How many mates?

By Thunderthighz2005

83.6K 2.1K 592

When you grow up your parents, friends and even school teach you about soulmates and the moon goddess and how... More

Chapter 1 - The new kids
Chapter 2 - Permanent reminders
Chapter 3 - School trip
Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?
Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)
Chapter 6 - Spending time with my mates (Henry, Charlotte and Jasper)
Chapter 7 - Spending time with my mates (The Cullens and Jacob)
Chapter 8 - Spending time with my mates (DC superheroes)
Chapter 9 - Spending time with my mates (Teen wolf)
Chapter 10 - Spending time with my mates (13Rw)
Chapter 11 - Singing and school time
Chapter 12 - And it continues
Chapter 13 - Confrontations
Chapter 14 - Talk to them
Author's note
Chapter 15 - Today's the day pt. 1
Chapter 17 - Relaxing
Chapter 18 - Last day
Chapter 19 - School time
Chapter 20 - She's awake
Chapter 21 - Thinking
Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter
Chapter 23 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 24 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 25 - Who's Hydra?
Chapter 26 - The truth
Chapter 27 - Let them go
Chapter 28 - What did you do?
New book
New book
Announcement and new book
Chapter 29 - She's gone
Chapter 30 - 1/2 of the Avengers
Chapter 31 - We found her

Chapter 16 - Today's the day Pt.2

1K 43 10
By Thunderthighz2005

Kelani's pov

I looked at the big track in front of me. Adrenaline was going through my body. I'm so excited. I love running. I am really fast. 

"So ve are going to vest your veed vincessa" Pietro said

"Who am I going up against?" I asked

"Barry (Flash), Derek, Scott (MCcall), Edward, Rosalie and I" Pietro said

"This is going to be easy" I said.

"Don't forget your going up against Pietro and I who are incredibly fast plus two wolves and two vampires who are also incredibly fast" Barry said.

"Ok when I say go you guys can start" Bruce started

"It's one way around the track. First to the finish line" Carlisle said

"On your marks" Wanda said

"Get set" Charlotte said

"Go" Justin shouted.

I ran as fast as I could. How the hell are they all behind me? I thought. These are supposed to be some of the fastest people and I have almost beat them. I was almost there. I kept running, I can't lose. I won't. I was coming close to finishing. I did it, I came first how in the hell did I beat them?

I looked up to see all of my mates looking at me with their jaws dropped.

"What?" I said

"How in the hell did you beat them?" Tony said

"That wasn't even ten seconds that was like eight" Justin said

"I don't know' I've always liked running" I said and smiled

"How are you so fast?" Clay asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and watched as my mates were just finishing the line. They looked at me in shock.

"Well done princess you beat us" Pietro said and kissed my head.

"How?" Barry said and pouted.

I laughed ran over to him and kissed his lips.

"How did you beat us? We are really fast so how?" Scott said

"I told you it would be easy and I just love running" I said

Edward, Rosalie and Derek just smiled at me.

"Rig...righ..right next test" Bucky stuttered  as he was still shocked.

"and what is this next test?" I said

"Strength test my love" Thor said

"Who am I going up against?" I said

"The Hulk, Emmett, Steve, Bucky, Jackson, Liam and I" Thor said

"Alright and what do we do for this test?" I said

"We will start lifting objects they get heavier as we progress" Steve said

We started by lifting weights. We all successfully managed it. Then Loki magicked up a train in front of us.

"All of you will take turns trying to move it." Loki said

I watched as Bruce turned into hulk and easily moved it. Then it was Bucky, Jackson, Liam, Steve, Emmett and Thor who all easily passed and moved it. Then it was my turn. Everyone looked at me. 

"There's no way, she will not be able to move that. That train is like ten hundred times her weight." Bella said worriedly

"Be careful" Tony said

"Don't hurt yourself" Steve said.

I tried to push the train and it moved a little. I used all my strength and it moved a little.

"I told you she wouldn't be able to do it, it's to heavy for her" Jacob said

This made me angry and I walked away.

"Now look what you have done" Jessica said

"You've made her upset" Alex said

"I'm sorry" Jacob said

Once I was far enough away, I ran straight towards the train and it went flying into the atmosphere. All my mates stood there shocked. I turned to face them all and said "Never underestimate me"

They all still looked at me shocked. Tony wrote some stuff down on his clip board.

"Right last challenge for strength is to try and lift up my hammer" Thor boomed.

(Pretend it's Bucky, Bruce, Jackson, Liam, Steve, Emmett and Thor and that it is morning)

I watched as Bucky went up to Thor's hammer and tried to lift it but failed.

The same thing occurred with Bruce, Jackson, Liam and Emmett. However Steve tried to lift it and it budged a little. Everyone was excited to see if he could lift it but unfortunately couldn't. At last it was my go.

"Love before you go don't be disheartened if you can't lift it not many people can but good luck." Thor said.

I walked over to Mjolnir and lifted it easily without any effort. Everyone couldn't believe it, they all just stood there watching me.

"Oh my Goddess your worthy my love" Thor boomed.

"Worthy?" I questioned

"To become queen of Asgard my love" Loki said and hugged me as well as Thor.

"Queen?" I asked

"It is a conversation for later my love." Loki said and kissed my forehead.

"Right no more group tests the remaining tests are for you to by yourself with none of us" Steven (Strange) said.

"What are the remaining tests?" I asked

"Well the last ones are um.... intelligence and reflexes and then we just have to just check your blood later and temperature and then we can all spend time together." Tony said checking through his list.

"What do you want to do first darling?" Nicky said

"Reflexes?" Logan said

"Or intelligence?" Rhodes said

"Your choice" Natasha said.

"Pick one" T'challa said

"Reflexes" I said

"Good choice" Shuri said

""First we are going to put a blind fold on you" Harley said

"Kinky shit." I said

"Language" Steve said as everyone laughed

"Oh Steve I love you" I said

"Love you too" He mumbled and I could tell he was blushing from under my blindfold.

"Anyway we are going to chuck something" Bruce (Wayne) said

"And you have to use your senses to try and catch the object" Jasper (Hale) said

"Ok" I said

"Don't be scared" Diana said

"I'm not" I said 

"Good" Joker said

"We are right here if anything happens" Alice said

"Right let's start" Derek said.

They sat me in a chair. They threw something at me and I could hear it soaring towards me. I put my hand up towards the direction it was coming and grabbed it as it neared me. I took my blindfold off to see it was a ball. I put it back on and waited for the next object. The same thing happened only for this time it  to be a book. Many objects later we were coming to and end for this test, one object left. 

I heard Zach shout "Clay no" along with the rest of my mates.

I grabbed something and it was sharp and I cut my hand from it. I could feel the pain and smell the blood. I took of my blind fold and saw it was a knife.

"Clay what the fuck? She could have gotten hurt." Alex shouted at him as the rest of my mates did.

I looked back at my hand to see it already healed. I know I have healing powers to heal myself and others. But this time I didn't use my powers so how the fuck did it heal? I shook it off and walked towards my mates.

"Stop shouting at him, I'm fine see" I said and hugged Clay and he hugged me back.

Esme grabbed my hand and inspected it. 

"How did it heal so fast?" She asked as my other mates looked at me.

"Uhhhh....I....I....I....I used my healing power and healed it" I stuttered and lied not wanting to worry them.

"Your  lying to us doll" Bucky said

"What are you not telling us?" Natasha said

"We  are your mates, you can talk to us" Peter (Quill) said

"I promise it's nothing to worry about" I said and smiled. 

They all looked at me warily before smiling.

"Right last test" Charlotte said

"Thank God" I said

"Tired?" Henry said

"No I just want to get these tests over and done with" I said bored.

"Ah understandable" Billy said

"Almost there" Barry said

"Almost done" Clarck said.

"Right the intelligence test" Bruce (Banner) said

"Right I will give you some questions easy then eventually getting harder" Bruce said

"Let's start" He said

"What does DNA stand for?" Bruce said

"Deoxyribonucleic" I said

"Correct next question" He said

"Four proteins of the DNA" Bruce said

"Cytosine, guanine, adenine and thymine. Thymine and adenine go together and cytosine and guanine go together" I said

"Impressive. Next question" He said.

"State three parts of the brain and there functions." Bruce said

"The cerebral cortex which controls our language, personality, intelligence etc. The medulla controls our unconscious activities such as breathing, sleeping etc. Finally the cerebellum is our muscle coordination center if we had ataxia it would affect our body but mostly our cerebellum in the brain" I said 

It went on like this for a while. I got all the questions right. All my mates were impressed.

"We'll do the blood tests and temperature another day" Tony said. 

"Right now what have you got planned with us?" Edward said

"Please tell us?" Liam said and pouted.

I kissed his lips and shook my head.

"Now all of you go get dressed in clothes you don't mind getting ruined" I said.

They all scurried off to there rooms to get ready.

I ran to mine to get ready.

Once they were all done we met in the living room. I told them all to hold hands and whispered in Loki's ear where I wanted to go. He teleported us all there. We finally arrived. I told them all to close their eyes as I guided them all inside. When I said open, they all looked around in awe.

"Let's get to painting" I said

We spent all at least four hours painting. I looked around at everyone painting's. They were all beautiful.

"They are all beautiful" I said as I looked at them in awe.

Rosalie and Emmet drew this.

Jasper, Esme, Alice, Edward drew this.

Jacob, Carlisle and Bella drew this.

Charlotte drew this.

Henry and Jasper drew this.

Both Peters, Tony, Wanda, Pietro, Logan, both Scott, Rhodes, Nick, Loki and Thor took part in drawing this.

Clint, Stephen, Steve, Bucky, Bruce and Natasha drew this.

T'challa and Shuri drew this.

(It goes in order across) Clay, Zach, Alex, Jessica, Justin, Diana, Clarck and Harely.

Barry, Bruce, Joker, Billy, Jackson, Stiles, Scott, Allison, Liam and Derek.

Mine is just the last one. We put all our paintings to one side. 

"They are beautiful but you know what's more beautiful?" I said innocently

"What?" Barry said as he and the rest of my mates looked at me. They didn't see me sneakily using my levitation powers to lift buckets of paints above all their heads.

"This" I said and dropped my hands and watched paint fell on every single one of them. I dropped to the floor in tears laughing and crying. All my mates smirked evilly when I saw them standing right in front of me with buckets of paint and poured them all over me. I screamed and ran after them all and got them back and so forth. We carried on like this for ages. 

Imagine they all looked like that.

We finally finished and grabbed our paintings and Loki teleported us back home. We would all wash off in the morning. The paint was dry on all of us and we were all tired. I brought Jessica, Justin, Clay, Alex and Zach with me to bed today and snuggled with them all.

"Night guys love you all see you in the morning" I said

"We'll see you in the morning love you too princess" Zach said as they all kissed my foreheads as we snuggled into each other.

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