Brittana- Mine

By heartxbrittana

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Canon based fluffy Brittana with some angst, following on from 3 x 07. It is based around their love language... More

Chapter Two: 226 Miles
Chapter Three: Shades of Green
Chapter Four: Epiphany
Chapter Five: Coming Home
Chapter Six: Everlong
Chapter Seven: Perfect
Chapter Eight: Full Circle
Chapter Nine: Six
Chapter Ten: Lilies & Roses

Chapter One: Love Languages

3.5K 48 22
By heartxbrittana

Hi everyone! This was initially intended to be a one-shot based on my interpretation of Brittany and Santana's love languages, but it evolved into a 10-part short story instead. The story follows canon, beginning at 3 x 07 (I Kissed A Girl) and follows it up to the wedding, but I wanted to explore my own personal head-canon to fill in all the missing pieces that we never got to see on the show, including future Brittana after the show finished. So if you're looking for something that takes the girls from canon right through to adulthood, this should be a good read for you.

My main story, Invisible String, as any of you who are reading will know, is quite angsty and the last few chapters in particular have been a hard write. So I wanted to write something much more fluffy, with more of an instant happiness, and this came out.

I hope you all enjoy! I'll be focusing back on Invisible String now, bc it's my main baby, but if anyone has any requests for one-shots, spin offs etc based on this, be sure to let me know!

"What can I do to make you feel better?" Brittany asked softly, as she watched her girlfriend pace up and down frantically.

"What can you do Brit? It's been done now. Finn knows about us, and soon enough everyone else will too" Santana threw her hands up exasperated. Her response had sounded a little harsher than she intended, but she couldn't help it.

What Finn had said about her being in love with Brittany, that she might not love her back, had really cut her deep. As if outing her in the corridor wasn't enough, he really had to make her doubt her girlfriends love for her.

"San, I know that you..." Brittany began, but she didn't have time to finish her sentence before Santana had interrupted her.

"Do you even love me Brittany?" Santana asked, her tone doubtful and sour. Brittany couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"What!?" she frowned

"Finn seems to think you might not" Santana laughed. But it wasn't a genuine laugh, it was one of sarcasm, and it hurt Brittany to think Santana could even think like this.

She knew her girlfriend's afternoon had been tough, and that right now her mind was swirling with anxieties from being outed, so she wasn't thinking rationally.

"Come on Santana. Since when have you let yourself get down on Finn Hudson's opinions. He doesn't know anything about our relationship"

But Santana still wasn't softening, as she stood arms crossed, staring out of the window with her back to Brittany.

"No, you're right, he doesn't. Nobody does, I get that. I get that we aren't out, so people don't have a clue about us. But come on Brit, when was the last time you actually told me that you loved me?"

"This morning" Brittany scoffed with a shake of her head. She couldn't believe they were even going here. After all she had been through to fight for Santana's love, Santana was really going to doubt her?

Santana cast her mind back to this morning, when they had parked down the block away from prying eyes, so they could sneak a kiss before saying goodbye to each other. Santana had told Brittany she loved her, and Brittany had of course said she loved her back, before Santana got out of the car and walked the rest of the way. She was worried that people would get suspicious if they arrived to school together every day, even though they always had done before, and even though friends could totally do that.

Yes, Brittany had told Santana she loved her this morning, but to Santana, it always felt like it was her saying it first. After the unexpected stress of the afternoon, she couldn't help but overthink everything.

"Baby..." Brittany softened her approach even more, walking over to Santana in an attempt to break her tough exterior down. Santana turned to look at her as Brittany's hand grazed her shoulder, but her expression was still stubborn and stern.

"You really think that just because I don't say it out loud as much as you, that I don't love you?" Brittany laughed incredulously, but soft. She raised her eyebrow to signal to Santana that she knew what the answer was deep down.

Santana softened slightly and allowed Brittany to lead her by the hand to sit on the bed.

"It's in the way that I always make sure I wake up first when we stay round each other's houses, so that I can make you breakfast and have coffee ready for when you wake up"

Brittany paused thoughtfully for a second, before continuing

"It's in the way that I'm your biggest supporter, and I'm always there to encourage you in your ambitions and let you know that you're the best."

Santana let out a small smile. She couldn't disagree with Brittany. The blonde had always been her biggest fan and support network. Santana had lost track of the amount of times Brittany had been her personal cheerleader, and the times she had cried watching Santana sing, because she loved her voice as much as Santana loved seeing Brittany dance.

"It's in the way that I fold your clothes for you when you aren't looking. Because I know you hate doing it, and if it was up to you, you'd leave them all crumpled up in a drawer"

Santana's brow furrowed. She didn't know Brittany did that for her.

"It's in the way that I touch you. The way that I give you a kiss goodbye. The way that I make love to you"

Santana felt a blush rise to her cheeks, as she thought about Brittany and her having sex. Brittany was always so willing to do anything that made Santana feel good.

"It's in the way that I pick flowers that remind me of you and give them to you. The way that I leave Mounds Bars on your desk every day, because I know that they're your favourite"

Brittany reached out her hand to touch Santana, sensing she was getting through to her, and confident the Latina wouldn't pull away.

"It's in the way that I listen to you. I listen to everything you tell me. Whether that be something serious like today, or something funny like the time you sat on the chocolate cake that Becky Jackson put on your chair. Or when you're having a Lima Heights moment about Rachel, or your babbling on in Spanish. Even when I don't understand, I'm always actively listening when it comes to you"

Brittany looked at Santana to gage her reaction, making sure she was taking everything in.

"It's in the way that I would do anything to lighten your load and make things easier for you. I'd do anything to cause you less stress. I'd help you in any way I could...Do you remember when I was going to ask you to prom on "Fondue For Two" last year?"

Santana nodded

"I was doing that to help you, because I love you. Think about it...coming out was never part of my process. I was just willing to date whoever I was dating, boy or girl, and if anyone had an issue with that, screw them. But I know how important it is to you. I know how to ever be completely free and happy, and okay with people knowing about us, you need to tell people about who you are. That's why I offered to go first, to make it easier for you. And I know it didn't end up happening, and that's okay, you weren't ready. And I know that after today with Finn, things might not go the way we planned intentions were always there Santana. Everything I do is to try and help you. That's how you should know that I love you. And yes...I might not verbalise it as much as you do but, for me? Actions speak louder than words"

And that was it. Santana had melted. She moved in to claim Brittany's lips, feeling the need to touch her after their argument.

"I love you so much Brittany"

Brittany smiled into the kiss, satisfied her words had worked, before pulling away to look at Santana.

"I love you too San. I'm just a big fan of a gesture that's all. I prefer showing you how much I love you, rather than telling you. But if you want me to start using my words more, I can"

Santana shook her head

"I'm sorry...I was just upset and overreacting after the whole Finn thing. I know that you love me, and without you helping me come to terms with myself, we probably wouldn't even be here right now" she shrugged.

Brittany reached out to stroke Santana's arms in an attempt to comfort her.

"It's okay baby. It's been a hard day. We don't know what tomorrow is going to bring, but we do know that we have each other to get through whatever it throws at us" Brittany soothed, planting a soft kiss on Santana's forehead.

"I know. Thanks Brit" Santana smiled "Look, I know I'm a words person, but right now I think you'd look a lot better with this off, so I can show you how much I love you" Santana grinned wickedly, her hands toying with the hem of Brittany's Cheerio uniform.

And Santana didn't need to ask twice.

The next two days at school went without a hitch, much to the pleasant surprise of Brittany and Santana. But unfortunately, it was just the calm before the storm. When Brittany had caught sight of a hysterical Santana running into the bathroom after being summoned to the see Coach Sylvester, she wasn't expecting to hear what Santana told her.

Somebody had overheard Finn and Santana's conversation, and that somebody turned out to be the niece of Reggie Salazar. He was now going to be using the fact Santana was a lesbian, in a smear campaign against Sue, effectively outing her to the nation.

Brittany felt sick. Both from the fact somebody would be as cruel as to use someone's personal situation like this in an attempt to get back at someone, and from seeing the state Santana was in. She was broken. It was the worse-case scenario, and far from what either of them wanted.

She also felt another emotion, one that she rarely felt. Anger. She was so angry at Finn Hudson for putting her baby in this situation. She knew Santana's snark's could get too mean, she had warned her about them enough times, but nothing she had said to Finn should warrant this.

Santana found herself wishing she could go back in time and force herself onto 'Fondue For 2', because anything beat this. The fact she wasn't able to do it on her own terms was killing her.

That night, as she cried in Brittany's arms, the blonde rocked her gently and remembered the one thing Santana needed the most to feel loved.


Her original plan was to bring their memory box around. The one that she had been collecting things in for years, things that meant something to them. She was sentimental like that, and she was going to go through everything with Santana and remind her that as hard as this was, their love for each other was the reason they were doing it.

Then she had realised it would mean more to Santana to just tell her this, rather than reminisce over old ticket stumps and daisy chains they had made when they were younger. Their first friendship bracelet to each other, before Brittany bought them proper ones. Going through that box meant everything to Brittany, but this wasn't about her, it was about Santana.

So, she sat, and she poured her heart out, and she let her words be felt. She told Santana how much she loved her. How proud she was of her, and how Santana was stronger than she knew. She spoke about the journey they'd had so far, and how this was the final hurdle to happiness together. She told her how she'd be with her every step of the way, and that they were in this together.

And Santana listened and nodded and cried. And she clung on to Brittany, because she needed to be close to her, and she held her so tight. But she held the words that Brittany had said to her, even tighter.

And Brittany did the same again 5 days later, when Santana had turned up at her house, desperately and frantically crying.

"Abuela hates me"

"Abuela threw me out"

"Abuela thinks our love is wrong and sinful"

These were the three key things Brittany took from the conversation, as she listened carefully to her girlfriend's account of what had happened with her grandmother.

"I love you so much sweet girl, and I'm so sorry your Abuela took the news badly and different from what you expected. What you did tonight was so brave, and I'm so proud of you. Nothing about our love is wrong or sinful, I mean how can it be? Look at us. It's beautiful." She had told Santana, stroking her tear stained face as she curled up against her "Your Abuela doesn't hate you, not really. It's just new for her and she just needs time to process it. But until she does, I will be right here by your side, ready to give you all of the love that you're missing from her, and then some."

She pressed a gentle kiss on Santana's temple, as Santana collapsed into her. Exhausted, but appreciative of Brittany's words.

Now that Brittany knew how important words were to Santana, she made a conscious decision to use them more. Of course, she still made plenty of nice gestures, because that was important to her to show love in that way. Like the time she spent English class drawing her a picture, making sure to scribble some words on there too.

Lord Tubbington thinks you are purrrrfect. 3 and so do I.

She watched as Santana proudly took the picture and hung it in her locker with a smile.

For their first Valentine's Day, Brittany had spent weeks in preparation, compiling a playlist for Santana. She didn't want to do something generic like heart shaped chocolates, she wanted it to be something meaningful. She even went to the effort of decorating her computer with hearts for the occasion. She walked proudly down the hall towards Santana's locker, hoping her girlfriend was going to love it.

"Happy Valentine's Day" she smiled, as Santana looked down at the computer in confusion.

"You're giving me your computer for Valentine's Day?" she frowned

"It's a playlist" Brittany began "with all the songs that I hear in my head when I'm with you or when I'm thinking about you" she raised her eyebrows, her knees buckling as the thought of her girlfriend and how happy she made her. Santana's expression changed from a frown to a smile as soon as Brittany explained the gift. She felt so touched.

"I wanted to make you a CD for Valentine's Day but...this is as far as I got without any help so..."

Santana laughed lovingly, staring at her girlfriend in adoration. Why did she have to be so damn cute all the time? As Brittany watched Santana's face light up, she felt her own expression mirror this.

"Oh, and I made you a cover" she spun around to reveal it to Santana, who peeked over Brittany's shoulder to observe the gift. She swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling so overwhelmed with love in that moment, that she felt her heart could physically burst.

"Brittany..." she cooed, as Brittany smiled proudly at herself "Thank you"

"You're welcome" Brittany said shyly, causing Santana to giggle once again at her girlfriend's cuteness. They stared lovingly into each other's eyes, so wrapped up in each other, before moving in for a kiss. The best thing about being out, was that they could do this in public now.

Santana's gift for Brittany, had been a single red rose, accompanied with a 3-page love letter. She poured all of her feelings into it, wanting Brittany to know every detail of how she felt about her. She talked about how it was love at first sight for her, and even though she had suppressed her feelings for years, she knew that Brittany was the one the moment she laid eyes on her at her first cheer practice in Freshman year. The red rose being symbolic of that.

The words came so easy when it came to Brittany. She was so soft around her, and everyone knew it. She was the only person she could be like this around.

She also knew now, how much actions and gestures meant to Brittany, so when she had watched The God Squad deliver a vocal valentine to Rachel from Finn, she knew she had to get one for Brittany.

And as they sat at Breadstix that evening, and Joe announced the song for Brittany, Brittany shook her head in sweet disbelief. Santana knew Brittany was moved by it, as she watched her with a smile, her blue eyes watering at the gesture. As the song started, Brittany reached out for Santana's hands, needing to be close to her in this intimate moment. She smiled as Santana placed a soft kiss on her hand. They may have been in a restaurant surrounded by heaps of other loved up couples, but in that moment, it felt like just the two of them. So happy and so in love.

As they moved together to their song, after Santana had pulled them up to the dancefloor, Brittany pulled Santana close.

"I love you so much, thank you"

Sealing their love, with a kiss.

Their love continued on, and school got harder as finals were upon them. Brittany was struggling, but Santana was always there to encourage, appreciate and affirm her. She'd constantly remind her of how she was a genius, and how much she loved her.

Brittany was doing everything to lighten Santana's load as usual. When Santana wasn't sure what she wanted to do after graduation, she made helping her figure it out, her main priority. When Santana started talking about fame, Brittany knew that wasn't really what Santana wanted. She had more ambition than that. But she listened as she always did, doing everything she could to help her with her newfound quest for fame. She was grateful that she had already applied for college on Santana's behalf, gaining her a scholarship to the University of Louisville. She knew Santana would probably change her mind, and even if not, at least she would always have it as a back-up option.

And when Brittany was right, and Santana admitted she did in fact want to go to college and make something of her life, she smiled as she watched the relief flood over Santana's face when Sue handed her the acceptance letter.

"Thank you" Santana smiled softly, and Brittany nodded. In her eyes, Santana didn't need to thank her. Of course she would do this for her, she loved her. She'd do anything to see her happy and make life easier.

"I don't know if this is a hundred percent the answer for me but...just to know that I have someone who believes in me as much as you do..." Santana shrugged, her eyes glassy, as she looked at the love of her life. She of course needed to say those important words that she said to Brittany several times a day.

"...I love you so much"

"I love you too" Brittany smiled. And she knew Santana knew this. Because now Santana knew her actions spoke louder than words.

It was the stress of finals that caused Brittany's extreme bout of tonsilitis in May. She knew it only flared up when she got anxious about something, the last time being when she was 12 and she had a huge dance competition. To make matters worse, her parents were out of town, so she was left home alone and feeling extremely sorry for herself. She had been off school all week, which was making her even more anxious because she knew she was missing valuable learning time.

She was worrying a lot about her grandpa too. He had suddenly taken ill himself, which was the reason her parents were out of town. They called every day and assured her he was doing as well as he possibly could, but it didn't stop the worrying. The more she worried, the worse the tonsilitis got, and on the fifth day of being ill she was feeling pretty desperate. The only thing getting her through was knowing that after school, Santana would be coming around and staying with her for the weekend.

But currently, she was feeling pretty angry at Santana. All week she had been dropping hits to her, that she wanted Santana to come over, but Santana hadn't taken any of them. With her emotions already off kilter from the stress and upset, Brittany had started to overthink everything.

"If she really wanted to be here, she would be" she'd told herself. All of the anxiety and sadness she was feeling, was now being subconsciously targeted at Santana.

From Santana's perspective, she'd had a stressful week also. She had an exam Friday that she really needed to do well in, and she'd been cramming and studying all week. Of course, she had been texting Brittany constantly to check on her, thinking of all the right words she could say to make her feel better. Things like;

I'm so sorry you're still feeling unwell baby. Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Keep me updated on your grandpa too. Try not to worry and get some rest. I love you Brit x


I wish I was there so I could make it all better x

Then Brittany would reply with one of her indirect hints

It sucks being home alone x

Which Santana wouldn't pick up on

I can't wait to see you on Friday as soon as my exams over x

It was a constant swirl of miscommunication. Santana was telling Brittany everything she thought she would want to hear, things that would have made her feel better if she was in Brittany's situation. But Brittany needed Santana physically with her to feel better, but she wasn't directly communicating it with Santana and telling her what she needed. Now she was getting angry and overthinking things, when really it was just that Santana had no idea that she was feeling like this.

When Brittany answered the door that evening to her girlfriend carrying a large carton of soup, she expected her anger to melt. It didn't. All she could think was "where was this soup 4 days ago?"

"Oh, baby look at you" Santana pouted, as she saw how pale and sickly Brittany looked. She instantly stepped forward to give her a kiss and a cuddle, but Brittany pulled away. Santana was confused but figured maybe it was because Brittany didn't want her catching anything.

But as she followed Brittany into the house and tried speaking to her, telling her how much she'd missed her and asking her how she was feeling, it became apparent that Brittany was off with her. Santana felt hurt. She didn't know what she'd done wrong, and all she wanted was to be there for Brittany. She had missed her all week, and now she was finally here, Brittany wasn't speaking to her or letting her in.

"Brittany please tell me what's wrong. If you don't open up to me, I can't help. I don't understand why you won't speak to me" Santana pressed. With words being so important to her, having Brittany be short with her and refuse to communicate was one of the most hurtful things for her.

Brittany watched as Santana worriedly searched her face. She knew Santana was hurt, and she didn't want to do that, but she just felt like all of this was too little too late. Where was Santana when she was crying herself to sleep every night this week?

"Just go Santana. You don't even want to be here."

"What!?" Santana frowned. What on earth was Brittany talking about, she had been dying to see her all week.

"I've been trying to get you to come over all week" Brittany's voice cracked, and it broke Santana. She'd never seen her look so vulnerable and fragile before "I've been here all alone all week, sick and worrying about my Grandpa. All I wanted was for you to come over and make things better, but you never came" by now Brittany was in full blown tears, her emotions well and truly getting the better of her. Santana knew right now that if she touched Brittany, she'd only push her away, but she was fighting against every nerve in her body not to grab her and pull her into a comforting hug.

"Babe...why didn't you tell me?"

"I shouldn't need to tell you San, I'm your girlfriend. You should know what I need" Brittany scowled, her attitude towards Santana was cold. It shocked Santana. Brittany was never like this, especially not towards her. She felt helpless, and guilty.

"I wanted to see you and be here looking after you Brit, of course I did, but I've had my exam. All week I've literally been stressing so much about it. I needed to study, I didn't have time to think, let alone come here, but you know that I would have been here in an instant if you said you needed me. I just...I didn't realise. I thought you'd be okay until today" by now Santana was getting teary too, desperate for Brittany to see how much she cared about her.

Brittany felt guilty. She knew Santana was stressed too with her exam, and she didn't want to upset her. But that didn't stop the hurt she felt.

"It just felt like you didn't care" Brittany shrugged; her voice small.

This shocked Santana. How could Brittany possibly think that? She loved her more than anything and cared about her with every inch of her being. It had killed her not being able to be there for her this week.

"Brittany, I love you more than anything, and I care about you with every inch of my being. It's been killing me not being able to see you this week and be there for you physically. But that's why I was sending you all those messages. So, you knew that I cared"

"But sometimes words just aren't enough Santana" Brittany sighed "Don't you see? I needed you to come around and look after me, not tell me that you wanted to come around and look after me. When I was telling you that being home alone sucked, I wanted you to drive round and make everything better. I didn't want you to say that you couldn't wait to see me Friday. I needed you here San, I really did"

Santana wiped the tears from her face, as she watched Brittany do the same. Both of their emotions were running incredibly high. She felt so guilty.

"I just wish you had been more direct and told me what you needed Brit. I'm not a mind-reader. You didn't once tell me how bad you were feeling, or say you wanted me to come around, but you have to know I would have been here like a flash if you'd told me"

"'s my fault then?" Brittany raised her eyebrows, her tone defensive

"Brit that's not what I'm saying..." Santana began, before Brittany interrupted again.

"It's apparent that we show our love in different ways, we've known that for a while now. I need you to start showing me and actively doing things, not just using your words. Because that doesn't make me feel better" said Brittany "I'm sorry Santana, but it's just what I need. And if you can't give that to me, you might as well leave this house right now"

That scared Santana. She had never heard Brittany raise her voice before. She had clearly upset her a lot. She didn't realise how much she had hurt her by not being physically actually there, until now. She couldn't lose her. Not now. Not ever. She began crying harder at the thought.

"I'm not going anywhere baby" Santana said, her tone firm but soft "I want you and I want this. I realise now that telling you wasn't enough, and I need to show you, and I'm so so sorry. You have to believe me Brit, I'll do anything to make you feel supported and loved. I think there's just been some miscommunication, but we can work on that. I'll work on that. I'll do better to understand you" she pleaded, and Brittany's face softened.

"It's just been a really hard week San" Brittany whispered, tears framing her face.

"I know. I know and I'm sorry. But I'm here now, and I'll do whatever you need me to do to make you feel better. Please let me baby"

"Just...hold me please" Brittany nodded, her bottom lip quivering. And Santana willingly obliged as she took Brittany into her arms and rocked her back and forth.

"Shhh...shhh...I'm here now"

They lay like that for a while until Brittany's sobs had subsided. Santana reheated the soup and tenderly fed it to Brittany, then she ran her a bath and changed the bed sheets for her while she was in there, until she heard Brittany calling her name.

"Will you get in with me?" Brittany asked, she still looked and sounded so vulnerable.

"Of course I will baby" Santana replied, her tone soft, and she quickly discarded her clothes to join Brittany in the tub. She climbed behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist and relaxing Brittany back into her. Usually, it was the other way around, but she felt the need to be the one that held Brittany today.

She washed Brittany's hair for her, then she got the washcloth and dabbed her gently until she was clean. As she finished cleaning her face, she left a trail of soft kisses. On her forehead, on each eyelid, on her nose and finally, on her lips.

"Let's get you into something warm" Santana said softly, noticing the water temperature was going down. She hopped out and grabbed a towel, helping Brittany out and wrapping the towel around her, before grabbing one for herself.

When Brittany was dressed, settled and she'd taken her medication, she sleepily cuddled up against Santana.

"I'm sorry for earlier San" Brittany spoke, her face and tone sad.

"Hey shush" Santana whispered "It's okay, we're fine. You were upset and you're right. I should have done more this week to show you how much I care"

"It's not all on you baby" Brittany admitted with a sigh "I should have been more direct with you and told you what I needed. And it's not that your lovely words aren't appreciated because they are...I just think I needed to see it"

"We express ourselves differently, that's all" said Santana, as she lightly cupped Brittany's face, caressing it softly with her thumb.

"I know. I think we just have different love languages. I really hate it when we fight though" Brittany pouted

"I know. I know, me too. But sometimes fights can be a good thing if they make us understand each other better. I know now what you need, and you know that you need to communicate more to get what you need. It's only going to make us stronger"

"You're right" Brittany smiled "I love you Santana Lopez"

"I love you too Brittany " Santana replied, placing a lingering kiss on Brittany's lips before adding "now you get some sleep. I'll be right here with you all night, okay baby?"

Brittany nodded, and before long she was fast asleep, Santana protectively watching over her. She swore she'd never let Brittany down like this again.

Come Sunday, Brittany was starting to feel better. Maybe it was hearing her Grandpa was out of the woods or the fact Santana was looking after her that made her stress less and allowed her to heal. Or maybe it was just the fact her girlfriend was the best medicine, but either way, she was grateful.

"Hey Brit, you know how you mentioned us having different love languages the other day?"

Brittany nodded, looking at Santana to continue.

"Well I found a quiz online, where it tells you what your main love language is, and how high you rank on them all. We should take it. Maybe it will help us understand each other more?"

"That sounds like a great idea" Brittany replied.

Friday night had been awful, and she never wanted a repeat of that. Arguing with Santana was her least favourite thing.

And so, they each took the quiz. It gave various different scenarios, with two options out of two opposing love languages, and you had to pick out of the two what was more important to you. Twenty minutes later they had their results, and as expected, they were different.

Brittany ranked high on Acts of Service and Gifts, while Santana ranked high on Words of Affirmation and Quality Time. The one where they met in the middle and both ranked high was Physical Touch. This didn't surprise them; they were constantly touching each-other and they were extremely affectionate to the point the rest of the Glee Club would make fun of them for it.

"Well that totally makes sense. You love your words" Brittany laughed "And I know how important it is for you to hear them too. Like when you were upset after the Finn incident. And the time you asked me if we were dating. To me, it was obvious we were, we'd spent the whole summer together and you knew I only had eyes for you especially when things had ended with Artie. But I get it needed concrete proof and to hear the words be said"

Santana nodded

"And yours make perfect sense too. The gestures, the gifts. That's so you. And we've already spoken about how you like to physically do things for me to show you care. You're always trying to help me, and I love that about you" she smiled sweetly

"I'd do anything to make you happy Santana. Joining the Troubletones, putting myself up for Prom King so that you could be Prom Queen even though I really don't care about all that, applying to college on your behalf because you were being too stubborn and I knew you'd change your mind" Brittany shrugged "even right back at the start, when I was trying to help you come to terms with your sexuality. I know you probably think I was doing that, so you'd be with me wasn't that. I mean of course I wanted us to be together, but what I wanted even more was just to help you find your own happiness and peace with it all"

"Oh Brittany" Santana said, eyes watering, touched by Brittany's words.

"Never doubt my love for you Santana, just because I don't say it as much as you" Brittany reaffirmed

"I won't. Ever since we had that conversation that night after Finn, what you said... it all made sense to me. I've never doubted it since. And I never did, not really. I just got scared for a moment. And I want you to know not to ever doubt mine either. Because I know you've always said actions speak louder than words, but I never realised how important it was for you to receive love that way. I just thought that was how you gave it to me. But now I know, and I'm going to make sure I show you"

"We can't ever abandon our own love languages, because it's who we are. But it's good to know each other's so we know how to communicate together, and make the other person feel loved and happy. I think now we're going to understand each other better than ever. I'm glad we did this" Brittany smiled.

"I love you, B"

"I love you too baby" Brittany replied, her face melting at Santana's words. Yes, words weren't her love language, but she never tired of hearing Santana say those three little words.

"Now...can you guess which love language is crying out right now? Begging to be listened to?" Brittany said, a mischievous grin making its way across her face.

"Hmmmm" Santana said playfully "would that be...physical touch?" she walked her fingers seductively along Brittany's thigh.

"Nailed it" Brittany winked, before her lips found Santana's. The sex they had that day was one of the most intense times for them, as they poured every emotion into it, silently apologising for their argument on Friday night, their connection and understanding of each other stronger than ever.

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