Little Dancer (Jimin BTS, Par...

By lmfaojordan

967K 24.8K 9.3K

"Love is a dance that is performed by two hearts that have the same beat" More

The First Class
The First Call
The First Chance
The Second Meeting
The First Night
The First Kiss
Losing You Already?
Let Me Know
Please Don't Leave Me
I Missed You
They Know About Us
Listen To Me
The Last Date
You're Mine
The After Party
!! SEQUEL !!

The First Text

64.7K 1.5K 315
By lmfaojordan

Swinging on my desk chair, twiddling my phone in my hand, contemplating my next move. "Do I text him first?" I thought a loud. Well obviously, I have to text him, he doesn't have my number yet. I mentally face palmed myself as I slowly typed his name into the text bar.
"You gonna text him or what? I've been standing here for 5 minutes now, i'm getting bored." Holly's voice startled me from the doorway. "What?" I asked, trying to mask my previous struggle. "Don't play dumb, I brought you coffee, now text him so the boy doesn't think you're not interested" she commanded, chuckling and bringing me my coffee. I slowly took a sip. "Wait, what do I text him?" I asked, now nervous on what to write as I didn't want to seem too pushy or too casual. "Just say 'Hey, it's Jordan from dance class' smiley face kiss kiss. It'll work wonders" she replied chuckling as she sat in a swivel chair and swung side to side, feet up on my desk sipping from her cup. "I hate you sometimes" I replied, throwing her a glare, but typing out exactly what she'd said.

*2 hours later*
"Has he texted back?" Holly asked interested. "Nope, I completely forgot he went back to Korea literally after the dance class, so he's probably asleep right now, I don't want to get my hopes up anyway" I sighed as I sat down on my bed next to her. "Dude HE gave you HIS number, he WANTS you to text him. Like you said, he's probably asleep." "Yeah but you know how I feel about him, even after meeting him nothing's changed, in fact, I like him more, if that's even possible." I replied as I turned over to face the wall. "Just go to sleep, I bet you'll have a text in the morning" Holly said half awake. I closed my eyes trying to fall into a slumber, tomorrow couldn't come quick enough.

*1 hour later*
I still hadn't fallen asleep, I had been tossing and turning ever since I laid down. Holly had fallen asleep right after she'd told me to, but I couldn't, so instead I lay here awake overthinking and overanalysing. I lightly sighed and turned over for a third time. "Go to sleep Jordan or so help me" I heard Holly yawn out, which made me jump slightly, but then I frowned "What you gonna do?" I asked back defensively "Don't make me come over there Jordan. I will give you a poly beat down even in my tired state" she replied threateningly, I simply chuckled and ignored her sighing. "Look he will text you back, you just need to be patient" she finally reasoned and comforted. "But you don't know that" I replied, feeling a lump in my throat "I don't know a lot of things, but aren't I usually right?" She asked softly. "No, i'm always right, sometimes you're lucky" I replied seriously, this caused a chuckle to come from her, but I couldn't laugh, I knew I was going to cry. "He will text..." Holly was started, but she got interrupted by my text tone echoing through the room. My eyes shot open, I saw my phone light illuminating the room, so I knew it was true. For a moment neither of us moved or said anything out of shock. "What are you waiting for!? Get your damn phone!" Holly shouted. I heard her laughing as I jumped out of my bed, tripping over slightly.

I unlocked my phone, blinking a few times, im not too sure if it was me trying hard to believe that him texting me back was real, or if it was my eyes trying to adjust to the bright light. I had reread the message about ten times, not knowing what to reply, but beyond happy he'd text me back. "Well? What did he say?" Holly asked, I looked up and smiled widely. "He said 'Hey little dancer' with a Purple Heart emoji" I replied, biting my lip as I looked back at her. She squealed, throwing the covers back in excitement . "MY SHIP HAS SAILED! JIMJOR IS SAILING SMOOTHLY AND I AM THE CAPTAIN!" Holly shouted happily, jumping up and down on the bed like a little kid. "Shh! You'll wake everyone up" I giggled. "Why am I even friends with you?" I laughed, shaking my head. I turned back to my phone. My thumbs hovered over the key board, doing a little dance as I hesitated what to type back. Holly stopped jumping on the bed and sat cross legged. "What are you gonna text him back?" She asked, checking her own phone. "I don't know" I replied, I didn't really know how to reply to that. "Just send a smiley face and then ask 'how's Korea?' Kiss kiss" she told me, not even looking up from her phone once. "Why 'how's korea?' Isn't that too forward?" I asked, not sure as to whether I should text that or not. "No, of course not, he'll be happy that you're interested. Trust me" she replied, looking up and giving me a reassuring smile. So I texted exactly what she said. "Holly?" I asked seriously, locking my phone and putting it on my lap, she copied my actions and looked at me seriously. "What's wrong?" She asked, from what I could see her face was genuinely concerned, but it was about three in the morning, so it was dark. "Do you really think he likes me?" I asked, I felt insecure and unsure of the idea, I've liked him for such a long time with only the slightest bit of hope. The whole thing seems so surreal. Him even coming to England, me even attending the dance class..what if I never sat near his bags? Would he even of noticed me? "Of course he like you! Why wouldn't he? You're funny, cute, shy and you can dance!" She replied genuinely, I half smiled, and half believed her words. Holly yawned and started me off too. "Stop yawning, their contagious" I moaned swinging on my desk chair. "Sorry im tired! I don't know if you know, but my bestfriend decided to wake me up by fidgeting." She said sarcastically. "Oh haha" I replied just as bad. I crawled back into bed, hitting my knee on the way there. Holly fell asleep as soon as we laid back down. I looked up at the ceiling and smiled contently. I finally drifted off into a peaceful slumber, still thinking about his text, "hey little dancer💜"

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