The Lost School Wonder

By GoodbyeChildhood

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The Rumor

No. 0

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By GoodbyeChildhood

The seven school wonders, No.1 The Clock Keepers No.2 The Misaki Stairs No.3 Hell of Mirrors No.4 Shijima-san of the Art Room No.5 The 4 PM Bookstacks No.6 God of Death No.7 Hanako-san of the Toilet, But have you ever heard of the lost wonder...

the lost wonder No.0 also known as 'the key,' hasn't been seen in centuries they say if you find the golden key presents itself to those of worth when one posses the key they can call to then a door, what this door leads too...nobody knows for once you go into may never return 

'Nene!' Aoi says as she walks twords  Nene. 'Oh hey Aoi what's up?' 'Did you hear there's a new kid' 'a new kid? I hope he's cute!' Nene exclaims as she goes off into a daydream 'but nene, it could also be a girl.' Aoi pulls Nene back to reality. 'Yea I guess you're right'

'Ok class takes your seats.' the teacher walks in 'As you may know we have a new exchange student come on in. A girl walks in she had long dark blue ocean hair with dark blue eyes to match they glistened against the lights she had fair skin and walked with poise and purpose. She captivated everyone's attention, 'hello I am Mitsukeru I will be your new classmate for this year.' she walked to her seat everyone was staring. As she passes Nene she looked Nene up and down as if she knew about Hanako. Nene got the chills she knew something was not right with Mitsukeru.

As soon as class ended Nene ran to the bathroom she had to tell Hanako about Mitsukeru. 'Oh hey, Nene you're early?' Hanako said as Nene stormed in the door, 'Woah Nene slow down why are you in such a rush? did you miss me that much? ;)' Hanako asked 'what- NO theirs a new kid...' Nene explains to him 'Ok and-?' 'she's....different...something about her puts me on edge her name is Mitsukeru.' 'Hmm Yea never heard of her' 'HANAKO, why aren't you more worried about this, the way she looked at me-' 'fine, fine we'll keep an eye on her. know Get cleaning.'

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