Random stories for when I am...

By MineralFox

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these are just some storie ideas or things that just pop into my head, I thought I might share them with you... More

Random stories for when I am board
first; a hunger games idea
Minecraft/ creepypastas (Shocker)
a WONDERFULLY random chat
Messing with your feels
Randome friend stuff #1
Hallway wonders
Flash to the past
The derpyfish apocolapse
Super natural
Yay! Kidnapped!
One stormy night
Five nights at Freddy's
stuck in class
bored in class #2
A deal from the past
A lessson in tracking
More messing with your feels
Sucked in
Four Amigos
The Beginning of Darkness
Random Creepypasta Idea #2
random idea #5
Redstoner II and The theory about Ross
The Vet
Opposites attract
Baby, its cold out
Class Again

Random slightly related to things stuff/ vent

208 14 13
By MineralFox



Gore ahead, along with terror and a lot of other things that if you're sensitive to you probably shouldn't read.

The warning was given. be careful if you're sensitive to stuff.


The cell door opened and stream of light flooded in. My eyes closed trying to block out the glare. I squinted trying to see who was coming in, I couldn't remember anything. A silhouette stood in the doorway before walking in. The door closed behind him and instead of a blinding light, he lit a candle and walked forward. He would have looked pretty ordinary in black jeans and Lead Zeppelin tee shirt. But a glowing green essence trapped within a vial that hung from a chain around his neck said something quiet different. Especially since some of its glow was covered up by a gooey, black liquid slowly drying on the outside of the glass.

I glared at him. If my hands hadn't be shackled into the wall above my head I would have ripped it off. He only smirked at my anger and set the candle on a table along the wall. It was filled with various sharp objects, and I started feeling pain along my arms and lower legs. I looked up at them and saw various cuts, some deep, others not quiet as bad, all sticky with blood.

"Starting to wake up a bit Minny?" The guy smirked. He picked up a pronged knife. Each prong standing out to the side then bending back like a trident without the middle fork.

"How long have I been here?" I asked, my voice was almost hoarse. What had he done to me that I didn't remember?

He stopped and looked over at me. Putting down the knife he walked over and stood inches from me looking down. He smirked

"Don't flatter yourself. You haven't been here that long" he stated "although, I've had you long enough to get some" he paused mulling it over "payback you could say" he shrugged settling.

"Although I'm far from finished with you and your 'friend" he said using air quotations as he walked back to the table "I've got just a bit more planned for you two yet" he picked up the prong again and held it over the candle until it glowed.

"But it's hard to make him suffer. We're tried everything, honestly we have" he shrugged "but he just doesn't care about himself" the guy smirked "which is where you come in Minny. Cassia's told me all about your relationship with him. We've figured the best way to hurt him" he pulled the glowing rod of metal out from the flames and started walking over "is to hurt you" he grinned and thrust the prongs forward.

I screamed.


I heard the scream echo throughout whatever twisted complex they had us trapped in. I growled but stopped as pain erupted through my chest. I pushed a hand over the hole in it to stop it from opening up and bleeding out again. There was already enough blood on the floor as it was.

The door opened and I looked up ready to jump at the chance for escape. I stood up instead and looked down at Cassia as she entered.

Her outfit was plain again today. Brown hair girl, brown eyes and plain, actually dirty, overalls. Whoever she'd been getting fashion advise from she should've really considered better. She was grinning away though and holding her hands behind her back. She must be hiding something.

"Hey Philly" She chimmed "Enjoying your stay?" ugh, she did have something planned.

"Would've been better if you hadn't knocked us out and put us in this dungeon of yours" I replied snidely.

"oh can't you just forget about that?" She smirked "I brought you somethign to make up for it too. I'm sure it's something you'll like" she stepped forward and held out a basket in front of her.

I pushed away "I dont want it. Whatever you put in there will probably only make things worse"

"Oh grow up Philly" She rolled her eyes "I just thought you might be hungry so I brought you a little snack" she sat in front I me and put the basket on the ground.

She pulled out two loaves of bread, an apple and two bottle filled with what looked like water. I pulled me feet back, trying to get as far back as I could.

"It won't hurt you silly" She smirked "its just to get your strength back up"

I eyed the bottles cautiously "ready for what?" I asked. my question wasn't answered.

The door swung open again and Min was pushed in. She fell on the floor without moving.

"What're you doing here Cassia?" Gordon asked as he stepped over Min. I glared and resisted the urge to attempt to strangle him.

Cassia stopped and looked up at him "you wanted his energy back up so he doesn't die right? that's what I'm doing" her eyes darted to Min, who still wasn't moving "what you even do to her?"

Gordon shrugged "just gave her a hefty dose of tranquilizers to knock her out. couldn't stand her screaming"

"What caused her screaming?" I asked. I was glaring as much I could despite the scrape on my head.

Both stopped talking and looked over at me silently. Gordon slowly walked over. He stopped in front of me. He didn't really have to bend much to look into my eyes.

"You'll see what she can't in just a few moments" he said, his voice low and threatening. I huffed and looked back at Min.

She moved. it was small, only her hand clenching into a fist, but it was something.

"Come on Cassia" Gordon said. He stood up and walked to the door. Cassia bound after like a well trained dog.

The door shut with a slam leaving the darkness. Not that I minded. since I am something of the night I usually prefer it but Min's always hated it. Something to do with human nature or whatever.

"Min" I called out. I hoped she could hear me.

She groaned in response. I sighed. She wasn't too badly hurt then.

"Ph- Phil?" her voice sounded weak. She moved again, this time to try and sit up. I cringed as she almost slipped.

"Careful" I said. I know I didn't new to but- sometimes it just comes out.

"I know" she muttered and managed to sit up. I smiled relieved. it only lasted for a moment before she looked up.

My blood ran cold.

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