Blood & Lust: Part two of the...

By winchestersister1313

240 21 14

With the new semester starting and things trying to get back to normal not everything is as it appears to be. More



49 3 8
By winchestersister1313

Chapter Seven

Rei smiled as she crawled up along Jax's body, stopping to kiss the tattoo over his heart and nuzzling the spot as he chuckled under his breath. He brought his hand up to run his fingers through her long black hair, pushing it out of her face, pulling her forward by the back of her head to press a light kiss on her lips before flipping them, so he was on top. Rei cracked up at the motion, wrapping her arms around him as he kissed down her neck.

"Your smell is different now," Jax growled and nipped at her shoulder before pulling back to look down at her.

"Good or bad?" Rei asked, raising a brow curiously while wondering what Vampires smelled like to wolves. Thinking about it, he had never brought it up before.

"Very good," her mate replied, "Do you think you could turn me even though I am a wolf?"

Rei frowned, her attention on the ceiling as she thought about the words. Reluctantly, she shook her head, saying she had no idea, but they could find out. Jax nodded and kissed the faint line around her neck before turning his head to look at her and frowning. He hated discovering new scars. Littered across over her body were attempts to end her life after losing him. At least, that's what she told him.

'None of that now; this is supposed to be fun," Rei chastised, turning to look at her mate.

"Are we going to dinner? We missed last night's dinner...and breakfast... lunch," Jax trailed off, glancing over his shoulder to look at the clock.

"I guess, but I'm still not talking to my dad!" Rei huffed out while wrapping her arms around Jax's middle. Pushing her hips up, flipping them once again so that she was on top, laughing at his surprised look before getting up to find her clothes.

After getting dressed, both becoming distracted with one another, they finally left their room. They made their way down the hall bumping into Dean and Cas at the elevator. Cas wrinkled his nose at his sister, "You could have at least showered," he complained.

"Why? I like smelling like Jax," Rei replied, shrugging as she hugged his arm. She didn't mind the way Jax smelled, but that could be because he was her mate.

"I don't smell anything," Dean commented, turning his head to sniff the air.

"You wouldn't; you're not supernatural," Jax replied honestly as he kissed the top of Rei's head.

Dean mumbled under his breath about hating he was left out of some stuff, like not being a Vamp or a wolf. Jax nodded, saying he knew the feeling. Sometimes it sucked being human.

After a very tense dinner between Rei and her father, Dean and Cas excused themselves to head up to Jax and Rei's room to figure out what they wanted to do the following day.

"I'm surprised you wanna leave the room, " Rei teased Dean when Cas went to the bathroom. She had waited until the door was closed to pounce.

"Cas is the one that doesn't want to, but I have never been away from home. I wanna do stuff, " Dean replied honestly, looking down at his hands from his seat on their bed.

Rei looked at Jax, who was lounging on the small loveseat, playing a game on his phone. He looked up when Rei smacked his foot, "What's going on?" he asked, fumbling with his phone before getting up off the couch so he could sit down next to Dean. awesome

" Nothing," Dean answered quickly just as Cas decided to walk out of the bathroom.

Jax looked from Dean to Cas and back at Rei, who was picking up on something he wasn't sure what it was, but Dean seemed to be acting differently. Almost like the start of the rejection sickness, but that couldn't be it... Cas was attentive towards his mate; he shook his head at the thought. It was ridiculous.

"Hey, Cas. Will you come with me to the front desk? We need more towels, and the desk lady doesn't like me," Jax asked, standing abruptly and grabbing Cas by the elbow so he could drag him out the door.

Rei waited a few moments making sure they couldn't hear her even with the door shut before sitting back on the bed with Dean; he shook his head, saying it was Nothing; he was just feeling a little out of place.

"Bullshit," Rei called out, breaking the silence and causing the man before her to jump. "I know that look. I saw it every day for the past year," Rei spoke firmly, making Dean look at her by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know if I did something wrong, " Dean finally confessed after some more coaxing from Rei.

"what happened?" Reid questioned, moving so that was now situated beside the human.

Dean took a deep breath before he began telling Rei everything that had happened in the last two days, how they had added a few elements to their sex life. Now he believes that maybe Cas is thinking differently about him.

"Let me get this straight... Cas brought some BDSM elements into your relationship but doesn't check-in?" Rei asked, making sure she heard him right.

Dean nodded, feeling slightly better now that he told someone. He continued to tell Rei about everything he had kept hidden, but he still wasn't comfortable enough to bring it up with Cas. He was already becoming distant.

"I'm going to kick his ass! You are starting to come down with rejection sickness. I swear l love my brother, but he is so stupid," Rei admitted in annoyance. Getting up off the bed and charging towards the door, stopping abruptly when it opened to allow Cas to walk in. He was holding a bundle of towels. Rei folded her arms across her chest with an annoyed expression as she began tapping her foot on the ground, staring at her brother.

"What did I do?" Cas asked after noticing Rei, feeling slightly unnerved by the intensity of her stare.

"Apparently, not a damn thing!" She snapped at him and walked out the door, pushing past Jax in the process.

"Babe, wait," Jax called out, following after her, the door closing as he went.

Cas looked at Dean, who shook his head, muttering under his breath that 'it was Nothing. Rei was just overreacting as usual'. Cas nodded and set the towels down on the chair before making his way over to Dean.

"You can tell me if something is wrong," Cas stated honestly, sitting next to Dean.

"I know now, let's go back to our room," Dean advised, standing up, holding out his hand to Cas.


Dean sighed as he walked into his dorm room; his full week of classes after the awesome vacation was kind of a buzzkill. Part of him was still upset that Cas didn't want to go sightseeing with him. He flopped down on his bed, hearing the crinkle of paper under his pillow, and groaned in annoyance. He reached under and pulled out the note; he unfolded it, reading what was written.

"There's Still Time To Change The Road You Are On."

Dean crumpled the paper and tossed it into the wastebasket before laying back down, closing his eyes for a moment, only to open them again when the sound of his door opened.

"Hey, Brotha. You wanna go to a party tonight?" Benny's familiar voice asked, the sound of the mattress creaking from the weight as he sat down on his bed across from Dean. Opening his eyes and sitting up, he took in his friend's appearance. The man was already set to go.

Dean nodded, saying, hell ya, he would love to go. Benny nodded, glad that his friend could go but looked around the room and noticed that there was one less occupant. He turned back and asked if everything was alright between him and Cas. Shaking his head, Dean answered by saying he had no clue what was up with Cas and that he was distant. Waving his hand at the look on Benny's face, Dean followed up by saying that maybe some time apart would do them some good.

He didn't bother texting Cas to let him know he was going out with Benny; instead, he called Cas. Letting him know he was going to stay in and catch up on some studying. Also, he wanted to be alone for a while. Cas didn't question it, just said that if he needed help with anything to let them know, and Rei would be more than happy to help. Dean laughed at the response before placing his phone in his pocket and following Benny out of the dorms.

The party was down in the woods, which was something new for Dean. He was used to going to house parties. After seeing the bonfire and was given some beer to ease his worries, it all sounded like a plan.

Dean moaned and blinked a few times before looking around. His mind was heavy as he tried to take in his surroundings. Everything was blurry as he tried to remember what happened. "What the hell?" he whispered. The walls were wooden, like a small cabin or garage. 'I must be in a garage,'; he thought as he attempted to move his arm. It wouldn't budge. He was strapped down to a table. He tried to get a good look at what was around him; there may be a slight chance that he would be able to get out.

"Good. You are awake. I thought I put too much in your drink," Benny's voice came from somewhere to his right. Dean turned to see the man closing the door behind him.

"What the fuck, Benny? Untie me," Dean demanded as he began struggling to get free.

"Not until all that poison is out of your system, " Benny answered solemnly after moving to; stand close to Dean's head. He brandished a knife that filled Dean's vision as he showed it to his intended victim.

"No-hey you... aaaahhhh," Dean growled out as Benny sliced into his arm.

Benny hummed in contemplation before informing Dean that bloodletting was the best way to get rid of all the Vamp blood in his system. Dean didn't have to worry about Cas' influence over him anymore. The two of them could be together once he was done curing Dean. Grinding his teeth, Dean continued to struggle in his restraints by pulling hard them. Benny placed a gentle hand on his stomach, telling him to settle down and that it would be all over soon.

"No-Benny-you don't understand. This thing between Cas and I, it's cosmic man; we have no control. You see how Rei is now that Jax is back? She's happy. If you hurt me, Cas will know. He will come looking for me, and it won't end well for you," Dean threatened as he continued to struggle, the pain in his arm throbbing as he watched it flow out.

"Don't worry about him. The wolves got that covered. You see, they don't like that one of theirs is dating a Vamp anymore than I like you dating a one. They will take care of both of them," Benny replied with confidence, pulling out a cloth to clean the blade.

"You are so fucking stupid; when Cas-" Dean was cut off by a piece of duct tape being placed over his mouth.

"There. That's better. Now, you get comfortable. I'll be back to check on you," Benny informed, patting Dean's cheek before walking out the door.


Cas sucked in a deep breath and clutched his arm, "What the fuck?" he whispered in pain.

"What's wrong?" Rei mumbled, rubbing her eyes from her bed. She sat up to look over to find her brother curling in on himself, clutching his chest.

"I don't know, something isn't right," Cas replied, shifting over to turn the light on to look for his phone. He had an inkling and called Dean's phone, his heart dropping when it went straight to voicemail. He dialed a few more times before pulling his shirt and shoes while telling Rei to do the same. They needed to find Dean because something wasn't right. Something didn't feel right. Rei was already calling Jax, telling him what was going on. He told them he would be right there.

The three of them ran out of the dorm only to be confronted by Madison and two other wolves. Cas glanced over at Rei, the pain, worry, and anger all flashing across his face.

"Go. I got this," Rei said, flashing a wicked smile.

"Get the traitor; I got the leech," Madison commanded. The last thing Cas heard before he hightailed it around the group just as the two wolves charged at Jax while Madison ran at Rei.

She easily dodged the wolf's attack. "You aren't going to win. You are the weaker species, and I'm a hybrid," Rei teased, her gaze shifting to the side, distracted by what was going on with Jax. At the distraction, Madison got a punch that forced her opponent to pay attention.

"It's fine. When I'm done with you, I'll take care of them," Rei added, rubbing at her jaw before bending her knees, reading to attack.

They went round and round. Jax, holding his own, against the two wolves. He was scratched up and bleeding. Rei desperately wanted to help him, sensing his pain was tearing her apart. Madison used that to get the upper hand, shoving her hand into Rei's chest.

Rei looked down and smiled when Madison tried to pull her hand out, making a sound of disgust when she couldn't get her hand back. .. Rei tsked at Madison, laughing under her breath at the confused face.

"Stupid dog! I can't die!" Rei cackled. "My heart is encased in bone," she continued to laugh, grabbing hold of Madison by the wrist and twisting until she could hear the bones crack. When Rei let go, she was gasping as her body healed itself.

"Rei. Jax is hurt pretty bad," she heard some call out from behind. The need to drain the wolf dry was slowly diminishing at knowing Jax was hurt.

"Jackie?" Rei called out, letting go of Madison and rushing past Derick to get to her mate. He was lying on his back, coughing and wheezing as blood continued to trickle out of his mouth. "No-no- baby, not again. I'm gonna fix you, but I need you to drink, ok? Please baby! Jackie, can you hear me?" she sobbed, her mind frantic while rolling Jax onto his side, muttering a small prayer, she tore the flesh away from her wrist and pressed the warm liquid to his mouth.

Jax's body went slack, his hand slipped off of Rei's wrist, falling to the ground. "Jax? Jackie? Jax! Don't you dare leave me again! I can't..." Rei yelled, pulling Jax into her lap, whispering and kissing his cooling body. She hissed when she felt a hand on her shoulder; turning with her teeth bared, she barely recognized that it was Garth through her tears. He had tears of his own in his eyes as he looked down at the couple. "I can't- Cas?" Rei had so many thoughts rushing through her head. She couldn't form a sentence as she kept rocking Jax back and forth in her arms, barely comprehending that Garth had sat down next to her, not saying anything as Rei sobbed and held on tightly.


Cas snuck around the tree line, following Dean's scent that was clear over the smell of the woods. He made a mental note to yell at Dean for not telling him where he was going when they got out of this. He spotted Brady and Benny talking outside of a school shed located on the outskirts of the school. Overhearing them when he got closer, whispering to each other about why the wolves hadn't called yet.

Cas growled at the comment; he knew in the back of his mind that there was something about the way Benny looked at Dean that wasn't friendly. You don't eye fuck your best friend! But that was something to think about later. Brady looked down at his phone as Benny made his way back into the shed; the smell of Dean's blood filled the night air as the man opened the door. Cas felt his body move, predator-like as he stalked through the tree line, careful to not make any noise or catch any sort of attention. He smiled, his fangs dropping as he moved closer, letting his inner beast take over, letting his fangs drop fully as he sniffed the air once again. The smell of Dean was stronger the closer he got; Cas figured he must be badly hurt. He snuck up behind Brady, wrapping his fingers around the man's mouth, pulling him to his chest.

"If he is dead, I'm going to rip your heart out and eat it," Cas growled in the human's ear dragging a panicking Brady along with him towards the door.

"Brady, I told you..." Benny started after opening the heavy door from the knock, trailing off after spotting Brady being held by Cas.

"Funny, I always thought Rei was being extra when she said she could feel Jax all the time," Cas informed nonchalantly, looking at Dean lying lifeless on the table behind the man. He growled as he felt his vision turning red, throwing Brady into the wall, knocking him out.

"Woah-Woah! Dean's my friend, I'm just looking out for him," Benny defended, holding up his hands. It didn't help that the guy had red stains dotting his hand. Cas knew, even with Dean's scent floating around the room, that it was his blood.

Cas hissed, showing his fangs off before lunging at Benny and biting down as hard as he could. He relished in listening to the man gurgle on his own blood. It truly was music to Cas' ears. He gave one last shake of his head, the sound of flesh tearing as he tossed Benny off to the side. His attention zeroed in on the man on the table, rushing to him and taking a shaky breath when he noticed that he was barely breathing. His body feeling colder than what humans should be. "It's ok, Baby. I'm right here, I'm going to help you. I need you to drink, please," Cas whispered and biting down on his wrist, making sure the blood would flow freely so that it would make its way down into Dean's system. Cas remembered their father telling him about this, how if a human died with Vampire blood in their system, they would wake up a Vampire.

"No-No, you gotta drink, Dean. I know I fucked up, and I was a jerk. I'm sorry! I love you!" Cas confessed, tears dripping as he cradled Dean's head. Cas sobbed, feeling the last of Dean's heartbeats beneath his hand.

Cas kissed the side of Dean's head after pulling back, head dropping when Nothing was happening. The silence stretched as he waited, the fear of being too late creeping at the corner of his mind. He jerked his head up when he heard a moan, irritation flaring when he realized it was coming from Brady. He stood up, straighter, and walked over to the man. "He is dead, and it's your fault," he spoke calmly, grabbing the man by the throat with ease, lifting him up off the ground, reveling in sounds of him gasping for air and clawing at Cas's hand in a poor attempt to get free. It all made Cas feel Nothing; it was Nothing if Dean was gone. It was like a piece of his soul had left his body. Now he knew what Rei had felt all those months without Jax. He let go of Brady, letting him drop to the ground with a hard thump before moving back to where Dean was. He undid the restraints and carefully lifted the man off the table, carrying and proceeded outside.

He paid no mind to the sounds of Brady getting up and running off into the trees. Cas settled down into the dirt, holding Dean in his lap while whispering how much he loved Dean. When he woke up, they were going to do all the things he wanted together, and he was going to tell Dean every day how much he loved him, but he needed to wake up.

Cas looked up when he heard a sharp gasp, spotting his sister and a very battered Jax at her side. "No," she whispered, rushing to her twin's side, hesitantly reaching out but stopping halfway when she couldn't hear his heartbeat.

"I tried, I was... Can you try? Please... Please Rei. I'll do anything. Please help me," Cas begged, clutching the lifeless body to him. His world was crumbling.

"Cassie, he's... There's no..I-" Rei looked over her shoulder at Jax for answers; he looked just as lost before turning back to her brother and his mate.

The quiet was deafening. The three looked on, tears flowing freely as they tried to figure out what to do next. Dean sucked in a breath and coughed, rolling away from Cas, "What happened? Where's Benny? That son of a bitch," he growled out, voice rough.

"How do you feel?' Rei asked, looking at Dean. He paused at the voice, glancing at the three concerned faces. He was confused by their tear-streaked faces.

"Like shit, why?" Dean asked, groaning in disgust while covering his nose and mouth. "Why does it smell like a wet dog?"

"It worked," Jax laughed out in relief. "It worked on both of us," he smiled happily, showing off a new set of pearly white fangs.

Dean looked at Jax and then turned to his mate, "You turned me?" he questioned in disbelief.

"I had to; you were dying," Cas answered, relief evident in his face and voice before scooting closer to his mate, "Are you mad?"

"Hell No! I'm a vampire," Dean happily cried out, smiling at Cas before attacking his mouth in a hungry kiss. Cas smiled into the kiss and then hissed at the pain of Dean's new fangs stabbing him in the lower lip. Dean pulled back, looking a bit sheepish.

"It's fine; you have to get used to them," Cas said this a shrug licking the blood off as the wound closed.


Thanks for reading.

Questions, Comments, and Kudos are always welcome.

I do know the grammar seems off but I set my Grammarly to informal to allow some bending in the rules and it allows slang, and I do have a beta.

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