Blossom & Brick, Book Two

By FanFictionWriter17

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It's been four whole years since the puffs and ruffs have left New Townsville to go there separate ways for c... More

Chapter One, Our New Lives
Chapter Two, A Sweet Poem
Chapter Three, Playing Frisbee
Chapter Four Who Is Emily?
Chapter Five, A Mean Professor
Chapter Six, A Surprise Guest
Chapter Seven, You Lied?
Chapter Eight, A Huge Surprise
Chapter Nine, Another Surprise
Chapter Ten, A decision has been made
Authors note, Im sorry
Chapter Eleven, A New Villain
Chapter Twelve, A Day At The Set
Chapter Thirteen, Losing Hope
Chapter Fourteen, Making A Plan
Chapter Fifteen, let's Take Down Black Star
Chapter Seventeen, Can We Track Miyako?

Chapter Sixteen, Finding miyako

83 1 0
By FanFictionWriter17

We all sat around a table at the police station. We was here with nebula. He collapsed unexpectedly so we couldn't talk to him right away. Right now the police have him in an interview room handcuffed to a table. I looked over at boomer and his face seemed like it was white. He had no expression on his face. He looked broken. I looked over at Butch. His eyes was red and he looked sad. He looked like he regrets today. I looked over at Kaoru. She looked like she was ready to rip off someone's head. She looked angry but her eyes was sad. I looked over at brick and he had his face down with his hands on his forehead. He had his elbows up on the table so his hands could prop up his head. None of us spoke.
We all was heart broken over losing Miyako. I don't know how we're going to find black star to get Miyako back but I'll try my hardest no matter what. She's my best friend. I'd do anything for her. "Excuse me", a voice said making us all jump. I looked up to see the police chief. "He's awake. But only two of you can go in", the chief said. "Who should go?", I asked. "You should go Momoko. Your the leader of the puffs", Butch said. "So brick should go too?", Kaoru asked. "No.. I want Boomer to come with me", I said. "Momoko I don't know if I can. I can't bare to look at him right now", Boomer said. "Don't worry blue. I'll be here for you. Let's figure out where Miyako is", I said. Boomer nodded his head as he slowly stood up. I stood up too and walked over to boomer and put my hand on his shoulder. "Come on", I said as I gave him a lite smile. We both followed the chief until he led us to the interview room. The chief opened the door and let us in. After we was in he closed the door behind us. Boomer stiffened when he seen nebula. But the look on boomer's face said he wanted to jump across that table and beat nebula to a pulp. "Nebula we want answers!", I said sternly as I walked over to the table. "What? Who are you? What am I doing here?", nebula asked. "You know who I am", I said angrily. "Oh yeah your that power puff girl from Japan right?", nebula said. "Uh yeah. This isn't the first time we've met", I said. "What are you talking about? I don't even know you!", nebula said. "Cut the crap! Tell me where black star is!", boomer yelled as he ripped off nebula's face mask. Nebula's face was thin but chiseled. He was very good looking. Not how a super villain would look. "I.. I don't know what your talking about!", Nebula said. "You literally fought along side of her a few hours ago!", Boomer yelled. "What are you talking about? I was at work then next thing I knew I'm waking up in this room!", Nebula said. "Your lying", Boomer yelled as he slammed his fist down on the table making me jump. I looked at Boomer and he seemed like a total different person. I've never seen him act this way before. "I swear! I'm not lying!", Nebula said. "What's your name?", I asked. "Gage.. Gage Vender", nebula said. "Where do you work?", I asked. "I work in a coffee shop down town", Gage said. "Does black star work with you?", Boomer asked. "I don't know who that is!", Gage said. "How can you not remember?", Boomer demanded, "your her side kick!". "I swear man I just work there to provide for my daughter! My wife died in a car accident last year and I lost my job. It's been rough. I only work at the coffee shop! I don't work for someone called black star! I swear!", Gage said. "Boomer I think he's telling the truth", I said. "What?", Boomer said as he turned to me. "I mean I don't know I can just sense it", I said. "I swear I'm telling the truth", Gage said. "Okay Gage. I believe you. I'm going to show you some videos from our first fight okay?", I said. "But we've never fought?", Gage said. I sat down in the chair across from Gage and pulled out my phone. I quickly went to the news page and sure enough our fight video was there. I turned on the video and slid my phone over to Gage. Gage stared down at my phone watching as horror spread across his face. "That's... that's me! But how!? It's impossible! I don't have any memory of it",Gage said as he looked at me. I could see the worry in his eyes as he stared. "Do you by chance recognize black star?", I asked. "No not at all", Gage said. "Does anyone you work with have blonde hair?", I asked. "No", Gage said. "Hmm", I hummed. "Wait.. I do have a regular costumer that has blonde hair like that. She comes every morning for her cup of coffee", Gage said. "Do you know her name?", I asked. "No I'm sorry", Gage said. "So you have super powers?", I asked. "No I'm ordinary I swear", Gage said. "Then how did you make fire come out of your body?", Boomer demanded. "I don't know", Gage said. "Your lying! I bet that story you just told was totally fake. You know every thing! Your wife and daughter aren't even real!", Boomer yelled. "Don't you talk about them like that!", Gage yelled as he slammed his fist on the table. Suddenly a black flame appeared out of his hand and started to grow larger. "Ahhh ahhhh help! What the hell!", Gage started to scream as he was trying to pull his hands free from the hand cuffs. "Boomer put it out!", I yelled. Boomer quickly squirted a stream of water at the flames making them disappear. "What the hell was that!", Gage said as he was breathing heavy. I could tell he was scared. He was shaking so bad. "Let me see your hand", I said. Gage opened his hand so I could see. I looked all over her glove then at his palm. "Boomer look! There buttons on here!", I said. "Buttons?", Boomer asked. "Mind if I take the gloves off?", I asked. "Not at all. The further they are from me the better!", Gage said. I quickly took off his gloves. I slowly slid one onto my hand and held it up. "What are you doing?", boomer asked. "I'm going to see if my theory is right", I said. "Theory?", Boomer asked. I pushed a button on the glove and sure enough the black flame started. "Momoko what does this mean!?", Boomer asked. "Black star doesn't have powers. Her powers are only from the suit. Think about it. When we fought the only place her flames came from was where her clothes was. She Relied on her utility belt too. She's a normal human", I said. "But that doesn't explain why he can't remember helping", Boomer said. "Boomer this may sound dumb but I think he was hypnotized", I said. "Is that even real!?", Boomer said. "Yes. A villain once hypnotized Kaoru", I said. "I don't believe it", Boomer said. "Look I know it sounds dumb but how else could Gage not remember fighting or being nebula? That blonde customer must be behind it. She hypnotized Gage into helping her then after he was released from the hypnotization he has no memory on it", I said. "You've got to be kidding me", Boomer said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Boomer?", I asked. "I believe you.. it's just I'm mad. This was our only shot at finding Miyako", Boomer said. "We will find her boomer", I said. "What If she's gone.. what if she's dead?", Boomer said. "Boomer..", I said. "We didn't see her wake up after the explosion! Black star took her before we could help her. We don't even know if she's alive!", Boomer said as he started fighting back tears. "Boomer I have faith that she's alive. We will find her and bring her home. I'll stop at nothing... she's my best friend!", I said. "I will stop at nothing too", Boomer said. "Gage... it's not safe for you to go back to work at the coffee shop", I said. "She's right.. black star could come back and hypnotize you again", Boomer said. "But I'm barely making ends meet now! I can't quit my job!", Gage said. "Gage how would you like to work as a stage hand for a tv show? It's pays nice.. better than a coffee shop. Starting pay is $16 an hour", I said. "What?? I only make around $8!", Gage said. "So come be a stage hand. I'm sure you've seen me on midnight blood. I can get you a job no problem", I said. "You'd do that for me?... I mean.. I tried to kill you guys..", Gage said. "It's okay. It wasn't you. You was hypnotized", I said as I smiled lightly. "Thank you so much. I don't know how I can repay you", Gage said. "Don't worry about it. It's a heroes job to help people", I said. "They even have a child care facility so if you needed a baby sitter you could just take your daughter there", Boomer said. "Wow that's so awesome! Thank you so much!", Gage said as he smiled widely. "We're gonna go let the police know everything okay? I'll write down my number and give it to them so they can give it to you so you can contact me about the job", I said. "Thank you", Gage said as boomer and I stood up. We both walked over to the door and opened it and walked out. We walked back to the room where our friends was and also the police chief was there too. "What happened? What does he know?", brick asked. "He was hypnotized... he doesn't know anything", I said. "Impossible", the chief said. "No it's not. I was once hypnotized", Kaoru said. "So what's going on?", Butch asked. "His name is Gage. He works at a coffee shop. He has a regular that's a blonde similar to black star that comes every day. We believe she hypnotized him to be nebula and help her. He has no memory of fighting us", I said. "Impossible. I'm scheduling a polygraph test", the chief said. "Go ahead but he doesn't know anything", I said as the chief walked out of the room. "So we still don't know what happened to Miya then?", Butch asked. "Unfortunately no", Boomer said. "Great", Kaoru said as she crossed her arms. "So what are we going to do?", Brick asked. "Honestly I don't know...", I said. "We have to draw her out again...", boomer said. "Yeah because it worked so well the first time", Kaoru said sarcastically. "No.. this time we're going to let her take me", Boomer said. "What?! No way Boomer!", I said. "How else can we find Miya!?", Boomer yelled. "I don't know but I can't let you go to! I can't fail you too!", I yelled. Boomers face softened as he stared at me. "Momoko you didn't fail Miyako. She gave herself up to save our lives. Just like brick had done for you. She loves us and we're going to find her no matter what", Boomer said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "We will never give up on her", I said. Boomer smiled as he nodded his head. "Can't the professor track us? Remember he used to when we first became power puff girl", Kaoru said. "Oh my gosh Kaoru your right!", I said with excitement. "So we just have to have the professor track her and we find Miyako?", Brick asked. "Yep", I said as I smiled. "We're going to find her! We're really going to find Miyako!", Boomer yelled with excitement. "I'll contact the professor", I said.

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