I'll Show That Alpha

By randomthoughts109

304K 7.6K 401

Finding your mate is suppose to be one of the happiest moments of your life. Not for Hazel. After finding out... More

I'll Show That Alpha
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 2
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 3
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 4
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 5
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 6
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 7
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 8
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 9
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 10
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 11
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 12
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 13
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 15
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 16
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 17
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 18
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 19
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 20
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 21
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 22
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 23
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 24
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 25
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 26
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 27
I'll Show That Alpha~~Story Summary Thus Far
I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 27
2023 I'll Show That Alpha - Update

I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 14

10.5K 268 13
By randomthoughts109

As I cuddled into Archers side, I could feel his warmth against mine, physically and mentally. I loved him. I had never told him that I did, because it honestly was never clear to me. I was finally completely over Knox, no warmth from his name, nothing.

 We were moving forward, and I was starting to think that Archer and I could be forever.

  Archer leaned his head down to mine and whispered,"we're here baby," his magnificent smile shining on his face. I pecked a kiss on his cheek and looked out the window.

A building that looked like an over sized cottage, was lit up with white Christmas lights, adding the water fountain in front, it had a very romantic vibe.

Archer opened the door and stepped out before turning around and holding his hand out to me. Again I took his hand gratefully and stepped out of the car. Archer kept my hand in his as he used the other the hit the car gently notifying to the driver that he could go.

"It's beautiful Archer." I stated as I held myself close to him as we walked toward the building.

"It's more beautiful now." He whispered

I did a laugh with a snort on accident, I couldn't help it. It was just so cheesy! Archer looked at me with a questioning look.

"That sentence was just so cheesy! I couldn't take it!" I laughed a little more before saying,"but it was sweet." A tiny grin left on the mouth.

"Babe, cheesy is what it's about tonight." He joked

"Good, cause I like a good laugh." I joked back.

We walked up the steps and was about to knock when Archer grabbed the door knob and, with a cocky grin, held the door open for me.

The inside was not what I expected. I thought this was a house, but it was a restaurant. There was a hostess standing by the door that I noticed when she welcomed us in. There were tables behind her that a couple people were occupying but what really caught my eye was the private rooms that were on the sides of the room and, I assumed, up the stairs that was in the corner of the entry room.

"Archer Keating" Archer said from behind me

The short brown haired hostess smiled,"Right this way." She grabbed two menus and headed up the stairs.

Archer gave a wink and nodded his head toward her, telling me to follow silently. I headed up the narrow stairs and felt Archers hand pinch my butt,  I giggled and swatted his hand away. Only to have him do it again.

I reached the top, the hostess waiting with the same smile on her face. I smiled back, and I reached for Archers hand and pulled him along to follow the woman.

She led up to a back corner table that was surrounded by a romantic draping, making the table private.

"Alright you two, here are your menus. Your waitress will be up soon to get your orders. Have a great time." The woman said then walked away.

Archer pulled out my chair for me as I sat down, then walked around the table to his seat.

"How do you like it Hazel?" Archer asked clearly proud of himself.

"I love it, definitely worth the surprise. Where did you hear about it?"

"I do my research," He winked at me,"Happy Anniversary Hazel."

"Happy Anniversary Archer." A huge smile on my face. He reached over to my hand that was sitting on the table and rested his on mine, his thumb making circles.

"Hello, my name is Holly. I am your waitress for tonight. What would you guys like to drink," A woman with greying black hair appeared at the side of our table.

"I would like water."  I smiled up at her.

"I'd like a coke." Archer replied

Holly left and Archer's voice caught my attention.

"Hazel, ever since you came to the pack house and you ran into me," I laughed at the memory,"I knew we had something special. When you wanted to wait until we knew each other better to go on a date, that whole year my feelings grew more and more. When you excepted to go on a date with me, I ran into my room and screamed in my pillow. And trust me, I know how girly that sounds. I just wanted to tell you so you know how excited I was," I laughed at his embarrassment and he joined in. "Anyway...point is, I really liked you and now Hazel, I love you." I looked into his dark eyes that held so much love and tenderness behind them.

"I love you too Archer." I leaned over the table and kissed him lightly to show that I meant what I said.

I sat back in my chair and saw a smile beaming on his face, probably the same on mine.

"You were there for me from the beginning Archer, since that first night that we had our first kiss and then having me tell you I wasn't ready, you were understanding and compassionate. I love that about you, you're perfect for me. I love you." I said for the second time, feeling the adrenaline boiling up inside me.

We ate dinner and payed, walking out toward the limo with Archers hand around my waist, both smiling like fools.

"When do you plan on doing gifts in your genius schedule?" I asked remembering how during dinner he said no gifts yet.

"I'll tell you when it's time! Be patient, this is all set up." He opened the door and ushered me into the car.

"Fine, but can I at least get a hint?" I asked for the billionth time as the car pulled away.

"No! I am not going to tell you and you know that. I love you." I rolled my eyes and giggled at the three words he has said continuously during dinner.

"I love you too." I said

"You can't blame me for wanting to say that repeatedly to you! I LOVE YOU!!," he yelled,"I have waited two weeks to tell you!" He said leaving my mouth wide open in shock.

"You have felt this way for two weeks?" I questioned, knowing I just realized my feelings earlier today. We had a slower relationship, I was grateful for it because past relationships always moved way too fast for me. I liked to take my time.

"I sure have babe, I wanted to wait for tonight to make it extra special." He cupped my face in his hands holding my face close to his."You are so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?" I looked at him taking him all in. His dark eyes, black hair, plush lips, and tan skin. "No, how did I get so lucky?" I questioned back bringing my lips to his and immediately felt him respond. He put one of his hands in the middle of my back and one on my lower back. I could feel the top of his hand on my bare skin as I put my hands in his hair and deepened the kiss. Not too passionate but just perfect for the time being. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth allowing the usual fight our tongues engage in.

After a couple minutes of great kissing, I pulled away,"I love you Archer."

"I love you too Hazel."

We pulled away, still sitting close as we pulled up to a huge amphitheatre.

"No way!" I screamed, the excitement building up."You didn't!"

He proudly smiled,"Oh I did."

"How..just how!? It's been sold out since forever!"

"Whenever someone I love wants to see Hamlet, I get it for them no matter what." He said giving his signature wink.

Hamlet was my favorite of Shakespeare's writes. This amphitheatre that we were at apparently had the best play of Hamlet that some of the toughest critics had loved, therefore making it extremely rare to get a ticket because of the popularity.

I basically somersaulted out of the car, well I didn't, but I could have, I was so excited! Archer reached for my hand and walked me to the front of the huge theatre and showed our tickets and we entered the room.

The stage was huge, the chairs a deep red with gold ironing and a huge crystal chandelier hung on the ceiling. Archer was leading me closer and closer to the front and my heart was squeezing about to have a attack when he sat us fourth row, middle seats.

"You have to be kidding!" I asked

"I'm not! I told you, anything for the one I love." Another cheesy comment out of many. I loved this man.

"I love you!" I gave him a huge hug before we sat down.

While I was checking out the rest of the room, looking at how packed full it was, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Archer looking at me. I turned to him with an eyebrow raised, but he gave me a kiss on my lips then said,"You look gorgeous." The lights turned down and music started to play showing that the play was about to start, so I just grabbed his hand and squeezed it three times. It was replied the same way. We had always done that, ever since we got together.

"That play was amazing! All that they said about it was true, it was the best that I had seen yet!" I raved about the show, walking out the huge front glass door of the amphitheatre, Archer's arm around my shoulders, mine around his waist.

"It was very well done. They did a great job. I'm glad you liked it." Archer kissed my forehead.

"I loved it. I don't know how you got tickets, let alone fourth row seat tickets, but you are officially my hero." I declared hugging him tighter.

"I'll let you in on the secret," he whispered softly. I quickly nodded my head out of curiosity.

"I killed for them." His face dead serious.

I started to laugh, but his face was still serious. My laughter died down as I realized he might be serious. But Archer wouldn't kill anyone, he may seem tough on the outside but he is truly a sweetheart.

"You're kidding, right?" I questioned knowing he didn't but with a little itty bitty bit of over thought.

"No, I am not." He said again completely serious.

"You did not! Don't lie to me!" I punched him in the arm and saw a crack of a smile.

"Ahaa! You liar! Don't try to lie to me." I pushed him away from me pretending to be mad.

He started laughing so hard that he was bent over with laughter.

"You believed me!" He laughed out

"I did not! I knew you were kidding, I just wanted to be sure!" I mumbled.

"Aww I was just kidding, don't be afraid." He said coming closer with a pout on his mouth. I softened in a flash.

"I wouldn't be afraid of you." I said pulling us back into our previous position.

"I knew you were kidding though." I said shortly.

"Yeah right." He said under his breathe with an ounce of humor.

Again the limo was right outside on time and we hopped in.

"Thank you for tonight." I whispered

"Thank you for coming tonight and being with me for a year." We chuckled and sat in a comfortable silence.

We pulled up to the pack house and came to a stop.

"What about presents?" I wondered aloud.

"I thought we should do them here, then it can be personal and no one has to watch." He said making a point. It does get awkward opening gifts in public.

"Good idea." I said getting out of the car.

We walked, hand in hand, to the front door and I pulled out the key and unlocked it.

He led me to his clean, as always, room and we sat on his bed. Weirdly enough I didn't see anyone on our way down.

"Where do you think everyone is?" I asked laying on my belly on his bed, him doing the same next to me.

"Seeing that it's 1:00 a.m. I would guess asleep." He said with a laugh.

"It's 1 in the morning!? I'm not even tired." I stated with a yawn.

"I would say otherwise." He laughed softly while I laid my head on his shoulder.

"That was just a reflex," I explained myself,"let's do presents now! I'll go first." I said eagerly.

I got out the small decorative envelope from my clutch and handed it to him.

I smiled as he opened it, anxiously waiting to see his face when he discovers the gift.

"Plane tickets?" Archer smiled up at me, surprised.

I nodded yes, as he read the tickets location.

"Hawaii!?" He screamed excited an elevated smile on his face.

"Yup, we leave two weeks from today and stay one full week." I said gleefully.

"Hazel, I can't believe you did this, you didn't have too! How will you get time off from your protector duties?" He asked suspicious.

"I wanted too! I already talked to Royce and he said I can go. He was slightly jealous." I said humorously.

"He should be! This is my dream vacation, and with the girl I love." He said pulling me closer.

"I know it is. We are gonna go snorkeling, hiking, etc. Best of all, our hotel is right on the beach!" I mentioned.

"Hazel! How can you afford all this? I'm paying you back." He said determined.

"Like hell you are! This is a gift! I bought this with my own money dude. Don't question me, and enjoy the fact that in two weeks we are gonna be in sunny Hawaii!" I told him with the same determination.

Straight away I saw him back down mentally.

"You are the best girlfriend ever." He kissed my forehead,"Thank you!"

"You are very welcome Archer. It is gonna be fun."

"It sure will. Now for your gift." He said reaching under his bed and pulling out a small wrapped box and handing it to me.

I unwrapped the present and found a silver ring with a Claddagh symbol filled with small little diamonds inside. It was stunning, I was in love.

"It's a promise ring. The Claddagh symbol symbolizes love and loyalty." Archer was looking at me lovingly,"The inside of the ring has something engraved."

"I looked on the inside of the band of silver and found small words.

I love you Hazel. Forever and For Always.

I felt myself start to tear up. He was the sweetest guy I had ever known.

"Don't cry babe." He said, I could tell he thought I didn't like it. He was completely wrong.

"I love it." I mumbled staring at the ring. I slid it on my right handed ring finger. Fit perfectly.

"Good. It is a symbol of my commitment to you." He said

"It is so beautiful." I said yawning again.

"It fits you." He smiled at me,"I think it's time for bed." He said pulling me with him to the top of his bed and putting us under his covers, nice clothes and all.

"Tonight was perfect." I whispered closing my eyes.

"It was perfect. I love you." Was all I heard before I fell asleep.

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