Unknown Stones

By ryokodownpour

4 0 1

What happens when you walk in on a massacre of a town? What happens when humanity is on the brink of extincti... More

Amiri's Journal

4 0 1
By ryokodownpour

Hello reader, or viewer, or whatever future magical or scientific way they have discovered to implant this book into you head. This is my Diary, of sorts, I guess? Anyhow this is my findings in the new world order of the “Unknown,”

 As it stands our world used to be pretty mundane, just normal humans with normal humanoid lives. We watched movies, recorded our memories, played video games, you know normal things. That was until It was discovered, the “Unknown Stones.” No one knows quite what they are or where they're from, hence the name, yeah totally unoriginal i know! But whether they are radioactive comets from above, the magical source of another worlds power, or some aliens hightech space garbage, they are here now. And what they do will blow your mind, unless you have advanced far beyond these then uh… disregard that last sentence.

So Unknown Stones have four outcomes, and are theorized to come in three different types. Although I think they just react differently to different people as no two stones look the same, kinda like snowflakes really. So the first reaction is a physical reaction, and this can have many different results. One person can become a literal Tiger! While another only grows a tail. These transformations are normally the easiest to live with, just a little bit of hatred from the pure folk and all. We call this one Beast Folk.

That lead to the second reaction, No reaction, these are people completely imune to the stones effect no matter how many they come in contact with. Due to this outcome some heretics and religious people have decided the stone only works on Devils Blood, or people with evil in their souls. Personally I believe certain stones work on certain people. They call this Pure Folk.

The third reaction is the coolest and easiest to hide, somehow it changes you from the inside. Giving you ‘magic’ like abilities. Of course if this happens you can easily pretend to be a pure folk, but most pure folk tend to accept this change as God’s grace and protection. One word hypocrites. Guess what the people chose for this? God’s Chosen, seriously I wish I was making this up.

The last change is the most drastic. A physical and internal change, this led to people turning into literal monsters, like creatures of lore monsters. This change tends to go with the imagination of the owner. So if you think a dragon breathes fire, welp your gonna breath fire. But if you think a dragon is some kinda of dark shadow master… well you can guess what happens, Anyhow these are called Demon’s Blood.

Now I’m pretty sure you are wondering just what category I fall in, well I was a simple No Reaction. One of the ‘Pure Bloods blessed by Gods divine graces to not be cursed’ or so my pastor said. To be honest I was technically a Chosen, but no way I was going to tell anyone.  My power was manifestaion, not something I could control anyway. 

You see before all this stone business happened I was an artist. A digital one at that, load of good that does me now, the stones emit a wavelength that shuts down any computer or high tech motherboard nearby. Not even my alarm clock survived, and I needed that! Although it is rumored some techie based Chosen are trying to make new solutions to this problem. -A long thin line trails off from the period as if the diary was snatched from the unsuspecting writer-

A booming laugh interrupted the contemplative atmosphere, as a young man with crimson colored hair reacted to the delicate words he had just read. He was tall and lean hidden muscles tensing under their skin like prison. His face held a ruggish but boy like charm with two wide blood colored eyes that were currently slanted into a teasing position. His hair neatly cropped into a messy but well kept style, he was oddly human if not for the twin fangs hidden by his smirk or the pointed ears poking proudly though his hair.

“Come on Prince, you can not be serious with this?” Even his voice was attractive in a certain way as it held a musical lithe to it. 

As he said this he took in the pouting figure below him. A small scrawny boy laid out mercilessly at his feet. Snow white hair draped around the child like a blanket. He frowned deciding another haircut might be in order.

“Give it back!” The younger male mumbled into the floor already resigned to his elders teasing. He looked up briefly taking in the fanged smile of his tormentor. 

“And what’s this about? No reaction? You’ve been the Prince of ‘Demon’s Blood’ since the stone graced you with its light.” The man said as he gave the boy an incredulous glance.  Of course there are also those who believe the No Reactions have been scorned by God, and it is the Demons Blood that are the Chosen. “And why in all that is Bloody and Sacred did you hair regrow again?”

The white haired boy let out a small snicker before mumbling something on the lines of magic or manifestation, whichever he chose this time was lost to the floor as he once again tried to bury his head into the wood grain. Having enough of the younger's despondent artitude the red head smirked before grabbing the boy by the back of his hood. 

Heterochromatic eyes glared back at him from his grasp. One a brilliant ruby red the other a magnificent lime green. Truly his face reminded the older boy of the old Christian tradition known as Christmas. The boy looked to be barely older than ten with his small build and short stature, thin wiry arms and legs moved to and from as if to will himself to the ground. Once again he looked to be almost human if not for the same disturbing features the elder had. 

Both creatures stared into the others eyes neither wanting to look away first. After what felt like years the older flinched away, lowering the young ‘Prince’ to the floor. “Look all I’m saying is it’s a bit feminine to have such long hair, what would our esteemed Father think?”

A growl escaped the boy as he crossed his arms and spoke clearly for the first time “I don’t care what that old fart thinks, he can rot in the farthest reaches of Hell, Tartarus, or whatever religious torment he believes in” 

Like his tormentor his voice had a music-like quality, but his was far more cold with a cruel tone one could not describe with mere words. The once Lime colored eye had faded into a deep orange, only a step away from being the same Crimson Ruby as the other.

A snicker came from the older boy as he eyed the Prince fondly, “You know a religious Vampire is still an Oddity right?” He asked before he broke into full laughter at the absurdity of his statement. He fell back onto the practice mat in the small room. 

The room they were in itself was very modest for lack of a better word. It was small with the moderate furniture in it being a bookshelf to a far corner, a table recently pushed against the wall, a small bed two chairs had been haphazardly thrown on top of in the other corner, and a practice mat that had recently been misused as a writing desk. However if the Prince minded the state of his personal abode he never complained about it. So most of the ‘adults’, adults being a loose sense of the word as they are almost all above hundreds of years old, even the small Prince was nearing his first ‘Rebirth day.’ 

Which brings me to why the boy was there in the first place, hiding out in his room instead of celebrating with the Vampiric family he now had. Yes none of them were truly related by blood -well not unless the Vampire’s stone chose actual siblings to be initiated- but they were all connected by the same red eyes and fangs. 

The prince sighed, losing his defiance as he curled himself back onto the mat. Every piece of him blanching at the word. ‘Vampire’ a creature that before the stone was only a myth heretics would play out in pretend and illusions, and now he was one. Not only that but he had stolen the very stone that had done this to him, in fear that it might hurt others the same way. 

He frowned grumbling into the floor, he knew as time went by sooner or later the ‘Scientists’ of the world would try and use the stone in some weird experiments. He didn’t realize that some scientists would end up creatures who wanted to ‘Share their blessing with all the poor Forsaken souls,’ at least he didn’t until it was too late. 

A/N Please check out my profile to read more.

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