He Doesn't Remember Me

By Spellbounded5090

10.5K 776 18

18-year-old Ashley Whittemore returns to her hometown from New York after her father's death. She didn't want... More

He Doesn't Remember Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chpter Nine

310 25 0
By Spellbounded5090

"Vanilla, I don't think it's necessary," Zack whispered in my ear from behind.

I shudder.

I will kiss you senseless if you don't stop turning me on.

"Oh shut up! Will you?" I was blushing but still rolled my eyes at him so he won't find out about my inappropriate thoughts and continue to find a gift for a certain three-year-old hazel-eyed girl. "You know nothing John Snow, " I ended dramatically and ruffled his hair.

He pouted! Hot damn, If that wasn't tempting.

After my weeping session in the park, he held me for a while and then kissed my forehead but....... it got awkward real fast afterwards.

I was blushing. So, I think he took pity on me and suggested we grab a bite together. We skipped the rest of the school and headed to the diner in his jeep.

At the diner, I asked him about Raine and when he told me she was devastated last night, I decided to apologise to her in person too. I should do some damage control.

Then I informed him about my revenge mission which made him furious but I know he was mad at Nick and this made me smile. Hell! A smile doesn't even cover it all up, I was grinning so hard that my face starts to hurt.

When he called me Vanilla in front of the waitress to annoy me, she chuckled at us and asked us if we want ice cream. I just glared at him with a red face and throw a napkin at him.


Even though I had told him my name last week he still calls me vanilla. And don't you like it? I do. Very much....but he doesn't need to know that.

"My name is........" I trailed off to give a dramatic effect but he just narrowed his eyes at me.

When I didn't answer for a while that grasshole pinched me which made me yelp. I hit him, then after pinching him many times-

I told him my name.

I hope you'll remember this time.

"Ashley?" He scrunched his nose.

"Hey! What is wrong with my name?" I pouted at him and his gaze moved to my lips. I swear it took a lot of restrain to not jump his bones then and there.

I would look more like a bull chasing a red cloth than a girl trying to be sexy.

"No, your name is fine...." He grinned and after a long silence continued, "...but that's the problem, it's just fine. I like vanilla better." He told me and starts laughing after noticing my glare.

Son of a barbecue!

We ate in silence, secretly sneaking glances at each other. It's still a little awkward due to our intimate moment in the park. After finishing our lunch we were about to get out of the diner when an idea popped in mind and I told him to take a short detour to a gift shop. It'll help in the apology.

Which brings us to....here.

"How can I help you, dear?" The shopkeeper (who looks really old - like Cleopatra's mummy type old.) asked politely.

"I need a gift for a three-year-old girl," I told her loudly so she can hear me clearly. She blinked several times with a confused frown before her face light up in understanding.

"I'll back in a minute dearie." She said and then disappeared behind the counter. I start looking around too to distract myself so I won't be tempted to smother Zack's mouth with kisses.

She returned after about 15 minutes with two teddy bears and one panda in her hand. I literally threw the panda at Zack.

Ha! Two birds with one stone.

"I'm sure your daughter will love this one," she gave me a toothless smile after handing a white teddy with a red nose.

Awwww, it looks like he has a cold-

Wait, what?


Oh My God!

I blushed hard and didn't dare to meet Zack's gaze. After taking a few deep breaths to calm my nerves I open my mouth to tell her that I'm not shopping for my daughter but before I can say anything Zack put his hand over my shoulder and starts talking.

And the things he said.....oh my.

"Yes, honey. I agree with the lovely lady. Don't you think our daughter will like this?" He is looking down at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Code red! code red! code red! Oompa Loompa's inside my body was having a panic attack. This is dangerous.

My heart starts beating faster and my palms are getting sweaty due to his touch. I can feel the radiating from his body but the thing that affected me the most is when he called me 'honey' and 'our daughter.'

No, don't say things like this. It will give me a heart attack. No, please continue to talk like that. I want to hear you say honey one more time.

I couldn't force the words out of my mouth so I just nodded foolishly at him.

He's trying to control his laughter, I can see that on his face. This amused expression got me out of the dazed form.


I jabbed my elbow in his stomach and then pushed him away. My hands were shaking a little so I hid them behind my back. The shopkeeper chuckled and trudged away to pack the teddy while babbling about she can't come to our home this Christmas because she'll be too busy with shop. What? Did we even invite her? Really, that's the thing which confused you the most? What about the fact that you two don't live together? Yes, that too.

I hesitantly peered at Zack to see his reaction. I don't want to get more teased. To my utter relief, he looked busy inspecting a rubber axe.

"What about me? I want something too." He caught my arm before I can walk away and pouted at me.

What do you want? I asked him the same question out loud.

He looked around for a few seconds and then returned his heated gaze to me. Not just me - but my lips.

Oh My My!

He's looking at my lips like a hunter to its prey.

"I want a kiss." His voice comes out husky and I see the desire swirling in his eyes.


Don't you remember what he did?

"Huh?" This came out of my mouth as a breathless moan.

His eyes grew dark.

I think I'm going to faint.

A gasp escapes my lips when he suddenly put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer in one swift movement.

My whole body feels like rubber so I couldn't do anything else other than just let him pull me.

Don't you remember what he did?

Then slowly he starts closing the gap.

Don't you remember?

More closer.


More closer.

Don't you remember how good it felt when he kissed you?

I'm frozen at one-spot, afraid to even lift a finger. My patience is wearing off due to his teasing.


He stopped just a hairs length away, "will you let me?" He whispered hovering over my mouth.

I didn't respond instead I continue to stare at his lips to give him my silent answer.

My eyes flutter close when his breath starts to tickle my lips, shivers run down all the way to my toes.

This is it.

And then.........he kissed me.

That manhole kissed me on the cheek and then stepped back.

I was breathing hard and my face must be as red as a tomato dipped in tomato ketchup but instead of saying anything I just flipped him off quickly. So he won't see the disappointed expression on my face. But in reality, even after what he did I was giddy. Why? Because I can still feel his lips on my cheek.

You've got it bad.


"I don't think I can do this," I told Zack nervously and involuntarily start tearing the gift wrapper with my nails.

"Why not?" He sighed for the fifth time.

"What if she bites me?" I asked him wide-eyed.

He gave me a look, "she's a kid." He rolled his eyes at me when I didn't budge.

"Kids bite too you know. One time in new york I was babysitting a neighbours kid. We were seated on the couch when he bit me." Stupid kid! "I wasn't even doing anything, other than taking some popcorn out of his bucket," I told him with a huff. "See you can still see a mark." I waved my hand in front of his face to show him the proof.

He just chuckled and then clasped my hand in his. Don't let go.

We are currently standing on the front porch of his house; it's a normal white coloured, two-story house with a small porch. A little rustic and relatively smaller than my house but it has a homey feel to it.

I like it.

Both of them have been to my house once but I have never seen been here. This is my first time and I'm a little nervous. Usually, I see him at school and Raine at the ice cream shop.

After our gift shopping, he dropped me home and told me he'll pick me up in two hours. He had to pick Raine from Mrs Smith's house. I'm honestly looking forward to meeting such a nice lady. I was pacing in my room, trying to prepare a speech for Raine too when Grandma barged in. So I told her everything.

Except for the part where you gave him a boner. Well, maybe he was just turned on by green grass. Ok, Eww! I should really stop talking in my head.

And now I'm a little nervous to face Raine because I think the minute she'll see me - she'll go all teenage mutant ninja turtles on my derriere.

"Ok, I'll do it." I looked at the door and told him.

He gestured me to go on and leans on the pillar beside him.....and let out a game yawn too.


I lift my hand and starts to gradually move it towards the door handle.

"Just a little more....." I said and moved a little closer to the door. "Just one step-" my words got cut off by Zack this time.

"Drama Queen!" He rolled his eyes and pushed the door open after snatching the gift out of my hands.

I followed him reluctantly while paying attention to the house. The house looks cosy and the photo frames of Raine and him brought a smile to my face. Aww, what a cute bum. I internally gushed after looking at one of the photos in which mini Zack was running on the beach butt nacked.

He entered the living room but I stopped in my tracks the moment I get a glimpse of Raine. She is seated on the kitchen counter making something with a dough. My face breaks into a grin because of the cute view. Her cheeks are covered with flour and she was getting annoyed because of her loose hair.

"What's my princess doing?" Zack smiled at her adoringly.

She looked up with a smile and rushed towards him for a hug.

I realise that she's wearing an apron bigger than her whole body and this widened my grin.

Raine stepped back after a while, "Whath is it?" She asked wide-eyed, looking at the gift in Zack's hand.

"It's a gift for you." Zack returned the smile and wipe the flour off her cheek.

"Fol me?" She asked innocently for confirmation.

When Zack nodded she squealed and gave him another excited hug.

"Thank you," she snatched the gift from his hand and starts to move towards the other room.

But as she turned Zack grabbed her from the waist. "I'm not the one you should say thank you, princess." He motioned me to come closer and I obey him quietly.

The minute Raine sees me, her demeanour changed.

"Whath is she doin here?" Her nose starts to flare and she looks beyond furious.

I swallowed.

"Hi Raine," I replied softly, "I came here to say sorry," and took a hesitant step towards her.

She looked at the gift in her hand and after realising stomped towards me to return it. "I don wanth it."

I looked at Zack helplessly and he responded with an assuring nod. He strolls towards us and kneels in front of Raine. "She said sorry, princess. What do we do when someone says sorry to you?" He asked her slowly.

"NO! SHE HULT YOU." She screamed at me.

I know she's angry but It's already been a long day and I want her to forgive me as soon as possible, so I changed my strategy.

"Raine?" I whispered and kneeled too, "I had a fever yesterday. I didn't know what was I doing..... So, I did some things I regret.....but you should know that your brother is the best and I'm sorry for all the things I said." My eyes are getting wet but I held the tears back.

Raine stared at me wide-eyed as if trying to find out the truth behind my words. Then she turned her gaze towards Zack to confirm my statement.

He simply nodded and told her that I had a cough.


Really Zack? Even Lucifer can tell a better lie than you.

But Raine looked horrified after hearing a cough. She brought a glass of water for me, checked my temperature and heart rate with her doctors kit before relaxing again.

"Guess what's inside?" I asked her with a happy smile.

"Gun." She replied enthusiastically.


"Huh?" I gave her a dumbfounded look.

"Knife." She looked really excited about this stuff.

It took me a moment to regain my composure and afterwards I turn towards Zack with narrowed eyes to interrogate him.

He tried to avoid my gaze for a while but then gave in. "She likes action movies." He replied defensively, shrugging like it's no big deal.


Then we settled on the couch and start watching movies together. Disney movies, Precisely!

Both of them were looking at the tv wide-eyed. I was so happy at the moment with Zack's hand in mine and Raine on my lap that I wish this moment to last forever.

For the first time in months, the future looks promising. I don't know what will happen tomorrow but as long as these two will be there, I know that I'll be nothing but happy.

Authors note:


Please like, comment and follow if you find this chapter interesting.

Yours sincerely,

Gaurav Sharma.

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