Racing Love {Fix-it-Felix lov...

By Crystal34345

17.7K 209 20

When Ralph goes Hero's Duty and abandons Fix-It Felix Jr, it gets put out of order. Felix and Calhoun head t... More

OC Oreline
Chapter 1: Vanellope Joins The Random Roster Race & A Teamup!
Chapter 2: Cy- What? And Making A Kart?
Chapter 3: Teaching Two To Drive While Learning Some Secrets. Also... Bonding?
Chapter 5: The Random Roster Race. And... Who In The Icing Are You?! Turbo?
Chapter 6: The Final Confrontation + Epilogue

Chapter 4: Some Lies And Some Truths... Along With Breaking Out A Few Friends.

1.9K 26 1
By Crystal34345


After teaching Vanellope how to drive, thanks to Snowanna, we started heading out of the mountain so we could head to the race track... And Vanellope was a little over-excited, to say the least. 

"Hurry, hurry! Let's go. Time's a-wastin'. Come on, Ralph! Snow!" Vanellope rushed as we exited the mountain, with me pushing her kart out as Snowanna sat on top. 

"You sure are excited, Vaney," Snowanna commented.

Vanellope nodded, glitching around. "This is it. This is really happening. I almost don't believe it. I mean, I have dreamt about it for so long, and now... And now... Now I think I'm going to puke, actually. I mean, I think I might puke. You know, like a 'vurp'" Vanellope ranted/asked us, causing the two of us to look at her confused.

"A what?" the two of us questioned, both confused and amused. 

"Vomit and a burp together, and you can taste it, and it's just like rising up. Oh, this is so exciting!" Vanellope said, running in a circle. 

Snowanna clapped her hands together, jumping off the kart. "Yes, it is. It's exciting." she cheered. 

"Am I ready to be a real racer?" Vanellope muttered before she turned to look at the two of us. "Ralph, Snow, what if the gamers don't like me?" she questioned. 

"Who doesn't like a brat with dirty hair?" I jokingly commented, trying to make her feel better but she still looked uneased.

"Come on," I started saying, kneeling down in front of her. "Those people are going to love you. You know why? Because you're a winner." I told her. 

"I'm a winner," she repeated. 

"And you're adorable!" I added.

"I'm adorable!" she repeated, smiling again. 

"And everyone loves an adorable winner!" I told her with a smile. 

"Yeah!" Vanellope cheered as she jumped up in excitement.

"Okay, come on. Listen to me," I started saying as Vanellope got into her kart. Snowanna climbed on, sitting close to Vanellope as I got onto the back of the kart.

"If you get nervous, just keep telling yourself. 'We must win Ralph's medal or his life will be ruined.'" I told them, causing the two to look uneasy. "And have fun! Got it?" I added, giving them finger guns. 

Vanellope nodded. "Got it," she responded. 

Suddenly, Vanellope sped ahead, causing Snowanna and I to grab onto the sides of the kart while I screamed. "Whoa!"

"Oh, wait!" Vanellope said before she stopped the kart. "Hold on!" she said, grabbing Snowanna's hand while she ran back towards the mountain, dragging Snowanna with her.

"Whoa, Vaney!" Snowanna cried.

I watched them run back towards the mountain. "Where are you two going?" I asked them with a confused expression. 

"I forgot something and I need Snow's help! We'll be right back!" Vanellope yelled back as the two went back through the entrance. 

I got off the kart, chuckling. "Kids," I muttered to myself.

Suddenly, I heard a horn honk, causing me to turn around to see the King of the candy corn driving over. "Ralph! There you are. Hello!" he called to me. 

I glared at him as he got out of this kart. "You!" I angrily yelled. 

"I come alone, unarmed," he told me as if nothing had happened in the past. 

I picked up a small gumdrop, throwing it towards us, but sadly, he ducked. 

"I've had enough of you, pillow pants!" I growled, walking over to him. 

He ran over to a giant gumdrop, going to hide behind it. "Please. Calm down! Please, look. Don't!" he cried, trying to get me to stop, but I didn't. 

"I'm going to beat the filling out of you!" I told him as picked up the gumdrop, throwing it away.

For some reason, he put on glasses. "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?" he questioned, but I just took the glasses and hit him on the head with them.  

He blinked, surprised. "You hit a guy with glasses. That's... Well played," he commented, chuckling. 

I grabbed him by his bow, lifting him off the ground. "What do you want, Candy?" I asked, angrily. 

"Listen, I just want to talk to you," he tried to reason.

I just rolled my eyes. "I'm not interested in anything you have to say," I told him.

 "How about this? Are you interested," he started saying, pulling out my medal. "In this?" 

I dropped him in shock. "My medal. How did you..." I trailed off but he cut me off with a laugh. 

"It doesn't matter. It's yours! Go ahead, take it." he told me and I took it from him.

"All I ask is that you hear me out," he said, causing me to look at him confused. 

"About what?" I questioned. 

"Ralph, do you know what the hardest part about being a king is? Doing what's right, no matter what." Candy started to explain. 

I glared at him. "Get to the point," I growled. 

"Point being, I need your help. Sad as it is, Vanellope cannot be allowed to race." Candy told me. 

I groaned. "Why are you people except for Snowanna and Oreline so against her?" I yelled, annoyed. 

"I'm not against her! I'm trying to protect her! If Vanellope wins that race, she'll be added to the race roster. Then gamers can choose her as their avatar. And when they see her glitching and twitching and just being herself, they'll think our game is broken. We'll be put out of order for good. All my subjects will be homeless. But there are two who cannot escape because... Their glitches. And when the game's plug is pulled... She and Oreline will die with it." Candy explained his reasoning.

I looked down, thinking about what I had heard from him. "You don't that will happen. The gamers could love her." I told him, referring to Vanellope. 

"And if they don't?" he countered.

I sat down on a nearby gumdrop, still thinking about what he had told me. Candy stepped closer to me. "I know it's tough, but heroes have to make the tough choices, don't they? She can't race Ralph, but she won't listen to me. So can I count on you to take a little sense into her?" Candy asked me.

I nodded slowly, not looking at him. "Very good. I'll give you two some time alone." Candy said before he walked off and I heard him drive away.

What am I going to do?


After... Talking to Vanellope and Snowanna and... Destroying Vanellope's kart to keep her and Oreline safe, I headed back to my game... Heading up to the Penthouse.

"Hello? Anybody home? Felix? Mary?" I called out, walking into the main room.

"Well, you actually went and did it,"

I looked over to see Gene pouring himself a martini for himself. "Gene? Where is everybody?" I questioned.

"They're gone. After Felix went to find you and then didn't come back, everyone panicked and abandoned ship," Gene explained with a shrug.

"But... But I'm here now," I told him.

"It's too late, Ralph. Litwak's pulling our plug in the morning," Gene told me, motioning to the balcony. I walked over, opened the door, and spotted the Out-Of-Order sign on the outside of the console.

"Oh..." I muttered sadly, staring at the sign in shock, realizing what my actions and my choices had done.

"But.." I heard Gene said, causing me to turn around to look at him. "Never let it be said I'm not a man of my word. The place is yours, Ralph. Enjoy," he said, tossing me the key.

I watched Gene grab his suitcase, walking towards the door. "Gene, wait," I called, causing him to pause. "Listen, this is not what I wanted!" I told him.

Gene turned back to me. "Well, what did you want, Ralph?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just..." I trailed off before sighing. "I was just tired of living alone in the garbage," I explained.

"Well, now you can live alone in the penthouse," Gene responded before he walked out, taking his suitcase with him.

I dropped the key onto the ground, walking onto the balcony. I looked at the Out-Of-Order sign on the outside of the console. I pulled off my medal, staring at it before throwing it at the screen, causing one of the pieces of tape to come loose and the sign was hanging by one.

I could barely see the Sugar Rush Game from where I was looking. I took Vanellope's homemade medal off my neck, staring at the side that read. 'You're my Hero,'

I looked back up before I turned my attention to the side of the console, to see Vanellope and what I think to be Oreline on the side, in a kart.

I funnel my eyebrows in confusion as I stared at their pictures until I realized that... King Candy had lied to me!


I quickly made my way back to Sugar Rush, heading back to Diet Cola Mountain to apologize to Vanellope, but I stopped when I saw that weird green cough drop cleaning up the remains of Vanellope's kart, with a second garbage can next to him with another destroyed kart... And I can guess that's Oreline's.

"Hey, Cough Drop!" I called, causing him to look at me as I set my hands on my hips. "Explain somethin' to me. If Vanellope and Oreline were never meant to exist, then why are their pictures on the side of the game console?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh..." he trailed off before dropping his stuff, trying to make a run for it.

But I managed to grab him before he got away. I glared at him. "What's goin' on in this candy-coated heart of darkness?" I growled at him.

"Nothin'..." Cough Drop muttered.

"Talk!" I told him but he glared at me.

"No," he responded.

"I'll lick you!" I threatened.

"You wouldn't," he denied.

I stick out my tongue. "Oh yeah?" he questioned before giving him a quick lick.

Cough Drop cringes. "Ugh! It's like sandpaper!" he mumbled.

"Mmm, wonder how many licks it'll take to get to your center," I wondered, turning him around to get a look at him from all sides.

"I'll take it to my grave!" Cough Drop responded.

"Fair enough," I responded before I tossed him into my mouth. I heard him scream as I swished him around. "Ooh-hoo-hoo. They call you Sour Bill for a reason," I commented, but my voice was muddled since he was inside my mouth.

I pulled him out. "Had enough yet?" I questioned.

"Okay, I'll talk. I'll talk. I'll talk. Vanellope WAS a racer until King Candy tried to delete her code!" Cough Drop revealed.

"Tried to delete her code? So that's why she's a glitch! But what about Oreline?" I asked.

"Part of Oreline's code is a part of Vanellope's so when she became a glitch, Oreline became one too," he informed me.

"Why is he doing this to them?" I questioned.

"I don't know," he cried.

"Suit yourself," I commented before I threatened to eat him again, but he held up his hands.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! I swear, I don't know! He literally locked up our memories and I cannot remember! Nobody can! But I do know this: he'll do anything to keep Vanellope from racing. Because if she crosses the finish line, the game will reset and she, along with Oreline, won't be glitches anymore!" Cough Drop explained.

"Where is Vanellope now? Along with Oreline?" I asked him.

"In the Fungeon with Fix-It Felix and Snowanna," he responded, causing me to look at him in shock.

"Felix? Snowanna?" I questioned.

"I'm sorry! That's all I know, that's all I know, I swear! Now please, don't put me back in your filthy mouth again!" Cough Drop said before he started sobbing.

I rolled my eyes before I stick him to a lollipop tree. "Stick around," I threatened.

Cough Drop nodded, quickly while looking at me thankfully. "Yes, okay. I will, I will. Thank you," he thanked.

I quickly picked up the two rubbish bins, heading towards the castle.



I sat in the same cell as Fix-It Felix, the main protagonist from Ralph's game... Ugh, I don't want to think about him right now.

I was thrown into the same cell as Felix after King Candy caught us. The two of us talked, I told him how I ended up here and he told me his story. To being told Ralph having gone Turbo... Whatever that means, to him finding out Orey was a glitch and getting thrown in here.

At the moment, Felix was frustratingly calling out through the dungeon window "Hello? Hello? Somebody! Anybody! Please let me ouuuut!" he yelled before he shakes the bars and noticed that one of them was loose.

"Is one of them loose?" I asked, sitting up from where I was lying. 

He nodded. "What's he say?" he muttered before he pulled out his hammer. "I'm gonna wreck it!" he said, imitating Ralph before hitting the bars with his hammer, but they fortify, stronger than before.

I cringed. "You tried," I commented as Felix groaned. "Why do I fix everything I touch!? Oh!" he questioned before he started sobbing. 

I shimmed over to sit next to him, setting a hand on his shoulder.


Suddenly, the wall was punched in. 

We closed our eyes, opening them a few seconds later to see Ralph standing in front of us.

He smiled at us. "Felix! Snowanna!" he called, happy to see us.

Felix smiled as I raised an eyebrow at him. "Ralph!" he cheered before he jumped up to hug him. "I'm so glad to see you!" he said as I hopped off the wafer prison bed.

Felix seemed to realize what he was saying because he let go of Ralph, jumping down to stand next to me. "Wait. No, I'm not! What do you have to say for yourself?!" he said.


Felix held up his hand, signaling him to stop. "Wait! I don't want to hear it. We're not talking to you," he said, the two of us turning around while crossing our arms.

"Yeah! How are we supposed to trust you after everything you did to Vanellope?" I yelled, not turning around.

"Okay. Don't talk. That's fine," I heard Ralph say and I heard him dump something behind us. We glanced over, seeing Vanellope's and Orey's destroyed karts at our feet. Felix's face seemed to soften at seeing Orey's kart destroyed. "But you have to fix this go-kart for me, pronto," Ralph added.

"I don't have to do boo! Forgive my potty mouth. I'm just cross with you! Even more than I was before after I heard what you did to poor Vanellope! Do you have any idea what you've put me through?! I ran higgeldy-piggeldy all over creation looking for you. I almost drowned in chocolate milk mix!" Felix started to rant.

Ralph looked at him confused while I just stared, saddened by the fact that Felix had to go through all of this just looking for his friend. 

Felix stepped towards the wafer bed, taking off his head. "And then... I met the most dynamite gal. Oh. She gives me the honey glows somethin' awful. She even taught me how to drive a kart... That was fun..." Felix trailed off with a loving smile.

Suddenly, Felix's face hardened. "But... She happens to be a glitch and she got thrown into the deepest dungeon... And then, I GOT THROWN INTO JAIL!" Felix shouted, hugging himself.

I stared at the guy saddened while Ralph looked slightly amused. "Felix, pull yourself together!" he told him.

Felix hopped off the bed. "No, Ralph! You have no idea what it's like to be rejected, lied to, and treated like a criminal!" Felix shouted, turning around to cross his arms again.

Ralph looked down. "Yes, I do. That's every day of my life," he revealed, causing Felix to pause.

"...It is?" Felix questioned, turning to look at him again.

"Which is why I ran off and tried to be a Good Guy, but I'm not! I'm just a Bad Guy, and I need your help," Ralph started to explain as I stepped closer to stand next to Felix. "There's a little girl whose only hope is this kart. And her friend, who I think you know Felix, wants to do whatever she can to get her to race, along with Snowanna. Please, Felix, fix it! And I promise, I will never try to be Good again," Ralph swore, causing my harsh glare to soften.

Felix smiled, pulling out his hammer.

The two turned to look at me. I sighed. "Alright, let's do it. But don't expect me to forgive you so easily, Ralph," I told Ralph, trying to hide my smile.

Ralph just shook his head, smiling at me.



Vanellope and Oreline sit in the fungeon fortress that has silly little pictures and game lines written the walls.

Vanellope and Oreline sit in the middle of the room, with "Glitch-proof" collars and chains around their waists.

"So... What would you do if you get out of here... Even though we're not going to," Vanellope questioned.

Oreline shrugged sadly, staring at the ground. "Honestly... I just want to apologize to Felix... I'd give anything to do that right now... Even if I have to be locked in here for the rest of my coding experience," she admitted.

Vanellope smiled. "He must've been such a great guy," she commented.

Oreline chuckled dryly. "He was..." she muttered, a tear running down her face. 


The two looked up, hearing the noise.

Suddenly, Ralph busts down the door. 

Felix and Snowanna appeared at his side, smiling. "Felix..." Oreline muttered.

"Snow!" Vanellope muttered, clearly confused.

The two rushed inside. "Vaney! Orey! I'm so happy you're both okay," Snowanna said.

Felix gently cupped Oreline's cheeks. "Icing, are you okay?" he asked.

Oreline blushed. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Fel, I'm so sorry for not telling you earlier about-"

"It's okay," Felix cut her off with a smile. "Honestly, I understand. I was never mad at you," he clarified, causing Oreline to smile back.

Vanellope looked over at Oreline, Felix, and Snowanna. "But... What..." she muttered, looking back over to Ralph to see him pushing her kart in, with Oreline's kart resting outside.

She just stared at him wide-eyed as Snownna, Felix, and Oreline turned to look between the two.

"I know, I know, I'm an idiot," he responded.

Vanellope didn't look impressed. "And?"

"And a real numskull," Ralph added.

"And?" Vanellope asked, starting to smile.

"A selfish diaper baby," Ralph said, causing Felix and Oreline to look at Snowanna, who looked unamused. 

"What are they talking about?" Felix questioned.

Snowanna shrugged. "I honestly have no clue," she responded.

"And?" Vanellope asked again with a smirk.

"And... A stinkbrain?" Ralph added.

"The stinkiest brain ever," Vanellope said and the two smiled at each other.

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