Canvas | Jikook

By _Yoongies_

493K 26.6K 14.4K

"Why won't you ink me?..." ".... I don't want to ruin what's already perfect..." Maintaining a high and respe... More

Pretty Boy
Devils Whisper
Heated Blaze
Carnival Mischief
Baby Doll
Eliminate, to Reawaken
Explosive Desires
Carnal Instincs
Authors Note/ New Book


14.9K 818 504
By _Yoongies_

"Just hold me in your embrace..."

Jimins POV

I could feel Jungkooks eyes burn into my own, my body feeling weak at his intense and darkening gaze. My legs wanted to buckle in on themselves as I scanned his enticing attire. His broad chiselled chest and muscular abs prominently on display, almost forcing a whimper out my lips at the sight.

He licked his lips seductively as I made my way towards him, swaying my hips slightly at each step. I bit my lip as he stood up, placing his hand on my waist and pulling me closer. My hands instinctively went up to his chest, flinching slightly as I touched his bare skin. He clenched his jaw, holding back a groan as a peeked up at him through my lashes.

"You look beautiful, kitten" his tone was gruff and low, enticing, if anything.

"T-thank you..." I could feel my cheeks heat up at the pet name. "You look...." I cleared my throat. "Incredible..." I spoke in a breathless quiver, as his fingers glided against my bare sides.

I was wearing the first set of the new lingerie collection, which isn't far off our usual aesthetic. However as the photo shoot progresses, so will the erotic appeal of the lingerie. I think of each photo shoot as a story, with each clothing attire carrying a significant and profound meaning.

This one, somewhat can be related to that of black swan. It starts off with a cute, angelic-like aesthetic, until it progresses to a more darker and sinful view. And that's where it gets it's name, 'Angel meets Devil'

"Not as incredible as you, but thank you baby boy" I felt his hands tighten around my hips, his thumbs caressing my sides as I trembled slightly against his hold. I bit my lip to hold back a whimper at the feel of his soft yet cold cold fingers, my eyes glued onto his.

I was taken aback by the passion and desire fuelling in his chocolate brown orbs, his seductive gaze burning into my own lustful one as he pressed his body closer to mine. His hand went up to my chin, the contact sending tingles down my body as warmth began engulfing my figure. He carefully tugged my bottom lip out of my mouth, caressing it with his thumb. I curled my toes to stop my legs from giving out as my hands clutched at his shoulder straps.

"What have I told you about biting your lip?" He teased, his tone husky as he spoke. "You're making it very difficult for me to restrain myself..."

My eyes widened at his words, a breathless gasp escaping my lips as my eyes grew darker. He leaned his head down slowly, his breath fanning against my flushed face. My breath hitched in anticipation of his soft lips, which planted on my forehead, kissing me fondly.

I leaned into his touch, craving his musky yet calming scent, which never failed to make me feel so..... safe.

I whined slightly as he pulled away, already missing his soft lips against my skin. His grip on my hips tightened at my unexpected response, driving a low groan out his beautiful lips.

It took me a quick moment to regain my composure slightly, using Jungkook as support.

"K-kook, how do you... u-um... feel about-

"Jungkook, Jimin, the shoot is starting whenever you're ready" one of the crew members spoke while smiling. He was the same guy that helped kookie and I earlier.

"We'll be right there" Jungkook replied, smiling back at the guy slightly once he left. He then turned his attention back to me quirking a brow at me. "How do I feel about what?"

I looked at him briefly, before my attention fell to the floor. "I-it's nothing... I'll tell you later"

He remained silent for a few seconds, before I heard him humming.

"No, try that again" I shivered at his dominant and commanding tone, my eyes instantly greeted with a demanding grin as I looked back up at him again.

"I'll tell you later.... when the shoot is over..." my tone was soft, coiled in fondness as I locked my eyes with his own.

"Good boy" he ruffled my hair affectionately, my heart skipping a beat at the praise and his gentle touch. "Let's get started then"

I nodded my head smiling.

"Use your words baby"

"Sorry, let's go" I giggled, my face heating up at the endearment.

He intwined his hand in my own, his fingers lacing in between my fingers as he walked us towards the main shoot. Although I was barely wearing anything, my body encased in pink leather straps, I felt a sense of warmth flowing through my whole being. The source radiating off his muscular and delectable build.

The crew members eyes watched us timidly at every move, some instantly looked away if I were to make eye contact, while some continued staring, sending a fond smile of their own.

I kept close to Jungkooks side, snuggling into him whenever I felt anxious. He's so much taller than me, even with these heeled boots my petite yet curvy frame is nothing compared to his giant build. His face is chiselled in the finest manner, his nose and brows sharp, and eyes a piercing chocolate brown. His well defined abs flex effortlessly against the crimson light, his pecks refined and sculpted beautifully.

He was just so appealing to look at.... so sensual and carried a dominant aura of his own, unlike any other I've seen before. A shiver runs down my spine as his hand snakes around my waist, claiming it's territory as his fingers caress my sides.

"Continue staring at me like that, and I'll put that bed to some good use" he whispered lowly, his voice coming out husky and serious as he looked ahead. My body shivered as he spoke, his words registering in my mind and replaying themselves over, and over again.

I let out a shaky breath before hesitantly looking away, gulping to stop my throat from feeling so dry.

"Jungkook, Jimin" one of the crew members waved us over, walking towards us quickly to meet us midway. "I'm pretty sure you were both informed of how the photo shoot will play out, along with the brief concept of the whole shoot. However we'll still guide you both as the shooting progresses, so that we can finish everything as soon as possible"

"Perfect, thank you" Jungkook nodded his head in understanding. "From what I already know, it's a solo shoot at the start, I'll only join in later on, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct. It's to show the change in attitude and preference of a specific individual compared to when they were more innocent and youthful, I guess you can say, to them finding a partner and growing in maturity. Development of sexual stride" He smiled

"Indeed" Jungkook nodded his head, licking his bottom lip slowly, allowing his tongue to rest at the corner of his mouth for a moment before tucking it back into his mouth.

I looked away quickly, remembering his previous statement.

"Jimin, you ready?" Donghoon, the name of the crew member that was currently talking to us, asked me.

"Yeah, I'm ready" I replied, slipping out of Jungkooks comforting hold.

He ran his fingers through my hair soothingly, I instinctively leaned into his touch, craving more. He smiled at my response, his large hand falling to my cheek as this thumb began caressing it.

"Good luck kitten" he praised, my heart swelling with affection at the endearment. I love that pet name. I don't know why, but there's just something about it that causes my heart to swell in utter bliss and compassion.

"Thank you Kook" I smiled up at him brightly, breathing in his intoxicating scent for assurance before I turned around and walked towards the large bed.

My heels clacked against the marble flooring at each step, my hips swaying side to side unconsciously. I could feel Jungkooks gaze burning into my back, sending an array of lustful shivers down my strapped body.

Once I got to the bed, I swung around gently, gliding my hands around the mesh material that drowned the bed from above. I slowly and elegantly sat down on the bed, arching my back slightly as I laid it on the soft mattress.

No one had to ever tell me what to do, I just knew. I'd assess the shoot, the ambiance and overall feel of it. And that's when everything starts. When Angel begins his show. A persona in which I only use when working.

I had actually learned how to pole dance in order to perfect each photo shoot. How to make it look more appealing, turning it into an art form. Something that you can look at and appreciate without it only seeming sexual.

I took a deep breath in, closing my eyes as I exhaled then reopened them. I caressed some of the mesh hanging over my body, my back arching more as I allowed my legs to hang in the air. Once I felt in my element, I turned my head to the side, my hair falling against my face messily yet in a refined manner, locking eyes with Jungkook.

His eyes bore into mine, a flame igniting in his chocolate brown orbs as he gazed at me with utmost intensity. Just that look alone had me feeling breathless, yet I kept the eye contact, biting at my lip unconsciously as the camera flashes sounded throughout the room.

It felt like his eyes were caressing every inch of my skin, my body trembling in ecstasy at his burning desire. I changed my position on the bed, wrapping some of the mesh material around my thighs as I stood up, all while keeping eye contact.

I wrapped my arms around my upper body, tilting my head to the side as the camera flashes continued. I then laid back down on my stomach, arching my ass in the air as my chest pressed against the soft mattress.

His eyes followed me hungrily, their intensity causing my body to heat up more than it already was. I couldn't help but enjoy it, that electrifying sensation that pursed through my whole being, rendering me a needing mess. But I kept myself in check, keeping my cool as his eyes fucked me without mercy, burning through my core.

I know what you're thinking, my thoughts aren't as innocent as you'd assume them to be, but hey, who can blame me when a literal celestial like being is gazing at me with utmost passion.

I was stripped out of my thoughts as the head photographer spoke out.

"That's perfect Jimin, as expected from the worlds leading model" he voiced. I smiled slightly, despite modelling not even being my occupation. I just model for my parents and I's company. "You can change into the next set, and once we get to the final set, Jungkook will join you"

I could see the sharp intake of air Jungkook took in as the photographers words rang through his head. His eyes roamed over my body one last time, as if to bore the image of my attire into his mind permanently.

"Ok, if you'll excuse me" I bowed my head slightly, carefully getting off the bed and slowly making my way towards the changing room.

I could still feel Jungkooks gaze following my every move, conscious of the way my hips swayed so sensually side to side as I played it off innocently, acting clueless as to the way I made him feel.

Once I got into the changing room, I closed the door behind me and rested my back against it, sliding to the floor as I let out an exasperated breath. I ran my hand through my hair, closing my eyes as I tried to calm my breathing. My heart was beating out of my chest as I recalled his desire filled  gaze, as if he was claiming his territory on me.

It was so intense I felt like I'd just melt under his feet. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't help but enjoy this sensation that courses through my body, a longing yet lingering comfort that resides in ever fibre of my being.

I shake my head to not lose focus, as I get up and quickly change my attire. It's not really that different from the previous set, it's just a bit more revealing. It's also in the same pastel pink aesthetic as the other, which indicates that they might actually be a package.

I fix my hair and check my light makeup in the mirror, before heading out of the changing room hesitantly. Once I was out, I instantly regained my posture and professional yet elegant stance as my heels clacked against the marble flooring in a slow, rhythmic, and musical beat.

And once again, those blazing chocolate eyes met mine, and shivers ran through my body in waves as his eyes continued to bore into my soul. I could feel his hungry gaze strain on every inch of exposed skin, a possessive tenderness coating his beautiful orbs as I seated myself on the bed and continued with the shoot.

He was seated on a chair, right in front of the bed and next to the cameras. His legs were crossed, shirt flayed open revealing his finely chiselled and well defined abs. Those luscious tight abs that my mouth wouldn't stop watering for, my hands craving to feel the warmth they provided.  I instinctually licked my lips as my eyes racked over his own body, his hands tucked into his pockets and those black straps that hugged his shoulders firmly.

He looked so calm and collected, yet his eyes held a completely different story, far from his collected posture and calm resilience. They didn't stray away from mine for even a split second, even after I had finished the second set and got up to put on the third set.

Despite this set not being the last, I'd say it's the most revealing out of the four. The fourth one is just more erotic, just not as revealing. I wasn't sure how I felt about walking out the room like this, with mere straps adorning my figure. Before, I wouldn't have thought much about it, but now that Jungkook is here.... I'm slightly apprehensive.

"Screw it" I sigh as I walk out the room with as much power as I can muster, but the moment my eyes latch onto his, I feel my whole body quiver and my knees trembling, weakening at the flames igniting in his orbs.

He slowly stands from his chair, his hands still snuggled into the depths of his pockets as he adorns and gawks at me sinfully. I shivered at the way his tongue glazed over his lips, feeling like my knees where about to buckle as he strode towards me, his dominating aura oozing off him in stronger waves as he neared me.

My breath hitched as he stopped mere inches away. My arms found their way around my waist, as I wrapped them around me in a means of covering myself. Yet my gaze still remained just as strong, as he continued to stare at me silently.

I could feel curious eyes baring into us around the room, but my focus was solely on him.  The longer he stared at me silently, the more anxious I began to feel. My fingers began to fidget with the straps around my waist, as I patiently waited for him to speak.

"You're making it very hard for me to keep things professional" his tone was low and husky, coiled in pure desire and need. My body trembled in submission.

"You're not exactly making it easier for me either..." I bit my lip unconsciously, my tone coming out in almost a whisper, whilst still carrying its usual softness.

"I told you not to do that, not if you don't want your staff to see you writhing in pleasure beneath me" my face heated up in the darkest shade of red possible, as his thumb pulled out my bottom lip from the bruising grip my teeth provided.

He swiped his thumb over my plump lips, relishing in the soft feel before he pulled his hand away. A single touch managed to make my body feel so weak, and my senses go numb. And these long stiletto boots, aren't making it any easier.

"I don't like it" his darkened tone boomed through my ears.

"Don't like what?...." I tilted my head in question. "Is it the outfit?...."

"No, of course not. Quite the opposite actually. In fact, I think I like it on you a little too much" He voiced, before going silent for a moment, scanning my body and sucking in a deep breath. "I just don't like how I'm not the only one that gets to see you like this, all sexy and ready to be devoured"

My eyes widened at his brute honesty, a tingling sensation wretched at my stomach and heart at his possessiveness. It was so adorable, yet such a turn on.....

"They can stare and gawk at me all they want, I'm already taken, and only have eyes for that person...." I watch as his jaw clenches and a glint in his eyes that burns deeper than before. He steps closer to me, his broad chest mere centimetres away.

"They don't know that though"

My eyes quiver at the thought that rushes through my mind, hiding a smile as I let it fall from my lips. "Show them then"

Jungkook smirks, taken aback by my words, having not expected them from me. Yet in a matter of seconds I'm whisked off my feet as his arms lock below my ass and my hands wrap around his neck.

"Gladly" he groans, before walking us towards the bed and setting me on it, crawling on top of me and dominating me, staking his territorial claim.

"Mr Choi, change of plans" Jungkook speaks out, his eyes still trained on my own. "The paired shoot starts now...."

(Mr Choi : Head photographer)



Hey babesss!!! How y'all been? I missed you guys so much omg.... I've been having a crazy obsession with waffles lately, and I ain't even mad about it. More importantly tho, HV U GUYS LISTENED TO THE NEW ALBUM?!?! ITS SO DOPE OMGGG!!! It's exactly my cup of tea ngl. It's so calming and soothing, and that's literally what I've been needing during this stressful exam year..... what's your favourite song from the BE album? Personally mine is 'Blue and Grey', it just hits so deep and literally soothes my soul.

Enjoy the rest of your day/ night beauts and please love yourself, take care of yourself, and try your best to keep out of harms way xx BORAHAEEEEE 💜💜💜💜


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