Midnight Kiss | KNJ

By persona_13

2.1K 493 61

Transferring to a new college is going to be a challenge for Sophie - but she's ready to embrace the clean sl... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.

Chapter 1.

376 56 9
By persona_13


"We're going to the party tonight, right?" I asked Nina while finishing my last slice of pizza. 

I'd been at Blueside University for a week now and I still hadn't met anyone new. Granted, I hadn't had much chance considering it was Christmas break, but I was still glad I knew at least one person. 

My transfer here hadn't exactly been planned. I'd been studying at Brookfield University for a year and a half when the chance had appeared. Blueside University was willing to offer me a scholarship for their architecture program that is undoubtedly better than the Brookfield one I was attending. Of course, I had applied to Blueside when I'd finished high school but didn't get in. So I went to Brookfield and worked my ass off because I knew some students got a chance to transfer every year. And now I was one of those lucky students. 

On second thought, Nina wasn't the only person I knew. My step-brother also attended here. Two years older than me, Jin was a business student. I'd known him since I was twelve, but honestly, it felt like my step-mom and my two step-siblings had been in my life forever. Once my dad met Jin's mom, Mary, it was like he became alive again, and I couldn't have been happier for him. Before we knew it, Jin, Lily - Jin's sister - and I became family. Not that I mind, I love their company, although we can't see each other that much anymore.

Jin and his girlfriend Maggie were supposed to come to the New Years' party with Nina and me, but they bailed, saying they wanted to celebrate alone. I didn't blame them though, I'd rather celebrate with a partner than a bunch of drunk college students.

"Of course we're going," Nina said with her mouth full of the pizza we were just finishing, "As soon as I choose what to wear."

Ah, yes, the biggest problem of the year so far. My outfit was already laid down on my bed. My new apartment was tiny, but it also meant that I didn't have to live in the dorms and that had been all the convincing I'd needed to get it.

"Okay, then show me your options, and let's get ready," I jumped off the tiny kitchen counter I'd been sitting on, and headed to my bedroom.


Every single option that Nina'd brought with her was incredible, but in the end, we opted for a sparkly gold dress, just because when else would she have such a perfect opportunity to wear it if not on New Year.

With our makeup and hair done - mine just straight and loosely tickling my shoulders, and Nina's in a high ponytail - we headed out the door.

"Matt is meeting us in front of the frat-house," Nina said after checking her phone as we started walking to the party. 

Matt was Nina's boyfriend and he was the one who'd said we absolutely had to go to this party. Supposedly, it was the best one on Campus by a long shot for those not going home for the holidays. As much as I wanted to spend some time with my Dad and Mary, I was kind of enjoying the independence and freedom I had here. Besides, how could I ever miss out on the most awesome party of the year?

The walk to the frat house wasn't that long, but just long enough for the cold air to clear our heads a little because Nina and I might have drunk a bottle of champagne while getting ready.

"You okay?" Nina asked me, her light brown hair falling out of her ponytail because of the wind, as we walked alongside the residence houses on campus.

Actually, I'd been mulling something over in my mind since we started walking.

"I've been thinking," I paused, trying to form my thoughts, "no one knows me here, right?"

Nina nodded slowly, unsure where I was going with this.

"You've known me for years and you know I'm not exactly a spontaneous person," my mind was whirling at what I was about to say, "but nobody here knows who I am."

Nina raised a perfectly shaped brow and waited for me to continue.

"I want to take advantage of that, I want to be free from all my worries just for one night. I want to not care what anyone thinks and at least here I wouldn't be judged if I did something out of character." I took a deep breath after I finished, feeling scared yet somehow free at the same time.

"And what would this night include, Sophie?" Nina could barely keep the smile from spreading on her face.

I linked my arm through hers, both of us freezing, as we neared the house which was already well into the party, and saw Matt waiting for us. His blonde hair was all messy, but his blue eyes were smiling while he waved at us.

"I've never had a New Years' kiss," I said trying to sound nonchalant, and turned to greet Matt, mostly to just avoid her eyes, but I could feel her proud smile burning into my back. Once our hellos were exchanged and Nina and I both received a compliment for our outfits from the ever-sweet Matt, he led us inside the house that was already crowded. We had barely made our way to the kitchen and the scent of alcohol was already making my stomach churn. 



"Dude, you came," Hoseok yelled from across the beer-pong table when he saw me.

Despite all my muscles being sore from practice, I concluded that missing the New Years' party wasn't even an option. And besides, all of my teammates were here, and I didn't want to spend my night alone at our house.

Well, almost all of my teammates - Jin bailed on us last second, but when he'd explained he wanted to spend it with Maggie, we'd happily sent him off. They're so stupidly in love with each other it's unbearable to be around them sometimes.

"Couldn't break our New Years tradition," I smiled as I clapped at Jungkook for getting the ping-pong ball into Hoseok's cup.

"Pairs?" Tae asked and stepped next to Jungkook as I joined Hobi. The smile on my beer-pong partner's face told me we were about to put the young ones in their place.

Jimin joined us in the middle of the game, his presence alone attracting every gaze in the room. "Look who dressed up," Jimin judged our outfits and seemed pleased that we'd all opted for dress shirts.

Hobi and I managed to beat Tae and Jungkook, mostly just thanks to Taehyung's poor throwing skills. His aim had been so off that it was actually hilarious and even Jungkook had cracked a smile, despite losing.

When the last member of our friend group, Yoongi, joined us, we'd started another game, but I couldn't take any more of the watered-down beer. 

"Anyone wants anything?" I yelled before heading to the kitchen for a drink.

"Chips!" Jungkook yelled before throwing the ping-pong ball and of course, it landed in the cup.

I elbowed my way through the crowd and I was surprised at the number of people that turned up. Oh, that reminded me, I had to find Bradley, the guy who'd thrown this party to thank him for the invite.

I had learned that being the captain of the baseball team came with lots of popularity. Usually, I wouldn't stop and speak with that many people during classes, but right now it had taken me ten minutes just to reach the kitchen, which was - thankfully - nearly empty.

Bradley greeted me by the door with a drunk smile on his face.

"Namjoon, my man," he mumbled, "Enjoying the party?"

"Of course." I said as a flash of green caught the corner of my eye, "Thanks for inviting us." As the captain, I also had to make sure to speak for the whole team.

"No, problem," Bradley noticed I didn't have a drink in my hand and gasped. Yes, gasped. "Where's your drink?" He sounded a little panicked.

"That's why I'm in the kitchen," I pointed out to the obviously very drunk host and turned my head to find out what had caught my eye earlier.

Bradley started talking about drinks, but I no longer had a clue what he was saying.

My gaze was glued to the girl in the green dress. Who is she? Why have I never seen her around before?

Matt, who was on the uni's basketball team, greeted me with a nod, and that was when she finally turned to me.

Definitely. She definitely wasn't from this school. I was sure I'd remember if I'd seen her before. Because to say I was completely taken away would be an understatement. 

Her dark hair was short and falling on her face. I could now see how green her eyes were and how the make-up she wore made them sparkle. 

And don't get me started on that dress. It had long sleeves and a turtleneck, and yet the way it hugged her body made her look hotter than all the girls here who wore little more than scraps to cover up their bodies.

But before I knew it Matt's girlfriend introduced her to some girl and I suddenly felt cold without her eyes on me.

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