Racing Love {Fix-it-Felix lov...

By Crystal34345

17.6K 209 19

When Ralph goes Hero's Duty and abandons Fix-It Felix Jr, it gets put out of order. Felix and Calhoun head t... More

OC Oreline
Chapter 1: Vanellope Joins The Random Roster Race & A Teamup!
Chapter 2: Cy- What? And Making A Kart?
Chapter 4: Some Lies And Some Truths... Along With Breaking Out A Few Friends.
Chapter 5: The Random Roster Race. And... Who In The Icing Are You?! Turbo?
Chapter 6: The Final Confrontation + Epilogue

Chapter 3: Teaching Two To Drive While Learning Some Secrets. Also... Bonding?

2K 29 2
By Crystal34345


We had just escaped from King Candy and we were now hiding in Diet Cola Mountain. Vaney was sitting in her kart, I was sitting on a bit of chocolate, and Ralph was sitting on his back, upside down.

"So let me get this straight. You don't know how to drive," Ralph questioned Vaney before looking at me. "And you, along with your other friend, didn't teach her?"

I rubbed the back of my neck as I took off my trench coat and my mask. "We didn't think we'd get a real kart for... For translation, we never thought we'd get this far," I told him.

Vaney nodded in agreement. "Well, no, not technically. But, we'd just thought that-"

"What did you think?" Ralph questioned as he stood up again. "'Oh, I'll just magically win the race just because I really want to!'" Ralph impersonated.

Vaney and I glared at him. "Look, wise guy. I know I'm a racer. I can feel it in my code," she told him, turning the wheel.

"Yeah, and I can feel it, too!" I agreed, crossing my arms.

Ralph groaned in frustration. "That's it! I'm never getting my medal back," he complained.

Vaney got out of her kart, standing next to him. "What is the big whoop about that crummy medal anyway?" Vaney questioned as we grabbed the underneath of her kart, trying to get off the rock.

Ralph turned to us. "The big whoop? Well, this may come as a shock to you two, but in my game, I'm the bad guy and I live in the garbage," he told us.

Vaney looked at him with a smile. "Cool," she responded.

"No. Not cool. Unhygienic and lonely and boring. And that crummy medal was going to change all that. I go home with that baby around my neck and I'll get a penthouse. Pies. Ice sculptures. Fireworks!" Ralph informed us, causing Vaney and I to look at him sympathetically.

Ralph grunts in annoyance after a few seconds. "It's grown-up stuff. You two wouldn't understand," he mumbled.

Vaney and I let go of the kart, stepping towards him. "No, we get it. That's exactly what racing would do for me," Vaney told him, motioning to herself.

"Yeah! All Oreline and I want is for Vaney to feel like an equal," I added with a small smile.

Ralph glared at us slightly. News flash! Neither one of us is getting what we want!" he angrily exclaims, stomping his foot, sobbing slightly.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance, causing Ralph to freeze. He looked over at Vaney and I in confusion.  "What was that?" he questioned before walking further into the mountain.

We followed closely behind him as he stared at the Diet Cola Hot Springs. He walked over to the sign. "'Diet Cola Hot Springs. Watch out for falling Mentos,'" he read aloud.

I nodded, grabbing a rock. "Yep! Check it out. Look!" I said, throwing the rock.

It hit a mento, causing one to fall right into the pool, causing a giant broiling geyser to shoot up into the air. A splash of it landed on Ralph's foot, causing him to exclaim in pain.

"Oh, you gotta watch out for the splash. That stuff is broiling hot," Vaney explained.

"Yeah, I got that, thank you. What is this dump?" Ralph questioned, setting a hand on his hips.

"We think it's some sort of unfinished bonus level. Yeah, it's pretty cool, huh? I found that secret opening, and now I live here," Vaney explained, rubbing her arm.

I nodded in agreement. "It also became a hang-out spot for us, plus Orey," I added, rubbing the back of my neck.

Vaney grabbed my hand. "See, look, look look!" she said, pulling me over to her makeshift house.

She motioned to her, like presenting something amazing to a class "Welcome to my home!" she announced before crawling onto her giant yellow gumdrop. "I sleep in these candy wrappers. I bundle myself up like a little homeless lady," she said, wrapping herself in a candy wrapper.

It seemed that something seemed to click in Ralph's brain, since he looked at Vaney with sympathy. "By yourself? With all this garbage around you?" he asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean, everyone here says I'm just a mistake and that I wasn't even supposed to exist. What do you expect?" Vaney questioned.

"Especially since Orey is also a glitch," I said, causing Ralph to look at me in shock.

"She is?... Then why is she still allowed to race?" he asked.

"We came to the conclusion that King Candy doesn't know that she's a glitch... And we only found out about a few weeks ago," I informed him, hopping up to sit next to Vaney.

"Listen, kids... I know it's none of my business, but why do you three even stick around this game?" Ralph questioned.

"You really don't know anything, do you? Glitches can't leave their games," Vaney responded, lying down on her back. "It's one of the joys of being us," she muttered, talking about herself and Orey.

I set a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

We really need to win that race.



After Felix had fixed the shuttle, we hopped in before Calhoun took control, flying around as she scanned for the Cy-bug. While I watched the scanner, I glanced over at Felix... Who was looking at me dreamily with a smile on his face? 

I blushed, looking away. Calhoun must've noticed his face because she looked over at him. "Your face is still red. You might wanna hit it again with your hammer," she suggested.

"Oh, that's not blunt force trauma, ma'am. That's just the honey glow in my cheeks." Felix said, causing me to giggle slightly. 

I noticed Felix's smile widen while Calhoun rolled her eyes. "Okay," she muttered, seemingly hiding a smirk, causing me to look at her confused. 


I looked back over to Felix when I heard him start to speak. "I just gotta tell you... You are one dynamite gal," Felix told me with such a sweet smile. 

I awed slightly, a blush growing on my face. I was about to reply when suddenly, Calhoun screamed, turning us around in a flash. I grabbed onto Felix like a reflex, hugging him tight as I felt my heart start to race.

Calhoun ended up stopping the shuttle in front of the racer's houses, close to mine in fact. Calhoun opened the windows.

"Get out, both of you," she told us. 

I let go of Felix, looking at her confused. "All I said is that Orey was a dynamite gal." Felix tried to explain himself. 

She glared more at the steering wheel. "I said get out!" she yelled, pain in her voice Felix glanced at her sadly before hopping out. I was about to follow when I noticed the pained look on Calhoun's face.

I could see that someone used to say that to her... And she must've either lost them or they left her. "Thank you, Cal. And I'm... Sorry for your loss." I whispered to her with a small smile.

I jumped out of the shuttle and after a few seconds, Calhoun flew off. "Oh. Jiminey jaminey... What do we do now?" Felix muttered, kicking a small gumdrop away.

I rubbed my chin. "Well, I could drive us to King Candy's castle and ask if he's seen him," I suggested.

Felix's eyes lit up. "That'd be perfect. Thank ya, Orey," he thanked.

I smiled at him, motioning him to follow me. We walked over to my house and up to my garage. I grabbed my keys from my pocket and pressed a button. The garage door opened and I saw my kart still in there.

I hopped in and drove my kart out. Felix stared at it in awe. "Here's the cookie crumble in all its glory," I joked, motioning to what I consider my child.

Felix set a hand on it. "It's really nice..." he muttered, looking over it.

I smiled at him before a crazy thought came into my head. "Hey..." I started saying, causing him to look up at me. "Crazy idea... Do you wanna learn how to drive this thing?" I asked him.

Felix looked at me in shock. "Are you sure that's a bright idea, Orey? I don't I can. It's not even in my code-"

I scoffed, waving my hand as I got out of my kart. "Please. I know how to do acrobatics... And that isn't in my code. Just because you aren't coded with it, doesn't mean you can't learn it," I told him.

He sighed, jumping a bit in his spot. "Okay... I'll give it a try..." he muttered, hopping inside. "Okay... How do I use this thing?" he asked, looking at me.

I snapped my fingers. "Right!" I said, leaning against the kart. 

"Okay, that's the go pedal," I pointed to the one on the far right. "That's the break one," I pointed to the one in middle.

Felix nodded. "Right..." he muttered, spotting the joystick.

"The one on the left is the one you press when you want to drift," I informed.

"Um, what does this do?" he questioned, going to push it forward.

My eyes widened. "Wait, Felix don't-"

I was cut off when he pushed it forward, causing me to fall on my face while the kart sped forward, causing Felix to yell out in surprise.

I got up from the ground. "Okay... That was good. Let's try that again," I told him, standing up and walking over to him.


"I've been looking for a driver who's qualified,"

Oreline was motioning for Felix to drive forward, but he was still trying to figure out how to go forward, using the pedals and the joystick.

"So if you think that you're the one to step into my ride,"

Felix suddenly jolted forward, but luckily, Oreline was able to jump out of the way in time. Felix looked at her with an apologetic look. "Orey, are you okay?" he asked.

Oreline gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine,"

Oreline was explaining to Felix how to be able to drive and start the kart properly and he nodded along.

"With a sunroof top and a gangster lean,"

Felix jolted the kart forward, driving into her house. "Sorry!" he cried, waving his hands to her.

"So if you feel me let me know, know, know,"

Oreline gave him a small smile, reassuring him that it was okay.

"So start me up and watch me go, go, go, go!"

Oreline finished setting up the cones before walking over to Felix, who had just finished getting the hang of starting the car and driving around a bit.

Oreline gave him a thumbs up, telling him he was good to go. 

Felix nodded, starting the kart.

"Get you where you wanna go if you know what I mean,"

Felix slowly drives in between the cones, trying not to hit them.

"Got a ride that's smoother than a limousine,"

Felix managed to make it past the cones, stopping next to Oreline. Felix looked at her, the two high-fiving.

"'Cause I'm zero to 60 in three point five,"

Oreline ran beside Felix as he tried to speed up. "Okay, shift it. Shift it to go faster," she told him.

Felix hummed, shifting the stick. 

"Baby you got the keys,"

Oreline noticed he was speeding up. "That's good. Keep going! Shift it again, Felix!" she encouraged.

Felix shifted the stick again... And he started speeding up, driving around the house. 

Like a real Sugar Rush Racer.

"Now shut up and dive. Drive, drive, drive,"

"Whoa..." Felix cheered, laughing slightly.

"Shut up and drive. Drive, drive, drive,"

"You were right! You don't have to have something in your code to try new things!" Felix yelled as he shifted the gear again, speeding up.

"So if you feel me let me know, know, know,"

Oreline watched from the side, watching in awe. "Oh, my icing... He's actually really good..." she muttered, watching him race around her house.

Felix spotted a small hill in the distance, causing him to smile. "Hey, icing. Watch this!" he shouted, causing Oreline to blink surprised at the name that Felix had called her.

"Get you where you wanna go if you know what I mean,"

Felix managed to drift over the hill, smirking as he was able to drift really well. He managed to get up onto a higher road since her house was right in front of the Candy Tree Forest.

"Got a ride that's smoother than a limousine,"

He weaved through the Candy Cane Tree forest, greatly avoiding them. "Whoo-hoo!" he cheered.

"'Cause I'm zero to sixty in three point five,"

Felix turned the kart, heading toward a small cotton candy ramp.

"Baby, you got the keys,"

He landed on another small hill, drove back towards Oreline, and stopped in front of her.

"Now shut up and drive,"


I stared at Felix in shock and awe as he took deep breaths, his cap falling off at my feet. I noticed that his hair was out of place... Not in a weird way but in a cute kind of way.

I picked up his hat as he looked over me, trying to catch his breath. "So... How did I do?" he asked.

I blinked, feeling my face heat up. "Honestly... Really good for the first time. And especially for someone who wasn't coded for it... But you did clip a tree," I told him, and just as I said that, a medium-sized candy cane tree fell over in the distance.

I cringed slightly, hearing it fall to the ground. "So... Don't drive in a place where there are a lot of trees," I informed him as I handed back his cap.

He nodded, fixing his hair before putting his cap on. "Yeah, yeah... That is a really good note," he responded, nodding respectfully.

"But, my final thoughts would be... Pretty good. Room for improvement," I told him, giving him a thumbs up while winking.

Felix seemed to blush, looking down while rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks, Orey..." he muttered with a smile.

"Now, let's go and ask King Candy for help," I told him, setting a hand on my hip.


I drove us toward the castle, with Felix sitting on the side of the kart, holding onto my shoulders. I parked the kart in front of the gates. I turned off the kart and hopped out, walking toward the front door.

We stood in front of the castle doors. I knocked on the door as Felix took off his cap, holding it to his chest. The door opened and we saw no one at the door. 


We looked down, seeing Sour Bill. "Hey, Sour Bill," I greeted, but he narrowed his eyes at me, causing me to look at him confused.

"Oh. I'm Fix-It Felix Jr., sir, from the game Fix-It Felix Jr. Have you seen my friend Ralph?" Felix asked. 

Sour Bill looked at him suspiciously. "Wreck-it Ralph?" 

Felix smiled wildly, nodding. "Yes. Yes, that's him!" Felix exclaimed with a smile, putting his hat back on his head.

I sent him a small smile since, for some reason, his joyful expression made my heart skip a beat. "We should've locked him up when we had the chance," Sour Bill said, causing the two of us to look at him confused. 

"Locked him up?" Felix and I questioned, confused.

Sour Bill looked over at me. "And we're not letting you get away any longer," he told me.

"What are you-" 

I was cut off when a giant guard came up from behind me and grabbed me, wrapping me in place. 

Felix looked between Sour Bill in shock and confusion. "What are you doing? Let her go!" he exclaimed.

"Oreline, you're under arrest for being friends and hanging out with the glitch... And also being a glitch yourself," he revealed.

I gasped slightly, my suppressing glitchiness coming out as I glitched slightly. 

Felix gasps slightly, looking at me with betrayal and some confusion. "Orey...?" he whispered, clearly that he was mostly confused.

"Felix, I'm-"

I was cut off when the welcome mat he was standing under opened, causing him to fall into the hole while screaming.


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