By notdoing_get_help

30.8K 1.1K 410


1 | i was bored
2 | never lie about food
16 | i am wearing a bra, stiles


1.4K 58 24
By notdoing_get_help


I get out of the sleek black SUV, which Uncle Chris was driving, and pull out my gun, as I move towards that thing.

I point at his shoulder, so as to not hurt Jackson, and shoot. He stumbles back a little, and I was about to knock him out, when Uncle Chris comes up behind me, and starts shooting at it.

"No, stop!" I yell, as he empties an entire clip into him. "It's just a kid under that."

"No, there isn't." He tells me, as the kanima drops to the floor. "Not anymore."

I look away, as he starts to examine the place, but turn around again, once I hear a grunting noise.

I see Uncle Chris getting thrown at a pillar, and immediately take my knifes out. The kanima looks at me, and screeches, running towards me.

I move to the side, and stab him in the back, as he tries to claw at me. I hit hit his face with my elbow, but he doesn't even move. I look at him, and he threateningly snarls at me, and grabs my arm, making his claws dig into me, and pushes me towards another pillar, as I groan painfully, feeling blood dripping down my arm.

"Good to know, Jackson's an asshole in all form." I mutter painfully.

«     —————     »

I come up behind Scott and Stiles, who were hiding in an alley, beside a club.

"Did you see where he went?" I ask them, and they both jump.

"Aaaahhhh!" Stiles yells, as Scott looks at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, my God, Scott." I say, in disbelief. "You're a werewolf, for God's sakes. Now, stop being jumpy, and tell me if you saw where Jackson went."

"I lost him." He answers.

"You couldn't catch his scent?" I ask.

"I don't think he has one." Scott answers.

"All right, any clue where he's going?" Stiles asks.

"To kill someone." Scott states the obvious.

"Ah, really?" I ask, sarcastically.

"That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that." Stiles says, in the same tone as me. "Makes perfect sense now." Scott gives us both a look. "What? Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense."

"Not a great defense." I comment, and Stiles tells me a sarcastic 'thank you'.

"Just help me find it." Scott tells us.

"Not 'it', Jackson." Stiles correct.

"Yeah, I know." Scott agrees. "I-I know."

"All right, but does he know that?" I ask. "Did anybody else see him back at your house?"

"I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway." Scott replies.

"Yeah, but that's just the thing." Stiles says. "How did he pass the test?"

"I don't know." Scott replies, confused.

"Maybe it's like an either-or thing." Stiles suggests. "I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When's the Kanima, not the Kanima?"

Scott and I nod in realization.

"When it's Jackson." We both say, at the same time, as Stiles slowly waves his hands, looking up.

"Uh... guys." Stiles says, and we both turn around, to look at what he was looking. "See that?"

"He's inside." Scott breaths out, as I stand in between both of them.

"Title of your sex tape." I mutter, but they both hear me, and turn to look at me. "Sorry, couldn't help it."

"What's he gonna do in there?" Stiles asks.

"Oh, I know." I start sarcastically. "I had a tea party with that freaky supernatural lizard, and he told me all about his evil plans." 

"You know, you could've just said, you don't know." Stiles tells me.

"When have I ever done what you want me to do?" I ask him.

"Guys." Scott cuts in. "I know who he's after."

"What, how?" Stiles asks. "How? Did you smell something?"

"Armani." Scott just says, and it's quite for a moment.

"Wow, that was pathetically vague." I comment.

«     —————     »

"Aw, come on." Stiles whines, as he tries to turn the handle of the back door. He turn around and continues to talk, as Scott and I share a look. "All right, maybe there's, like, a, uh... like, a window we could climb through, or some kind of..." I got bored halfway through his monologue, and lifted up my leg, and kick down the door, as Stiles turns back around. "Door that we could kick open, with surprising strength that I didn't know you had." I give him a smile. "How'd I not think of that one?"

We all walk inside, and look for Jackson, and Danny. Scott steps forward, and looks around, confused.

"Dude, everyone in here's a dude." Scott tells us, as I laugh at the situation Stiles was in. "I think we're in a gay club."

"Man, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh, Scott?" Stiles replies, surrounded by people, and I laugh out loud.

I turn and walk towards the bar, and lean on it.

"You do know, this is a gay bar, right?" The bartender tells me with a smile. "And, if you didn't know, you're a girl."

"I know." I tell him, leaning playfully on the bar. "But it was on my bucket list to see the inner workings of a gay bar."

"Well, is it what you expected?" He asks me, grinning.

"Well, I never thought I'd have to go through it sober." I comment.

"Maybe I can help with that." He tells me, as he grabs a beer bottle, and opens the lid, and pushes it towards me. "A beer. On the house."

I give him a smile, as I take it, and take a sip.

"Thanks." I tell him.

"I'm Dam." He introduces.

"I'm Alex." I reply, as Scott and Stiles come up beside me.

"Two beers." Stiles tells Dan.

"I.D.s?" He asks, and I smirk. Scott and Stiles take out their fake I.D.s, and give them to him.

Dan looks at the I.D.s, and then looks at Scott and Stiles.

"How 'bout two cokes?" Dan asks him.

"Rum and coke?" Stiles suggests. "Sure." He sees the look, Dan's giving him, and caves in. "Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving anyway."

As Dan turns away to get their drinks, I take another sip on my beer.

"Well, that was humiliating." I comment, and Stiles turns to me.

"How come you get beer, and we get coke?" He asks, irritated.

"We're in a gay bar, right?" I ask him, and he replies, with a nod, and a small, 'yeah'. I lean towards him, as if telling him a secret. "Doesn't mean the bartender's gay." I tell him, and look at Dan, who was already looking at me. I smirk and wink at Dan.

"That one's paid for." Dan tells Scott, as he gives them their drinks, giving me a smile, and disappearing off.

Scott smiles, and I try hard not to laugh at Stiles face, as the guy who paid for Scott's drink smirks at him. Scot turns to Stiles, the smile still on his face.

"Oh, shut up." Stiles tells him, frowning.

"I didn't say anything." Scott replies, still grinning.

"Yeah, well, your face did." Stiles sharply tells him.

"Aw, Stiles." I tell him. "Don't be sad. I'll buy a drink."

"You will?" He asks, surprised.

"If you don't annoy me." I tell him, and he smiles, as  I shake my head.

"Hey, I found Danny." Stiles tells us, after a moment.

"I found Jackson." Scott adds, looking at the roof.

"Get Danny." I tell Stiles, as both Scott and I step forward.

"What're you both gonna do?" Stiles asks.

Scott flashes his claws, as I pull out the knife in my sleeve.

"Works for me." Stiles nods, and runs towards Danny, as Scott and I move towards the kanima.

But before we could reach it, it broke a pipe, making white fog appear everywhere, making it difficult for me to see.

I move in between people dancing, when suddenly, a guy drops, paralyzed. Before anyone can do anything, more people drop, unable to move, as I look around trying to see the kanima. I step back, and look down to see Danny on the floor.

«     —————     »

"Couldn't get anything out of Danny." Scott tells us, as he sits in the passenger seat of the Jeep, while I had to sit next to an unconscious Jackson, who was very naked.

"Okay, can we just get the hell outta here now, before one of my dad's deputies sees me?" Stiles asks, and on cue, the Sheriff's car pulls up, right in front of us. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Could this get any worse?" Stiles asks, and suddenly Jackson starts to stir, and Stiles turn to yell at him. "That was rhetorical."

"Get rid of him." Scott tells Stiles.

"Get rid of him?" Stiles asks, incredulously. "We're at a crime scene, and he's the sheriff."

"Do something." Scott tells him, as Stiles opens the door, and gets out.

"Wait, I'm coming too." I tell him, as I climb over the seat, and get out. "I don't wanna be stuck in the back, with naked Richie Rich."

"Hey." Stiles greets his Dad awkwardly. "What's... what's going on?"

"Hello, Sheriff." I add, awkwardly.

"What're you both doing here?" The Sheriff ask him.

"What do you mean, what are we doing here?" Stiles questions back. "What? It's a club. It's a club, we were clubbing, you know?" Stiles makes awkward hand motions, and I feel second-hand embarrassment. "At the club."

"Not exactly your type of club." The Sheriff tells him.

"Uh... well, Dad..." Stiles starts, and I hold in my laughter. "There's a conversation that..."

"You're not gay." Sheriff dismisses the idea.

"Wha..." Stiles's jaw falls open, clearly offended. "I could be."

"Not dressed like that." Sheriff tells him, looking him up and down.

"Well, what's... uh..." Stiles tries to say, but he cuts him off.

"This is the second crime scene, that you two just happened to have shown up on." Sheriff starts. "And at this point, I've been fed so many lies, I'm not sure I know the kid standing in front of me." Stiles looks down in guilt. "Now, what the hell is going on?"

"Sheriff, we..." I trail off, looking for an explanation, and he looks at me.

"The truth, Stiles, Alex." He tells us.

"The truth, all right." I repeat, nervously

"Well, the truth is that we were here with Danny." Stiles suddenly says. "Yeah, 'cause he just broke up with his boyfriend, so, you know, we were just trying to take him out and get his mind off things." Stiles has a heartbroken look on his face, feeling guilty for lying to his Dad again. "That's... that's it."

"Well, that's really good of you guys." The Sheriff tells us. "You're good friends."

"Yeah." I whisper in a small voice, as he walks away.

We both turn towards the Jeep, and Stiles sighs. I look at him, to see the defeated look on his face, and put a hand on his shoulder, making him look at me.

"You're just trying to protect him, Stiles." I tell him. "It's okay."

"Doesn't make lying to him any easier." He replies, and I sigh, looking in front, to see, Uncle Chris and Gerard in a car.

"Aah, Stiles, I gotta go." I tell him. "Satan's looking to interrogate me on what we found, you know, since he's having me spy on you guys."

"Yeah, go." He tells me with a small smile. "Tell him all the details of our plans."

"I will." I nod, as I give him a smile, and walk towards the car.

«     —————     »

"Seven paralyzed. The rumor is drugs." I tell both of them, as I get in the back seat of the black SUV. "Probably hallucinogens, since witnesses say they saw a demonic monster on the dance floor."

"Now, who would believe something like that?" Gerard comments, as Uncle Chris turns to him.

"You know what I'm having trouble believing?" He asks Gerard. "How you just stood there while that thing circled you, and did nothing. You want to explain that to me?"

"Intuition. "Gerard simply answers.

"Then you know what it is." I ask, wanting to know if he knew.

"I have a suspicion." He answers. "And if I'm right, it plays by certain rules. Rules that don't bend easily."

"Do we need to put a hold on Derek to figure this thing out?" Uncle Chris asks.

"Not necessarily." He replies. "Tonight's the first time you had a glimpse of him since Kate died, am I right?"

"Unfortunately." Uncle Chris ask.

"And you?" Gerard asks, turning to me.

"It's the first time I saw him." I reply, my voice void of any emotion.

"And the only other tie we have to him is Isaac Lahey." Uncle Chris adds. "What are you thinking?"

"That if this thing bothers Derek enough to bring him out of his little hole, then we might have an opportunity." Gerard tell us, and looks at me. "What did I teach you is the best way to eliminate a threat?"

I breath in, as I realize his plan. 

"Get someone to do it for you." I answer.

He's gonna use Scott to kill Derek.

«     —————     »

"So, who did you say you were studying with tonight?" Gerard asks me and Allison, all of us sitting in his office.

"Just Lydia." Allison answers. "We're prepping for our world history midterm."

"History was one of my favorites." Gerard says, and I roll my eyes. "Especially military history."

"Not this again." I mutter under my breath.

"Ever hear the phrase, 'know thy enemy'?" Gerard asks Allison, knowing I already know the answer.

"It's from the art of war by sun tzu." Allison says.

"Very good." Gerard replies. "Know what it means?"

"In order to win a battle, one must know everything they can about their enemy." Allison says, after thinking for a second.

"Right again." Gerard tells her. "Your father and I happen to be having that very problem. We've got an enemy about which we know next to nothing. It's killed one of our own, among others."

"I've heard." Allison says.

"Did you both hear Jackson Whittmore didn't show to school today?" Gerard asks, not turning to me.

"He didn't?" I ask, innocently.

"His parents called and so did the police." Gerard tells us. "You two wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" We both shake our heads 'no', so he continues. "Well, let me tell you what I know. I know that a teenager's first instinct is to protect their friends. And I believe my granddaughters would always want to protect their friends, even if it meant lying." He stands up, and walks behind Allison's chair. "So, I want to ask one more question, and this time, with a small advantage." He puts two finger on her neck, and she jumps. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to get a sense of your pulse. Think of it as a game. All you have to do is tell the truth." He tells her, I get nervous of what he could find. "Do you know anything about Jackson being missing?"

Allison looks at me nervously, and give her a small nod, comforting her, as she answers.

"No." She answers.

"Is he in trouble?" He asks again, and this time, Allison gets even more nervous.

"I-I-I-I don't know." She shutters. "I don't know."

"Does this have anything to do with Scott?" Gerard asks.

"No." Allison says, sharply. "I mean, I don't... I don't know."

"Your pulse jumped." Gerard tells her, smugly.

"It's because you're scaring me." Allison says.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Gerard replies. "That was definitely going way too far."

I let out a dry laugh. That was too far?

"No kidding." Allison comments.

"It wasn't right for me to use tactics like that." He tells her. "I'm sorry. You can go back to class." He tells Allison, but I know it wasn't for me. "Go ahead."

She looks at me, and I give her a reassuring look. She gives me a small smiles and walks out.

"Where's my apology?" I ask him.

"What for?" He asks, sitting back in his chair. "For making you kill your boyfriend?"

I take a sharp breath in at his bluntness.

"Yes, for that." I tell him.

"Well, I'm sorry, that your fool of a boyfriend went and got himself bitten." He tells me. "In case you haven't noticed, it's our jobs to eliminate these kind of threats."

"He was innocent!" I tell him, raising my voice. "He didn't even know what happened to him, he was confused out of his mind!"

"What are you yelling at me for?" He asks me, calmly. "You were the one who shot the arrow which pierced his heart."

"You were the one who was holding a gun to his nine-year-old sister's head!" I yell back. "I was innocent, a fifteen-year-old kid, who thought her Grandpa would always do what was best for her. You put a bow and arrow in my hand, and told me if I didn't do it, you would, and it'll be a thousand times worse. You made me look at him, while I stood there crying." I stand up, as tears well up in my eyes, but I don't let them fall. "I-I loved him, and you made me shoot an arrow through his heart, you made me have his blood on my hands!"

"You're an Argent!" He yells. "You were born with blood on your hands. And, I might've made you shoot of one these abominations, but after that, you did all that you did on your own. Every werewolf you killed after that, it was all you. I didn't force your hand, I didn't make you pull the trigger." He tells me, and it takes everything in me not to shoot him. "Does Mr. Stilinski know how many people you've tortured? How many you've shot? How many you've killed?" He asks me, as I look at him harshly. "I think you should tell him that, before you both start your fairytale."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask him, venom dripping from my tone.

"Oh, don't think I do not notice the look you give him." He tells me. "They are the same one's you used to give the last one. Let's just hope, he doesn't end up like that."




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