
By obsession_tc

322K 10.2K 1K

To a human, werewolves don't exist, and you're crazy if you believed in the myth. That is what Alana thought... More

Before you begin...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Alana Smith
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Its been a while...
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part One)
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three (Final Chapter!)


6K 218 35
By obsession_tc

*Poorly edited. I will come back and fix it later. *

I couldn't help it as the tears brimmed in my eyes threatening to spill from the joy inside of me. I held Michael's hands tightly in my own and I could tell he was bursting from joy too, trying to keep his emotions in check. His brown eyes bored into mine as we listened to the priest speaking, not really taking in the words apart from when the response was needed.

'And do you, take this woman to be your wife? For better and for worse, through sickness and in health?' The priest questioned with a knowing smile.

'I do,' Reef said with a huge smile on his face.

'I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.'

As their lips crashed together for the first time of their marriage, I couldn't help but let the tears slide from my eyes and down my cheeks at seeing my son finally married.

Everyone stood on their feet and clapped and cheered as Reef and Laura ran hand in hand down the isle, grins on their faces that looked perminate.

At the steps near the door when Laura walked in, they stopped once again and Reef pulled his mate into him and I rested my weight on Michael.

'My little boy,' I cried to him, watching with teary eyes as the bride and groom left the church. The best men and bridesmaids left behind them, then everyone else started filing out of the church for photos and to head to the reception.

'Love, he's 29. His not a boy and his certainly not little.' Michael scoffed at my emotions.

I couldn't help but mentally agree with him, watching as Reef grew up and talking after his father down to the dot.

Reef had the same deep brown eyes as Michael and inherited the height gene and wolf gene. Reef looked down on his father by an inch. Just like his dad, he was blessed with a very muscular frame which he took time to keep care of and train to have a defined body.

Truth be told, Reef looks nothing like me. The same goes for our daughter Abbey. They both inherited everything from Michael, even Abbey being tall for a girl at 5 foot 11. Both werewolves as well.

My kids however did take over me in ther personality department. We all thought the same and carried out actions the same while sharing the love for the beach.

'His always my little boy.' I stubbornly said as Michael's arms snaked around my waist and rested his chin atop of my head.

Even after living for 56 years, Michael still had the world in his favour. Still working out, he kept his fit frame but having there effets of growing older, meaning slightly looser skin and the odd wrinkle on his face. His hair was slowly starting to become grey and his snoring has come to a point where I kick him out onto the couch, but his still the same as when he was 26.

Overly protective of not only me, but his son and daughter, very touchy, temperamental, but obviously I still love him with everything I have.

'Lets go outside and see your 'little boy.' Michael suggested and tapped me on the side and I eagerly nodded my head in agreement.

Making our way out into the cool autumn air, I broke away from Michael as I saw Reef standing and talking to a friend.

'My boy,' I cooed as I quickly walked up to him and hugged him tightly trying to keep my emotions in check.

'Mommmm,' he whined and wrapped be up in a huge bear hug. 'I'm 35, I stopped being your little boy years ago.'

Pulling away slightly I slapped him on the chest. 'Stop it. Your father said the same thing only a minute ago and I refuse to let that be it. You will always be my boy.' I beamed up at him.

'Our boy,' the feminine voice joined in as Laura glided over to us, the grin still not leaving her face. Immediately she was swept into Reefs loving arms as he kissed her on the cheek.

'I guess I can share.' I smiled and touched her arm. 'Congratulations to the both of you though; I'm so proud of you guys Reef and Laura.'

I felt Michael's arms around my waist as his scent filled my senses. Again, after 30 years his scent was still intoxicating and addictive as ever, so much I swear I can never get enough of it.

'Well done son.' Michael praised, extending his hand for a firm handshake which Reef returned. 'You look lovely Laura.' He smiled down at Laura.

I couldn't help but grin as our family offically had a new member.


I let out a content sigh as I flopped down onto the bed, my heigh heel shoes long ago ditched at the reception yet my feet still ached.

My head lazily rolled over to see Michael peeling his white buttoned up shirt from his torso and I couldn't help but still admire his torso. Even in his older years he maintained his fit physique, still eatinf healthy and exercising on the daily.

From feeling my eyes locked on him, Michael glanced over at me for a breif second before peeling his suit pants down his long legs and replaces them with a pair of trackie shorts.

'Tried love?' He asked and I shook my head 'no' as I tried to stifle a yawn which he saw straight through.

'Go to sleep, it's late.' He practically demanded in a soft voice as he slipped under the covers with me, still pulling me flush to his side after all these years.

'I don't wanna sleep.' I muttered to him and my fingers played with the small wavy strand that fell just below his ears.

'Do you remember our day?' He asked with a small breath taking grin playing on his lips and a far away look in his eye as he remembered our wedding day.

'Yes,' I dreamily sighed, remembering back to the hot beach wedding we had.

In all honestly, it had been a disaster.

It was 39 degrees and we had no shade for the whole ceremony. It was on the beach and everyone was bare foot, so the whole ceremony was shortened because those standing on the scorching sand had their bottom of their feet were burning.

I wore a white dress, obviously. It hugged my torso to just above my belly button before slightly flaring out to just below my knee. It was a very simple dress, yet the small white thread that created a wavy pattern on the torso made it look very formal and beautiful.

My mom had made the dress for me, somthing she had always wanted to do since I was a little girl and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect dress. In total it cost around $100 to make, so nobody was completly devastated when Michael dragged me out and into the water instead of running down the make shift isle and dumped us under a wave to cool down from the sweltering heat.

When we got the reception, my make up had been removed, the wedding dress was practically already dry from the scorching hot weather and inside the hall we booked out it was still very warm but it didn't stop us from eating, drinking, kissing and dancing the special night away.

The wedding cake had been an ice-cream cake by Michael's request, one that melted by the time we cut into it so the plan to make ice cream sundays instead of eating a slab of cake didn't really go to plan. And by the time we reached home, we fell into bed and made love for the whole night.

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect wedding truth be told.

'It was perfect.' I whispered to him as I continued to twirl the strand of hair in between my fingers.

'Just like you,' he whispered back gazing down at me with adoration and I wouldn't be suprise if I mimicked the same facial expression as him.

'After all these years, you still know how to make me blush,' I laughed and looked down waiting for my cheeks to cool down from the burning heat of the sincere compliment.

A feather light kiss was pressed to my temple and I felt compete.

All though the tingles and butterflies had long disappeared from every touch Michael did, the feeling of being whole, safe and complete never left.

And I never stopped loving him one bit.


As for all the drama at the beginning of our relationship, it stayed for a while longer. And by a while, I mean around 7 years.

As Richard had promised, other hunters came after Michael for killing one of their own. After running for a bit, we faced the hunters with some rogue friends Michael picked up along the way of our travels around the world, somthing I had always wanted to do my whole life.

We were involved in a mini war, approximately 20 hunters vs 30 rogue wolves. We had won, but lives were lost from both sides and sometimes it still haunted me to this day.

Reece and Michael are still brothers with each other. All though Michael was banished from his territory after much regret from Reece, they stayed close and met up with maddie and myself whenever Reece had time off. They travelled down to Torquay every Sunday for a year before me and Michael went traveling around them world.

It was a fun trip, us low on money the whole time, living off two minute noodles and crappy accommodation as we backpacked around but it was one of the best things I've done ever. There was no itinerary so we just did whatever felt like and went wherever we felt like for eith and a half months, stopping the trip short as I found out I was pregnant with out first child.

We moved beck to Torquay and had Reef. It had been a joy to bring him into world to love and care for him. I wanted so many more children so we had a daughter Abbey two years later.

Pregnancy with her was hell. Moring sickness constantly, back pain, needing to pee every five minutes, cravings and when she was a baby untill 9 months old she would not shut up crying. Then we had the issue of the non stop talking and injuring herself, making myself and Michael become very stressed and worried for the next three years.

We decided two kids was enough after her.




You guys are surreal and i wish you allot the best.

Please please please go check out my new with seize if you enjoyed mine :)

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