Empty {D.Gray-man}

By juzanya

9.2K 488 224

"Kanda," "..." "Have you ever felt like you were never good enough? That whatever you do leads to pain and le... More

Empty ~ 1
Empty ~ 2
Empty ~ 3
Empty ~ 4
Empty ~ 5
Empty ~ 6
Empty ~ 7
Empty ~ 8
Empty ~ 10

Empty ~ 9

830 43 31
By juzanya

~Good ending~

Warning: Please heed this warning, there will be mentions of suicide! Please be advised if this stuff makes you uncomfortable please read with caution.


Allen walked into the cafeteria where everyone was eating breakfast. He walked up to Jerry, smiling which in turn made Jerry very happy. 

"Hello, Allen."

Allen let out a small chuckle when he saw the happy expression on Jerry's face, "Hey, Jerry how's your morning?"

"Oh my boy, it's been exhausting but seeing you smile just made my day one hundred times better," 

"I'm glad," Allen whispered, "I have a question to ask,"

Jerry leaned his elbow on the counter in front of him, lowering his spatula to one side, "a question you say?" Allen nodded at the intrigued look on Jerry's face, "ask away then."

Allen sighed, leaning forward so only Jerry would be able to hear them. It's never too be careful, right? 

"Would you betray The Black Order for me?" 

Jerry's expression turned serious, he looked up eyeing Allen through his dark glasses, "I'd betray the world for you. You're like a brother to me Allen. I care more about you than some Order,"

Allen's eyes glazed over, wet with tears that threatened to fall. 

"I have something to say then please listen and make sure you choose carefully,"

"Whatever you have to say must be very important?"

Allen nodded. Jerry smiled pointing the spatula towards Allen, "I'll think about it. Now tell me, dear Allen."

Allen told him everything quietly. Everyone in the cafeteria was glaring at the two but when they saw Jerry's expression turn deadly and serious they knew something was up. Between them and Allen, Jerry never favored anyone, and seeing him favoring the Noah made everyone's skin itch. Both from irritation and jealousy.

"Allen listen to me and listen carefully," Jerry's voice had risen when Allen stepped back. They could see that both men were serious about something but no one knew why Jerry had the reaction he did.

"I don't even need to think twice about this," Jerry stated, "I'll do it."

"Are you sure?" Allen asked hesitantly. 

Jerry hit him on the head with the spatula, "ow!" Allen yelled out rubbing his head.

"Don't even ask me that! Of course, I'm serious baka!" 

Allen chuckled, smiling brightly. 

"Thank you," He muttered.

Jerry watched him as his heart started to fill with joy. He loved Allen like his own brother and if anyone were to hurt him he'd make sure to end them. Not to mention give them the worse portions he has stored away. Just imagine the horror of someone not tasting Jerry's amazing food when it's steaming hot but when it's cold and hasn't had its fill of flavors sprinkled in-Chaoji being one of those people who Jerry gives the worse portions he's got in store. 

"I'll see you tonight," Jerry waved Allen off. 

Allen went in search of one of the many abandoned rooms the Order had. Some of the rooms aren't ever used so he doesn't have to worry about being interrupted. Soon he stumbled upon a room that wasn't occupied or so he thought.

"Oi Moyashi what are you doing here?" 

Allen cursed under his breath, he knew that voice anywhere and that irritating nickname. 

"Baka I'm not short so stop calling me that!" Allen started walking inside the room, shutting the door behind him. 

"Che' so you say," Kanda smirked.

Allen rolled his eyes as silence fell around them. He noticed the room was just like the one he last used with a couch in the middle and a window behind it which was where Kanda stood beside his arms crossed over his chest and his focus on something outside the window. 

Allen sighed, walking towards the couch, plopping on it not so gracefully. He laid on his back, the cushions under him not, by all means, soft or fluffy but he'll take what was given to him. He placed both his hands on his stomach before closing his eyes. He could feel Tim flapping around the room, and above him. 

When he felt Tim land on his face he opened his eyes and blew at his golden friend. 

"Get off my face, Tim." He said to the golum, tiredly.

Tim stayed there for a while before finally flying off his face but stayed hovering before him.

"Hey, Yu."


Allen didn't hear any sound from Kanda but he knew he was listening, "I made my choice,"

"And?" Kanda asked, quietly.

Allen hummed as he watched Timcampt fly to where Kanda was standing. 

"I'm taking Road's offer," He stated. 

A few heartbeats went by and no sound was heard from Kanda. Then, not moving his gaze from the ceiling, Allen heard Kanda move and stand behind the couch where he finally moved his gaze, silver meeting steel. 

"I assume you've told Jerry then?" Kanda asked, petting Tim who was on his shoulder. The innocence wielder looked down at him, dark hair framing his face.

Allen smiled, "Yeah, he knows." 

"And what did he say?" Kanda asked, tilting his head to one side. Tim flew off his shoulder and went to sit on the on Allen's stomach.

"He said he's in," 

Kanda stayed silent just watching Allen from where he was. He could tell that Allen had gone through so much yet he stayed strong even though everyone turned their backs on him. Shunned him. Betrayed him. But he never gave up. Now he was finally going to have a real family that would stay by his side and never think about betraying him. 

Kanda reached out to the man below and caught a white strand of hair between his fingers. He played with it for a bit then released the stand before cupping Allen's cheek, softly like he was glass and with one harsh movement, he'd shatter into pieces. 

"Yu?" Allen watched the man above him carefully. 

Kanda didn't answer just started to move his thumb gently against the cheek he held as Allen's skin started to form goosebumps as he felt Kanda move his thumb close and close to his bottom lip.

"You know," Kanda started, moving his gaze from Allen's face to his eyes, "you amaze me, Allen."

"Yu," Allen said breathlessly as he felt Kanda's thumb rub against his bottom lip.

"Someone as kind-hearted, strong, courageous as you does not belong here. Someone who would risk his life for others shouldn't waste his time on people who don't deserve it and you," Kanda watched Allen's reaction when he talked, "You deserve the world and so much more Allen. I said it before and I'll say it again, whatever you choose to do I will be by your side. I will stay with you if only for a while more." 

Kanda watched as Allen's eyes filled with tears. Kanda moved his thumb back to caressing his cheek as Allen sat up, one arm holding him and the other gripping Kanda's arm. 

"Yu, I..." Allen stuttered as a blush made its way to his cheeks dusting them pink.

"Yu?" Allen gazed down feeling a shiver make its way down his body when Kanda started to play with his bangs that covered his eyes.


"Are...Are you sure about this?"

Kanda moved his hand so his fingers were under Allen's chin, moving it up so they could hold eye contact again.


Allen searched Kanda's eyes for any lie anything that could tell him this was all fake but he found nothing but pure honesty in those steel eyes. 

Pushing up all the way, Allen brought Kanda into a comforting hug, gripping his exorcist jacket.

"You don't know what this means to me," Allen stuttered out. Kanda smiled, wrapping his arms around him tightly enough to tell Allen that he is here and listening.

"You know," Kanda started a mischievous smirk graced his lips, "now that I'm holding you like this I can see that you may be smaller than I thought,"

Allen laughed at the statement, lightly punching Kanda on his chest. Kanda maneuvered both of them so he was sitting on the couch, leaning against the armrest while Allen was sitting on his lap. His arms securely around Allen's waist to make sure to was getting the comfort he needed. 


"Yes, short stack?"

He felt another punch on his chest which made him chuckle.

"Thank you,"

Kanda pressed a kiss on Allen's temple, "anything for you, Allen."


Night came faster than anyone was expecting it to. All the scientists had been working day in and day out on cleaning many robots that Komui decided to make in order to help everyone. No one knew they would make a big mess until it was last minute. All the exorcists and that included many people who ignored, hated or made Allen's life miserable were all in the hallway leading to the outside. Something had triggered the Orders alarms and everyone was on standby. 

"It seems that there were two Noah spotted near the Order! Find them and eliminate them!" Director Lvellie announced. 

"Why can't we just send in the Noah instead? He could track down his traitorous family and dispose of them instead of us. There are here for him," Chaoji announced. 

"No, Allen may be a Noah we need him for the Ark," Link replied. 

Chaoji narrowed his eyes on Allen who ignored his stare. 

Suddenly a crash was heard and an explosion from inside the Order. Laughing and arguing could be heard from behind everyone. 

"Well, well if this isn't a lovely place sorry to have to burn it down now," 

"Noah! Dispose of him!" Lvellie commanded and every exorcist moved except two and a certain cook. 

"Ah, Ah," The Noah summoned tease and were now surrounding him, making everyone stop in their tracks. 

"I'm here for a certain someone or someone's and it would be great if no one got in my way," The Noah smiled.

"Tykiiii~ Where are theyI'm already bored," A smaller Noah came from an open door right behind the older Noah. And by just one look everyone knew who the smaller Noah was instantly. 

"Road, what are you doing here?" Lenalee asked her innocence already active. 

"My what an annoyance, hm...I'm here to collect what is ours and extras if you don't mind,"

"Collect? Extras? Who?" Lavi asked. 

"Road, Tyki was that really necessary?" Allen walked up to them, everyone froze in place as they watched Allen and the Noah exchange words like it was nothing.

"Allllennnn~ There you are! You ready?" 

"Ready for what? Mr. Walker, what is the meaning of this?" Director Lvellie asked in anger. 

Allen turned to him and sighed, "The Noah offered me an offer I can't refuse," he simply stated. 

"I knew you were scum! A nobody! You turn your back on the Order!?"

"Che'" Kanda walked forward and everyone started to pale as he stood beside Allen, making the Noah smile widen even more, "he never betrayed the Order to begin with it was you all who betrayed him first!" 

"Lies!" An exorcist yelled out.

"Believe what you will," Kanda started, clearly annoyed by everyone, "Jerry if you don't move your butt I'll unleash Mugen on you,"

"Hold up! I had to pack everything sheesh how will I cook for Allen if I didn't have my equipment," 

"what the hell?" Lavi started. 

"Why? Why are you doing this? Why Allen? Kanda? Jerry? WHY?" Lenalee cried. 

"Why you ask," Tyki smirked, "Did you ever wonder what you all did to Allen? Did you notice that this child was about to take his life many times over and over again? Didi, you notice his pain whenever he stepped foot anywhere? How tired and exhausted he had become? DID YOU?" The Noah screamed. 

"NO, you didn't. You never once asked him if he was fine instead you kept reminding him of how much of an orphan he was. How he lost everything by risking everything for everyone. And not once did any of you even thank him or even batted an eye at him! And you!" Tyki pointed at Choaji, "You abused Allen almost every day! Told him he was nothing and just a mere tool, a pawn to be used for the Order! Told him how his Master died because of him! How dare you? How dare you even hurt this child! He had sacrificed more than you all could ever compare! He saved your crew and yet this is the thank you give him, by breaking his bones and almost driving him to kill himself!" Tyki was frustrated and so angry. He was angry as to why someone as sweet as Allen could be hurt this way. How anyone could allow it. 

"Tyki," Road watched as her uncle hissed at everyone in anger on Allen's behalf. She turned her gaze to Allen and she could see that his perfect mask was breaking slowly. Kanda noticed as well and held Allen's hand, squeezing it. 

"Y-You lie...he wouldn't...we..." 

"No, he's telling the truth," Allen finally spoke. "And now I bid you all farewell," Allen squeezed Kanda's hand back as he, Kanda, Jerry, Tyki, and finally Road walked through the door that Road had opened and disappeared from the Order. 

Allen could tell that there were transported to a place much like his own Ark but a bit darker. 

"This way," Tyki waved for them to follow and they did. They stopped in front of a large door as Tyki turned around with a sad smile on his face, "Allen know this, we Noah never betray our own and will never turn our backs on you. If someone ever hurts you again we will make sure they live a hellish life," he smiled, walking over to Allen and ruffling his hair up a bit, making him pout. 

Road opens the door to what could be seen as a dining room, the table stacked with food as laughter and yelling were heard and many Noah was seen around the table. 

"Welcome home, Allen." 

Allen's eyes teared up, his mask shattering to millions of pieces, and a smile as bright as the sun made its way to his lips.

"Whooohooo! Who wants some of Jerry's special?" Everyone raised their hands and laughed. 

Kanda moved to stand before Allen, smiling and placing a kiss on his rosy lips, soft and gentle. 

"You're finally home, Allen."

Allen shook his head, smiling so wide for the first time since Kanda helped him. He felt happiness and love flow through him.

"No, Yu we're home,"


A/N: I really hope I didn't rush through it. So here is the good ending and let me tell you I smiled so much I really did. Allen finally got the family he deserved and a kiss from Kanda. I hope you enjoyed this book and much as I did, even if it was a rollercoaster of emotions! 

The bad ending will be written next so make sure to grab some tissues and a blanket because it will be heartbreaking. 

Until next time!

Know that the next chapter is the last and final update for this book. 

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