248K 6.1K 2.8K

"ATHENA ROSE IS OFF-LIMITS!" It was like the world came to a halt when THE Xerus, the menacingly gorgeous man... More

Reminiscing Begins
First Day Gone Wrong
Heroine's Downfall
The Worshipped Idol
Karma, Bitch
Her Solemn Promise
Sex Buster
The Viper
Xerus' Doomsday
He's Here For You
Never Forgiven, Never Forgotten
Watch Your Back
Knight In Shining Limo
Ruined Date
A Payment On The Lips
Weekend Nightmare
The Four Months Deadline
Seven Minutes In Heaven
The Dark Side

Wicked Aromas

5K 128 74

Long chapter ahead!

"Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same."

                           - Anonymous

"Let's go on a date."

Theo's invite bore a resemblance to the ever so soft moans of the wind as it flowed, dance gracefully towards Athena's path—greeting her ears in the most serene manner.

There was an invisible string that connected the both of them—they see, hear, know things that weren't perceptible in both their expressions or actions, and that was why despite the shrilling cries of Theo's fans, she still captured his words.

"It will be fun."

Athena's lips bloomed into a radiant beam, polar opposite to the desolated dark sky that was weeping over the crowd—along with the elegant mogul with a winsome smile.

Athena would have surely accepted it with no hesitation if it wasn't for the chaotic fans that surrounded Theo, and of course, the perturbed Ace King just beside her.

"Where are we going?" Athena mouthed in silence, knowing Theo will understand as his attention didn't budge from her, making his purpose crystal clear that he came here for her only.

With one side of Theo's lips tugged higher, he turned his head from side to side, refusing to answer as he placed a finger onto his mouth, giving a pointer it was a secret and it was entirely up to her to venture.

The insane herd was getting more collosal the longer she took time to finalize an answer.

Forty plus of Theo's robust bodyguards, tussled and some even bawled with the more audacious fans who dared cross the thirty metre rule from Theo.

Those guards that were made of nothing but muscles too were worried—not only for their Young Master's health— bare under the bad weather, but also the terrifying risk of the growing fans who could attack him anytime soon. Surely, keeping their job was the most endangered if it do happen.

"You can go if you want to. I can wait for my driver alone. Just remember what I told you," Ace surprisingly insinuated, not a hint of anger, but not entirely untroubled either.

Athena looked up at Ace, allowing some of the harsh rain droplets to enter her eyes and conjure a capricious pattern on her face. "Are you sure?"

She detected a clench in Ace's jaw as he answered her with his eyes staring straight ahead distastefully. "Go on, you wouldn't want him falling sick and spread all his virus to you after. So go. I will be fine."

Athena went closer to snuggle at his arm for a minuscule second. "Thank you, Ace. I promise I will keep it PG-13." She swayed away, already waving profusely at Theo.

"It better be a U, Athena!" Ace corrected, causing her to turn back.

"Absolutely!" She promised, hurrying across the street, simply unafraid to get run down by a car as Theo's fans was so wide, it may just fill the whole neighbourhood.

With a little frisk, she merged into the maniacally driven crowd.

"Theo! Please take me out! My uterus is so ready for you!" A girl to her right yelled, shoving her to the left, elbow striking directly onto her eyes, leading her head to feel so light, it would drift with the wind.

"Theo, I named all seven of my sons after you! Please marry me so we can have eight Theos at home, it's my lucky number!" A chunky, rounded lady who looked like she had lived pass her middle age centuries ago cried out, knocking poor Athena back to the right—just to receive another hit by the elbow of the first girl.

The whole scene mirrored a live-action or what was taught in a science textbook; billions and trillions of desperate seeds aggressively fought to advance to its goal.

"Stop pushing me! Just let me through!" Athena bawled in bitterness.

She was wet and hurt from all of the hit she received. She had tolerated what ugly obstacles the universe had offered her, and now all she wanted was to seek comfort from the man she wanted so much. Even that, they had opposed it.

Her frustration grew much more than her small frame could handle, and she could only block out the loud screams with her hands to create a feeble barricade—sinking lowly to the ground, blending well with the fallen dead leaves, trying her best to stay alive from the deadly stomps of these running wild buffaloes.

Theo did a fairly good job at pursuing Athena's ill-defined figure from afar as a consequence of the rain, causing his eyes to see things vaguely. But, it wasn't until her shadow disappeared into the group that he grew anxious.

He stepped further from his limo, stretching his neck here and there to check on her but she was no where in sight. He knew though, she was still somewhere there.

He paced leisurely to the closest bodyguard who was busy holding down sixteen girls at a time, and gave a gentle tap on the bald man's shoulder, so mild that the rain stroke harder than his touch.

However, it was how the bodyguard could tell the difference anyway and he looked up over his shoulder, not focusing straight to his Young Master's eyes as it— being one of the precise rules of the Cielo household, and waited for a command.

Two seconds passed.



No command was given.

The sixteen girls' brain stuttered, barely even remembering who they were at the proximity of Theo, and so—they stopped struggling almost immediately.

This was one of the many times, a member of the Thieves could flaunt on their supremecy.

As soon as the small mass of crowd relinquished in contending with his bald bodyguard, the others followed—as though Theo's message was sent through airbourne.

Athena's head raised up, baffled at the horrendous noise being swept away and the continuous impact of their legs had also stopped. Of course not, that she wasn't elated.

Theo grinned from ear to ear when he spotted Athena at somewhere in the back, legs folded on one side, hair clumped loosely in a terrifying nest.

Although being in an unpleasant position in which she thought her addled mind was fooling her—she still stood out especially well to the magnificent man—like a diamond in the earth.

"My love, what are you still doing on the ground? You don't belong there," Theo uttered loudly at best, but it came off as nothing but a mutter—as expected from the unusually quiet introvert.

The people's clamorous gasps filled the whole area as they followed Theo's unceasing gaze towards North East of where Theo stood, or rather someone who was in that particular direction.

Athena managed to comprehend his inaudible sentence and smiled, tucking her hair at the back of her ear again as it was getting heavy from the downpour— also because it was shaped for a bird's home.

She quickly rose to her feet with her palms being her best support on the uneven, rough surface of the street as she started walking over— mayhap even stepping on some of his dear fans.

However unintentional it was, she did not spare backward glances. They kinda deserved it.

The maddening chatters amongst the fans were rapidly rising. Just how much they would trade to be in her glass slippers.

When Athena was half way upon reaching Theo, her smile got broader. "So where do I belong?" A question she deliberately proposed, seeking chances to display her privilege—she hadn't known when it might just end.

Theo lowered his head, his light brown curls that seemed to go through several sessions of hair rebonding— free sessions offered by the rain—had almost covered his eyes whole. He took her hand and lifted it to place the most delicate kiss.

He beamed. "This is the part where I really hope you are familiar with Taylor Swift's songs."

That earned him a profound giggle from Athena in which she covered her mouth when she did—one of the many signs a girl would react when being this close to her utmost crush. "You're lucky I do, but I can't get over the fact that you do know her songs too."

Theo interlaced his fingers with hers, sending Athena's heart drumming as he pulled her by the hand ever so slightly, leading her to the running limo. "I don't hibernate in a cave. Instead, I usually hibernate in this very vehicle with a good amount of favoured musics."

With a pursed lips, Athena snickered quietly. Who would have thought humor ever existed within someone as solemn as Theo?

"Quite the good taste, it's pretty big back then," Athena complimented.

Theo smiled—his smile so small, it could be mistaken as a simple twitch of his lips. "Thank you. But, do you know what's even bigger?"

Athena was taken aback. The nicest guy she knew probably wouldn't pull off some cringey "my dick is bigger" type of joke, right?

"Umm... Can I not know?"

Theo laughed through a sigh, catching on to what she might have in mind. He patted her hair, smoothening it through with his fingers, pulling her close to his chest swiftly, catching her off guard as she gasped. "What's bigger is the risk of my girl getting a bad fever because of me. And, I'd hate that. Let's get inside and then talk."

"O-okay." Athena lost her breath everytime he was this close. She noticed how long his eyelashes were, his flawless skin, his soft, loving ey- Fuck! He will know you're bloody gawking at him. Just get your ass in the car, bitch!

She bit her lip as she begrudgingly separated from his body, still feeling the heat lingering on hers, before slipping into one of the most grandeur automobile.

Theo placed a hand above her head just in case, and it was to Athena's luck that he did so.

In place of her head getting cracked open from the frame of the door—it was Theo's hand that made a shattering rupture.

Athena looked up at him wide-eyed. "Oh my God! Shit! Ouch ouch ouch I felt that one. Does it hurt? I'm so sorry." She checked his hand for a bruise. "I didn't think it was this low. I'm never used to expensive cars."

Are you serious? Did you really just confessed how poor you are altogether?

Theo drew small soothing circles onto her worried hand with a shaking thumb. "It's all good. It doesn't."

Oh, it hurt like a bitch and it could be proven from how red Theo's neck grew, but he concealed it all with a gentle smile as he didn't want her to feel embarrassed.

If it was a normal car, Theo could have surely sustained the pain as he had the highest tolerance to pain.

Yet, this one was made specially of the finest, most premium quality metal as he had requested for. It was a wonder his hand was still intact.

Theo closed the door and beckoned his bodyguards to get into their own cars which lined perfectly behind his limo with a simple turn of his head.

The bodyguards didn't need to be told twice as they did as ordered, so professionally—it made Theo's fans think they were witnessing a military unit obeying commands.

Theo's personal driver, Kevin, got the same signal and was just about to slide into the car Athena was in, until Theo shook his head at him and pointed down the car behind his. "I can take over this one for today. Don't worry, you won't get a salary cut from this."

Kevin reacted with a full bow, very much aware of his Young Master's warmness towards his ladies.

Theo—despite being fed with a silver spoon since he was born, he always was modest and took care of his employees well-being as he waited for all his bodyguards to be sitted comfortably in their car before he got into his limo, finally having protection from the ferocious rain.

He knew he would definitely fall sick right after but it was well worth knowing it made his girl feel special of herself.

Theo got in to Athena bouncing her head animatedly to the song in his playlist, in which it was "You belong with me".

Theo chuckled, pulling out of the driveway as all his escorts at the back followed in a consistent five metre rule.

Everything was quite normal and frisky until the song ended.

Athena found the unique scent of Theo's limo rather calming, similar to what he usually emanated.

It was sweet, floral-like fragrance mixed with citrus along with the smell of pine—mingled with more sweet odours. There was too many distinct, nice aromas all at once that it made her feel sleepy and mumbled something by accident, exactly like how a drunkard would.

"Theo, do I smell bad when I'm soaked like this?" She sighed, sliding lower on the leather seat, her neck almost to where her bottom was suppose to be. "I don't know why I'm always in a mess whenever I'd step into a Thieves' car. This is a curse!" She fanned herself, regardless of the blasting AC and her teeth chattering situation. She only wanted to dry herself as quickly as possible.

Theo was so immune to almost everything that the cold didn't bother him. He took a left turn. "If you hadn't noticed, I'm as soaked as you are. Look at us, already wearing a couple's shirt on our first date. Both badly creased and wet thoroughly. And— you can never smell bad."

Athena slipped lower, her seat belt throttling her in the softest way—her entire being becoming drowsier by the second—as if she had a thousand alcohol drinks and had lost her spine. "Oh, Theo—" She paused, before slurring. "You areee just being niceee."

Theo had a glimpse of her from the corner of his eyes and wondered at her behaviour. "Is the car seat uncomfortable for you? Why are you all the way down there?"

His appealing accent caused some of her awareness to come back. "No no. This is very comfyyy. Sooo much nicer than my bed. Am I in heavennn?" She stammered greatly, dragging every word she could. She turned her face away from him, eyes closed, taking more of the aroma into her lungs, completely rubbing her cheek against the leather seat, smearing the leftovers of her make up.

"Well, not heaven, my love, but close." He answered, thinking it was a way of her admiring his favourite car.

Athena thought she was crazy.

She was very much conscious of the things she was doing, the conversations that she had planned beforehand was also at the surface of her mind but what came out of her mouth was an absolute mismatch.

"Do you like flowers, Theo? Or do you prefer fruits?" She giggled like a youthful school girl—a finger in mid-air, pointing like she had an invisible screen to choose from.

Theo added another hand to the wheel. "Fruits are nice. But, flowers are better. Peonies—especially," He answered with interest, not even thinking Athena was being rather quirky.

Athena laughed, bringing up her still wet legs onto the dashboard with a loud thud—the car's windscreen almost broke from her inattention. "That's the biggest, fattest lie!" She gave a full slap onto Theo's thighs. "You only love sex the most!"

She reached over to Theo to play with the tip of his flawless nose. "Admittt it, you hornyyy man," she slurred her words again.

Theo should be infuriated; like how most would react as defense to such unbecoming assertion, particularly when being a member of the Thieves.

But, he only guffawed—an actual profound laugh. It must be true after all—the rumors of him having no temper at all.

His hand left the wheel for a while to demonstrate a surrender. "Okay, you got me. Though I have to add that I only love it when I'm with my lover." He rested one hand back onto the wheel, another was to smoothly remove her hand from his face. "Those enticing hands however, could have gotten us into an accident, love."

Athena's finger did a wigwag. "But it didn't," she said in a bold and sassy manner.

Theo's eyebrows twitched a tad bit, speculating if this was the same quiet and shy, yet righteous girl that he had came to know? She was entirely unalike from how she was when he'd first saw her the other day. Even a while ago, she was behaving just fine. So why?

It didn't matter.

What mattered was he was fairly enjoying this side of her—a side where she would share her real thoughts and be herself. Something the people around him lacked. "What about you? Do you enjoy sex?"

Athena let her luscious pink nails to scratch the seat belt that sat just above her neck. "How should I know? You haven't fucked me."

Theo's eyes didn't stray from the road, his calm guise didn't falter, and truthfully it might just never. "I thought this was going to be a week of acting. "

Athena pouted. "Only you said that. You menacing elites never asked for consents. Ever!" She argued sluggishly, her eyes constantly droop and her movements got more unsteady, almost doddery. No—very doddery.

Theo turned to her. Huffing a laugh, he concentrated back on the road. "So you want this to be real?"

Athena crossed her arms, looking at her restless legs and pouted. "Maybe..." Her voice softened much more suddenly. Of course she wanted that, but playing hard to get might work also?

"Whatever pleases you, my love. Just say the word and I will make it real."

Athena perked up, her hands struggled to find a support to pull her limp being up but failed—so she stayed in an awkward pose, hopeful eyes on him. "Do you really mean it?"

Theo gave her a fast glance, shooting his signature smile. "I will never lead you on if I don't mean it. You're madly beautiful inside out. I'm quite fond of you."

The warm fuzzy feeling that the butterflies in her stomach—scratch that.

The hungry panthers, tigers, lions that lived within her that were trying to claw their way out gave her a boost of excitement she'd never experienced before—and she loved it.

She loved that Theo's sweet enchanting words brought out literal beasts in her.

She wanted to say yes! Let's go to the amusement park or go climb the Mount Everest together as a celebration of them being an official item as soon as she say yes.

Instead, her brain reacted differently again. "Words can only be words."

What in the flying fuck was she doing? It was as if Athena's soul was trapped at the darkest parts of her mind and could only watch a movie being played in front of her—her, being the shameless star of it.

Her forefinger lingered flirtatiously beneath Theo's chin before doing a lengthy flick upwards. "How about you prove it to me. Actions speaks louder than words after all." She took his hand and ran it against her bossoms, expecting him to fondle with them in which he didn't—he assaulted them.

The limo would have been filled with Athena's soft weeps if her true feelings ever come forth. Her attempts of snapping out failed instantly every time she started to try.

At this point, she would have been certain Theo drugged her with a powerful intoxicating scent as no matter how detrimental being under the rain for so long, it could never made her feel as somnolent as she was.

Her assumption was clarified by Theo's final glimpse at her that screamed danger.


Hey babies! 💖💕 How are y'all doing? Its been more than a week and finally an update. I apologize!

But this is a long one for you!With almost 4000 words.

What do you guys think about Theo? Let me know of your thoughts.

Until then 💋

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