Isolated | Taekook

By orangexmint

20.6K 1.6K 336

"How do I know I'm not dreaming?" "You think you're the only one who's freaking out right now?!" Or in which... More

Author's Note
character profiles
twenty-one | smut


692 76 7
By orangexmint


_____ 🌿 _____

Jungkook feels dizzy and disoriented from hanging upside down. He concludes that this has to be the reason for why there is another person standing in front of him. I must have hit my head, he thinks as he squeezes his eyes shut to stop the spinning. When he opened his eyes again, the boy was still standing there.

So he screamed.

The other boy was very taken back by his sudden outburst and stumbled backwards, landing flat on his ass. Jungkook quickly covered his mouth to stop his screaming.

It's hard to get a good look at the guy from upside down, but Jungkook tries his hardest. His body is swaying side to side though, making him feel sick. "Are you going to keep screaming at me?" he questions, and Jungkook notes how pleasant his voice sounds. It's deep, and husky.

Jungkook immediately feels guilty for screaming. He knows that this had to be weird for him too.

"I'm so sorry, I-" he stops mid sentence. He really doesn't know what to say. "Um..are you going to let me down now? I'm feeling a little sick,"

The stranger's eyes widened. "Oh right! Sorry!"

Jungkook can feel his arm wrap around his waist to keep him from falling on his head as he cuts the rope around his ankle. Jungkook can feel himself falling, but at the last second the boy caught him in his arms, setting him upright on his feet.

"Am I seeing things right now?" Jungkook questioned, peering up at the boy. His hair was rather long, and a soft brown colour. His eyes were just as warm, and he had a boxy smile that sent shivers up Jungkook's spine (in a good way). He let out a laugh - the first laugh he'd heard in years other than his own.

"You think you're the only one who's freaking out right now?" In any other situations, Jungkook would have been creeped out by the way this man had touched his face in a tender way, but Jungkook was touch starved, and lent into the palm of his hand. "Are you even real?"

"Are you?" Jungkook replied, reaching up to touch his face. "Am I dreaming?"

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up,"

Jungkook let out a laugh, and he realized that he was crying. He reached up to wipe away the stray tear that had escaped. This was so much better than zombies.

"I'm sorry if I scared you,"

They're walking back to the trailer park together. Jungkook is scared that if he looks away that he'll disappear on him. He doesn't want the man to leave, so he invites him to stay with him for the night. It feels so good to be able to talk and have someone other than himself respond. The man looks apologetic, one hand awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Jungkook can't really see him in the dark, but he knows he's there.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," Jungkook argued. "I didn't mean to scream at you like that, I was just so surprised to see..well, you."

"I don't blame you. It's been so long since I've seen another human. I thought I was alone,"

"So did I,"

"Sorry about trapping you by the way. I thought you might have been an animal,"

"They don't venture this far into the city," Jungkook explained, looking up at him. "They come close but for the most part they stay away. Someone frightens them,"

The man seemed surprised. "You sure do know a lot about this place huh?"

"I grew up here...before the aftermath-"


"That's what I call this," Jungkook gestured to the vacant city. "This is the aftermath. I used to live somewhere over there-" he takes his hand in his and points in the direction of the setting sun. "But I don't stay there anymore. Too many bad memories. I stay in a trailer park now, been there for the past three or four years now. It's nice,"

"You know what year it is?"

"Not really, but there have been six winters since the end of the world, so I just go off of that,"

"You stayed here after all this time?"

"I don't have a reason to move on. There's plenty of housing, and food. I can find shelter when it gets too cold. I don't know every inch of the city yet but I know most of it. Did you move around a lot?"

"Yeah, but I didn't grow up in the city. I came from a smaller village. It was okay for a while, but I had to move on after some point. Winters are brutal out in the woods,"

"You stayed in the woods?"

"Yep," He smiled at him.

"Wow I don't think I could survive out there,"

"It's not easy, I'll admit. I would have preferred the city,"

"You're more than welcomed to stay," Jungkook told him.

"Thank you, I appreciate that,"

"Oh - um...I'm Jungkook by the way,"

"It's very nice to meet you Jungkook. I'm Taehyung,"

_____ 🌿 _____

bby jungkook is no longer a lonely boi

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