The Odd One Out: YEAR TWO...

By dracos-apple-16

4.7K 199 77

I suck at writing summaries I apologise in advance. Based off the movies not books! Y/N is a Weasley, and a t... More

Cast list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

326 17 2
By dracos-apple-16

***Week or so later***

Ron, Draco, Hermione and I were walking through the corridor, on our way to the quidditch pitch to watch Gryffindor play Hufflepuff. I stopped and grabbed Hermione. The boys stop a few feet in front of us and turn looking very confused "Mione! Hear me out, Harry is a parsel-mouth right?" She nods, "yeah what's your point?" "Well Harry can hear a voice... that no one else can hear right before an attack." Her eyes widened, "you don't mean..." I nod, "I'll head to the library!"

She shook her head, "no you and Ron stay here and watch to make sure Harry doesn't get hurt, Draco and I will go to the library." I tuck a curl behind my ear, "okay take this." I pull out my hand mirror and shove it in her hand. "Drac! Go with Mione to the library." He nods and they walk off "be safe!" "We will!" We turn and head towards the quidditch pitch, stopping at the Gryffindor common room on the way.

Once we get in the stands about 30 minutes later Ron looks at me, "so Twinkle..." I raise an eyebrow, "yeah?" He smiles, "you ready to hand over the quidditch cup?" I laugh, "nah. But I won't need to-" McGonagall rushed onto the field and places her wand to her throat.

"This quidditch match has been cancelled!" Her voice ran through the pitch. Harry stood by her and Ron and I exchanged nervous glances and rushed down to them.

"Good I was just about to go looking for you two." She held a piece of rolled up parchment in her hand. "I need the three of you to follow me." We nod and follow her off the field, she leads us through the school and into the hospital wing.

"I warn you, this may be a wee bit of a shock." She leads us behind a curtain, where madame Pomfrey stands over another petrified student. I look closely and she it's Hermione. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I rush to her side. I hear the boys approach behind me. "Hermione!" Ron's voice is barely a whisper and I grab Hermione's hand.

A thought hits me, a terrible one. I let go of Hermione's hand fighting off tears that threatened to fall. "Professor, where i-is Draco?" She looks at me sadly and draws two curtains. I see Draco's petrified body and I let out a sob and rushed to his side placing my hand on his chest. "Drac-" I don't fight the tears now as they spill out I grip Draco's robes and cry into his stone cold chest.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I slowly sit up wiping the tears. "Y/N dear," Professor McGonagall said, "Hermione had this, does it mean anything?" She was holding up my hand mirror. "I-its mine, I let h-here borrow it." She hands it back to me and I set it on the nightstand and turn back to Draco.

I throw my hands around his neck and cry, letting out terrible heart broken sobs. I don't stop until I feel a hand on my back, I whip around and hug Ron. Crying into his chest. He rubs my back softly, "shhh, Twinkle it's going to be alright." I pull myself up wiping my nose with a tissue he handed me, silent tears falling down my face.

"McGonagall wipes a tear from her eye, "I'll talk to professors Dumbledore and Snape to see if I can arrange for you to stay in Gryffindor tower. Since you're so distraught, you obviously need family." I nod weakly and she turns and strides out of the room.

I look up at Harry he holds his arms out, "do you need another hug?" I nod as more tears flow and I hug him tightly. "I-its my f-fault! If I hadn't had a s-stupid idea they wouldn't be h-here r-right n-now!"

Ron walks up to us and I release Harry and look down at my feet. Ron grabs my hand, "it's not your fault! I'll kill whoever opened the chamber!" I just sat down in the chair to numb with pain and shock to say anything else.

A few minutes later Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Dumbledore enter the hospital wing. I look up at them my face red and streaked with tears.

Dumbledore looked down at me sympathy shining in his eyes. "After careful consideration, we decided to let you stay in Gryffindor tower with your family." I slowly stand, sniffling a bit. "T-thank you professors."

Dumbledore smiled, "of course. Go pack your belongings, you will be sharing a dorm with your sister while her roommate stays with her friend." I nodded and trudged out of the hospital wing the boys pinned close to my sides.


The three of us entered the Slytherin common room and got a few skeptical glances but no one said anything as we walked up into my room. As we walked in Brianna glanced up and snorted. "What are you doing?! Bringing two boys in here. They aren't even Slytherins they are GRYFFINDORS!"

Ron stepped towards her but Harry pulled his arm. "It's fine Ron, let's just help Y/N." We packed my things placing them in my trunk. Once I finish pulling my photos off the wall, the boys pull my trunk out of the room and I grabbed Naomi's cage and walked out.

We walked through the corridors people gave us confused glances but no one said anything. I kept my head down all the way to Gryffindor tower. We entered the portrait hole and I was bombarded by my family. I just smiled sadly and followed Ginny up to our room.

I unpacked my things, I didn't bother to put my pictures up. Ginny kept giving me sad glances. The room looked exactly like my own just everything was red instead of green. I changed out of my robes and into George's old sweatshirt and some shorts.

I sat on the bed puting my headphones in my ear. I pressed the play button on my iPod and crawled under the blankets rubbing my locket sadly. I sat there for a bit just lost in the music. When I felt the bed around me sink.

I just pulled the blanket over my head and buried my face in the pillow. I felt the blanket being pulled slowly off of me and felt weight on my torso. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Fred and George's hugging my midsection.

I looked around and saw Ginny and Ron were also sitting on the bed. Harry was leaning against the wall next to the bed looking at me with concern.

I lazily pull my headphones out of me ears. The twins let me go and I pull myself up sitting indian style and throwing my hands into my lap. "Are you alright Jellybean?" George sits on one side of me and Fred scooches to the other side.

I shake my head gripping my locket. "no..." My voice sounded hoarse and dry. Ginny grips my hand, there was something in her expression that I just couldn't read. She rubs her thumb across the back of my hand, "I'm so sorry Sissy."

I shake my head tears threatening to fall, "don't be it's not your fault. You didn't do anything." She just looks down and Harry hands me a butterbeer out of Fred and Georges bag. He then joins everyone in siting on the bed.

"Well, if we talk about we will just make you more sad so get up." I open the drink and take a swig and he smiles. I look back down put I feel Ginny release my hand and everyone crawls off my bed with out saying anything. I place the bottle on my nightstand.

Just as I'm am about to crawl back under my blankets my ankles are being pulled towards the edge of the bed. I yelp in surprise and Fred and George each grab one of my wrists and pull me up.

"Perfect!" The two of them say in sync. Ron nods and grabs my hands and starts to swing them back and forth, the two of us dancing to a mute song. I small smile plays across my lips and he pulls me into a tango position swinging me around the room.

George cuts in we dance across the room. I dance with each of them and when it's Ginny's turn she just grins and spins me around. She jumps on my back and I laugh as we fall onto her bed.

We spend the rest of the night just dancing and singing obnoxiously. My family was always the best at cheering me up and their in Ginny's dorm I felt happy, but something nagged at me. I tried to ignore it but I knew what it was, my family wasn't whole. Two people were missing, and it hurt... alot.


I woke up and slipped on my Slytherin robes. I left my curly hair down and grabbed my school bags and together Ginny and I walked into the common room.

A few moments later professor McGonagall came in, "may I have you attention please?" Everyone stopped and looked at her. "Due to recent events these new rules will be put into effect. All students will return to their house common rooms by 6 pm every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher, no exceptions!"

She rolled up her parchment. "I should tell you this, unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught; it is likely the school will be closed." She looked like she was about to cry as she pointed a finger at me and beckoned me forward.

"Miss. Weasley, you will still be in your normal classes. So as soon as you finish breakfast I need you to go to the Slytherin table and wait for you and your classmates to be escorted. After Dinner you may go back with the Gryffindors." I nodded and she swiftly swept out of the room. I walked back over to the boys and Harry turned to me fast.

"We have to talk to Hagrid, I can't believe it's him but if he did set the monster loose last time he'll know how to get into the chamber of secrets. That's a start!" I shook my head, "but you heard McGonagall we're not allowed to leave the tower!" 

"Except for class." Ron cut in and Harry looked around thoughtfully. "I think it's time to get my Dad's old cloak out again." I smiled and we headed to breakfast along with the other Gryffindors.


Later that night I waited for Ginny to fall asleep before I threw on and outfit and grabbed my bag, putting a few potions in there and a few snacks. I didn't know what to expect but either way I was going to be prepared. I slipped my wand into my waistband and quietly slipped out of the room and into the deserted common room.

I saw the boys walk over to me and I slipped my bag over my shoulder and the three of us were draped under the invisibility cloak.

We slowly approached Hagrid's hut, there was a small fire burning outside of it and all the lights were on inside. I raised a hand and loudly knocked on the door.

"Who's thare?" Hagrid's voice came from behind the door but we stayed silent. We waited for a few moments, then the door swung open and I found myself face to face with a crossbow. I took a sharp intake of breath and threw the cloak off of us.

"What the hell is that for Hagrid?" He winced at my harsh tone but slowly lowered the crossbow. "Well I was eh, expecting someone else... Nevermind. Cmon in I just made a pot o' tea." We walk in and I glumly sat in my usual spot on the counter. Hagrid's hut just wasn't the same without Hermione and Draco there.

Hagrid pours the tea and his hands shakes and it begins to over flow. I glance at him and Harry squints his eyes. "Hagrid? Are you okay?" He nods, "I'm fine." He slowly cleans up his mess making a loud ruckus as he did so.

"Did you uh..." Harry glanced at me as if I make sure it was okay and I turned away from them, and he continued "Did you hear about Draco and Hermione?" Hagrid sighed, "Oh, yeh I herd abou' that alrigh'."

I scrunch my eyebrows and spin around facing Hagrid once again. "Look, we have to ask you something! Do you know who has opened the chamber of secrets?" I purse my lips tightly as I finished. I don't know why but I felt a bit angry with Hagrid.

Hagrid's head fell then slowly came back up again. "Now what yeh got teh understand abou' that is..." There was a loud knocking on the door and Hagrid let out an inpatient sigh, and Fang started barking. "Quick!"

He whispered, "under the cloak!" I jumped down landing silently and grabbed my bag and slipped under the cloak, the three of us backed into a corner. "Keep quiet!" Hagrid hissed, I gripped the boys hands as they stood in front of me.

Hagrid grabbed the crossbow and flung open the door. He quickly let it drop to his side when he saw who was there. "Professor Dumbledore sir!" "Good evening Hagrid, I wonder... could we come in?" Hagrid backed away from the door.

"Yes of course sir." Dumbledore and Fudge walked in. I leaned forward, "that's Dad's boss. That's Cornelius Fudge. The minister of magic" Ron nodded and we turned our attention back to the scene.

"Bad business Hagrid." Fudge said, "we had to come three attacks on muggle borns plus two others. This is gone along far enough the ministry has got to act."

Hagrid frowned, "but I never! Professor yeh know I woul' never!" Dumbledore looked at Fudge, "I want it understood that Hagrid has my full trust Cornelius."

"Albus, look Hagrid's record is against him right now. I've got to take him." I bit my lip nervously and Hagrid looked scared. "Take meh? Take meh where? Not Azkaban prison!"

The boys looked back at me and I felt a pain twinge in my heart. "I'm afraid I have no choice." The door creaked open and the person I wanted last to see stood in the doorway.

"All right here Fudge? Good." Lucius Malfoy invited himself in sneering around. "What are yeh, doin here? Get out o' my house!" Hagrid's voice was full of dislike much like what I heard when he talked to Blaise just last year.

"Believe me, I take absolutely no pleasure in being inside your-" He stepped towards us causing us to back all the way into the wall. "You call this a house? No I simply called with the school and was told the Headmaster was here."

Malfoy turned to Dumbledore and Dumbledore didn't look at all surprised. "And what exactly is it that you want from me?" Lucius had a smug look on his face, "we have decided it's time for you to step aside."

Hagrid looked outraged and Lucius held a piece of parchment. "This is an order of suspension." He stepped forward and Fudge went to snatch it from him but Dumbledore raised his hand and he stopped. "You will find all 12 signatures are on it."

Dumbledore took the paper, "I'm afraid we feel you've rather, lost your touch." Dumbledore began to open the parchment.

"Yeh can't take Professor Dumbledore away! Take em away 'n the muggle borns won't stand a chance. Yeh mark my words, there will be killins next!" Lucius had no emotion on his face and I felt my hand twitch while still gripping Ron's. "You think so?"

Dumbledore waved his hand aside. "Calm yourself Hagrid. If the governors desire my removal then I will of course, step aside." I made a silent gasp.

"However you will find that help will always be giving out Hogwarts for those who ask for it." Dumbledore looked directly at us and I had a feeling that he wasn't fooled by the cloak.

"Shall we?" Lucius walked out of the door Dumbledore slowly followed and Fudge approached Hagrid. "Come Hagrid." Hagrid cleared his throat.

"Well, if anyone was lookin fer some stuff, then all they would have to do is to follow the spiders. Yep that would lead em right. Oh and someone will have to feed Fang while I'm away." With that he trudged out the door leaving Fudge confused as he followed him.

We pulled off the cloak as soon as we were sure they were gone for good. "Hagrid's right," Ron said. "With Dumbledore gone their will be an attack in a day!"

Harry nodded and a small trail of black caught my eye. "Look!" I walked towards the window as a trail of spiders scuttled out.

"Well cmon!" Harry walked forward and grabbed a lantern. We opened the door and I turned, "cmon Fang!" I jumped down the stairs in front of Harry.

We saw the trail of spiders, "well cmon!" "What?!" Ron sounded terrified and I just pulled down my hair and Harry sighed. "You heard what Hagrid said. Follow the spiders."

"They're headed to the dark forest!" I just whipped out my wand and walked forward Harry and Fang at my side. "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?" Ron whimpered as he followed us.


We walked through the forest following the little trail of spiders. I had lit my wand tip, since the lantern didn't give off my light. I was in the lead the boys a bit behind me with Fang bringing up the rear. Ron was breathing heavily and we were careful to not step on any of the spiders.

The trail of spiders were getting thicker and Ron's whimpering was getting louder. "I don't like this guys." We walked a bit more, "Twinkle I don't like this at all."

I whipped around my wand glowing brightly, "shush!" There was a small tunnel like area, "can we go back now?" I shook my head and Harry pushed forward, "come on!"

We walked through the tunnel, Ron breathing more heavy with each step. I turned, "do you want to hold my hand?!" Irritation was evident in my tone but he just nodded with a terrified look on his face. I thirsted my empty hand outward and he grabbed it and I dragged him further down the tunnel.

We exited into a sort of clearing, we followed the spiders up to a secluded area and stopped. "Who is it? Hagrid?" It was a very deep and loud voice, but it also sounded very old. "Is that you?"

Ron squeezed my hand and I looked at him, "don't panic." Harry squinted, "we're friends of Hagrid." A large spider about the size of a bus crawled out Harry looked shocked and Ron was still whimpering.

"You-" Harry struggled for words. "You're Aragog aren't you." "Yes, Hagrid has never sent men." The spider seemed to notice me, "or woman into our hollow before."

I took a step forward, I could feel Ron trying to tug me back but I stood my ground. "He's in trouble!" Harry continued, "up at the school. There has been attacks, they think it's Hagrid. They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets, like before."

"That's a lie!" His voice rough and angry. "Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets!" Harry looked confused, "then you're not the monster!?"

"No the monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land." As Aragog continued something nagged at me.

No he's not the monster, then what is? The answer was right there I just needed to find a way to grab it. The problem was, I just couldn't concentrate. Not with everything that was going on.

"Twinkle?" Ron tugged on my hand a bit, "shush!" I turned to Aragog, "then if you're not the monster. What did kill that girl fifty years ago?"

"We spiders do not speak of it. It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others." Harry cocked his head, "but have you seen it?"

"I never saw any part of the castle, but the books in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was found in the bathroom when he was accused Hagrid brought me here."

Ron tugged on my arm in another desperate attempt to get my attention. "Twinkle..." I turned, "wot?!" He pointed up and both Harry and I looked up.

A bunch of large spiders, smaller then Aragog. Were making their way towards us. I looked back at Aragog, "well, thank you. We'll just go..."

"Go?" Ron nodded scared. "I think not, my sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command. But, I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye friends of Hagrid's."

Ron turned to Harry and I, "do we panic now?" I let go of his hand and turned sharply as a spider landed right behind us. It lunged at Ron but I hit it hard with my bag.

Harry threw the lantern and the three of us stood back to back. "Know any spells?" I nodded, "a few. But none powerful enough for all of them."

All of a sudden a blinding white light shown in our face. Dad's car came barrelling towards us, it opened both doors. "Lets go!" We went to climb into the car Ron, Fang and Harry ran in but a spider stood in my way.

"Arania Exumai!" The spider flew back and I jumped in the car in between the boys and Ron slammed the door.

Spiders landed on the car and Harry yelled, "go!" The car took off in reverse, spiders flying everywhere. We stopped and Ron let out a sigh of relief. "Glad we're out of there!" Harry nodded but a spider jumped out and grabbed onto Ron's neck.

I pushed Harry back and leaned away from Ron. I pulled my wand out and Ron turned his head, "Arania Exumai!" A white light flew out of my wand and pushed the spider off of him.

Once the light died away Ron looked back at me. "Thanks for that," I nodded and looked forward, "don't mention it." My eyes widened as an army of spiders rushed over the hill.

"Get us out of here." Harry was on the verge of panic but Ron was frozen in fear. I pushed him out of the way and jumped in the driver's seat. "Now!" Harry yelled and I switched into drive and floored it.

We weaved in and out of trees as spiders slowly started to gain on us. "Get us in the air!" I pulled on the lever. "The flying gear is jammed!" "Cmon!" Harry yelled, "I'm trying!" The three of us pushed the gear and it finally gave away. We soared up hitting a few spiders on the way.

Once we landed by Hagrid's hut I climbed out of the car letting Fang out. "Follow the spiders?!" Ron sounded angry now that he wasn't trembling in fear. "Follow the spiders?! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban I'll kill him!" The car doors shut and the car drove back into the forest.

Ron turned back to us, "I mean what was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out?!" Harry looked at us, "we know one thing." I nodded, "Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets. He was innocent."


All characters are owned by J.K Rowling Except for Brianna I own her!
You own yourself!

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