said "I'm not coming back to get you, you can stay here tonight or find your own ride home" tara met her outside and said i'm glad you made it, everyone is here" they walk inside, Piper only sees four other people. Tara's boyfriend, Brittany, Tracy and Brad thomas, brad is a guy who graduated from high school three years ago. As the night went on, everyone drunk by now. Tara suggested walking to the store down the hill with her mom so they could get more alcohol and to meet a guy to get some weed. Everyone wanted to go besides brad and piper, she sat on the couch smoking a cigarette when brad came up to her, he grabbed the cigarette and put it down in the ashtray. He just stood there with his long hair pulled back in a ponytail and his long beard dangling down in a braid, then all the sudden he leaned in to kiss her and she didn't even stop him. He picked her up and moved to one of the bedroom floors, still kissing. He managed to get her pants unbuttoned and put a condom on. It didn't last long, piper just laid there barely moving and staring at the ceiling while he finished, she came to realize that sex doesnt mean anything and that it is what it is, piper could hear the door open. they made it back to the living room like nothing happened. They all gathered around the kitchen table with the alcohol and weed, Tracy then says "lets play truth or dare" Piper asks and Brittany says "Dare", Piper asks her to "take three shots of whiskey" it was brittany's turn but before she could get a word out tara says "Dare" she dared her to make out with piper, as tara moves closer and closer to her, piper grabs her face and starts kissing her ever so gently. As the night went on they began crashing one by one. When piper woke up the next morning she had Tracy on one side holding her and brad on the other, she starts to hear her dad's ringtone "i'm outside" he says. As she gathers her clothes up off the floor, tracy wakes up saying "you're the best i've ever had" piper only having little memory from last night, kisses tracy on the forehead and says "Anytime baby" as she's walking out the door. A few weeks go by and pipers in her room when she receives a call from a strange number, "Who's this?" she hears his voice and already knows it's brad "what do you want" she asks, he begins to tell her that he can't stop thinking about that one night and asks "do you wanna take a drive and get high, i can pick you up in an hour" she's silent for a minute and says "sure" piper jumps off the phone to get in the shower, she finishes getting ready and walks down the road to meet him, they leave and a little ways away, he pulls over to kiss her, but she stops him and says "you know i'm a lesbian right?" he starts to say that he is also gay but for some reason attracted to her and is a bit confused, he begins to cry while saying "i couldn't help it, at the party" piper is just staring at him, with such a plain face like okay buddy, i just came to smoke but she says "its okay" he grabs her hand and drives away, an hour later they pull down this dirt road in the middle of nowhere and he says "we're here" Piper gets out to see a huge waterfall between two mountains and a wooden bridge to walk across. Piper finds a big rock in front of the waterfall and lights a joint, just admiring the beauty and lost in her own thoughts, Brad starts kissing her. She pushes him away and he shoves her head to the ground pinning her arms down while getting on top, he unbuttons his pants and flops his dick out while she's repeating, "i don't want this" "Please Stop" "Please Stop" then she gives up and just lays there high as a kite, watching the clouds move in the baby blue sky, she closes her eyes and flashbacks of when she was nine, just replays over in her head while tears hit the dirt and once again she finds herself in a situation where she's wondering what the fuck am i doing. Brad takes her home and the whole car ride, piper just stares out the window with not a word said, he drops her off and says "This was fun, lets do it again" then drives away. Months down the road, piper got called out of class and was told that she is leaving. Not knowing what was going on she walked down the end of the hall to find her sister hugging their mother, piper took off running yelling mom through the hall. Without even thinking what was going on, they both got in the car while driving away from the school. They drove for a couple hours with nothing but laughter and making memories, piper and her sister were just so excited to see her that they never once asked where they were going or even why she left, they finally pulled up to a single wide trailer with a man standing on the poach. They all walk inside to find a huge homemade cooked dinner and a bunch of video games for a wii to play together, after dinner they began to play as their mother walked outside to make a call. All piper could hear was her father on speaker, screaming "Bring my girls home" she walked back inside and started gathering up her daughter's belongings and promised to see them soon but they had to go back home, they said goodbye to their mother's new man and drove off, it was a long and sad drive. Once at home they gave mom hugs and kisses before leaving once again, their father was so pissed that he jumped in the truck and sped down the driveway throwing dust the whole way, he was gone a couple hours, then returned to kicking in Piper's bedroom door off the hinges. He grabbed her out of bed, choked her while repeatedly punching the wall by her head with her feet dangling off the floor as she's gasping for air he's yelling "Dont you ever fucking leave" "Dont you ever fucking leave me" he drops her to the ground and goes to the gun cabinet in the living room. Piper's brother and sister still sleeping or maybe just too scared to come out, Piper's father loads a rifle with only one bullet and sticks the barrel of the gun in his mouth, on his knees while crying, he puts his hand on the trigger, piper runs over and hugs him and says "okay daddy, ill never leave" he stands up and goes outside firing the gun off in the air, piper runs to her room and hides under the covers, he puts the gun away and leaves in his truck once again. The next day piper and her sister are sitting in the living room when their father walks in and says "get ready, we are going somewhere" they get ready and jump in the truck only driving for ten minutes he says "we are here" piper looks around and it's a trailer park, not knowing what to think or what was going on. A woman walks out of the house to introduce herself as heather their father's girlfriend and along with her three children, piper acts all nice but is dying on the inside. She was finally coming to realize that her parents were never getting back together and that she might not ever see her mother again. They didn't stay long before returning home but the second piper got to her room she began throwing things out of anger and went to her closet to grab a box, it was filled with crushed up pills in a bag and a cut up straw, with little pieces of weed in the bottom of the box and a half smoked joint. She put it all in a big fat straight line and began snorting every piece up until she couldn't remember where she was at, the room started spinning and she instantly fell to the floor, she reached up and grabbed a kitchen knife out of her dresser and cut the top of her wrist, while laying there in and out of reality, already losing so much blood, she heard her sister outside playing and instantly put her finger in her mouth and made herself throw up, she grabbed a dirty shirt on the floor and wrapped her arm up as tight as she could, she made herself throw up once more before crawling her way to bed, with the room still spinning she passed out to only wake up the next day, with her dad still sleeping she stole twenty dollars out of his wallet and left for school, like she didn't just to try to off herself, She asked around for more goodies until she found what she really wanted but the boy said "keep your money, we can work something out" as he pulls her hand into the supply closet under a staircase, he pushes piper's head down towards his dick and says "how bad do you want this cocaine?" piper gets on her knees while clutching her fist for a second before unzipping his pants, five minutes goes by and he walks out of the closet with a smirk on his face while she is searching through her backpack for something to wash her mouth out with, she hears the bell and hurries to put the stuff in her pocket. Walking to class one of her friends says "hey i gotta joint, wanna smoke?" they walked to the gym bathroom and locked the door behind them. They cracked a window and lit it up, they returned to class without getting caught or even being late. Piper sat in the back of the room drawing doodles all over her homework pondering on the thought of her life being different, of a life that she would truly be happy but she knew she was already in too deep to change anything now. That this is her life and she's not gonna amount to anything, She started to space out and daydream of having someone love her for who she is but the bell rang, she grabbed her books and walked to her locker to clean it out for summer break. The only thing she was excited for was the cocaine that was still in her pocket, she cleaned out her locker and walked to the bus not saying goodbye to any of her friends. She returned home to her father saying we need to talk, he started to tell piper and her siblings "you guys know me and your mother are getting a divorce right?" with such a blank look on all of their faces the father says "and we're going to court to figure some stuff out" piper just sat there in silence and thought just great, this is all i need now. Later that night piper's brother ran off to some party while their father was off doing god knows what with his slut of a woman, so piper did a bump without her sister seeing, they blasted some music before falling asleep around nine, they got woke up later by their father saying "come on" they got in the truck to realize that they were going to heather's house, they pull in the driveway to find a party and drunk people everywhere. Piper stays in the truck for a second while her sister and father walk in the house, she gets another taste of that good stuff then she finally decides to walk in. The second she walks in the door, his girlfriend is handing her a smirnoff ice. Piper looks at her dad and he shakes his head "Go ahead", she grabs the drink, chugs it down because you know this isn't her first rodeo. Her thirteen year old sister walks in from outside and trips into the washer that is beside the door and is instantly cut off, piper sneaks outside to bum a cigarette, she finds some random guy and surprisingly he never asked her age and gave her one before walking away, she hid behind a building before heather's daughter kaylee caught her. Piper finished her cigarette and walked around in the backyard talking about everything and anything with kaylee. The party began to wind down and everyone started to pass out one by one. Heather told both Piper and her sister before they passed out "i'll never take the place of your mother but I will be your friend if you want me to" Piper shrugged it off and didn't say a word before falling asleep on the floor. A couple weeks went by and all was going well until a letter comes in the mail stating the court date is next week, that week flew by. Piper was dreading the thought of even going. They pulled up to the courthouse and walked inside, piper took a deep breathe and just hoped for the best. Piper and her siblings sat there patiently waiting to get called back one by one to talk to the judge and then that's when it happened "Piper the judge will see you now" she stood up not knowing what was going to happen, with her palms sweating. Piper walked down to the end of the hall and opened up the door to find a huge table and one weird looking guy sitting at the other end of the room. He begins to introduce himself and says "I just want to ask you a couple of questions" Piper takes a seat and feels the cold, dark chills running down her back, as she grabs the edge of the chair like she's scared for her life. He begins to ask "do your parents abuse you?" without evening thinking she screams "No why would you ask that" but deep down inside she wanted to tell the truth, but was terrified of what would happen if he father found out, With a puzzled look on his face he asked "do you feel that they are good parents?" piper just sat there with her arms crossed and looking at the ceiling not saying a word, then he asked "Who would you like to live with?" piper looked at the judge and puts her head down on the table, a million thoughts are going through her mind. Piper lifted her head from the table and said "can i leave, i feel uncomfortable" she walked down the hall and just kept thinking, did I do the right thing? She wanted so badly to say "I want my mom" but still horrified from the night with the gun, she kept her mouth shut. A couple months went by of going to court after court and sitting there hearing both parents talk so much shit on each other until the judge decided one day that Piper and her siblings will go stay with their mother every other weekend until they turn eighteen, piper's brother was only a few weeks away from turning eighteen so he never was involved, while walking outside. Piper's mother called out to them and gave them a huge hug, She said that "Everything will be okay, i'll see you this weekend" Piper's brother was already in the car, he took it pretty hard when she left and closed everyone out. On the way home piper was staring off into space while her heart was breaking into a million pieces, her brother said "A bullet in ours mother's head, would do us good" piper took off to her room to find anything to take the pain away, she ended up finding two pills and a pocket knife. She snorted one pill then rolled up her pant leg, piper made three deep cuts on her thigh before falling to her knees and crying hysterically, the only thought on her mind was "how could this happen to me" she pulled herself together just enough to crush the other and snort that before crawling into bed and falling asleep. Two days passed and they get the news that they are staying with mom for the summer, piper couldn't wait so she packed her bag with excitement, They pull up and piper sees her mom, she gives her dad and heather a hug and runs with her sister to the car, Their moms boyfriend taught them how to fish, took them camping and did more fun stuff but just like a book it was all coming to an end. It was the last weekend before school started and piper walks in the bedroom to find her mom but ends up seeing her boyfriend greg snorting up a line of cocaine and asks to have some, he says "get out of here" while the mother walks in saying "give the girl a fucking line" soon later they were driving to meet up with dad and heather. Before Piper knew it her alarm was going off and it was time for her first day of school all over again. She heads to her homeroom, the girl in front of piper turns around and asks "what's your first class?" piper begins to tell her that it's english but before she could even get a word out the bell rings. While walking out of the room the girl says "I'm lisa by the way" they exchange schedules and find out that they have three of the same classes. While walking to english, piper talks to lisa like they've been friends for years, Piper and lisa walk out of class to head to the cafeteria when they get approached by a guy asking if they were gay together. Lisa stated that she was straight but pointed at piper saying "She's lesbian tho" The guy then grabbed piper's hand and said "Girl ima hook you up" and then continues to walk away. Piper shook it off like it was just another gay guy talking shit, but she got her food and found a seat, a couple of minutes went by and Piper got up to throw her trash away, she was standing by the trash can when that same guy approached her but this time he was with a female with braces, long black hair and glasses wearing skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie tied at her waist with a guns n roses shirt on standing by his side when he said "Piper this is Emily" and pushes both of them closer together and then walks away, Piper just stood there for a second staring at her beauty and asks "did it hurt when you fell from heaven" She giggled and already had Piper amused, she gave her butterflies that no one ever did. Piper walked her to class and told her cheesy pickup lines the whole way, Emily walked into her classroom and came running back out seconds later to hand a piece of paper with her number on it. Later that night Piper texted her saying "hey beautiful" and it just started from there.

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